public static void CallsBaseMethodAndDoesNothingAppliedToSameACallTo(
            BaseClass fake,
            IVoidArgumentValidationConfiguration callToDoSomething,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<BaseClass>());

            "And I identify a method to configure"
                .x(() => callToDoSomething = A.CallTo(() => fake.DoSomething()));

            "And I configure the method to call the base method"
                .x(() => callToDoSomething.CallsBaseMethod());

            "And I configure the method to do nothing"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => callToDoSomething.DoesNothing()));

            "Then it throws an invalid operation exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<InvalidOperationException>());
        public static void CallsToVoidMethodCallsBaseMethodAndDoesNothingAppliedToSameCallsTo(
            Fake<AClass> fake,
            IVoidArgumentValidationConfiguration callToVoidMethod,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a strict unnatural fake"
                .x(() => fake = new Fake<AClass>(options => options.Strict()));

            "And I identify a void method to configure"
                .x(() => callToVoidMethod = fake.CallsTo(f => f.VoidMethod()));

            "And I configure the method to call the base method"
                .x(() => callToVoidMethod.CallsBaseMethod());

            "And I configure the method to do nothing using the same call specifier"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => callToVoidMethod.DoesNothing()));

            "Then it throws an invalid operation exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<InvalidOperationException>());
        public static void DoesNothingAndThrowsAppliedToSameACallTo(
            IFoo fake,
            IVoidArgumentValidationConfiguration callToBar,
            Exception exception)
            "Given a fake"
                .x(() => fake = A.Fake<IFoo>());

            "And I identify a method to configure"
                .x(() => callToBar = A.CallTo(() => fake.Bar()));

            "And I configure the method to do nothing"
                .x(() => callToBar.DoesNothing());

            "When I configure the method to throw an exception"
                .x(() => exception = Record.Exception(() => callToBar.Throws<Exception>()));

            "Then it throws an invalid operation exception"
                .x(() => exception.Should().BeAnExceptionOfType<InvalidOperationException>());
 public FakeItEasyMethodCallOccurance(IVoidArgumentValidationConfiguration configuration)
     _configuration = configuration;