/// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task <JObject> SignAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JObject proof, ProofOptions options)
            var verifyDataArray = verifyData as StringArray ?? throw new Exception("Unsupported verify data type");

            var derivedProof = new JObject {
                { "@context", Constants.SECURITY_CONTEXT_V3_URL }
            var originalProof = options.AdditonalData["originalDocument"]["proof"];
            var signature     = Convert.FromBase64String(originalProof["proofValue"].ToString());

            var keyPair = new Bls12381G2Key2020(GetVerificationMethod(originalProof as JObject, options));
            var bbsKey  = keyPair.ToBlsKeyPair().GetBbsKey((uint)verifyDataArray.Data.Length);
            var nonce   = Nonce ?? Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            var proofMessages = GetProofMessages(
                allInputStatements: verifyDataArray.Data,
                revealIndicies: options.AdditonalData["revealIndicies"].ToObject <int[]>());

            var outputProof = Service.CreateProof(new CreateProofRequest(
                                                      publicKey: bbsKey,
                                                      messages: proofMessages.ToArray(),
                                                      signature: signature,
                                                      blindingFactor: null,
                                                      nonce: nonce));

            // Set the proof value on the derived proof
            derivedProof["proofValue"]         = Convert.ToBase64String(outputProof);
            derivedProof["nonce"]              = Convert.ToBase64String(nonce);
            derivedProof["created"]            = originalProof["created"];
            derivedProof["proofPurpose"]       = originalProof["proofPurpose"];
            derivedProof["verificationMethod"] = originalProof["verificationMethod"];
            derivedProof["type"] = "BbsBlsSignatureProof2020";

        protected override Task VerifyAsync(IVerifyData payload, JToken proof, JToken verificationMethod, ProofOptions options)
            var verifyData = payload as ByteArray ?? throw new ArgumentException("Invalid data type");

            if (proof["jws"] == null || !proof["jws"].ToString().Contains(".."))
                throw new Exception("The proof does not include a valid 'jws' property.");
            var parts = proof["jws"].ToString().Split("..");

            var(encodedHeader, encodedSignature) = (parts.First(), parts.Last());

            var header = JObject.Parse(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Helpers.FromBase64String(encodedHeader)));

            if (header["alg"]?.ToString() != Algorithm)
                throw new Exception($"Invalid JWS header parameters for ${TypeName}.");
            var signature = Helpers.FromBase64String(encodedSignature);

            var data = (ByteArray)Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{encodedHeader}.")
            var signer = GetSigner(verificationMethod);

            var valid = signer.Verify(signature, data);

            if (!valid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid signature");
Example #3
        protected override Task <JObject> SignAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JObject proof, ProofOptions options)
            var data = verifyData as ByteArray ?? throw new Exception("Invalid verify data type");

            var signature = Signer.Sign(data);

            proof["signatureValue"] = Multibase.Base58.Encode(signature);

Example #4
        protected override Task VerifyAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JToken proof, JToken verificationMethod, ProofOptions options)
            var data = verifyData as ByteArray ?? throw new Exception("Invalid verify data type");

            var signature = Multibase.Base58.Decode(proof["signatureValue"].ToString());
            var valid     = Signer.Verify(signature, data);

            if (!valid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid signature");
        protected override Task <JObject> SignAsync(IVerifyData payload, JObject proof, ProofOptions options)
            var verifyData = payload as StringArray ?? throw new ArgumentException("Invalid data type");

            if (KeyPair?.SecretKey == null)
                throw new Exception("Private key not found.");

            var proofValue = SignatureService.Sign(new SignRequest(KeyPair, verifyData.Data));

            proof["proofValue"] = Convert.ToBase64String(proofValue);
            proof["type"]       = "BbsBlsSignature2020";

        protected override Task VerifyAsync(IVerifyData payload, JToken proof, JToken verificationMethod, ProofOptions options)
            var verifyData = payload as StringArray ?? throw new ArgumentException("Invalid data type");

            var blsVerificationMethod = new Bls12381G2Key2020(verificationMethod as JObject);

            var key       = new BlsKeyPair(Multibase.Base58.Decode(blsVerificationMethod.PublicKeyBase58));
            var signature = Helpers.FromBase64String(proof["proofValue"]?.ToString() ?? throw new Exception("Proof value not found"));

            var valid = SignatureService.Verify(new VerifyRequest(key, signature, verifyData.Data));

            if (!valid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid signature");
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task VerifyAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JToken proof, JToken verificationMethod, ProofOptions options)
            var stringArray = verifyData as StringArray ?? throw new Exception("Unsupported verify data type");

            var proofData = Helpers.FromBase64String(proof["proofValue"]?.ToString() ?? throw new Exception("Proof value not found"));
            var nonce     = Helpers.FromBase64String(proof["nonce"]?.ToString() ?? throw new Exception("Nonce not found"));
            var keyPair   = new Bls12381G2Key2020(GetVerificationMethod(proof as JObject, options));

            var messageCount = Service.GetTotalMessageCount(proofData);

            var verifyResult = Service.VerifyProof(new VerifyProofRequest(
                                                       publicKey: keyPair.ToBlsKeyPair().GetBbsKey((uint)messageCount),
                                                       proof: proofData,
                                                       messages: stringArray.Data,
                                                       nonce: nonce));

            if (!verifyResult)
                throw new Exception("Invalid signature proof");
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task <JObject> SignAsync(IVerifyData payload, JObject proof, ProofOptions options)
            var verifyData = payload as ByteArray ?? throw new ArgumentException("Invalid data type");

            // JWS header
            var header = new JObject
                { "alg", Algorithm },
                { "b64", false },
                { "crit", JArray.Parse("[\"b64\"]") }

             | "b64" | JWS Signing Input Formula                                 |
             | true  | ASCII(BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' ||     |
             |       | BASE64URL(JWS Payload))                                   |
             |       |                                                           |
             | false | ASCII(BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.') ||    |
             |       | JWS Payload                                               |

            // create JWS data and sign
            var encodedHeader = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(header)));
            var data          = (ByteArray)Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{encodedHeader}.")
            var signature = Signer.Sign(data);

            // create detached content signature
            var encodedSignature = Convert.ToBase64String(signature);

            proof["jws"] = $"{encodedHeader}..{encodedSignature}";

Example #9
 protected override Task VerifyAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JToken proof, JToken verificationMethod, ProofOptions options)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #10
 protected override Task <JObject> SignAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JObject proof, ProofOptions options)
     proof["proofValue"] = Convert.ToBase64String((verifyData as ByteArray).Data);
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies the verification data for the current proof
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="verifyData"></param>
 /// <param name="proof"></param>
 /// <param name="verificationMethod"></param>
 /// <param name="options"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected abstract Task VerifyAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JToken proof, JToken verificationMethod, ProofOptions options);
 /// <summary>
 /// Signs the verification data for the current proof
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="verifyData"></param>
 /// <param name="proof"></param>
 /// <param name="options"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected abstract Task <JObject> SignAsync(IVerifyData verifyData, JObject proof, ProofOptions options);