/// <summary>
        /// Inserts the symbol associated to the declaration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Declaration information.</param>
        /// <returns>The symbol inserted</returns>
        private Symbol declarationSymbol(IdDeclaration node)
            string         id = node.Identifier;
            TypeExpression te = this.searchType(node.FullName, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column);

            if (node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA != -1 && this.includeSSAVars)
                id += node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA;

            //this.table.Insert(id, te,false);
            this.table.Insert(id, node);

            //TypeExpression te = this.searchType(node.FullName, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column);
            //if (te != null)
            //    //node.TypeExpr = te;
            //    string id = node.Identifier;
            //    //if (node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA != -1)
            //    //    id += node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA;
            //    if (node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA != -1 && this.includeSSAVars)
            //        id += node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA;

            //    //this.table.Insert(id, te,false);
            //    this.table.Insert(id,node);

            //ErrorManager.Instance.NotifyError(new UnknownTypeError(node.FullName, new Location(this.currentFile, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column)));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the symbol associated to the declaration
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Declaration information.</param>
        /// <returns>The symbol inserted</returns>
        private Symbol declarationSymbol(IdDeclaration node)
            TypeExpression te = this.searchType(node.FullName, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column);

            if (te != null)
                node.TypeExpr = te;
                string id = node.Identifier;
                if (node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA != -1)
                    id += node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA;
                if (te is TypeVariable && te.IsDynamic)
                Symbol symbol = this.table.Insert(id, te, searchDynInfo(node.Identifier));
                if (symbol == null)
                    ErrorManager.Instance.NotifyError(new DeclarationFoundError(node.Identifier, new Location(this.currentFile, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column)));
            ErrorManager.Instance.NotifyError(new UnknownTypeError(node.FullName, new Location(this.currentFile, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column)));
Example #3
        //Command event-handlers

        #region MakeVarStaticCommand

        /// <summary>
        /// Set static var reference at the cursor's location.
        /// Cause check parse and window repaint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Not used</param>
        /// <param name="e">Not used</param>
        public void MakeVarStaticCommand(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //MakeVarDynamicBeforeQueryStatus have found the current node
            if (foundNode == null)

            if (foundNode is Declaration)
                //Declaration dec = foundNode as Declaration;

                IdDeclaration idDec = foundNode as IdDeclaration;
                //Must be a TypeVariable
                if (!(idDec.TypeExpr is TypeVariable))
                        "Variable \"" + idDec.Identifier + "\" its not TypeVariable",
                        "Cannot make Static",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                string varName = idDec.Identifier;

                int column = currentCaretPosition.Y;
                int line   = currentCaretPosition.X;
                //Change the .dyn file
                StaDynDynamicHelper.Instance.makeVarStatic(varName, line, column, currentFile.Ast);

        // Expressions

        #region Visit(NewArrayExpression node, Object obj)

        public override Object Visit(NewArrayExpression node, Object obj)
            string tmpName = auxiliarVar + CurrentAuxiliarSuffix++;
            SingleIdentifierExpression sId = new SingleIdentifierExpression(tmpName, node.Location);
            IdDeclaration id = new IdDeclaration(sId, -1, node.TypeInfo, node.Location);

            id.TypeExpr = node.ILTypeExpression;

            if (TemporalVariablesTable.Instance.SearchId(id.FullName) == null)   // it's a new inserction
                TemporalVariablesTable.Instance.Insert(id.FullName, id.ILName);
            node.Identifier = id.Identifier;
            if (node.Size != null)
                node.Size.Accept(this, obj);
            if (node.Init != null)
                node.Init.Accept(this, obj);
        private void parameterSymbol(MethodDefinition node)
            var method = node as MethodDefinition;

            if (method == null || method.TypeExpr == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < ((MethodType)node.TypeExpr).ParameterListCount; i++)
                string        id   = node.ParametersInfo[i].Identifier;
                var           exp  = new SingleIdentifierExpression(id, node.Location);
                var           type = ((MethodType)node.TypeExpr).GetParameter(i);
                IdDeclaration dec  = new IdDeclaration(exp, type.FullName, node.Location);
                dec.TypeExpr = type;

                this.table.Insert(id, dec);
                //this.table.Insert(id, ((MethodType)node.TypeExpr).GetParameter(i), false);

                //if (!(((MethodType)node.TypeExpr).GetParameter(i) is ArrayType))
                //    id += ": (parameter)";
                ////if (this.table.Insert(id, ((MethodType)node.TypeExpr).GetParameter(i), searchDynInfo(node.ParametersInfo[i].Identifier)) == null)
                //if (this.table.Insert(id, ((MethodType)node.TypeExpr).GetParameter(i), false) == null)
                //    ErrorManager.Instance.NotifyError(new DeclarationFoundError(node.ParametersInfo[i].Identifier, new Location(this.currentFile, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column)));
Example #6
        private string getMemberIdentifier(IdDeclaration node)
            StringBuilder aux = new StringBuilder();

Example #7
        public override Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)
            SingleIdentifierExpression clonedIdentifierExp = (SingleIdentifierExpression)node.IdentifierExp.Accept(this, obj);
            IdDeclaration clonedIdDeclaration = new IdDeclaration(clonedIdentifierExp, clonedIdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA, node.TypeExpr.typeExpression, node.Location);

            clonedIdDeclaration.TypeExpr = node.TypeExpr.CloneType(this.typeVariableMappings, this.typeExpresionVariableMapping);
            Symbol originalSymbol = node.Symbol;
            Symbol symbol         = new Symbol(originalSymbol.Name, originalSymbol.Scope, originalSymbol.SymbolType.CloneType(this.typeVariableMappings, this.typeExpresionVariableMapping), originalSymbol.IsDynamic);

            clonedIdDeclaration.Symbol = symbol;
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a new symbol in the current scope.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Symbol identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="type">Symbol type.</param>
        /// <param name="isDynamic">True if the symbol is dynamic, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <returns>The symbol inserted, null otherwise.</returns>
        //public string Insert(string id, TypeExpression type, bool isDynamic)
        //   if (this.table[this.table.Count - 1].ContainsKey(id))
        //       return null;
        //   //Symbol s = new Symbol(id, this.table.Count - 1, type, isDynamic);
        //   this.table[this.table.Count - 1].Add(id, type);
        //   //Console.WriteLine(s.ToString());
        //   return id;

        public string Insert(string id, IdDeclaration node)
            if (this.table[this.table.Count - 1].ContainsKey(id))
            //Symbol s = new Symbol(id, this.table.Count - 1, type, isDynamic);
            //this.table[this.table.Count - 1].Add(id, type);
            this.table[this.table.Count - 1].Add(id, node);
Example #9
 public override Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)
     if (!node.FullName.EndsWith("[]"))
         this.map.AddNewVariable(node.Identifier, node.FullName, node.Location);
         node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA = -1;
        public override Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)

            //if (node.Location == ((AstNode)obj).Location || found)
            //    found = true;
            //    return this.table;
            //node.Symbol = declarationSymbol(node);
        //#region Visit(MethodDefinition node, Object obj)

        public override Object Visit(InvocationExpression node, Object obj)
            node.Identifier.Accept(this, null);
            if (node.FrozenTypeExpression.IsValueType())
                SingleIdentifierExpression sid = new SingleIdentifierExpression(auxiliarValue + this.CurrentAuxiliarSuffix++, node.Location);
                IdDeclaration id = new IdDeclaration(sid, node.ILTypeExpression.ILType(), node.Location);
                id.TypeExpr = node.ExpressionType;
                if (TemporalVariablesTable.Instance.SearchId(id.FullName) == null)   // it's a new inserction
                    TemporalVariablesTable.Instance.Insert(id.FullName, id.ILName);
            node.Arguments.Accept(this, obj);
 public override Object Visit(FieldAccessExpression node, Object obj)
     if (node.Expression.ExpressionType.IsValueType())
         SingleIdentifierExpression sId = new SingleIdentifierExpression(auxiliarValue + this.CurrentAuxiliarSuffix++, node.Location);
         IdDeclaration id = new IdDeclaration(sId, node.Expression.ExpressionType.ILType(), node.Location);
         id.TypeExpr = node.Expression.ExpressionType;
         // temporal variables of the same type are forbidden
         if (TemporalVariablesTable.Instance.SearchId(id.FullName) == null)   // it's a new inserction
             TemporalVariablesTable.Instance.Insert(id.FullName, id.ILName);
     node.FieldName.Accept(this, obj);
Example #13
        public override Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)
            int indent = Convert.ToInt32(obj);

            if (node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA != -1)
                this.output.WriteLine("Declaration: {0}{1} [{2}:{3}]", node.Identifier, node.IdentifierExp.IndexOfSSA, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column);
                this.output.WriteLine("Declaration: {0} [{1}:{2}]", node.Identifier, node.Location.Line, node.Location.Column);
            this.printIndentation(indent + 1);
            this.output.Write("Type: ");
Example #14
        //Other public methods

        #region DeclareExcplicit

        /// <summary>
        /// Modify var reference declaration changing from "var" to its actual type if possible.
        /// This method is public in order to be called by <see cref="CommandHandler.DeclareExplicitCommand"/>
        /// and <see cref="DeclareEverythingExplicitVisitor"/>.
        /// The operation will fail if the declaration has more than one type along its scope (counting as well
        /// types inside UnionType types).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">IdDeclaration node for the var reference declaration.</param>
        /// <param name="method">MethodDefinition node containing the var reference declaration.</param>
        /// <param name="buffer">IVsTextLines object containing document's content.</param>
        /// <param name="doc">TextDocument object for the document.</param>
        /// public void DeclareExplicit
        //public void DeclareExplicit(IdDeclaration id, MethodDefinition method, IVsTextLines buffer, TextDocument doc)
        //public void DeclareExplicit()

        //    int lineNumber = this.currentCaretPosition.X ;
        //    int column = this.currentCaretPosition.Y;
        //    var snapshot = FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentTextSnapShot();
        //    int start = FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentCaretPosition();

        //    StaDynVariablesInScopeTable infoVariablesInScope = StaDynIntellisenseHelper.Instance.getVariablesInCurrentScope(lineNumber +1, column, snapshot, start,true);

        //    string varName = ((IdDeclaration)foundNode).Identifier;

        //    var SSAVariablesList = new List<Declaration>();
        //    //Look for the same variable in the current scope
        //    for (int i = 0; i < infoVariablesInScope.Table.Count; i++)
        //    {
        //        if (infoVariablesInScope.Table[i].Count > 0)
        //        {
        //            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IdDeclaration> variable in infoVariablesInScope.Table[i])
        //            {
        //                var type = variable.Value.TypeExpr;
        //                if (variable.Key.StartsWith(varName) && type is TypeVariable && ((TypeVariable)type).Substitution !=null)
        //                    SSAVariablesList.Add(variable.Value);

        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    if (SSAVariablesList.Count !=1)
        //    {
        //         string message;
        //         if (SSAVariablesList.Count == 0)
        //             message = "The var reference named '" + varName +
        //             "' cannot be declared explicitly since it has no type yet\n";
        //         else
        //         {
        //             message = "The var reference named '" + varName +
        //                 "' cannot be declared explicitly since it has more than one type within its scope:\n";
        //             foreach (Declaration node in SSAVariablesList)
        //                 message += " - " + ((TypeVariable)node.TypeExpr).Substitution.FullName + "\n";
        //             message += "To be able to declare explicitly this reference, create a new type from which "
        //                 + "all this types will inherit";
        //         }
        //        MessageBox.Show(
        //            message,
        //            "Cannot declare explicit",
        //            MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        //        return;
        //    }

        //    SourceHelper.replaceWord(snapshot, lineNumber, "var", ((TypeVariable)SSAVariablesList[0].TypeExpr).Substitution.FullName);



        #region GetAllTypes

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all types a reference has or may have along the method where it is declared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="identifier">Name of the identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="method">Method where the identifier is declared.</param>
        /// <returns>Set of types assigned to the identifier. Types contained in
        /// UnionTypes are recursively inserted in the set.</returns>
        //public HashSet<TypeExpression> GetAllTypes(string identifier, MethodDefinition method)
        //    //Verify that the variable has only one type along the block
        //    //(Making use of SSA duplicated IdDeclaration nodes for that)

        //    //SearchInfo info = new SearchInfo(-1, -1, SearchReason.VarIdDeclarationSearch, StoreMode.StoreAll);
        //    //if (method != null)
        //    //    method.Accept(new SearchVisitor(), info);

        //    //HashSet<TypeExpression> types = new HashSet<TypeExpression>();
        //    //IdDeclaration id;
        //    //foreach (AstNode node in info.NodeList)
        //    //{
        //    //    id = node as IdDeclaration;
        //    //    if (id == null | !id.Identifier.Equals(identifier))
        //    //        continue;

        //    //    TypeVariable varType = id.TypeExpr as TypeVariable;
        //    //    TypeExpression substitutionType = varType != null ? varType.Substitution : null;
        //    //    if (substitutionType == null)
        //    //        continue;

        //    //    if (substitutionType is UnionType)
        //    //    {
        //    //        types.UnionWith(getTypesFromUnion(substitutionType as UnionType));
        //    //        continue;
        //    //    }

        //    //    types.Add(substitutionType);
        //    //}

        //    //return types;


        // Private methods

        #region searchDynVarInfo

        //private SearchInfo searchDynVarInfo()
        //    TokenInfo token = null;
        //    int line;
        //    int column;
        //    string tokenText = TextTools.GetCurrentTokenInfo(out token, out line, out column);

        //    StaDynLanguage lang = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(StaDynLanguage)) as StaDynLanguage;

        //    DTE dte = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(SDTE)) as DTE;
        //    StaDynScope scope = lang.GetParseResult(dte.ActiveDocument.FullName);

        //    TextTools.VsToInference(ref line, ref column);
        //    SearchInfo searchInfo = new SearchInfo(line, column, tokenText, SearchReason.AnyVarSearch, StoreMode.NamesAndNodes);
        //    scope.Ast.Accept(new SearchVisitor(), searchInfo);

        //    return searchInfo;


        #region  beforeQueryStatusCommonTasks

        /// <summary>
        /// Performs several tasks useful for the commands' BeforeQueryStatus handlers.
        /// Stores in lastSearchInfo information retrieved by <see cref="CommandHandler.searchDynVarInfo"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isStaDynFile">Active document is a ".stadyn" file.</param>
        /// <param name="isVar">Token at cursor's location is a var reference.</param>
        /// <param name="isDynamic">Token at cursor's location is a dynamic var reference.</param>
        private void beforeQueryStatusCommonTasks(out bool isStaDynFile, out bool isVar, out bool isDynamic)
            isStaDynFile = isVar = isDynamic = false;

            isStaDynFile = FileUtilities.Instance.checkCurrentFileExtension(".stadyn");

            //Get the span of the current word (caret on)
            var currentWordTextSpan = SourceHelper.getCurrentTextSpan();

            this.currentCaretPosition.X = currentWordTextSpan.iStartLine;
            this.currentCaretPosition.Y = currentWordTextSpan.iEndIndex;

            int line   = currentWordTextSpan.iStartLine;
            int column = currentWordTextSpan.iEndIndex + 1;

            StaDynParser parser = new StaDynParser();

            currentFile = ProjectFileAST.Instance.getAstFile(FileUtilities.Instance.getCurrentOpenDocumentFilePath());

            if (currentFile == null || currentFile.Ast == null)
            //string currentWord = SourceHelper.getCurrentWord();
            //this.foundNode = (AstNode)currentFile.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(Path.GetFileName(currentFile.FileName), line + 1, column));
            this.foundNode = (AstNode)currentFile.Ast.Accept(new VisitorFindNode(), new Location(currentFile.FileName, line + 1, column));

            if (foundNode is Declaration)
                //Declaration dec = foundNode as Declaration;

                IdDeclaration idDec = foundNode as IdDeclaration;

                isVar = idDec.TypeExpr is TypeVariable;

                isDynamic = StaDynDynamicHelper.Instance.checkDynamicVar(idDec.Identifier, line, column, currentFile);
                //isDynamic = idDec.TypeExpr.IsDynamic;
Example #15
        public override Object Visit(ForeachStatement node, Object obj)
            IdDeclaration clonedSingleIdentifierExpression = (IdDeclaration)node.ForEachDeclaration.Accept(this, obj);

            return(new ForeachStatement(clonedSingleIdentifierExpression.TypeExpr.typeExpression, clonedSingleIdentifierExpression.IdentifierExp, (Expression)node.ForeachExp.Accept(this, obj), (Statement)node.ForeachBlock.Accept(this, obj), node.Location));
Example #16
 public override Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)
     node.Symbol = declarationSymbol(node);
        //public override Object Visit(ConstantDefinition node, Object obj) {
        //    Object obj = node.Init.Accept(this, obj);
        //    if (cnode is node.
        //    if ((((FieldType)node.TypeExpr).MemberInfo.ModifierMask & Modifier.Static) != 0)
        //        this.fields[1].Add(node);


        // Local Variables

        #region Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)

        public override Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)
Example #18
 public abstract Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj);
Example #19
 public override Object Visit(IdDeclaration node, Object obj)