Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a brand-new individual to fill in a population.  The default form
        /// simply calls clone(), creates a fitness, sets evaluated to false, and sets
        /// the species.  If you need to make a more custom genotype (as is the case
        /// for GPSpecies, which requires a light rather than deep clone),
        /// you will need to override this method as you see fit.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Individual NewIndividual(IEvolutionState state, int thread)
            var newind = (Individual)I_Prototype.Clone();

            // Set the fitness
            newind.Fitness   = (Fitness)F_Prototype.Clone();
            newind.Evaluated = false;

            // Set the species to me
            newind.Species = this;

            // ...and we're ready!
Example #2
 public virtual object Clone()
         var myobj = (Species)(base.MemberwiseClone());
         myobj.I_Prototype    = (Individual)I_Prototype.Clone();
         myobj.F_Prototype    = (Fitness)F_Prototype.Clone();
         myobj.Pipe_Prototype = (BreedingPipeline)Pipe_Prototype.Clone();
     catch (Exception)
         throw new ApplicationException();
     } // never happens
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides an individual read from a DataInput source, including
        /// the fitness.  Doesn't
        /// close the DataInput.  Sets evaluated to false and sets the species.
        /// If you need to make a more custom mechanism (as is the case
        /// for GPSpecies, which requires a light rather than deep clone),
        /// you will need to override this method as you see fit.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Individual NewIndividual(IEvolutionState state, BinaryReader dataInput)
            var newInd = (Individual)(I_Prototype.Clone());

            // Set the fitness
            newInd.Fitness   = (Fitness)(F_Prototype.Clone());
            newInd.Evaluated = false; // for sanity's sake, though it's a useless line

            // Set the species to me
            newInd.Species = this;

            // load that sucker
            newInd.ReadIndividual(state, dataInput);

            // and we're ready!
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The default version of Setup(...) loads requested pipelines and calls Setup(...) on them and normalizes their probabilities.
        /// If your individual prototype might need to know special things about the species (like parameters stored in it),
        /// then when you override this Setup method, you'll need to set those parameters BEFORE you call super.Setup(...),
        /// because the Setup(...) code in Species sets up the prototype.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="IPrototype.Setup(IEvolutionState, IParameter)" />
        public virtual void Setup(IEvolutionState state, IParameter paramBase)
            var def = DefaultBase;

            // load the breeding pipeline
            Pipe_Prototype = (BreedingSource)state.Parameters.GetInstanceForParameter(paramBase.Push(P_PIPE), def.Push(P_PIPE), typeof(BreedingSource));
            Pipe_Prototype.Setup(state, paramBase.Push(P_PIPE));

            // I promised over in BreedingSource.java that this method would get called.

            // load our individual prototype
            I_Prototype = (Individual)(state.Parameters.GetInstanceForParameter(paramBase.Push(P_INDIVIDUAL), def.Push(P_INDIVIDUAL), typeof(Individual)));
            // set the species to me before setting up the individual, so they know who I am
            I_Prototype.Species = this;
            I_Prototype.Setup(state, paramBase.Push(P_INDIVIDUAL));

            // load our fitness
            F_Prototype = (Fitness)state.Parameters.GetInstanceForParameter(paramBase.Push(P_FITNESS), def.Push(P_FITNESS), typeof(Fitness));
            F_Prototype.Setup(state, paramBase.Push(P_FITNESS));
Example #5
 * Reverse of the original map() function, takes a GPIndividual and returns
 * a corresponding GEIndividual; The GPIndividual may contain more than one trees,
 * and such cases are handled accordingly, see the 3rd bullet below --
 * NOTE:
 * This reverse mapping is only valid for S-expression trees ;
 * This procedure supports ERC for the current population (not for population
 * /subpopulation from other islands); However, that could be done by merging
 * all ERCBanks from all the sub-populations but that is not done yet ;
 * Support for the ADF's are done as follows -- suppose in one GPIndividual,
 * there are N trees -- T1, T2, ,,, Tn and each of them follows n different
 * grammars G1, G2, ,,, Gn respectively; now if they are reverse-mapped to
 * int arrays, there will be n int arrays A1[], A2[], ,,, An[]; and suppose
 * the i-th tree Ti is reverse mapped to int array Ai[] and morevoer Ai[] is
 * the longest among all the arrays (Bj[]s); so Bi[] is sufficient to build
 * all ADF trees Tjs.
        public GEIndividual ReverseMap(IEvolutionState state, GPIndividual ind, int threadnum)
            // create a dummy individual
            GEIndividual newind = (GEIndividual)I_Prototype.Clone();

            // The longest int will be able to contain all ADF trees.
            int longestIntLength = -1;

            int[] longestInt = null;
            // Now go through all the ADF trees.
            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < ind.Trees.Length; treeIndex++)
                // Flatten the Lisp tree
                ArrayList flatSexp = (ArrayList)FlattenSexp(state, threadnum,
                // Now convert the flatten list into an array of ints
                // no. of trees == no. of grammars
                int[] genomeVals = ParseSexp(flatSexp, GrammarParser[treeIndex]);
                // store the longest int array
                if (genomeVals.Length >= longestIntLength)
                    longestIntLength = genomeVals.Length;
                    longestInt       = new int[genomeVals.Length];
                    Array.Copy(genomeVals, 0, longestInt, 0, genomeVals.Length);
                genomeVals = null;
            // assign the longest int to the individual's genome
            newind.genome = longestInt;

            // update the GPIndividual's fitness information
            newind.Fitness   = ind.Fitness;
            newind.Evaluated = false;

            // Set the species to me ? not sure.
            newind.Species = this;

            // return it
        protected override void LoadParametersForGene(IEvolutionState state, int index, IParameter paramBase, IParameter def, String postfix)
            base.LoadParametersForGene(state, index, paramBase, def, postfix);

            bool minValExists = state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_MINGENE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MINGENE).Push(postfix));
            bool maxValExists = state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_MAXGENE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MAXGENE).Push(postfix));

            if ((maxValExists && !minValExists))
                state.Output.Warning("Max Gene specified but not Min Gene", paramBase.Push(P_MINGENE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MINGENE).Push(postfix));

            if (minValExists && !maxValExists)
                state.Output.Warning("Min Gene specified but not Max Gene", paramBase.Push(P_MAXGENE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MINGENE).Push(postfix));

            if (minValExists)
                long minVal = state.Parameters.GetLongWithDefault(paramBase.Push(P_MINGENE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MINGENE).Push(postfix), 0);

                //check if the value is in range
                if (!InNumericalTypeRange(minVal))
                    state.Output.Error("Min Gene Value out of range for data type " + I_Prototype.GetType().Name,
                    MinGenes[index] = minVal;

                if (DynamicInitialSize)
                    state.Output.WarnOnce("Using dynamic initial sizing, but per-gene or per-segment min-gene declarations.  This is probably wrong.  You probably want to use global min/max declarations.",

            if (minValExists)
                long maxVal = state.Parameters.GetLongWithDefault(paramBase.Push(P_MAXGENE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MAXGENE).Push(postfix), 0);

                //check if the value is in range
                if (!InNumericalTypeRange(maxVal))
                    state.Output.Error("Max Gene Value out of range for data type " + I_Prototype.GetType().Name,
                    MaxGenes[index] = maxVal;

                if (DynamicInitialSize)
                    state.Output.WarnOnce("Using dynamic initial sizing, but per-gene or per-segment max-gene declarations.  This is probably wrong.  You probably want to use global min/max declarations.",

            // MUTATION

            String mtype   = state.Parameters.GetStringWithDefault(paramBase.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE).Push(postfix), null);
            int    mutType = -1;

            if (mtype == null)
            }                       // we're cool
            else if (mtype.Equals(V_RESET_MUTATION, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                mutType = MutationType[index] = C_RESET_MUTATION;
            else if (mtype.Equals(V_RANDOM_WALK_MUTATION, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                mutType = MutationType[index] = C_RANDOM_WALK_MUTATION;
                state.Output.WarnOnce("Integer Random Walk Mutation used in IntegerVectorSpecies.  Be advised that during initialization these genes will only be set to integer values.");
                state.Output.Error("IntegerVectorSpecies given a bad mutation type: " + mtype,
                                   paramBase.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE).Push(postfix));

            if (mutType == C_RANDOM_WALK_MUTATION)
                if (state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix)))
                    RandomWalkProbability[index] = state.Parameters.GetDoubleWithMax(paramBase.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix), 0.0, 1.0);
                    if (RandomWalkProbability[index] <= 0)
                        state.Output.Error("If it's going to use random walk mutation as a per-gene or per-segment type, IntegerVectorSpecies must a random walk mutation probability between 0.0 and 1.0.",
                                           paramBase.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix));
                    state.Output.Error("If IntegerVectorSpecies is going to use polynomial mutation as a per-gene or per-segment type, either the global or per-gene/per-segment random walk mutation probability must be defined.",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY).Push(postfix));

                if (state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED).Push(postfix)))
                    MutationIsBounded[index] = state.Parameters.GetBoolean(paramBase.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED).Push(postfix), true);
                else if (!_mutationIsBoundedDefined)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If IntegerVectorSpecies is going to use gaussian, polynomial, or integer random walk mutation as a per-gene or per-segment type, the mutation bounding must be defined.",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED).Push(postfix), def.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED).Push(postfix));
        public override void Setup(IEvolutionState state, IParameter paramBase)
            IParameter def = DefaultBase;

            SetupGenome(state, paramBase);

            // create the arrays
            MinGenes              = new long[GenomeSize + 1];
            MaxGenes              = new long[GenomeSize + 1];
            MutationType          = Fill(new int[GenomeSize + 1], -1);
            MutationIsBounded     = new bool[GenomeSize + 1];
            RandomWalkProbability = new double[GenomeSize + 1];

            long minGene = state.Parameters.GetLongWithDefault(paramBase.Push(P_MINGENE), def.Push(P_MINGENE), 0);
            long maxGene = state.Parameters.GetLong(paramBase.Push(P_MAXGENE), def.Push(P_MAXGENE), minGene);

            if (maxGene < minGene)
                state.Output.Fatal("IntegerVectorSpecies must have a default min-gene which is <= the default max-gene",
                                   paramBase.Push(P_MAXGENE), def.Push(P_MAXGENE));
            Fill(MinGenes, minGene);
            Fill(MaxGenes, maxGene);

            /// MUTATION

            String mtype   = state.Parameters.GetStringWithDefault(paramBase.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE), def.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE), null);
            int    mutType = C_RESET_MUTATION;

            if (mtype == null)
                state.Output.Warning("No global mutation type given for IntegerVectorSpecies, assuming 'reset' mutation",
                                     paramBase.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE), def.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE));
            else if (mtype.Equals(V_RESET_MUTATION, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                mutType = C_RESET_MUTATION; // redundant
            else if (mtype.Equals(V_RANDOM_WALK_MUTATION, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                mutType = C_RANDOM_WALK_MUTATION;
                state.Output.Fatal("IntegerVectorSpecies given a bad mutation type: "
                                   + mtype, paramBase.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE), def.Push(P_MUTATIONTYPE));
            Fill(MutationType, mutType);

            if (mutType == C_RANDOM_WALK_MUTATION)
                double randWalkProb = state.Parameters.GetDoubleWithMax(paramBase.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY), def.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY), 0.0, 1.0);
                if (randWalkProb <= 0)
                    state.Output.Fatal("If it's going to use random walk mutation as its global mutation type, IntegerVectorSpecies must a random walk mutation probability between 0.0 and 1.0.",
                                       paramBase.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY), def.Push(P_RANDOM_WALK_PROBABILITY));
                Fill(RandomWalkProbability, randWalkProb);

                if (!state.Parameters.ParameterExists(paramBase.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED), def.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED)))
                    state.Output.Warning("IntegerVectorSpecies is using gaussian, polynomial, or integer randomwalk mutation as its global mutation type, but " + P_MUTATION_BOUNDED + " is not defined.  Assuming 'true'");
                bool mutIsBounded = state.Parameters.GetBoolean(paramBase.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED), def.Push(P_MUTATION_BOUNDED), true);
                Fill(MutationIsBounded, mutIsBounded);
                _mutationIsBoundedDefined = true;

            base.Setup(state, paramBase);

            // VERIFY
            for (var x = 0; x < GenomeSize; x++)
                if (MaxGenes[x] < MinGenes[x])
                    state.Output.Fatal("IntegerVectorSpecies must have a min-gene[" + x + "] which is <= the max-gene[" + x + "]");

                // check to see if these longs are within the data type of the particular individual
                if (!InNumericalTypeRange(MinGenes[x]))
                    state.Output.Fatal("This IntegerVectorSpecies has a prototype of the kind: "
                                       + I_Prototype.GetType().FullName + ", but doesn't have a min-gene[" + x
                                       + "] value within the range of this prototype's genome's data types");

                if (!InNumericalTypeRange(MaxGenes[x]))
                    state.Output.Fatal("This IntegerVectorSpecies has a prototype of the kind: "
                                       + I_Prototype.GetType().FullName + ", but doesn't have a max-gene[" + x
                                       + "] value within the range of this prototype's genome's data types");

             * //Debugging
             * for(int i = 0; i < minGenes.length; i++)
             * System.out.PrintLn("Min: " + minGenes[i] + ", Max: " + maxGenes[i]);