public static async Task <string> GetRootFilePathAsync(IZipArchive epubArchive) { const string EPUB_CONTAINER_FILE_PATH = "META-INF/container.xml"; IZipArchiveEntry containerFileEntry = epubArchive.GetEntry(EPUB_CONTAINER_FILE_PATH); if (containerFileEntry == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "EPUB parsing error: {0} file not found in archive.", EPUB_CONTAINER_FILE_PATH)); } XDocument containerDocument; using (Stream containerStream = containerFileEntry.Open()) { containerDocument = await XmlUtils.LoadDocumentAsync(containerStream).ConfigureAwait(false); } XmlNamespaceManager xmlNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable()); xmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace("cns", "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container"); //XElement rootFileNode = containerDocument.XPathSelectElement("/cns:container/cns:rootfiles/cns:rootfile", xmlNamespaceManager); IXPather xPather = DependencyService.Get <IXPather>(); XElement rootFileNode = xPather.SelectElement(containerDocument, "/cns:container/cns:rootfiles/cns:rootfile", xmlNamespaceManager); XAttribute attribute = rootFileNode.Attribute("full-path"); string rootFilePath = attribute.Value; return(rootFilePath); }
private Stream OpenContentStream(IZipArchiveEntry contentFileEntry) { Stream contentStream = contentFileEntry.Open(); if (contentStream == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Incorrect EPUB file: content file \"{0}\" specified in manifest is not found.", FileName)); } return(contentStream); }
public async Task <byte[]> ReadContentAsBytesAsync() { IZipArchiveEntry contentFileEntry = GetContentFileEntry(); byte[] content = new byte[(int)contentFileEntry.Length]; using (Stream contentStream = OpenContentStream(contentFileEntry)) { using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(content)) { await contentStream.CopyToAsync(memoryStream).ConfigureAwait(false); } } return(content); }
private IZipArchiveEntry GetContentFileEntry() { string contentFilePath = ZipPathUtils.Combine(epubBookRef.Schema.ContentDirectoryPath, FileName); IZipArchiveEntry contentFileEntry = epubBookRef.EpubArchive.GetEntry(contentFilePath); if (contentFileEntry == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "EPUB parsing error: file {0} not found in archive.", contentFilePath)); } if (contentFileEntry.Length > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "EPUB parsing error: file {0} is bigger than 2 Gb.", contentFilePath)); } return(contentFileEntry); }
protected IDictionary <string, object> LoadMetaFromFile(IZipArchiveEntry entry) { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); var content = new StreamReader(entry.Open()).ReadToEnd(); var start = content.IndexOf("<dict>", StringComparison.Ordinal); var end = content.LastIndexOf("</dict>", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7; if (start < 0) { return(null); } xmlDoc.LoadXml(content.Substring(start, end - start)); XmlNodeList tagsDict; tagsDict = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dict"); return(LoadMetaDataFromNode(tagsDict[0])); }
public static void ExtractToFile(this IZipArchiveEntry source, string destinationFileName, bool overwrite) { source.Instance.ExtractToFile(destinationFileName, overwrite); }
public static async Task <EpubPackage> ReadPackageAsync(IZipArchive epubArchive, string rootFilePath) { IZipArchiveEntry rootFileEntry = epubArchive.GetEntry(rootFilePath); if (rootFileEntry == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: root file not found in archive."); } XDocument containerDocument; using (Stream containerStream = rootFileEntry.Open()) { containerDocument = await XmlUtils.LoadDocumentAsync(containerStream).ConfigureAwait(false); } XNamespace opfNamespace = ""; XElement packageNode = containerDocument.Element(opfNamespace + "package"); EpubPackage result = new EpubPackage(); string epubVersionValue = packageNode.Attribute("version").Value; if (epubVersionValue == "2.0") { result.EpubVersion = EpubVersion.EPUB_2; } else { if (epubVersionValue == "3.0") { result.EpubVersion = EpubVersion.EPUB_3; } else { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unsupported EPUB version: {0}.", epubVersionValue)); } } XElement metadataNode = packageNode.Element(opfNamespace + "metadata"); if (metadataNode == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: metadata not found in the package."); } EpubMetadata metadata = ReadMetadata(metadataNode, result.EpubVersion); result.Metadata = metadata; XElement manifestNode = packageNode.Element(opfNamespace + "manifest"); if (manifestNode == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: manifest not found in the package."); } EpubManifest manifest = ReadManifest(manifestNode); result.Manifest = manifest; XElement spineNode = packageNode.Element(opfNamespace + "spine"); if (spineNode == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: spine not found in the package."); } EpubSpine spine = ReadSpine(spineNode); result.Spine = spine; XElement guideNode = packageNode.Element(opfNamespace + "guide"); if (guideNode != null) { EpubGuide guide = ReadGuide(guideNode); result.Guide = guide; } return(result); }
protected IDictionary<string, object> LoadMetaFromFile(IZipArchiveEntry entry) { var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); var content = new StreamReader(entry.Open()).ReadToEnd(); var start = content.IndexOf("<dict>", StringComparison.Ordinal); var end = content.LastIndexOf("</dict>", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 7; if (start < 0) return null; xmlDoc.LoadXml(content.Substring(start, end - start)); XmlNodeList tagsDict; tagsDict = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("dict"); return LoadMetaDataFromNode(tagsDict[0]); }
public static async Task <EpubNavigation> ReadNavigationAsync(IZipArchive epubArchive, string contentDirectoryPath, EpubPackage package) { EpubNavigation result = new EpubNavigation(); string tocId = package.Spine.Toc; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tocId)) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: TOC ID is empty."); } EpubManifestItem tocManifestItem = package.Manifest.FirstOrDefault(item => String.Compare(item.Id, tocId, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0); if (tocManifestItem == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "EPUB parsing error: TOC item {0} not found in EPUB manifest.", tocId)); } string tocFileEntryPath = ZipPathUtils.Combine(contentDirectoryPath, tocManifestItem.Href); IZipArchiveEntry tocFileEntry = epubArchive.GetEntry(tocFileEntryPath); if (tocFileEntry == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "EPUB parsing error: TOC file {0} not found in archive.", tocFileEntryPath)); } if (tocFileEntry.Length > Int32.MaxValue) { throw new Exception(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "EPUB parsing error: TOC file {0} is bigger than 2 Gb.", tocFileEntryPath)); } XDocument containerDocument; using (Stream containerStream = tocFileEntry.Open()) { containerDocument = await XmlUtils.LoadDocumentAsync(containerStream).ConfigureAwait(false); } XNamespace ncxNamespace = ""; XElement ncxNode = containerDocument.Element(ncxNamespace + "ncx"); if (ncxNode == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: TOC file does not contain ncx element."); } XElement headNode = ncxNode.Element(ncxNamespace + "head"); if (headNode == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: TOC file does not contain head element."); } EpubNavigationHead navigationHead = ReadNavigationHead(headNode); result.Head = navigationHead; XElement docTitleNode = ncxNode.Element(ncxNamespace + "docTitle"); if (docTitleNode == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: TOC file does not contain docTitle element."); } EpubNavigationDocTitle navigationDocTitle = ReadNavigationDocTitle(docTitleNode); result.DocTitle = navigationDocTitle; result.DocAuthors = new List <EpubNavigationDocAuthor>(); foreach (XElement docAuthorNode in ncxNode.Elements(ncxNamespace + "docAuthor")) { EpubNavigationDocAuthor navigationDocAuthor = ReadNavigationDocAuthor(docAuthorNode); result.DocAuthors.Add(navigationDocAuthor); } XElement navMapNode = ncxNode.Element(ncxNamespace + "navMap"); if (navMapNode == null) { throw new Exception("EPUB parsing error: TOC file does not contain navMap element."); } EpubNavigationMap navMap = ReadNavigationMap(navMapNode); result.NavMap = navMap; XElement pageListNode = ncxNode.Element(ncxNamespace + "pageList"); if (pageListNode != null) { EpubNavigationPageList pageList = ReadNavigationPageList(pageListNode); result.PageList = pageList; } result.NavLists = new List <EpubNavigationList>(); foreach (XElement navigationListNode in ncxNode.Elements(ncxNamespace + "navList")) { EpubNavigationList navigationList = ReadNavigationList(navigationListNode); result.NavLists.Add(navigationList); } return(result); }