// Constructor.
	internal BaseVsaEngine(String language, String version, bool supportDebug)
				applicationPath = String.Empty;
				assemblyVersion = version;
				compiledRootNamespace = null;
				engineMoniker = String.Empty;
				engineName = String.Empty;
				engineSite = null;
				errorLocale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
				executionEvidence = null;
				failedCompilation = false;
				genDebugInfo = false;
				haveCompiledState = false;
				isClosed = false;
				isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
				isEngineCompiled = false;
				isEngineDirty = false;
				isEngineInitialized = false;
				isEngineRunning = false;
				loadedAssembly = null;
				rootNamespace = String.Empty;
				scriptLanguage = language;
				startupClass = null;
				startupInstance = null;
				vsaItems = null;
Example #2
        // === Constructor ===

        public BaseVsaEngine(string language, string version, bool supportDebug)
            // Set default property values and initial state
            this.applicationPath       = "";
            this.compiledRootNamespace = null;
            this.genDebugInfo          = false;
            this.haveCompiledState     = false;
            this.failedCompilation     = false;
            this.isClosed            = false;
            this.isEngineCompiled    = false;
            this.isEngineDirty       = false;
            this.isEngineInitialized = false;
            this.isEngineRunning     = false;
            this.vsaItems            = null;
            this.engineSite          = null;
            this.errorLocale         = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            this.engineName          = "";
            this.rootNamespace       = "";
            this.engineMoniker       = "";

            // Set implementation-dependent values
            this.scriptLanguage       = language;
            this.assemblyVersion      = version;
            this.isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
            this.executionEvidence    = null;
Example #3
    // === Constructor ===

    public BaseVsaEngine(string language, string version, bool supportDebug){
      // Set default property values and initial state
      this.applicationPath = "";
      this.compiledRootNamespace = null;
      this.genDebugInfo = false;
      this.haveCompiledState = false;
      this.failedCompilation = false;
      this.isClosed = false;
      this.isEngineCompiled = false;
      this.isEngineDirty = false;
      this.isEngineInitialized = false;
      this.isEngineRunning = false;
      this.vsaItems = null;
      this.engineSite = null;
      this.errorLocale = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
      this.engineName = "";
      this.rootNamespace = "";
      this.engineMoniker = "";

      // Set implementation-dependent values
      this.scriptLanguage = language;
      this.assemblyVersion = version;
      this.isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
      this.executionEvidence = null;
Example #4
        public BaseVsaEngine(string language, string version, bool supportDebug)
            this.language = language;

            // FIXME: I think we must ensure that version it's
            // compliant with versionformat Major.Minor.Build.Revision.
            // Not sure about what Exception throw.
            this.version = version;

            this.supportDebug = supportDebug;
            this.site         = null;
            this.rootMoniker  = "";
            this.running      = false;
            this.evidence     = null;
            this.compiled     = false;
            this.dirty        = false;

            this.lcid = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.LCID;
            this.name = "";

            this.rootNamespace   = "";
            this.namespaceNotSet = true;

            this.initNewCalled     = false;
            this.generateDebugInfo = false;
            this.closed            = false;
            this.items             = null;
            this.siteAlreadySet    = false;
Example #5
 // Constructor.
 internal BaseVsaEngine(String language, String version, bool supportDebug)
     applicationPath       = String.Empty;
     assemblyVersion       = version;
     compiledRootNamespace = null;
     engineMoniker         = String.Empty;
     engineName            = String.Empty;
     engineSite            = null;
     errorLocale           = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID;
     executionEvidence     = null;
     failedCompilation     = false;
     genDebugInfo          = false;
     haveCompiledState     = false;
     isClosed             = false;
     isDebugInfoSupported = supportDebug;
     isEngineCompiled     = false;
     isEngineDirty        = false;
     isEngineInitialized  = false;
     isEngineRunning      = false;
     loadedAssembly       = null;
     rootNamespace        = String.Empty;
     scriptLanguage       = language;
     startupClass         = null;
     startupInstance      = null;
     vsaItems             = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method loads the import dlls that a script needs to run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IVsaItems">Reference items added to the .NET script engine.</param>
        public override void LoadAssemblies(IVsaItems items)
            string assemblyName;

            // system.dll
            assemblyName = "system.dll";
            IVsaReferenceItem refItem = (IVsaReferenceItem)items.CreateItem(assemblyName, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);

            refItem.AssemblyName = assemblyName;

            // mscorlib.dll
            assemblyName         = "mscorlib.dll";
            refItem              = (IVsaReferenceItem)items.CreateItem(assemblyName, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
            refItem.AssemblyName = assemblyName;

            // system.windows.forms.dll
            assemblyName         = "system.windows.forms.dll";
            refItem              = (IVsaReferenceItem)items.CreateItem(assemblyName, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
            refItem.AssemblyName = assemblyName;
Example #7
        private bool _LoadScript(string sScriptFilename)
            if (!CONFIG.bLoadScript)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sScriptFilename))
            if (!File.Exists(sScriptFilename))
            if (this._BeforeRulesCompile != null)
            foreach (object obj2 in htMenuScripts.Keys)
            foreach (PreferenceBag.PrefWatcher watcher in this.listWeaklyHeldWatchers)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(new FileStream(sScriptFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite), Encoding.UTF8, true);
            string       str    = reader.ReadToEnd();

                this._engine             = new VsaEngine();
                this._engine.RootMoniker = "fiddler://script/" + _scriptCount;
                this._engine.Site        = this.objVSASite;
                this._engine.RootNamespace     = "Fiddler.ScriptNamespace";
                this._engine.GenerateDebugInfo = false;
            catch (EntryPointNotFoundException)
                FiddlerApplication.DoNotifyUser("Unable to initialize FiddlerScript. This typically indicates that you are attempting to run Fiddler on .NET Framework v4.\n\nYour machine may have the unsupported OnlyUseLatestCLR registry key set.", "Unsupported configuration", MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
                this.Ready = false;
            IVsaItems items = this._engine.Items;

            foreach (string str2 in CONFIG.sScriptReferences.Split(new char[] { ';' }))
                if (str2.Trim().Length > 0)
                    IVsaReferenceItem item = (IVsaReferenceItem)items.CreateItem(str2, VsaItemType.Reference, VsaItemFlag.None);
                    item.AssemblyName = str2;
            IVsaGlobalItem item2 = (IVsaGlobalItem)items.CreateItem("FiddlerObject", VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);

            item2.TypeString = "Fiddler.FiddlerScript";
            item2            = (IVsaGlobalItem)items.CreateItem("FiddlerScript", VsaItemType.AppGlobal, VsaItemFlag.None);
            item2.TypeString = "Fiddler.FiddlerScript";
            IVsaCodeItem item3 = (IVsaCodeItem)items.CreateItem("Handlers", VsaItemType.Code, VsaItemFlag.None);

            item3.SourceText = str;
            if (!this._engine.Compile())
                this.Ready = false;
            this.Ready = true;
            this._typeScriptHandlers = this._engine.Assembly.GetType("Fiddler.ScriptNamespace.Handlers");
            if (this._typeScriptHandlers == null)
                foreach (FieldInfo info in this._typeScriptHandlers.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))
                    if (info.FieldType == typeof(bool))
                        RulesOption customAttribute = (RulesOption)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info, typeof(RulesOption));
                        if (customAttribute != null)
                            this.CreateRulesMenuItem(info, customAttribute);
                    else if (info.FieldType == typeof(string))
                        RulesString oRule = (RulesString)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info, typeof(RulesString));
                        if (oRule != null)
                            RulesStringValue[] customAttributes = (RulesStringValue[])Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(info, typeof(RulesStringValue));
                            if ((customAttributes != null) && (customAttributes.Length > 0))
                                Array.Sort <RulesStringValue>(customAttributes);
                                this.CreateRulesMenuForStrings(info, oRule, customAttributes);
                bool flag = true;
                foreach (MethodInfo info2 in this._typeScriptHandlers.GetMethods())
                    MenuItem    item4;
                    ToolsAction action = (ToolsAction)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(ToolsAction));
                    if (action != null)
                        item4 = new MenuItem(action.Name);
                        htMenuScripts.Add(item4, info2);
                        item4.Click += new EventHandler(this.HandleScriptToolsClick);
                    ContextAction action2 = (ContextAction)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(ContextAction));
                    if (action2 != null)
                        if (flag)
                            item4 = new MenuItem("-");
                            htMenuScripts.Add(item4, null);
                            FiddlerApplication._frmMain.mnuSessionContext.MenuItems.Add(0, item4);
                            flag = false;
                        item4 = new MenuItem(action2.Name);
                        htMenuScripts.Add(item4, info2);
                        item4.Click += new EventHandler(this.HandleScriptToolsClick);
                        FiddlerApplication._frmMain.mnuSessionContext.MenuItems.Add(0, item4);
                    BindUIColumn column = (BindUIColumn)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(BindUIColumn));
                    if (column != null)
                        getColumnStringDelegate delFn = (getColumnStringDelegate)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(getColumnStringDelegate), info2);
                        FiddlerApplication._frmMain.lvSessions.AddBoundColumn(column._colName, column._iColWidth, delFn);
                    QuickLinkMenu menu = (QuickLinkMenu)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info2, typeof(QuickLinkMenu));
                    if (menu != null)
                        QuickLinkItem[] array = (QuickLinkItem[])Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(info2, typeof(QuickLinkItem));
                        if ((array != null) && (array.Length > 0))
                            Array.Sort <QuickLinkItem>(array);
                            this.CreateQuickLinkMenu(menu.Name, info2, menu.Name, array);
                MenuExt.ReadRegistry(FiddlerApplication._frmMain.mnuTools, htMenuScripts);
                    MethodInfo method = this._typeScriptHandlers.GetMethod("Main");
                    if (method != null)
                        method.Invoke(null, null);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    FiddlerApplication.DoNotifyUser(string.Concat(new object[] { "There was a problem with your FiddlerScript.\n\n", exception.Message, "\n", exception.StackTrace, "\n\n", exception.InnerException }), "JScript main() failed.");
            if (this._AfterRulesCompile != null)
Example #8
		public BaseVsaEngine (string language, string version, bool supportDebug)
			this.language = language;

			// FIXME: I think we must ensure that version it's 
			// compliant with versionformat Major.Minor.Build.Revision. 
			// Not sure about what Exception throw.
			this.version = version;

			this.supportDebug = supportDebug;
			this.site = null;
			this.rootMoniker = "";
			this.running = false;
			this.evidence = null;
			this.compiled = false;
			this.dirty = false;

			this.lcid = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.LCID;
			this.name = "";
			this.rootNamespace = "";
			this.namespaceNotSet = true;	

			this.initNewCalled = false;
			this.generateDebugInfo = false;
			this.closed = false;
			this.items = null;
			this.siteAlreadySet = false;