public void Can_Update_User_By_Updating_The_UserName_Property_Expecting_Success()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            var          username        = "******";
            const string email           = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs            = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd             = "password";
            const string updatedUserName = "******";

            _uow = new SimpleMembershipUnitOfWorkAsync(_dataContextAsync, _loggingService);
            _simpleMembershipService = new WebSecurity(_uow, _loggingService);

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var userProfileOriginal = _simpleMembershipService.GetUserByUserName(username);
            var originalOne         = userProfileOriginal.RowVersion;

                             "Could *not* find the user account by user name: [ " + username + " ], before the update. ");

            userProfileOriginal.UserName = updatedUserName;
            var isUpdated = _simpleMembershipService.UpdateUser(userProfileOriginal);

            Assert.IsNotNull(isUpdated, "The user: [ " + userProfileOriginal.UserName + " ] was *not* updated. ");

            var userProfileAfterTheUpdate = _simpleMembershipService.GetUserByUserName(updatedUserName);

            // We expect to find that this users enitity was indeed updated...
                             "Could *not* find the user account by user name: [ " + updatedUserName + " ] after the update. ");
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedUserName, userProfileAfterTheUpdate.UserName,
                            "User Names after update do *not* match. Expected: [ " + updatedUserName + "], but instead found: [ " +
                            userProfileAfterTheUpdate.UserName.Trim() + " ]. ");
        public void Can_Get_User_By_UserName_Expecting_UserName()
            var variableToken = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            const string username = "******";
            const string email    = "*****@*****.**";
            const string woFs     = "myTwoFactorSecret";
            const string pwd      = "password";

            if (!_simpleMembershipService.FoundUser(username))
                var token = _simpleMembershipService.CreateUserAndAccount(username, pwd, email, true);
                Assert.IsNotNull(token, "Token for selected username: [ " + username + " ] was *null*. ");

            var actualUser = _simpleMembershipService.GetUserByUserName(username);

            // Expecting to find the user entity that has the requested user name...
            Assert.AreEqual(username, actualUser.UserName,
                            "User names do not match. Expected: [ " + username + " ], but instead found: [ " +
                            actualUser.UserName.Trim() +
                            " ]. ");