Example #1
        private void UpdateDBConnection(string msdFilepath, string sde)
            IWorkspaceFactory2 wf   = new SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass();
            IWorkspace         ws   = wf.OpenFromFile(sde, 0);
            IDataset           ds   = (IDataset)ws;
            IWorkspaceName2    wn   = (IWorkspaceName2)ds.FullName;
            string             conn = wn.ConnectionString;

            IMSDHelper helper = new MSDHelper();

            var maps = helper.GetMaps();

            for (var i = 0; i < maps.Count; i++)
                var layers = helper.GetLayers(maps.Element[i]);
                for (var j = 0; j < layers.Count; j++)
                    helper.PutWorkspaceConnectionStringInLayer(layers.Element[i], conn, false);
Example #2
        private void printSDEConnections(string sde)
                // We use IWorkspacename2 so that it returns a ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD required
                // for the connection string in an MSD.

                IWorkspaceFactory2 wf      = new SdeWorkspaceFactoryClass();
                IWorkspace         ws      = wf.OpenFromFile(txtSDE.Text, 0);
                IDataset           ds      = (IDataset)ws;
                IWorkspaceName2    wn      = (IWorkspaceName2)ds.FullName;
                List <string>      dbconns = wn.ConnectionString.Split(';').ToList <string>();
                foreach (string param in dbconns)
                    this.richTextBox2.Text += param + "\n";
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #3
        } // ConnectToGDB

        private static void UpdateDatalayerInfo(ITable table, Boolean verbose)
            String       server       = "";
            String       dbclient     = "";
            String       instanceOrig = "";
            String       instanceNew  = "";
            IDataLayer   dataLayer    = null;
            IRasterLayer rasterLayer  = null;

            if (table is IRasterLayer)
                rasterLayer = (IRasterLayer)table;
                dataLayer   = (IDataLayer)rasterLayer;
                dataLayer = (IDataLayer)table;

            IName           n   = dataLayer.DataSourceName;
            IDatasetName    dsn = (IDatasetName)n;
            IWorkspaceName2 wsn = (IWorkspaceName2)dsn.WorkspaceName;

            IWorkspaceFactory2 wsFact    = (IWorkspaceFactory2)wsn.WorkspaceFactory;
            IWorkspace2        workspace = (IWorkspace2)wsFact.OpenFromString(wsn.ConnectionString.ToString(), 0);

            // Access connection properties, update, and re-apply
            IPropertySet propertySet = wsn.ConnectionProperties;

            // Confirm original
            server       = propertySet.GetProperty("SERVER").ToString();
            instanceOrig = propertySet.GetProperty("INSTANCE").ToString();

            if (verbose)
                Console.WriteLine("Original: {0}, {1}", server, instanceOrig);

            // Only need to set if currently app server, check if "instance" string has a colon in it
            // Is there a way to check this based on the list by source so that we don't have to check every layer?
            if (instanceOrig.Contains(":") == false)
                // Determine what kind of DBMS we are working with (Oracle, SqlServer, etc.)
                IDatabaseConnectionInfo3 dbmsConnInfo = (IDatabaseConnectionInfo3)workspace;

                // Set the DBCLIENT to the appropriate dbms
                switch (dbmsConnInfo.ConnectionDBMS)
                case esriConnectionDBMS.esriDBMS_Oracle:
                    dbclient    = "Oracle";
                    instanceNew = String.Format("{0}/{1}", dbmsConnInfo.ConnectionServer, dbmsConnInfo.ConnectedDatabaseEx);

                case esriConnectionDBMS.esriDBMS_SQLServer:
                    dbclient    = "SQLServer";
                    instanceNew = dbmsConnInfo.ConnectionServer;

                case esriConnectionDBMS.esriDBMS_PostgreSQL:
                    dbclient    = "PostgreSQL";
                    instanceNew = dbmsConnInfo.ConnectionServer;

                    dbclient = "";

                // Set to new target
                propertySet.SetProperty("DBCLIENT", dbclient);
                propertySet.SetProperty("DB_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES", instanceNew);

                // INSTANCE needs to be cleared out for Raster layers
                if (table is IRasterLayer)
                    propertySet.SetProperty("INSTANCE", "");//propertySet.SetProperty("INSTANCE", String.Format("sde:{0}",dbclient.ToLower()));
                wsn.ConnectionProperties = propertySet;

                // Confirm target was set
                propertySet = null;
                propertySet = wsn.ConnectionProperties;

                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("NEW: {0}, {1}", propertySet.GetProperty("DBCLIENT"), propertySet.GetProperty("DB_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES"));
            } // End if
        }     // UpdateDatalayerInfo