Example #1
        internal static void UpdatePerson(UserRegistration user, string orgPersonUuid, out string uuid)
            uuid = orgPersonUuid; // default

            if (orgPersonUuid != null)
                // This is the expected case for an update operation - see if we have updates for the referenced Person object

                personStub.Ret(orgPersonUuid, user.Person.Name, user.Person.Cpr, user.Timestamp);
                // This is either because no Person object existed for the User (first time creation), or because
                // the local supplied uuid of the Person object differs from the one stored in Organisation. In both
                // cases we need to create the Person object from scratch

                PersonData personData = new PersonData()
                    Cpr       = user.Person.Cpr,
                    Name      = user.Person.Name,
                    ShortKey  = IdUtil.GenerateShortKey(),
                    Timestamp = user.Timestamp,
                    Uuid      = IdUtil.GenerateUuid()


                // ensure that we have the uuid of the person in the user object, as we will need it for later
                uuid = personData.Uuid;
Example #2
        internal static void OrgUnitStartUsingItSystem(string orgUnitUuid, string itSystemUuid, DateTime timestamp)
            List <string> orgFunctions = organisationFunktionStub.SoegAndGetUuids(UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_IT_USAGE, null, null, itSystemUuid);

            // ensure that there is an OrgFunction
            if (orgFunctions == null || orgFunctions.Count == 0)
                List <string> itSystem = new List <string>()

                string uuid = IdUtil.GenerateUuid();
                organisationFunktionStub.Importer(new OrgFunctionData()
                    Uuid             = uuid,
                    ShortKey         = IdUtil.GenerateShortKey(),
                    Name             = "IT-Usage",
                    FunctionTypeUuid = UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_IT_USAGE,
                    OrgUnits         = null,
                    Users            = null,
                    ItSystems        = itSystem,
                    Addresses        = null,
                    Timestamp        = timestamp

                orgFunctions = new List <string>()

            log.Debug("Starting relationship between itSystem " + itSystemUuid + " and orgUnit " + orgUnitUuid);

            OrgFunctionData orgFunction = new OrgFunctionData()
                Timestamp = timestamp,
                Uuid      = orgFunctions[0], // there will ever only be one OrgFunction, but even if there are more, we just pick the first one (any will do)
                OrgUnits  = new List <string>()

            organisationFunktionStub.Ret(orgFunction, UpdateIndicator.NONE, UpdateIndicator.ADD, UpdateIndicator.NONE);
Example #3
        internal static string CreateContactPlace(OrgUnitRegistration orgUnit, DTO.V1_1.ContactPlace contactPlace)
            string uuid = IdUtil.GenerateUuid();

            organisationFunktionStub.Importer(new OrgFunctionData()
                Uuid             = uuid,
                Name             = "Henvendelsessted",
                FunctionTypeUuid = UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_CONTACT_UNIT,
                OrgUnits         = new List <string>()
                Tasks     = contactPlace.Tasks,
                Timestamp = orgUnit.Timestamp

Example #4
        internal static string EnsurePayoutUnitFunctionExists(string payoutUnitUuid, DateTime timestamp)
            // if there is an existing function, just return the uuid
            List <string> existingFunctions = organisationFunktionStub.SoegAndGetUuids(UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_PAYOUT_UNIT, null, payoutUnitUuid, null);

            if (existingFunctions != null && existingFunctions.Count > 0)

            // otherwise create a new function
            OrgFunctionData orgFunction = new OrgFunctionData();

            orgFunction.FunctionTypeUuid = UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_PAYOUT_UNIT;
            orgFunction.Name             = "PayoutUnitFunction";
            orgFunction.ShortKey  = IdUtil.GenerateShortKey();
            orgFunction.Timestamp = timestamp;
            orgFunction.Uuid      = IdUtil.GenerateUuid();


Example #5
        internal static void UpdateManager(OrgUnitRegistration orgUnit)
             * 1. fetch any existing manager relationship (expect 0 or 1, anything else is a bug)
             * 2. compare with existing to see if changes are needed (or simply create if none exist)
             *    a) a "manager" is a match if it points to the same manager (user uuid)

            // fetch all existing managerRoles
            List <FiltreretOejebliksbilledeType> managerRoles = FindManagerRolesForOrgUnitAsObjects(orgUnit.Uuid);

            if (managerRoles != null && managerRoles.Count > 1)
                log.Warn("OrgUnit had more than one manager - deleting all, and creating new manager: " + orgUnit.Uuid);

                foreach (var role in managerRoles)
                    if (role.ObjektType?.UUIDIdentifikator != null)
                        organisationFunktionStub.Deactivate(role.ObjektType.UUIDIdentifikator, orgUnit.Timestamp);

                // null, and deal as if none existed
                managerRoles = null;

            string existingManagerUuid = null;

            if (managerRoles != null && managerRoles.Count == 1)
                var role = managerRoles[0];

                if (role.Registrering != null && role.Registrering.Length > 0 && role.Registrering[0].RelationListe?.TilknyttedeBrugere != null && role.Registrering[0].RelationListe.TilknyttedeBrugere.Length > 0)
                    existingManagerUuid = role.Registrering[0].RelationListe.TilknyttedeBrugere[0].ReferenceID?.Item;

                // check for bad registration, and delete registration if is is broken
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingManagerUuid))
                    organisationFunktionStub.Deactivate(role.ObjektType.UUIDIdentifikator, orgUnit.Timestamp);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(existingManagerUuid) && !existingManagerUuid.ToLower().Equals(orgUnit.ManagerUuid))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgUnit.ManagerUuid))
                    // delete
                    organisationFunktionStub.Deactivate(managerRoles[0].ObjektType.UUIDIdentifikator, orgUnit.Timestamp);
                    // update
                    organisationFunktionStub.Ret(new OrgFunctionData()
                        Uuid             = managerRoles[0].ObjektType.UUIDIdentifikator,
                        ShortKey         = managerRoles[0].Registrering[0].AttributListe.Egenskab[0].BrugervendtNoegleTekst,
                        Name             = managerRoles[0].Registrering[0].AttributListe.Egenskab[0].FunktionNavn,
                        FunctionTypeUuid = UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_MANAGER,
                        OrgUnits         = new List <string>()
                        Users = new List <string>()
                        Timestamp = orgUnit.Timestamp
                    }, UpdateIndicator.COMPARE, UpdateIndicator.NONE, UpdateIndicator.NONE);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orgUnit.ManagerUuid) && !orgUnit.ManagerUuid.Equals(existingManagerUuid))
                // create new manager role
                organisationFunktionStub.Importer(new OrgFunctionData()
                    Uuid             = IdUtil.GenerateUuid(),
                    ShortKey         = IdUtil.GenerateShortKey(),
                    Name             = "Leder",
                    FunctionTypeUuid = UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_MANAGER,
                    OrgUnits         = new List <string>()
                    Users = new List <string>()
                    Timestamp = orgUnit.Timestamp
Example #6
        internal static void UpdatePosition(UserRegistration user)
             * 1. fetch all positions that the user currently have
             * 2. compare positions from organisation with the positions in the registration, using the following rules
             *    a) a position is a "match" if it points to the same unit (yes, this is an issue for the users with multiple positions in the same OU, luckily those are few)
             *    b) a position should be updated if the name/ou-pointer has been changed
             *    c) a position should be removed if it no longer exist in the registration, but does in organisation
             *    d) a position should be added, if it exists in the registration, but not in organisation

            // fetch all the users existing positions
            List <FiltreretOejebliksbilledeType> unitRoles = FindUnitRolesForUser(user.Uuid);

            List <Position> copyOfUserPositions = new List <Position>(user.Positions);

            // loop through roles found in organisation, and find those that must be updated, and those that must be deleted
            foreach (FiltreretOejebliksbilledeType unitRole in unitRoles)
                RegistreringType1 existingRoleRegistration = unitRole.Registrering[0];

                if (existingRoleRegistration.RelationListe.TilknyttedeEnheder.Length != 1)
                    log.Warn("User '" + user.Uuid + "' has an existing position in Organisation with " + existingRoleRegistration.RelationListe.TilknyttedeEnheder.Length + " associated OrgUnits");

                // figure out everything relevant about the position object in Organisation
                EgenskabType latestProperty       = StubUtil.GetLatestProperty(existingRoleRegistration.AttributListe.Egenskab);
                string       existingRoleUuid     = unitRole.ObjektType.UUIDIdentifikator;
                string       existingRoleOUUuid   = existingRoleRegistration.RelationListe.TilknyttedeEnheder[0].ReferenceID.Item;
                string       existingRoleName     = latestProperty.FunktionNavn;
                string       existingRoleShortKey = latestProperty.BrugervendtNoegleTekst;

                bool found = false;
                for (int i = copyOfUserPositions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Position position = copyOfUserPositions[i];

                    if (existingRoleOUUuid.Equals(position.OrgUnitUuid))
                        // update if needed
                        if (string.Compare(existingRoleName, position.Name) != 0)
                            organisationFunktionStub.Ret(new OrgFunctionData()
                                Uuid             = existingRoleUuid,
                                ShortKey         = existingRoleShortKey,
                                Name             = position.Name,
                                FunctionTypeUuid = UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_POSITION,
                                OrgUnits         = new List <string>()
                                Users = new List <string>()
                                Timestamp = user.Timestamp
                            }, UpdateIndicator.NONE, UpdateIndicator.COMPARE, UpdateIndicator.NONE);

                            // copy value to read data, so we can use it for comparison below when deciding what to create
                            latestProperty.FunktionNavn = position.Name;

                        // ensure that the updated positions i no longer in the copied list, so multiple positions
                        // in the same OU, will not hit the same source-position
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    organisationFunktionStub.Deactivate(existingRoleUuid, user.Timestamp);

            // refresh copy of positions
            var copyOfRemotePositions = new List <FiltreretOejebliksbilledeType>(unitRoles);

            // loop through all roles found in the local registration, and create all those that do not exist in Organisation
            foreach (var position in user.Positions)
                bool found = false;

                for (int i = copyOfRemotePositions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var unitRole = copyOfRemotePositions[i];
                    RegistreringType1 existingRoleRegistration = unitRole.Registrering[0];

                    if (existingRoleRegistration.RelationListe.TilknyttedeEnheder.Length != 1)
                        log.Warn("User '" + user.Uuid + "' has an existing position in Organisation with " + existingRoleRegistration.RelationListe.TilknyttedeEnheder.Length + " associated OrgUnits");

                    string existingRoleOUUuid   = existingRoleRegistration.RelationListe.TilknyttedeEnheder[0].ReferenceID.Item;
                    string existingFunctionName = existingRoleRegistration.AttributListe.Egenskab[0].FunktionNavn;

                    if (existingRoleOUUuid.Equals(position.OrgUnitUuid) && string.Compare(existingFunctionName, position.Name) == 0)
                        // to make sure we can add new positions within the same OU as existing positions, we
                        // remove existing ones, one at a time, so we do not match twice
                        found = true;

                if (!found)
                    organisationFunktionStub.Importer(new OrgFunctionData()
                        Uuid             = IdUtil.GenerateUuid(),
                        ShortKey         = IdUtil.GenerateShortKey(),
                        Name             = position.Name,
                        FunctionTypeUuid = UUIDConstants.ORGFUN_POSITION,
                        OrgUnits         = new List <string>()
                        Users = new List <string>()
                        Timestamp = user.Timestamp