Example #1
        public ActionResult Styles(string Group1, string Group2)
            if (Group1 == null)
            WordDocument document = null;

            #region Built-in Style
            if (Group1 == "Built-in")
                document = new WordDocument();
                WSection   section = document.AddSection() as WSection;
                WParagraph para    = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;

                section.AddColumn(100, 100);
                section.AddColumn(100, 100);

                #region List Style
                //para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("This para is written with style List").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                //List5 style
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style List5").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                #region ListNumber Style
                //List Number style
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style ListNumber").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                //List Number5 style
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style ListNumber5").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                #region TOA Heading Style
                //TOA Heading
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.ParagraphFormat.AfterSpacing = 10;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style TOA Heading").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");
                section.BreakCode = SectionBreakCode.NewColumn;

                #region ListBullet Style
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style ListBullet").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style ListBullet5").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                #region List Continue Style
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style ListContinue").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style ListContinue5").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                #region HTMLSample Style
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("\nThis para is written with style HtmlSample").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");

                section           = document.AddSection() as WSection;
                section.BreakCode = SectionBreakCode.NoBreak;

                #region Document Map Style
                //Docuemnt Map
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("This para is written with style DocumentMap\n").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n").CharacterFormat.TextColor   = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.White;
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n").CharacterFormat.TextColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.White;
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer").CharacterFormat.TextColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.White;

                #region Heading Styles
                //Heading Styles
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Hello World. This para is written with style " + para.StyleName.ToString());

                #region MessageHeaderStyle
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("This para is written with style MessageHeader\n").CharacterFormat.UnderlineStyle = UnderlineStyle.Double;
                para = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Google Chrome\n");
                para.AppendText("Mozilla Firefox\n");
                para.AppendText("Internet Explorer");
            #endregion Built-in Style

            #region Custom Style
                document = new WordDocument();
                IWParagraphStyle style = null;
                // Adding a new section to the document.
                WSection section = document.AddSection() as WSection;
                //Set Margin of the section
                section.PageSetup.Margins.All = 72;
                IWParagraph par   = document.LastSection.AddParagraph();
                WTextRange  range = par.AppendText("Using CustomStyles") as WTextRange;
                range.CharacterFormat.TextBackgroundColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
                range.CharacterFormat.TextColor           = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.White;
                range.CharacterFormat.FontSize            = 18f;
                document.LastParagraph.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.HorizontalAlignment.Center;  // Create Paragraph styles
                style = document.AddParagraphStyle("MyStyle_Normal");
                style.CharacterFormat.FontName            = "Bitstream Vera Serif";
                style.CharacterFormat.FontSize            = 10f;
                style.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.HorizontalAlignment.Justify;
                style.CharacterFormat.TextColor           = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 21, 84);

                style = document.AddParagraphStyle("MyStyle_Low");
                style.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Times New Roman";
                style.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 16f;
                style.CharacterFormat.Bold     = true;

                style = document.AddParagraphStyle("MyStyle_Medium");
                style.CharacterFormat.FontName  = "Monotype Corsiva";
                style.CharacterFormat.FontSize  = 18f;
                style.CharacterFormat.Bold      = true;
                style.CharacterFormat.TextColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(51, 66, 125);

                style = document.AddParagraphStyle("Mystyle_High");
                style.CharacterFormat.FontName  = "Bitstream Vera Serif";
                style.CharacterFormat.FontSize  = 20f;
                style.CharacterFormat.Bold      = true;
                style.CharacterFormat.TextColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(242, 151, 50);

                IWParagraph paragraph = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < document.Styles.Count; i++)
                    //Skip to apply the document default styles and also paragraph style.
                    if (document.Styles[i].Name == "Normal" || document.Styles[i].Name == "Default Paragraph Font" ||
                        document.Styles[i].StyleType != StyleType.ParagraphStyle)
                    // Getting styles from Document.
                    style = (IWParagraphStyle)document.Styles[i];
                    // Adding a new paragraph
                    paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
                    // Applying styles to the current paragraph.
                    // Writing Text with the current style and formatting.
                    paragraph.AppendText("Northwind Database with [" + style.Name + "] Style");
                    // Adding a new paragraph
                    paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
                    // Applying another style to the current paragraph.
                    // Writing text with current style.
                    paragraph.AppendText("The Northwind sample database (Northwind.mdb) is included with all versions of Access. It provides data you can experiment with and database objects that demonstrate features you might want to implement in your own databases. Using Northwind, you can become familiar with how a relational database is structured and how the database objects work together to help you enter, store, manipulate, and print your data.");
            #endregion Custom Style

            FormatType type        = FormatType.Docx;
            string     filename    = "Sample.docx";
            string     contenttype = "application/vnd.ms-word.document.12";
            #region Document SaveOption
            //Save as .doc format
            if (Group2 == "WordDoc")
                type        = FormatType.Doc;
                filename    = "Sample.doc";
                contenttype = "application/msword";
            //Save as .xml format
            else if (Group2 == "WordML")
                type        = FormatType.WordML;
                filename    = "Sample.xml";
                contenttype = "application/msword";
            #endregion Document SaveOption
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            document.Save(ms, type);
            ms.Position = 0;
            return(File(ms, contenttype, filename));
        void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WordDocument     document = new WordDocument();
            IWParagraphStyle style    = null;
            // Adding a new section to the document.
            WSection section = document.AddSection() as WSection;

            //Set Margin of the section
            section.PageSetup.Margins.All = 72;
            IWParagraph par   = document.LastSection.AddParagraph();
            WTextRange  range = par.AppendText("Using CustomStyles") as WTextRange;

            range.CharacterFormat.TextBackgroundColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.Red;
            range.CharacterFormat.TextColor           = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.White;
            range.CharacterFormat.FontSize            = 18f;
            document.LastParagraph.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            // Create Paragraph styles
            style = document.AddParagraphStyle("MyStyle_Normal");
            style.CharacterFormat.FontName            = "Bitstream Vera Serif";
            style.CharacterFormat.FontSize            = 10f;
            style.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = Syncfusion.DocIO.DLS.HorizontalAlignment.Justify;
            style.CharacterFormat.TextColor           = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 21, 84);

            style = document.AddParagraphStyle("MyStyle_Low");
            style.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Times New Roman";
            style.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 16f;
            style.CharacterFormat.Bold     = true;

            style = document.AddParagraphStyle("MyStyle_Medium");
            style.CharacterFormat.FontName  = "Monotype Corsiva";
            style.CharacterFormat.FontSize  = 18f;
            style.CharacterFormat.Bold      = true;
            style.CharacterFormat.TextColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(51, 66, 125);

            style = document.AddParagraphStyle("Mystyle_High");
            style.CharacterFormat.FontName  = "Bitstream Vera Serif";
            style.CharacterFormat.FontSize  = 20f;
            style.CharacterFormat.Bold      = true;
            style.CharacterFormat.TextColor = Syncfusion.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(242, 151, 50);

            IWParagraph paragraph = null;

            for (int i = 1; i < document.Styles.Count; i++)
                //Skip to apply the document default styles and also paragraph style.
                if (document.Styles[i].Name == "Normal" || document.Styles[i].Name == "Default Paragraph Font" || document.Styles[i].StyleType != StyleType.ParagraphStyle)
                // Getting styles from Document.
                style = (IWParagraphStyle)document.Styles[i];
                // Adding a new paragraph
                paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
                // Applying styles to the current paragraph.
                // Writing Text with the current style and formatting.
                paragraph.AppendText("Northwind Database with [" + style.Name + "] Style");
                // Adding a new paragraph
                paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
                // Applying another style to the current paragraph.
                // Writing text with current style.
                paragraph.AppendText("The Northwind sample database (Northwind.mdb) is included with all versions of Access. It provides data you can experiment with and database objects that demonstrate features you might want to implement in your own databases. Using Northwind, you can become familiar with how a relational database is structured and how the database objects work together to help you enter, store, manipulate, and print your data.");
            #region Saving Document
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
            document.Save(stream, FormatType.Word2013);
            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.WinPhone || Device.OS == TargetPlatform.Windows)
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get <ISaveWindowsPhone>().Save("WordDocument_CustomStyles.docx", "application/msword", stream);
                Xamarin.Forms.DependencyService.Get <ISave>().Save("WordDocument_CustomStyles.docx", "application/msword", stream);
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (WordDocument document = new WordDocument())
                document.LastSection.PageSetup.Margins.All = 72;
                WParagraph para = document.LastParagraph;
                para.AppendText("Essential DocIO - Table of Contents");
                para.ParagraphFormat.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                para = document.LastSection.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                para = document.LastSection.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                //Insert TOC field in the Word document.
                TableOfContent toc = para.AppendTOC(1, 3);
                //Sets the heading levels 1 to 3, to include in TOC.
                toc.LowerHeadingLevel = 1;
                toc.UpperHeadingLevel = 3;
                //Adds content to the Word document with built-in heading styles.
                WSection   section = document.LastSection;
                WParagraph newPara = section.AddParagraph() as WParagraph;
                AddHeading(section, BuiltinStyle.Heading1, "Document with built-in heading styles", "This is the built-in heading 1 style. This sample demonstrates the TOC insertion in a word document. Note that DocIO can insert TOC field in a word document. It can refresh or update TOC field by using UpdateTableOfContents method. MS Word refreshes the TOC field after insertion. Please update the field or press F9 key to refresh the TOC.");
                AddHeading(section, BuiltinStyle.Heading2, "Section 1", "This is the built-in heading 2 style. A document can contain any number of sections. Sections are used to apply same formatting for a group of paragraphs. You can insert sections by inserting section breaks.");
                AddHeading(section, BuiltinStyle.Heading3, "Paragraph 1", "This is the built-in heading 3 style. Each section contains any number of paragraphs. A paragraph is a set of statements that gives a meaning for the text.");
                AddHeading(section, BuiltinStyle.Heading3, "Paragraph 2", "This is the built-in heading 3 style. This demonstrates the paragraphs at the same level and style as that of the previous one. A paragraph can have any number formatting. This can be attained by formatting each text range in the paragraph.");
                //Adds a new section to the Word document.
                section = document.AddSection() as WSection;
                section.PageSetup.Margins.All = 72;
                section.BreakCode             = SectionBreakCode.NewPage;
                AddHeading(section, BuiltinStyle.Heading2, "Section 2", "This is the built-in heading 2 style. A document can contain any number of sections. Sections are used to apply same formatting for a group of paragraphs. You can insert sections by inserting section breaks.");
                AddHeading(section, BuiltinStyle.Heading3, "Paragraph 1", "This is the built-in heading 3 style. Each section contains any number of paragraphs. A paragraph is a set of statements that gives a meaning for the text.");
                AddHeading(section, BuiltinStyle.Heading3, "Paragraph 2", "This is the built-in heading 3 style. This demonstrates the paragraphs at the same level and style as that of the previous one. A paragraph can have any number formatting. This can be attained by formatting each text range in the paragraph.");

                //Access the TOC 1 style and update its formatting.
                IWParagraphStyle toc1style = document.AddParagraphStyle("TOC 1");
                toc1style.CharacterFormat.FontName     = "Calibri";
                toc1style.CharacterFormat.FontSize     = 14;
                toc1style.CharacterFormat.Bold         = true;
                toc1style.CharacterFormat.Italic       = true;
                toc1style.ParagraphFormat.AfterSpacing = 8;

                //Access the TOC 2 style and update its formatting.
                IWParagraphStyle toc2style = document.AddParagraphStyle("TOC 2");
                toc2style.CharacterFormat.FontName     = "Calibri";
                toc2style.CharacterFormat.FontSize     = 12;
                toc2style.ParagraphFormat.AfterSpacing = 5;
                toc2style.CharacterFormat.Bold         = true;
                toc2style.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent   = 11;

                //Access the TOC 3 style and update its formatting.
                IWParagraphStyle toc3style = document.AddParagraphStyle("TOC 3");;
                toc3style.CharacterFormat.FontName     = "Calibri";
                toc3style.CharacterFormat.FontSize     = 12;
                toc3style.ParagraphFormat.AfterSpacing = 3;
                toc3style.CharacterFormat.Italic       = true;
                toc3style.ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent   = 22;

                //Updates the table of contents.
                //Saves the file in the given path
                Stream docStream = File.Create(Path.GetFullPath(@"../../../TocEntryStyle.docx"));
                document.Save(docStream, FormatType.Docx);