public Id transformedValue(Id value) { NSString archStr; switch (value.SendMessage<NSMachOArchitecture>("intValue")) { case NSMachOArchitecture.NSBundleExecutableArchitectureI386: archStr = @"Intel 32-bit"; break; case NSMachOArchitecture.NSBundleExecutableArchitectureX86_64: archStr = @"Intel 64-bit"; break; case NSMachOArchitecture.NSBundleExecutableArchitecturePPC: // in case of Rosetta, allow for PPC archStr = @"PPC Translated"; break; default: archStr = @"unknown"; break; } return archStr; }
partial void DoFind(Id sender) { if (this._pdfView.Document.IsFinding) { this._pdfView.Document.CancelFindString(); } // Lazily allocate _searchResults. if (this._searchResults == null) { this._searchResults = NSMutableArray.ArrayWithCapacity(10).Retain<NSMutableArray>(); } NSString value = sender.SendMessage<NSString>("stringValue"); this._pdfView.Document.BeginFindStringWithOptions(value, (int) NSStringCompareOptions.NSCaseInsensitiveSearch); }
partial void SwitchView(Id sender) { // Figure out the new view, the old view, and the new size of the window int tag = sender.SendMessage<int>("tag"); NSView view = this.ViewForTag(tag); NSView previousView = this.ViewForTag(this.currentViewTag); this.currentViewTag = tag; NSRect newFrame = this.NewFrameForNewContentView(view); // Using an animation grouping because we may be changing the duration NSAnimationContext.BeginGrouping(); // With the shift key down, do slow-mo animation if ((NSApplication.NSApp.CurrentEvent.ModifierFlags & NSModifierFlags.NSShiftKeyMask) == NSModifierFlags.NSShiftKeyMask) { NSAnimationContext.CurrentContext.Duration = 1.0f; } // Call the animator instead of the view / window directly this.Window.ContentView.Animator.ReplaceSubviewWith(previousView, view); this.Window.Animator.SetFrameDisplay(newFrame, true); NSAnimationContext.EndGrouping(); }
partial void ChangeLayout(Id sender) { this.LayoutStyle = (LayoutStyle) sender.SendMessage<int>("selectedTag"); }
public void ShuffleTitleOfSender(Id sender) { NSArray strings = NSArray.ArrayWithObjects ((NSString)"S", (NSString)"Short", (NSString)"Absolutely ginormous string (for a button)", null); NSInteger previousStringIndex = strings.IndexOfObject (sender.SendMessage<NSString> ("title")); NSInteger nextStringIndex; if (previousStringIndex == NSUInteger.NSNotFound) { nextStringIndex = 0; } else { nextStringIndex = (previousStringIndex + 1) % 3; } sender.SendMessage ("setTitle:", strings.ObjectAtIndex (nextStringIndex)); }
public Id transformedValue(Id value) { bool b = value.SendMessage<bool>("boolValue"); return b ? YES : NO; }