public ActionResult NewVendor(NewVendorModel vendorModel)
            if (vendorModel != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                    var vendor = new Vendor
                        VendorName = vendorModel.VendorName,
                        VendorNamespacePrefixes = new List <VendorNamespacePrefix> {
                            new VendorNamespacePrefix {
                                NamespacePrefix = vendorModel.NamespacePrefix ?? vendorModel.VendorName

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vendorModel.EmailDomain))
                        vendor.VendorEmailDomains.Add(new VendorEmailDomain {
                            EmailDomain = vendorModel.EmailDomain

                    _vendorBusiness.Create(WamsUser.WamsId, vendor);

                    var newid = _vendorBusiness.GetVendorByName(vendor.VendorName).VendorId;
                    return(Json(new { success = true, newid = newid }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                catch (Exception)
                        success = false,
                        Errors = string.Format("Could not create {0}", vendorModel.VendorName)

            return(Json(new { success = true }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public EmailToSend Subscribe(string wamsId, int edOrgId, string vendorName, string claimSetName, int?[] selectedSchoolIds = null)
            var agency = _agencyBusiness.GetCurrentYearImpersonatableAgencyByKey(edOrgId);
            var vendor = _vendorBusiness.GetVendorByName(vendorName);

            var users  = _userBusiness.GetUsers(vendor.VendorId).Where(u => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Email)).ToList();
            int?userId = users.Any() ? users.FirstOrDefault()?.UserId : null;

            var applications = _applicationBusiness.GetApplicationsByVendor(vendor.VendorId);

            if (applications.All(a => a.ClaimSetName != claimSetName))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("User can't subscribe to a vendor '{0}' because no application exists for the vendor '{0}' and claim set '{1}'", vendor.VendorName, claimSetName));
            var claimsetDetail = _claimSetBusiness.GetClaimSetDetails(claimSetName);

            if (claimsetDetail.SchoolLevelClaimset && selectedSchoolIds == null)
                throw new Exception("At least one school must be selected.");

            Application application = applications.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ClaimSetName == claimSetName);

            if (application == null)
                application = _applicationBusiness.GetOrCreateApplication(wamsId, vendor.VendorId,
                                                                          claimSetName, claimsetDetail.ProfileId.GetValueOrDefault(), $"{vendor.VendorName} {claimSetName}");

            var key = $"{vendor.VendorName} - {agency.EducationOrganizationId} - {agency.Name}";

            key = key.Substring(0, Math.Min(key.Length, 50));
            var secret = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "");

            if (_apiClientBusiness.DoesKeyExist(0, key))
                key = key.Substring(0, Math.Min(key.Length, 50) - (claimSetName.Length + 4)) + " - " + claimSetName + " ";
                if (_apiClientBusiness.DoesKeyExist(0, key))
                    int i = 0;
                    while (_apiClientBusiness.DoesKeyExist(0, key) && i < 10)
                        key = key.Substring(0, Math.Min(key.Length, 47));
                        key = key + " x" + i.ToString();

                    if (i == 10)
                        throw new Exception("Please contact DPI to subscribe to this vendor again.");

            var apiClient = new ApiClient
                Key         = key,
                Secret      = secret,
                Name        = key,
                IsApproved  = true,
                UseSandbox  = false,
                SandboxType = 1,
                ApplicationApplicationId = application?.ApplicationId,
                UserUserId = userId

            if (claimsetDetail.SchoolLevelClaimset && selectedSchoolIds != null && selectedSchoolIds.Length > 0)
                var schoolIds = "";
                foreach (var schoolId in selectedSchoolIds)
                    if (!schoolId.HasValue)
                    schoolIds = schoolIds + schoolId.ToString().PadLeft(6, '0') + ",";
                    var schoolApplicationEdOrg =
                        _applicationEducationOrganizationBusiness.GetOrCreateApplicationEducationOrganization(wamsId, schoolId.Value, vendor.VendorId, application?.ApplicationId ?? 0);
                key           = $"{vendor.VendorName} - {schoolIds}  {agency.Name}";
                key           = key.Substring(0, Math.Min(key.Length, 50));
                apiClient.Key = key;
                var applicationEdOrg = _applicationEducationOrganizationBusiness.GetOrCreateApplicationEducationOrganization(wamsId, edOrgId, vendor.VendorId, application?.ApplicationId ?? 0);

            _apiClientBusiness.Create(wamsId, apiClient);

            _adminDbContext.Subscriptions.Add(new Subscription
                EducationOrganizationId = edOrgId,
                SubscriptionActionId    = (int)SubscriptionActionEnum.Subscribe,
                VendorId    = vendor.VendorId,
                WamsId      = wamsId,
                CreatedDate = DateTime.Now

            var edCredUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EdCredUrl"];

            var bodySb = new StringBuilder();

            bodySb.Append("<div>" + agency.Name + " has subscribed to your student information system (SIS).  This subscription provides the security credentials needed for WISEdata Ed-Fi integration between their SIS implementation and the Wisconsin DPI Ed-Fi API resources.</div>");
            bodySb.Append("<div>" + "Login to the <a href='" + edCredUrl +
                          "'>Ed-Fi Credential application</a> to view your credentials. Please <a href=''>contact us</a> with any issues or questions.</div>");
            bodySb.Append("<div>System Administrator</div>");
            bodySb.Append("<div>Division For Libraries and Technology</div>");
            bodySb.Append("<div>Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction</div>");

            EmailToSend email = new EmailToSend
                From            = "*****@*****.**",
                To              = users.Select(u => u.Email),
                Subject         = "WISEdata Ed-Fi Integration - Agency Credentials Issued",
                Body            = bodySb.ToString(),
                ApplicationName = "EdFi.Credential"
