Example #1
        // Handles a change in the view selection.
        protected override void HandleSelectionChange(IVwSelection vwselNew)
            // Figure what property is selected and display combo only if relevant.
            SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ITsString tss;
            int  ich, tag, enc;
            bool fAssocPrev;

            vwselNew.TextSelInfo(true, out tss, out ich, out fAssocPrev, out hvoObjSelected, out tag, out enc);
            string str = tss.get_Text();

            if (tag == ktagWord_Type)
                // Display combo at selection
                SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.Rect loc;
                vwselNew.GetParaLocation(out loc);
                typeComboBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(loc.left, loc.top);
                // 60 is an arbitrary minimum size to make the current contents visible.
                // Enhance JohnT: figure the width needed by the widest string, add width of arrow, use that
                // as minimum
                typeComboBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(Math.Max(loc.right - loc.left, 60), loc.bottom - loc.top);
                typeComboBox.Text = str;
                // This also makes it visible.
                // Hide combo if visible.
                // Enhance JohnT: possibly also remove on loss of focus?
                if (this.Controls.Contains(typeComboBox))
            // Todo JohnT: make something interesting happen when a selection is made.
Example #2
		// Handles a change in the view selection.
		protected override void HandleSelectionChange(IVwSelection vwselNew)
			// Figure what property is selected and display combo only if relevant.
			SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.ITsString tss;
			int ich, tag, enc;
			bool fAssocPrev;
			vwselNew.TextSelInfo(true, out tss, out ich, out fAssocPrev, out hvoObjSelected, out tag, out enc);
			string str = tss.get_Text();
			if (tag == ktagWord_Type)
				// Display combo at selection
				SIL.FieldWorks.Common.COMInterfaces.Rect loc;
				vwselNew.GetParaLocation(out loc);
				typeComboBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(loc.left, loc.top);
				// 60 is an arbitrary minimum size to make the current contents visible.
				// Enhance JohnT: figure the width needed by the widest string, add width of arrow, use that
				// as minimum
				typeComboBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(Math.Max(loc.right - loc.left, 60), loc.bottom - loc.top);
				typeComboBox.Text = str;
				// This also makes it visible.
				// Hide combo if visible.
				// Enhance JohnT: possibly also remove on loss of focus?
				if (this.Controls.Contains(typeComboBox))
			// Todo JohnT: make something interesting happen when a selection is made.
Example #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Given an icon selection, find the nearest associated text.
		/// In left to right, that's the first text to right of the picture.
		/// In right to left, it's the first text to the left of the picture;
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selOrig"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private IVwSelection SelectFirstAssociatedText(IVwSelection selOrig)
			TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(selOrig);
			if (!tsi.IsPicture)
				return tsi.Selection;
			IVwSelection selStartOfText = null;
			int dxPixelIncrement = 1;
			SIL.Utils.Rect rect;
			selOrig.GetParaLocation(out rect);
			int widthIconPara = (rect.right - rect.left);
			int xMaxCountOfPixels = (widthIconPara) * 2;
			if (m_vc.RightToLeft)
				// Right to Left:
				// start at the left of the icon and move left to find the text.
				// let the limit be 2x the width of the icon.
				selStartOfText = FindNearestSelectionType(selOrig, VwSelType.kstText, (uint)(rect.left - dxPixelIncrement), (uint)xMaxCountOfPixels, -dxPixelIncrement);
				// Left to Right
				// start at right of icon and move right to find text.
				selStartOfText = FindNearestSelectionType(selOrig, VwSelType.kstText, (uint)(rect.right + dxPixelIncrement), (uint)xMaxCountOfPixels, dxPixelIncrement);
			if (selStartOfText != null)
				// install at beginning of text selection
			return selStartOfText;
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// find a selection of the given selType in the RootBox starting at xMin coordinate and spanning xMaxCountOfPixels along the mid y-coordinate
		/// of the given selOrig, by the direction and increment of dxPixelIncrement.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selOrig">the selection from which we calculate the y-coordinate along which to scan.</param>
		/// <param name="selType">the type of selection we're looking for.</param>
		/// <param name="xMin">the starting x coordinate from which to scan.</param>
		/// <param name="xMaxCountOfPixels">the number of x units to scan from xMin.</param>
		/// <param name="dx">number and direction of pixels to probe for selType. a positive value
		/// will scan right, and a negative value will scan left. must be nonzero.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private IVwSelection FindNearestSelectionType(IVwSelection selOrig, VwSelType selType, uint xMin, uint xMaxCountOfPixels, int dxPixelIncrement)
			IVwSelection sel = null;
			if (dxPixelIncrement == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("dxPixelIncrement({0}) must be nonzero", dxPixelIncrement));

			SIL.Utils.Rect rect;
			selOrig.GetParaLocation(out rect);
			int y = rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2;
			Point pt = new Point((int)xMin, y);
			uint xLim = 0;
			if (dxPixelIncrement > 0)
				// set our bounds for searching forward.
				xLim = xMin + xMaxCountOfPixels;
				// truncate if necessary.
				if (xLim > RootBox.Width)
					xLim = (uint)RootBox.Width;
				// set our bounds for searching backward.
				// truncate if necessary.
				if (xMin > xMaxCountOfPixels)
					xLim = xMin - xMaxCountOfPixels;
					xLim = 0;
			while (dxPixelIncrement < 0 && pt.X > xLim ||
				dxPixelIncrement > 0 && pt.X < xLim)
				using (new HoldGraphics(this))
					Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
					Rectangle rcDstRoot;
					GetCoordRects(out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);
					sel = m_rootb.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, false);
					if (sel != null && sel.SelType == selType)
						sel = null;
				pt.X += dxPixelIncrement;
			return sel;
Example #5
		/// <summary>
		/// given a (text) selection, scan the beginning of its paragraph box and then immediately before its
		/// paragraph box in search of the icon.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selOrig"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private IVwSelection ScanForIcon(IVwSelection selOrig)
			IVwSelection selArrow;
			int dxPixelIncrement = 3;
			uint iconParagraphWidth = 10;
			SIL.Utils.Rect rect;
			selOrig.GetParaLocation(out rect);
			if (m_vc.RightToLeft)
				// Right to Left:
				selArrow = FindNearestSelectionType(selOrig, VwSelType.kstPicture,
					(uint)rect.right - iconParagraphWidth, iconParagraphWidth * 2, dxPixelIncrement);
				if (selArrow == null)
					// we didn't find it next to our paragraph box. see if we can
					// find it at the beginning of the RootBox.
					selArrow = FindNearestSelectionType(selOrig, VwSelType.kstPicture,
						(uint)RootBox.Width - iconParagraphWidth, iconParagraphWidth, dxPixelIncrement);
				// Left to Right
				selArrow = FindNearestSelectionType(selOrig, VwSelType.kstPicture,
					(uint)rect.left + iconParagraphWidth, iconParagraphWidth * 2, -dxPixelIncrement);
				if (selArrow == null)
					// we didn't find it next to our paragraph box. see if we can
					// find it at the beginning of the RootBox.
					selArrow = FindNearestSelectionType(selOrig, VwSelType.kstPicture,
						0, iconParagraphWidth, dxPixelIncrement);
			return selArrow;
Example #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Make a combo box appropriate for the specified selection. If fMouseDown is true,
		/// do so unconditionally...otherwise (mousemove) only if the new selection is on a different thing.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="vwselNew"></param>
		/// <param name="fForce"></param>
		private void ShowComboForSelection(IVwSelection vwselNew, bool fMouseDown)
			// It's a good idea to get this first...it's possible for MakeCombo to leave the selection invalid.
			SIL.Utils.Rect loc;
			vwselNew.GetParaLocation(out loc);
			if (!fMouseDown)
				// It's a mouse move.
				// If we've moved to somewhere outside any paragraph get rid of the combos.
				// But, allow somewhere close, since otherwise it's almost impossible to get
				// a combo on an empty string.
				SIL.Utils.Rect locExpanded = loc;
				locExpanded.right += 50;
				locExpanded.left -= 5;
				locExpanded.top -= 2;
				locExpanded.bottom += 2;
				if (!locExpanded.Contains(m_LastMouseMovePos))
				// Don't do anything if the current mouse position is in the same paragraph
				// as before. Things tend to flicker if we continually create and remove it.
				// But, if we've hidden all the combos, go ahead even if at the same position as before...
				// otherwise, when we drag off outside the text and return, we may not get any combo.
				if (loc.Equals(m_locLastShowCombo) && FirstLineHandler != null)
			FinishUpOk(); // Just like OK, if there are pending edits in the combo, do them.
			// Changing a different item may result in changes to this one also. This could invalidate
			// the selection, in which case, we can't use it.
			// Enhance JohnT: might consider trying the current selection, if any, if called from
			// MouseDown...that would not be useful if called from hover. But there probably isn't
			// a current selection in that case. Could try a selection at the saved mouse position.
			if (!vwselNew.IsValid)

			m_locLastShowCombo = loc;

			m_fMakingCombo = true;
			// No matter what, we are fixin to get rid of the old value.
			if (!m_fInMouseDrag)
				m_ComboHandler = InterlinComboHandler.MakeCombo(m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider,
					vwselNew, this, fMouseDown);
				m_ComboHandler = null;
			m_fMakingCombo = false;
			m_fLockCombo = false; // nothing typed in it yet.
			if (m_ComboHandler != null)
				// Set the position of the combo and display it. Do this before synchronizing
				// the LexEntry display, which can take a while.
				m_fMouseDownActivatedCombo = true;
				// If the selection moved to a different morpheme, and we know a corresponding
				// LexEntry, switch to it.
				if (m_ComboHandler.SelectedMorphHvo != 0)
					int hvoSbEntry = m_caches.DataAccess.get_ObjectProp(
						m_ComboHandler.SelectedMorphHvo, ktagSbMorphEntry);
					if (hvoSbEntry != 0)
						//SetSelectedEntry(m_caches.RealHvo(hvoSbEntry)); // seems to be buggy.
Example #7
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// We override this method to make a selection in all of the views that are in a
		/// snynced group. This fixes problems where the user changes the selection in one of
		/// the slaves, but the master is not updated. Thus the view is not scrolled as the
		/// groups scroll position only scrolls the master's selection into view. (TE-3380)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="prootb"></param>
		/// <param name="vwselNew"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public override void SelectionChanged(IVwRootBox prootb, IVwSelection vwselNew)

			Debug.Assert( vwselNew != null );

			if (s_fInSelectionChanged)

			// We need to check if this is our first time in the function because our
			//	call to helper.SetSelection below will end up calling this function..
			//	this results in a ugly infinite loop.  A more elegant solution would be
			//	nice...but not practical with the views architecture.
			if (m_group != null && !vwselNew.IsRange)
				s_fInSelectionChanged = true;

				// We are after the y position of the top of the paragraph
				Rectangle rcSrcRoot;
				Rectangle rcDstRoot;
				GetCoordRects( out rcSrcRoot, out rcDstRoot);

				Rect paraRect;
				vwselNew.GetParaLocation( out paraRect );

				foreach(RootSite site in m_group.Slaves )
					if (site != this)
						// Recursive call to SelectionChanged happens here =(
						//	Add 2 pixels so we aren't on the end of the rectangle
						//		(improves accuracy)
						site.RootBox.MakeSelAt(0, paraRect.top + 2, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, true);

				// Reset at this point.
				s_fInSelectionChanged = false;

			base.SelectionChanged(prootb, vwselNew);