Example #1
        public void MultiStringAlt()
            ITsString tsStringNew = m_ISilDataAccess.get_MultiStringAlt(1117, 2227, 7);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, tsStringNew.Length);

            ITsPropsBldr propsBldr = TsStringUtils.MakePropsBldr();
            ITsStrBldr   strBldr   = TsStringUtils.MakeStrBldr();

            propsBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, "Verse");
            strBldr.Replace(0, 0, "Test", propsBldr.GetTextProps());
            ITsString tsString = strBldr.GetString();

            m_IVwCacheDa.CacheStringAlt(1117, 2227, 7, tsString);
            tsStringNew = m_ISilDataAccess.get_MultiStringAlt(1117, 2227, 7);
            Assert.AreEqual(tsString, tsStringNew);

            strBldr.Replace(0, 0, "SecondTest", propsBldr.GetTextProps());
            tsString = strBldr.GetString();
            m_IVwCacheDa.CacheStringAlt(1117, 2227, 7, tsString);
            tsStringNew = m_ISilDataAccess.get_MultiStringAlt(1117, 2227, 7);
            Assert.AreEqual(tsString, tsStringNew);

            tsStringNew = m_ISilDataAccess.get_MultiStringAlt(1117, 2227, 8);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, tsStringNew.Length);
Example #2
        public override void Load(int hvo, int tag, int ws, IVwCacheDa cda)
            // Value is always an empty string in the specified writing system.
            ITsStrFactory tsf      = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
            ITsString     tssEmpty = tsf.MakeString("", m_ws);

            if (ws == 0)
                cda.CacheStringProp(hvo, tag, tssEmpty);
                cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws, tssEmpty);
Example #3
        public void MultiStringVirtualHandler()

            MultiStringVirtualHandler msvh = new MultiStringVirtualHandler("LexDb", "NewString");

            Assert.AreEqual((int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptMultiString, msvh.Type);

            int hvoLexDb = 0;

            if (m_fdoCache.LangProject != null &&
                m_fdoCache.LangProject.LexDbOA != null)
                hvoLexDb = m_fdoCache.LangProject.LexDbOA.Hvo;
            if (hvoLexDb == 0)
                // Rather than try to create a real LexDb, simulate one.
                hvoLexDb = khvoTest;
            ISilDataAccess sda    = m_fdoCache.MainCacheAccessor;
            IVwCacheDa     cda    = sda as IVwCacheDa;
            int            wsVern = m_fdoCache.LangProject.DefaultVernacularWritingSystem;

            msvh.Load(hvoLexDb, msvh.Tag, wsVern, cda);
            ITsStrFactory tsf  = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
            ITsString     tss  = tsf.MakeString("", wsVern);
            ITsString     tss1 = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoLexDb, msvh.Tag, wsVern);

            tss = tsf.MakeString("This is a test", wsVern);
            msvh.WriteObj(hvoLexDb, msvh.Tag, wsVern, tss, sda);
            cda.CacheStringAlt(hvoLexDb, msvh.Tag, wsVern, tss);
            tss1 = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoLexDb, msvh.Tag, wsVern);
Example #4
		public override void Load(int hvo, int tag, int ws, IVwCacheDa cda)
			// Value is always an empty string in the specified writing system.
			ITsStrFactory tsf = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
			ITsString tssEmpty = tsf.MakeString("", m_ws);
			if (ws == 0)
				cda.CacheStringProp(hvo, tag, tssEmpty);
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws, tssEmpty);
Example #5
		private void LoadSecDataForEntry(ILexEntry entryReal, ILexSense senseReal, int hvoSbWord, IVwCacheDa cda, int wsVern,
			int hvoMbSec, int fGuessing, ISilDataAccess sdaMain, ITsStrFactory tsf)
			int hvoEntry = m_caches.FindOrCreateSec(entryReal.Hvo, kclsidSbNamedObj,
				hvoSbWord, ktagSbWordDummy);
			// try to determine if the given entry is a variant of the sense we passed in (ie. not an owner)
			ILexEntryRef ler = null;
			int hvoEntryToDisplay = entryReal.Hvo;
			if (senseReal != null)
				if ((entryReal as ILexEntry).IsVariantOfSenseOrOwnerEntry(senseReal, out ler))
					hvoEntryToDisplay = senseReal.EntryID;

			ITsString tssLexEntry = LexEntryVc.GetLexEntryTss(Cache, hvoEntryToDisplay, wsVern, ler);
			cda.CacheStringAlt(hvoEntry, ktagSbNamedObjName, wsVern, tssLexEntry);
			cda.CacheObjProp(hvoMbSec, ktagSbMorphEntry, hvoEntry);
			cda.CacheIntProp(hvoEntry, ktagSbNamedObjGuess, fGuessing);
			List<int> writingSystems = m_choices.OtherWritingSystemsForFlid(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexEntries, 0);
			if (writingSystems.Count > 0)
				// Sigh. We're trying for some reason to display other alternatives of the entry.
				int hvoLf = sdaMain.get_ObjectProp(hvoEntryToDisplay, LexEntryTags.kflidLexemeForm);
				if (hvoLf != 0)
					CopyStringsToSecondary(writingSystems, sdaMain, hvoLf,
						MoFormTags.kflidForm, cda, hvoEntry, ktagSbNamedObjName, tsf);
					CopyStringsToSecondary(writingSystems, sdaMain, hvoEntryToDisplay,
						LexEntryTags.kflidCitationForm, cda, hvoEntry, ktagSbNamedObjName, tsf);
Example #6
		private static void CacheStringAltForAllCurrentWs(IEnumerable<int> currentWsList, IVwCacheDa cda, int hvoSec, int flidSec,
			Func<int, ITsString> createStringAlt)
			foreach (int ws1 in currentWsList)
				ITsString tssMain = null;
				if (createStringAlt != null)
					tssMain = createStringAlt(ws1);
				if (tssMain == null)
					tssMain = TsStringUtils.MakeTss("", ws1);
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvoSec, flidSec, ws1, tssMain);
Example #7
		private void CopyStringsToSecondary(IList<int> writingSystems, ISilDataAccess sdaMain, int hvoMain,
			int flidMain, IVwCacheDa cda, int hvoSec, int flidSec, ITsStrFactory tsf)
			foreach (int ws in writingSystems)
				int wsActual = 0;
				ITsString tss;
				if (ws > 0)
					wsActual = ws;
				else if (ws == WritingSystemServices.kwsFirstAnal)
					IList<int> currentAnalysisWsList = m_caches.MainCache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems.CurrentAnalysisWritingSystems.Select(wsObj => wsObj.Handle).ToArray();
					CacheStringAltForAllCurrentWs(currentAnalysisWsList, cda, hvoSec, flidSec, sdaMain, hvoMain, flidMain);
				else if (ws == WritingSystemServices.kwsFirstVern)
					IList<int> currentVernWsList = m_caches.MainCache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems.CurrentVernacularWritingSystems.Select(wsObj => wsObj.Handle).ToArray();
					CacheStringAltForAllCurrentWs(currentVernWsList, cda, hvoSec, flidSec, sdaMain, hvoMain, flidMain);
				else if (ws == WritingSystemServices.kwsVernInParagraph)
					wsActual = RawWordformWs;
				if (wsActual <= 0)
					throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("magic ws {0} not yet supported.", ws));

				if (hvoMain == 0)
					tss = MakeTss("", wsActual, tsf);
					tss = sdaMain.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoMain, flidMain, wsActual);
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvoSec, flidSec, wsActual, tss);
Example #8
        void AddMultiStringProp(int hvo, XmlNode elt)
            int ws = GetWritingSystem(elt);

            m_cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, GetProp(hvo, elt), ws, MakeString(ws, elt));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data into the VwCacheDa.
        /// </summary>
        public void LoadData(string filename)
            ITsStrFactory tsf = (ITsStrFactory) new FwKernelLib.TsStrFactoryClass();
            IVwCacheDa    cda = (IVwCacheDa)m_sda;

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


            XmlNode book       = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("book");
            int     wsAnalysis = m_wsf.get_Engine("en").get_WritingSystem();     // In real life try to get a meaningful one.
            int     wsVern     = m_wsf.get_Engine("de").get_WritingSystem();     // Vernacular ws.

            m_vc.SourceWs = wsAnalysis;
            m_vc.DestWs   = wsVern;
            MakeStringProp(khvoBook, book, "name", ViewSampleVc.ktagBookName, wsAnalysis, tsf, cda);

            ITsPropsBldr tpb = (ITsPropsBldr) new FwKernelLib.TsPropsBldrClass();

                                 (int)FwKernelLib.FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, wsAnalysis);
            tpb.SetStrPropValue((int)FwKernelLib.FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, "verseNumber");
            ITsTextProps ttpVStyle = tpb.GetTextProps();

            int [] sectionIds = new int[book.ChildNodes.Count];
            int    isection   = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode section in book.ChildNodes)
                int sectionId = m_hvoNextSection++;
                sectionIds[isection] = sectionId;
                MakeStringProp(sectionId, section, "refs", ViewSampleVc.ktagSectionRefs, wsAnalysis, tsf, cda);
                MakeStringProp(sectionId, section, "title", ViewSampleVc.ktagSectionTitle, wsAnalysis, tsf, cda);

                int[] paraIds = new int[section.ChildNodes.Count];
                int   ipara   = 0;
                foreach (XmlNode para in section.ChildNodes)
                    int paraId = m_hvoNextPara++;
                    paraIds[ipara] = paraId;
                    // Construct paragraph contents string
                    ITsStrBldr tsb = (ITsStrBldr) new FwKernelLib.TsStrBldrClass();
                    foreach (XmlNode item in para.ChildNodes)
                        int ichLim = tsb.get_Length();
                        if (item.Name == "v")
                            string num = GetAttrVal(item, "n");
                            tsb.Replace(ichLim, ichLim, num, ttpVStyle);
                        else if (item.Name == "s")
                            string wsName = GetAttrVal(item, "ws");
                            int    ws     = wsName == null ? wsAnalysis : m_wsf.get_Engine(wsName).get_WritingSystem();
                            tsb.ReplaceTsString(ichLim, ichLim, tsf.MakeString(item.InnerText, ws));
                    // Review: should we assume the default ws analysis? Represent a multistring in the file?
                    // Remember the last ws we encountered in the string? This is just a sample...
                    cda.CacheStringAlt(paraId, ViewSampleVc.ktagParaContents, wsAnalysis, tsb.GetString());
                cda.CacheVecProp(sectionId, ViewSampleVc.ktagSectionParas, paraIds, paraIds.Length);
            cda.CacheVecProp(khvoBook, ViewSampleVc.ktagBookSections, sectionIds, sectionIds.Length);
Example #10
		/// <summary>
		/// Load the data.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvo">a Wfic.</param>
		/// <param name="tag"></param>
		/// <param name="ws"></param>
		/// <param name="cda"></param>
		public override void Load(int hvo, int tag, int ws, IVwCacheDa cda)
			ISilDataAccess sda = cda as ISilDataAccess;
			int hvoPara = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvo, (int)CmBaseAnnotation.CmBaseAnnotationTags.kflidBeginObject);
			int hvoStText = 0;
			if (hvoPara != 0)
				hvoStText = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoPara, (int)CmObjectFields.kflidCmObject_Owner);
			if (hvoStText == 0)
				// Unusual case, possibly hvoPara is not actually a para at all, for example, it may
				// be a picture caption. For now we make an empty reference so at least it won't crash.
				ITsStrFactory tsf = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
				ITsString dummy = tsf.MakeString("", ws);
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws, dummy);
				cda.CacheStringProp(hvo, tag, dummy);
			ITsString tssName = null;
			StText stText = new StText(Cache, hvoStText);
			int wsActual = 0;
			bool fUsingAbbreviation = false;
			if (stText.OwningFlid == (int)Text.TextTags.kflidContents)
				// see if we can find an abbreviation.
				Text text = stText.Owner as Text;
				tssName = text.Abbreviation.GetAlternativeOrBestTss(ws, out wsActual);
				if (wsActual > 0)
					fUsingAbbreviation = true;
			else if (stText.OwningFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
				// Body of Scripture. Figure a book/chapter/verse
				ScrTxtPara scrPara = new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, hvoPara, false, false);
				ScrBook book = new ScrBook(m_cache, Cache.GetOwnerOfObject(Cache.GetOwnerOfObject(stText.Hvo)));
				string mainRef = FullScrRef(scrPara, hvo, book.BestUIAbbrev).Trim();
				int ktagParaSegments = StTxtPara.SegmentsFlid(Cache);
				int beginOffset = Cache.GetIntProperty(hvo, (int) CmBaseAnnotation.CmBaseAnnotationTags.kflidBeginOffset);
				int chvo = sda.get_VecSize(hvoPara, ktagParaSegments);
				int idxSeg = 0;
				while (idxSeg < chvo - 1)
					// Stop if the FOLLOWING segment has a larger beginOffset than the target one.
					int hvoSeg = sda.get_VecItem(hvoPara, ktagParaSegments, idxSeg + 1);
					int segBeginOffset = sda.get_IntProp(hvoSeg, (int) CmBaseAnnotation.CmBaseAnnotationTags.kflidBeginOffset);
					if (segBeginOffset > beginOffset)
				ITsString tssRef1 = Cache.MakeUserTss(mainRef + VerseSegLabel(scrPara, idxSeg, ktagParaSegments));

				cda.CacheStringProp(hvo, tag, tssRef1);
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, m_cache.DefaultUserWs, tssRef1);
			else if (stText.OwningFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
				// use the section title without qualifiers.
				ITsString tssRef2 = stText.Title.GetAlternativeOrBestTss(ws, out wsActual);
				cda.CacheStringProp(hvo, tag, tssRef2);
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, wsActual, tssRef2);
			if (wsActual == 0)
				tssName = stText.Title.GetAlternativeOrBestTss(ws, out wsActual);
			// if we didn't find an alternative, we'll just revert to using the 'ws' we're loading for.
			string sNotFound = null;
			if (wsActual == 0)
				wsActual = ws;
				sNotFound = tssName.Text;

			ITsStrBldr bldr = tssName.GetBldr();
			// If we didn't find a "best", reset to an empty string.
			if (bldr.Length > 0 && bldr.Text == sNotFound)
				bldr.ReplaceTsString(0, bldr.Length, null);
			// Truncate to 8 chars, if the user hasn't specified an abbreviation.
			// Enhance JohnT: Eventually Text will have an abbreviation property, and we will do the
			// truncate title thing only if abbreviation is empty.
			if (!fUsingAbbreviation && bldr.Length > 8)
				bldr.ReplaceTsString(8, bldr.Length, null);

			// Make a TsTextProps specifying just the writing system.
			ITsPropsBldr propBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
			propBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, wsActual);
			ITsTextProps props = propBldr.GetTextProps();

			// Insert a space (if there was any title)
			if (bldr.Length > 0)
				bldr.Replace(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, " ", props);

			// if Scripture.IsResponsibleFor(stText) we should try to get the verse number of the annotation.
			//if (stText.OwningFlid == (int)Text.TextTags.kflidContents)

			// Insert paragraph number.
			int cparas = sda.get_VecSize(hvoStText, (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
			int ipara = 0;
			for (; sda.get_VecItem(hvoStText, (int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, ipara) != hvoPara; ipara++)
			bldr.Replace(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, ipara.ToString(), props);

			// And a colon...
			bldr.Replace(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, ":", props);

			// And now the segment number
			string segnumStr = GetSegmentRange(hvo);
			bldr.Replace(bldr.Length, bldr.Length, segnumStr, props);
			ITsString tssRef = bldr.GetString();
			cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, wsActual, tssRef);
			cda.CacheStringProp(hvo, tag, tssRef);
Example #11
		public override void Load(int hvoStText, int vtagStTextTitle, int ws, IVwCacheDa cda)
			ITsString tssTitle = null;
			StText stText = new StText(Cache, hvoStText);
			if (Scripture.IsResponsibleFor(stText))
				// it's important that we try to scripture more dynamically than during initialization
				// of the virtual handler, since we may not have created the Scripture object with TE
				// until after we've created the FLEX project (LT-8123) and it might be possible that
				// the scripture for that project could get deleted subsequently(?).
				Scripture scripture = Cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA as Scripture;
				if (scripture != null)
					tssTitle = scripture.BookChapterVerseBridgeAsTss(stText, ws);
					if (stText.OwningFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
						string sFmt = ITextStrings.ksSectionHeading;
						int iMin = sFmt.IndexOf("{0}");
						if (iMin < 0)
							tssTitle = m_cache.MakeUserTss(sFmt);
							ITsIncStrBldr tisb = TsIncStrBldrClass.Create();
							if (iMin > 0)
								tisb.AppendTsString(m_cache.MakeUserTss(sFmt.Substring(0, iMin)));
							if (iMin + 3 < sFmt.Length)
								tisb.AppendTsString(m_cache.MakeUserTss(sFmt.Substring(iMin + 3)));
							tssTitle = tisb.GetString();
			else if (stText.OwningFlid == (int)Text.TextTags.kflidContents)
				Text text = stText.Owner as Text;
				tssTitle = text.Name.GetAlternativeTss(ws);
				// throw?
			if (tssTitle == null)
				tssTitle = Cache.MakeAnalysisTss("");
			cda.CacheStringAlt(hvoStText, vtagStTextTitle, ws, tssTitle);
Example #12
		private void CacheStringAltForAllCurrentWs(int[] currentWsList, IVwCacheDa cda, int hvoSec, int flidSec,
			ISilDataAccess sdaMain, int hvoMain, int flidMain)
			foreach (int ws1 in currentWsList)
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvoSec, flidSec, ws1, sdaMain.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoMain, flidMain, ws1));
Example #13
		private void CopyStringsToSecondary(List<int> writingSystems, ISilDataAccess sdaMain, int hvoMain,
			int flidMain, IVwCacheDa cda, int hvoSec, int flidSec, ITsStrFactory tsf)
			foreach (int ws in writingSystems)
				int wsActual = 0;
				ITsString tss;
				if (ws > 0)
					wsActual = ws;
				else if (ws == LangProject.kwsFirstAnal)
					int[] currentAnalysisWsList = m_caches.MainCache.LangProject.CurAnalysisWssRS.HvoArray;
					CacheStringAltForAllCurrentWs(currentAnalysisWsList, cda, hvoSec, flidSec, sdaMain, hvoMain, flidMain);
				else if (ws == LangProject.kwsFirstVern)
					int[] currentVernWsList = m_caches.MainCache.LangProject.CurVernWssRS.HvoArray;
					CacheStringAltForAllCurrentWs(currentVernWsList, cda, hvoSec, flidSec, sdaMain, hvoMain, flidMain);
				else if (ws == LangProject.kwsVernInParagraph)
					wsActual = this.RawWordformWs;
				if (wsActual <= 0)
					throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("magic ws {0} not yet supported.", ws));

				if (hvoMain == 0)
					tss = MakeTss("", wsActual, tsf);
					tss = sdaMain.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoMain, flidMain, wsActual);
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvoSec, flidSec, wsActual, tss);
Example #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Cache an empty string if this property was missing from the cache.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <param name="tag"></param>
		/// <param name="ws"></param>
		/// <param name="cda"></param>
		public override void Load(int hvo, int tag, int ws, IVwCacheDa cda)
			if (ws == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException();

			// Initialize the string properly.
			ITsString tss = m_tsf.MakeString("", ws);
			cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws, tss);
Example #15
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <param name="tag"></param>
		/// <param name="ws"></param>
		/// <param name="cda"></param>
		public override void Load(int hvo, int tag, int ws, IVwCacheDa cda)
			ICmObject obj = CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(m_cache, hvo);
			ITsString tss;
			object[] parm = new object[1];
			parm[0] = ws;
			tss = (ITsString)m_methodInfo.Invoke(obj, parm);
			if (tss != null)
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws, tss);
				ITsStrFactory tsf = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
				cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws, tsf.MakeString("", ws));
Example #16
		/// <summary>
		/// The value of this property is the concatenation of the forms of its reversal entries that
		/// have the correct ws.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <param name="tag"></param>
		/// <param name="ws"></param>
		/// <param name="cda"></param>
		public override void Load(int hvo, int tag, int ws, IVwCacheDa cda)
			cda.CacheStringAlt(hvo, tag, ws, GetValue(hvo, ws));