Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Test the character name at the memory address specified.
        /// Will assert an error if the PUA codepoint name and digit value are not correct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="puaIndex">Unicode codepoint</param>
        /// <param name="digit">Expected correct PUA codepoint name</param>
        public static void Check_PUA_Digit(int puaIndex, int digit)
            string name     = "";
            int    icuDigit = -1;

            //Getting the character name at the memory address specified
                string icuDataDir = GetIcuDataDir();
                Icu.UErrorCode      error;
                Icu.UCharNameChoice choice = Icu.UCharNameChoice.U_UNICODE_CHAR_NAME;
                int len = Icu.u_CharName(puaIndex, choice, out name, out error);
                // Radix means "base", so this will return the base 10 value of this digit.
                // (Note, the radix is just used to return an error if the digit isn't valid in the given radix)
                icuDigit = Icu.u_Digit(puaIndex, 10);
                Icu.Cleanup();                          // clean up the ICU files / data

            //Check to make sure expected result is the same as actual result, if not, output error
            Assert.AreEqual(digit, icuDigit, "PUA Character " +
                            puaIndex.ToString("x", new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo()) +
                            " has an incorrect digit value");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Test the character name at the memory address specified.
        /// Will assert an error if the PUA codepoint name is not correct.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="puaIndex">Unicode codepoint</param>
        /// <param name="puaName">Expected correct PUA codepoint name</param>
        /// <param name="puaGenCat">The expected PUA General Category</param>
        public static void Check_PUA(int puaIndex, string puaName, LgGeneralCharCategory puaGenCat)
            string name = "";
            LgGeneralCharCategory genCategory = LgGeneralCharCategory.kccCn;

            //Getting the character name at the memory address specified
            ILgCharacterPropertyEngine charPropEngine = LgIcuCharPropEngineClass.Create();

                string icuDataDir = GetIcuDataDir();
                Icu.UErrorCode      error;
                Icu.UCharNameChoice choice = Icu.UCharNameChoice.U_UNICODE_CHAR_NAME;
                int len = Icu.u_CharName(puaIndex, choice, out name, out error);
                genCategory = charPropEngine.get_GeneralCategory(puaIndex);
                // Must release pointer to free memory-mapping before we try to restore files.
                charPropEngine = null;
                Icu.Cleanup();                          // clean up the ICU files / data

            //Check to make sure expected result is the same as actual result, if not, output error
            Assert.AreEqual(puaName, name, "PUA Character " +
                            puaIndex.ToString("x", new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo()) +
                            " is incorrect");

            //Check to make sure expected result is the same as actual result, if not, output error
            Assert.AreEqual(puaGenCat, genCategory, "PUA Character " +
                            puaIndex.ToString("x", new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo()) +
                            " has an incorrect digit value");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks all the values of a character in the UnicodeData.txt.
        /// Checks: fields 1-8,11-14
        /// (Skips, 9 and 10, the "Bidi Mirrored" and "Unicode Version 1"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="puaIndex"></param><param name="puaName"></param>
        /// <param name="puaGenCat"></param><param name="puaCombiningClass"></param>
        /// <param name="puaBidiClass"></param><param name="puaDecomposition"></param>
        /// <param name="puaNumeric"></param><param name="puaNumericValue"></param>
        /// <param name="puaComment"></param><param name="puaToUpper"></param>
        /// <param name="puaToLower"></param><param name="puaToTitle"></param>
        public static void Check_PUA(
            int puaIndex,
            string puaName,
            LgGeneralCharCategory puaGenCat,
            int puaCombiningClass,
            LgBidiCategory puaBidiClass,
            string puaDecomposition,
            bool puaNumeric,
            int puaNumericValue,
            string puaComment,
            int puaToUpper,
            int puaToLower,
            int puaToTitle
            string name = "";
            LgGeneralCharCategory genCategory = LgGeneralCharCategory.kccCn;
            int            combiningClass     = 0;
            string         decomposition      = "None";
            LgBidiCategory bidiCategory       = LgBidiCategory.kbicL;
            string         fullDecomp         = "I have no clue";
            bool           isNumber           = false;
            int            numericValue       = -1;
            int            upper   = -1;
            int            lower   = -1;
            int            title   = -1;
            string         comment = "<none>";

            //Getting the character name at the memory address specified
            ILgCharacterPropertyEngine charPropEngine = LgIcuCharPropEngineClass.Create();

                string icuDataDir = GetIcuDataDir();
                Icu.UErrorCode      error;
                Icu.UCharNameChoice choice = Icu.UCharNameChoice.U_UNICODE_CHAR_NAME;
                int len = Icu.u_CharName(puaIndex, choice, out name, out error);
                genCategory    = charPropEngine.get_GeneralCategory(puaIndex);
                combiningClass = charPropEngine.get_CombiningClass(puaIndex);
                bidiCategory   = charPropEngine.get_BidiCategory(puaIndex);
                decomposition  = charPropEngine.get_Decomposition(puaIndex);
                fullDecomp     = charPropEngine.get_FullDecomp(puaIndex);
                // Note: isNumber merely checks the General category, it doesn't check to see if there is a valid numeric value.
                isNumber = charPropEngine.get_IsNumber(puaIndex);
                if (isNumber)
                    numericValue = charPropEngine.get_NumericValue(puaIndex);
                comment = charPropEngine.get_Comment(puaIndex);

                upper = charPropEngine.get_ToUpperCh(puaIndex);
                lower = charPropEngine.get_ToLowerCh(puaIndex);
                title = charPropEngine.get_ToTitleCh(puaIndex);
                // Must release pointer to free memory-mapping before we try to restore files.
                charPropEngine = null;
                Icu.Cleanup();                          // clean up the ICU files / data

            // StringWriter used to print hexadecimal values in the error messages.
            StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo());

            string errorMessage = "PUA Character " +
                                  puaIndex.ToString("x", new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo()) +
                                  " has an incorrect ";

            //Check Name [1]
            Assert.AreEqual(puaName, name, errorMessage + "name.");

            //Check general category [2]
            Assert.AreEqual(puaGenCat, genCategory, errorMessage + "general category.");

            //Check combining class [3]
            Assert.AreEqual(puaCombiningClass, combiningClass, errorMessage + "combining class.");

            //Check Bidi class [4]
            Assert.AreEqual(puaBidiClass, bidiCategory, errorMessage + "bidi class value.");

            //Check Decomposition [5]
            stringWriter.WriteLine(errorMessage + "decomposition.");
            stringWriter.WriteLine("Decomposition, {0:x}, is incorrect", (int)decomposition[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(puaDecomposition, decomposition, stringWriter.ToString());

            //Check Numeric Value [6,7,8]
            if (puaNumeric != isNumber)
                Assert.AreEqual(puaNumeric, isNumber, errorMessage +
                                "numeric type (i.e. does or doesn't have a numeric value when it should be the other).");
            if (puaNumeric)
                Assert.AreEqual(puaNumericValue, numericValue, errorMessage + "numeric value.");
            //Check ISO Comment [11]
            Assert.AreEqual(puaComment, comment, errorMessage + "ISO commment");

            //Check uppercase [12]
            stringWriter.WriteLine(errorMessage + "upper case.");
            stringWriter.WriteLine("Found uppercase value: {0:x}", upper);
            Assert.AreEqual(puaToUpper, upper, stringWriter.ToString());
            //Check lowercase [13]
            Assert.AreEqual(puaToLower, lower, errorMessage + "lower case.");
            //Check titlecase [14]
            Assert.AreEqual(puaToTitle, title, errorMessage + "title case.");