public void Add(IEffectBuilder effect, IFormBuilder form, IStatBuilder stat, IValueBuilder value)
            var builder = _modifierBuilder

        public NotchianSegmentBuilder(IValueBuilder valueParser)
            valueBuilder = valueParser;

            symbolicLabels = new Stack<string>();
            relativeLabels = new Queue<Label>();
            instructions = new Queue<IInstruction>();
            segments = new List<ISegment>();
Example #3
 public static double Convert(IValueBuilder value)
     if (value is ValueBuilder b)
         // Easiest way to get the underlying value back.
         value = b.Resolve(null);
        private static IEnumerable <Modifier> CreateModifier(
            IStatBuilder statBuilder, IFormBuilder formBuilder, IValueBuilder valueBuilder)
            var statBuilderResults = statBuilder.Build(default(BuildParameters).With(new ModifierSource.Global()));

            var(form, formValueConverter) = formBuilder.Build();
            foreach (var(stats, source, statValueConverter) in statBuilderResults)
                var value = formValueConverter(statValueConverter(valueBuilder)).Build(default);
        private static IValue Build(
            BuildParameters parameters,
            IValueBuilder operand,
            Func <NodeValue?, bool> calculate,
            Func <IValue, string> identity)
            var builtOperand = operand.Build(parameters);

            return(new ConditionalValue(c => calculate(builtOperand.Calculate(c)), identity(builtOperand)));
 /// <summary>  "@toLowerCase( Source )"
 /// Converts the source string to lowercase
 /// </summary>
 public static string ToLowerCase(IValueBuilder vb,
                                  string source)
     try {
     catch {
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a matcher with a form, value and stats.
        /// </summary>
        public void Add(
            [RegexPattern] string regex, IFormBuilder form, IValueBuilder value, params IStatBuilder[] stats)
            var builder = ModifierBuilder

            Add(regex, builder);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a substituting matcher with a form, value and stat.
        /// </summary>
        public void Add([RegexPattern] string regex, IFormBuilder form, IValueBuilder value, IStatBuilder stat,
                        string substitution)
            var builder = ModifierBuilder

            Add(regex, builder, substitution);
        private static IValue Build(
            BuildParameters parameters,
            IValueBuilder left, IValueBuilder right,
            Func <NodeValue?, NodeValue?, bool> calculate,
            Func <IValue, IValue, string> identity)
            var l = left.Build(parameters);
            var r = right.Build(parameters);

            return(new ConditionalValue(c => calculate(l.Calculate(c), r.Calculate(c)), identity(l, r)));
Example #10
            public IConditionalValueBuilder Then(IValueBuilder value)
                IConditionalValueBuilder Resolve(ResolveContext context)
                    return(new ConditionalValueBuilder(
                               $"{this.Resolve(context)} else if ({value.Resolve(context)})",
                               (current, _) => current));

                return(new ConditionalValueBuilder($"{this} else if ({value})", (_, context) => Resolve(context)));
Example #11
        public TestObjectFactory(IValueBuilder[] builders, List<Type> modelTypes)
            CollectionCount = 10;
            MaximumHierarchyDepth = 2;

            ModelTypes = modelTypes;
   = builders;

            foreach (var builder in builders)
                builder.Factory = this;
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Strips Postal codes to report only the first 5 digits
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static String CleanupPostalCode(IValueBuilder vb, string zipcode)
            //we only want to report 4 digit zip codes
            string formatted = zipcode;
            int    index     = zipcode.IndexOf("-");

            if (index != -1)
                formatted = zipcode.Substring(0, index);

        public void Add(IFormBuilder form, IStatBuilder stat, IValueBuilder value, IConditionBuilder?condition = null)
            var builder = _modifierBuilder

            if (condition != null)
                builder = builder.WithCondition(condition);
Example #14
        public void IfBuildsToCorrectValue(int trueBranch)
            var sut = CreateSut();

            IValueBuilder valueBuilder = sut
                .If(ConstantConditionBuilder.Create(trueBranch == 0))
                .ElseIf(ConstantConditionBuilder.Create(trueBranch == 1))
                .Then(new ValueBuilderImpl(1))

            var actual = valueBuilder.Build().Calculate(null!);
            Assert.AreEqual(new NodeValue(trueBranch), actual);
        private IValue Build(Skill skill, IValueBuilder valueBuilder, Entity modifierSourceEntity)
            var gem = skill.Gem;

            if (gem is null)
                return(new Constant(0));

            var displayName       = GetSkillDefinition(gem.SkillId).DisplayName;
            var gemModifierSource = new ModifierSource.Local.Gem(gem, displayName);
            var buildParameters   = new BuildParameters(new ModifierSource.Global(gemModifierSource), modifierSourceEntity, default);

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a matcher with a form, value, stat and optionally a condition.
        /// </summary>
        public void Add([RegexPattern] string regex, IFormBuilder form, IValueBuilder value, IStatBuilder stat,
                        IConditionBuilder condition = null)
            var builder = ModifierBuilder

            if (condition != null)
                builder = builder.WithCondition(condition);

            Add(regex, builder);
Example #17
        public IModifierBuilder WithValue(IValueBuilder value)
            if (ReferenceEquals(value, null))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
            if (Values != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
            var ret = (ModifierBuilderStub)MemberwiseClone();

            ret.Values = new[] { value };
Example #18
        private void Add(
            IStatBuilder stat, Form form, IValueBuilder value, IConditionBuilder?condition,
            ModifierSource modifierSource)
            var builder = _modifierBuilder

            if (condition != null)
                builder = builder.WithCondition(condition);
            var intermediateModifier = builder.Build();

            _modifiers.AddRange(intermediateModifier.Build(modifierSource, _modifierSourceEntity));
Example #19
        private IValue BuildInPastXSecondsValue(BuildParameters parameters, IValueBuilder seconds)
            var builtEntity           = BuildEntity(parameters, Entity);
            var recentOccurrencesStat = BuildRecentOccurrencesStat(parameters, builtEntity);
            var lastOccurenceStat     = BuildLastOccurrenceStat(parameters, builtEntity);
            var secondsValue          = seconds.Build(parameters);

            return(new ConditionalValue(Calculate,
                                        $"({RecentlySeconds} <= {secondsValue} && {recentOccurrencesStat} > 0) " +
                                        $"|| {lastOccurenceStat} <= {secondsValue}"));

            bool Calculate(IValueCalculationContext context)
                NodeValue?threshold = secondsValue.Calculate(context);

                if (RecentlySeconds <= threshold && context.GetValue(recentOccurrencesStat) > 0)
                return(context.GetValue(lastOccurenceStat) <= threshold);
        /// <summary>  "@toMixedCase( Source )"
        /// Converts the source string to mixed case
        /// </summary>
        public static string toMixedCase(IValueBuilder vb,
                                         string source)
            try {
                StringBuilder b       = new StringBuilder();
                string        _source = source.Trim();
                for (int i = 0; i < _source.Length; i++)
                    if (i == 0 || _source[i - 1] == ' ')

            catch {
Example #21
        internal void MapOutbound(
            SifXPathContext context,
            IFieldAdaptor adaptor,
            SifElement dataObject,
            ICollection<FieldMapping> fields,
            IValueBuilder valueBuilder,
            SifVersion version)
            #if PROFILED
            if( BuildOptions.PROFILED ){
            ProfilerUtils.profileStart( String.valueOf( com.OpenADK.sifprofiler.api.OIDs.ADK_OUTBOUND_TRANSFORMATIONS ), dataObject.getElementDef(), null );

            SifFormatter textFormatter = Adk.TextFormatter;
            FieldMapping lastRule = null;
                foreach (FieldMapping fm in fields)
                    lastRule = fm;
                    String fieldName = fm.Alias;
                    if (fieldName == null)
                        fieldName = fm.FieldName;

                    if (fieldName == null || fieldName.Length == 0)
                        throw new AdkMappingException(
                            "Mapping rule for " + dataObject.ElementDef.Name + "[" + fm.FieldName +
                            "] must specify a field name", null);

                    if (adaptor.HasField(fieldName) || fm.HasDefaultValue)
                        //  For outbound mapping operations, only process
                        //	XPathRules. All other rule types, like OtherIdRule,
                        //  are only intended to be used for inbound mappings.
                        if (fm.fRule is XPathRule)
                            XPathRule rule = (XPathRule) fm.fRule;
                            //  Lookup or create the element/attribute referenced by the rule
                            String ruledef = rule.XPath;
                            if (ruledef == null || ruledef.Trim().Length == 0)
                                throw new AdkMappingException(
                                    "Mapping rule for " + dataObject.ElementDef.Name + "[\"" + fieldName +
                                    "\"] must specify a path to an element or attribute", null);

                            // TT 199 If the FieldMapping has an "ifnull" value of "suppress",
                            // don't render a result

                            // Determine if this element should be created before attempting to create it
                            // If the value resolves to null and the IFNULL_SUPPRESS flag is set, the element
                            // should not be created. That's why we have to look up the ElementDef first
                            TypeConverter typeConverter = null;
                            IElementDef def = rule.LookupTargetDef(dataObject.ElementDef);
                            if (def != null)
                                typeConverter = def.TypeConverter;
                            if (typeConverter == null)
                                typeConverter = SifTypeConverters.STRING;
                                // TODO: Perhaps the following exception should be thrown when
                                // in STRICT mode
                                //	throw new ADKMappingException( "Element {" + +
                                //				"} from rule \"" + ruledef + "\" does not have a data type definition.", null );

                            SifSimpleType mappedValue;
                            mappedValue = adaptor.GetSifValue(fieldName, typeConverter, fm);

                            // Perform a valueset translation, if applicable
                            if (mappedValue != null &&
                                mappedValue is SifString &&
                                fm.ValueSetID != null)
                                String textValue = mappedValue.ToString();
                                //	Perform automatic ValueSet translation
                                ValueSet vs = GetValueSet(fm.ValueSetID, true);
                                if (vs != null)
                                    // TT 199. Perform a more detailed valueset translation.
                                    // If there is a default value for this field, use it if there is
                                    // no match found in the value set
                                    textValue = vs.Translate(textValue, fm.DefaultValue);
                                mappedValue = new SifString(textValue);

                            bool usedDefault = false;
                            if (mappedValue == null || mappedValue.RawValue == null)
                                // If the FieldMapping has a Default value, use that, unless
                                // it is explicitly suppressed
                                if (fm.NullBehavior != MappingBehavior.IfNullSuppress && fm.HasDefaultValue)
                                    mappedValue = fm.GetDefaultValue(typeConverter, textFormatter);
                                    usedDefault = true;

                            if (!usedDefault)
                                String valueExpression = rule.ValueExpression;
                                if (valueExpression != null)
                                    // This XPath rule has a value assignment expression at the end of it
                                    String value = valueBuilder.Evaluate(valueExpression);
                                    mappedValue = typeConverter.Parse(textFormatter, value);

                            // If we have a null value to assign at this point, move on to the next rule
                            if (mappedValue == null || mappedValue.RawValue == null)

                            // At this point, mappedValue should not be null. We are committeed
                            // to building out the path and setting the value.
                            INodePointer pointer = rule.CreatePath(context, version);
                            //  If the element/attribute does not have a value, assign one.
                            //	If it does have a value, it was already assigned by the XPath
                            //	rule in the lookupByXPath method above and should not be
                            //	changed.
                            if (pointer != null)
                                Element pointedElement = (Element) pointer.Value;
                                SifSimpleType elementValue = pointedElement.SifValue;
                                if (elementValue == null || elementValue.RawValue == null)
                                    if (mappedValue is SifString)
                                        // Now that we have the actual element, we may need to create convert the
                                        // data if we were unable to resolve the TypeConverter above. This only happens
                                        // in cases involving surrogates where the rule.lookupTargetDef( dataObject.getElementDef() );
                                        // fails to find the target ElementDef
                                        TypeConverter converter = pointedElement.ElementDef.TypeConverter;
                                        if (converter != null && converter.DataType != mappedValue.DataType)
                                            mappedValue = converter.Parse(textFormatter, mappedValue.ToString());

                                    // This check for null should really not be necessary,
                                    // however keepingit in for now
                                    if (mappedValue != null)
                                        pointedElement.SifValue = mappedValue;
            catch (Exception e)
                if (lastRule != null)
                    throw new AdkMappingException(
                        "Unable to evaluate field rule: " + lastRule.fRule + " : " + e.Message, null, e);
                throw new AdkMappingException(e.ToString(), null, e);
            #if PROFILED

            if( BuildOptions.PROFILED )
Example #22
 public RequiredValueBuilder(IValueBuilder underlyingBuilder)
     this.underlyingBuilder = underlyingBuilder;
Example #23
 public IModifierBuilder WithValue(IValueBuilder value)
     return(WithSingle(value, (e, v) => e.WithValue(v), e => e.Value, "Value"));
 public static IConditionBuilder Create(
     IValueBuilder left, IValueBuilder right,
     Func <NodeValue?, NodeValue?, bool> calculate,
     Func <IValue, IValue, string> identity) =>
 new ValueConditionBuilder <IValueBuilder, IValueBuilder>(
     (p, o1, o2) => Build(p, o1, o2, calculate, identity), left, right);
 public static IConditionBuilder Create(
     IValueBuilder operand,
     Func <NodeValue?, bool> calculate,
     Func <IValue, string> identity) =>
 new ValueConditionBuilder <IValueBuilder>((p, o) => Build(p, o, calculate, identity), operand);
        public IActionBuilder EveryXSeconds(IValueBuilder interval)
            var stringBuilder = CoreBuilder.Create(interval, BuildEveryXSecondsIdentity);

            return(new ActionBuilder(_statFactory, stringBuilder, _entity));
        public IActionBuilder SpendMana(IValueBuilder amount)
            var stringBuilder = CoreBuilder.Create(amount, BuildSpendManaIdentity);

            return(new ActionBuilder(_statFactory, stringBuilder, _entity));
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a child element and sets the text value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativeTo">The parent SIFElement to add the new element to</param>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag name of the element</param>
        /// <param name="valueBuilder">The ValueBuilder instance to use to evaluate macros</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version of SIF for which this mapping operation is being evaluated</param>
        /// <param name="textFormatter">The SIFFormatter instance used to parse strings into strongly-typed data values.
        /// For many uses of this API, this formatter is equivalent to Adk.TextFormatter</param>
        /// <param name="pathFormatter">The SIFFormatter instance used for setting child SIFElements on their parents.
        /// This formatter may be different than the text formatter. The text formatter is, for
        /// compatibility's sake defaulted to SIF 1.x. However, the path formatter must be 
        /// correct for the mappings path being evaluated.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SifElement _createChild(
            SifElement relativeTo,
            String tag,
            IValueBuilder valueBuilder,
            SifVersion version,
            SifFormatter textFormatter,
            SifFormatter pathFormatter)
            string _tag = tag;
            string assignValue = null;
            int eq = tag.IndexOf('=');
            if (eq != -1)
                _tag = tag.Substring(0, (eq) - (0));
                string str = tag.Substring(eq + 1);
                assignValue = valueBuilder == null ? str : valueBuilder.Evaluate(str);

            //  Lookup the IElementDef
            IElementDef def = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(relativeTo.ElementDef, _tag);
            if (def == null)
                def = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(_tag);
            if (def == null)
                throw new AdkSchemaException(_tag + " is not a recognized element or attribute of " + relativeTo.Tag);

                TypeConverter defConverter = def.TypeConverter;
                if (defConverter == null)
                    defConverter = SifTypeConverters.STRING;
                if (def.Field)
                    SimpleField field = defConverter.ParseField(relativeTo, def, textFormatter, assignValue);
                    //  Create element instance

                    SifElement ele = (SifElement)ClassFactory.CreateInstance(def.FQClassName);
                    ele.ElementDef = def;
                    pathFormatter.AddChild(relativeTo, ele, version);
                    if (assignValue != null)
                        // TODO: THis needs to be done using the type converter
                        ele.TextValue = assignValue;

                    return ele;
            catch (TypeLoadException tle)
                throw new SystemException(
                    "The " + def.Package +
                    " Sdo module is not loaded (ensure the Adk is initialized to load this module)", tle);
            catch (Exception thr)
                throw new SystemException(
                    "Failed to create an instance of the " + def.ClassName + " class from the " + def.Package +
                    " Sdo module: ", thr);

            return null;
Example #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Create all elements and attributes referenced by the XPath-like query string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="relativeTo">The element that is the starting point of the path</param>
 /// <param name="query">The xPath query to build out</param>
 /// <param name="valueBuilder">The class to use for </param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Element CreateElementOrAttributeFromXPath(
     SifElement relativeTo,
     String query,
     IValueBuilder valueBuilder)
     SifVersion version = Adk.SifVersion;
     SifFormatter pathFormatter = GetFormatter(version);
     SifFormatter textFormatter = Adk.TextFormatter;
     return CreateElementOrAttributeFromXPath(
         relativeTo, query, valueBuilder, version, textFormatter, pathFormatter);
 public CodetableProvider(IValueBuilder valueBuilder)
     ArgumentValidator.AssertNotNull(valueBuilder, nameof(valueBuilder));
     _valueBuilder = valueBuilder;
     this.Codetables = new CodetableControllerInfo[] { };
Example #31
 /// <summary>Sets an element or attribute value identified by an XPath-like query string.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///   NOTE: This method makes calls to SIFXPathContext. If multiple calls to
 ///  <c>setElementOrAttribute</c> are being done, it is much more efficient to create
 ///  a new <c>SifXPathContext</c> by calling <c>SifXPathContext.NewInstance(sdo)</c> and then
 /// calling <c>.SetElementorAttributeon</c> on that SifXPathContext instance
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="xpath">An XPath-like query string that identifies the element or
 /// attribute to set. The string must reference elements and attributes
 /// by their <i>version-independent</i> names.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="valu">The value to assign to the element or attribute if the
 /// query string does not set a value; may be null
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="valueBuilder">a ValueBuilder implementation that evaluates
 /// expressions in XPath-like query strings using name/value pairs in
 /// the <i>variables</i> map
 /// </param>
 public virtual void SetElementOrAttribute( string xpath,
                                            string valu,
                                            IValueBuilder valueBuilder )
     valu = valueBuilder == null ? valu : valueBuilder.Evaluate( valu );
     SetElementOrAttribute( xpath, valu );
Example #32
 public BuildingSerializer(SerializerWithWireType serializer,
     IValueBuilder builder)
     this.serializer = serializer;
     this.builder = builder;
Example #33
 public IFlagStatBuilder ApplyModifiersTo(IStatBuilder stat,
                                          IValueBuilder percentOfTheirValue) =>
 CreateFlagStat(This, stat, percentOfTheirValue,
                (o1, o2, o3) => $"Modifiers to {o1} apply to {o2} at {o3}% of their value");
  * Sets the ValueBuilder instance to use for mapping operations.
  * @param functions A class implementing the ValueBuilder interface
 public void SetValueBuilder(IValueBuilder functions)
     fValueBuilder = functions;
Example #35
 public IBuffBuilder ForXSeconds(IValueBuilder seconds) =>
 (IBuffBuilder)Create <IEffectBuilder, IStatBuilder, IValueBuilder>(
     (s, r) => new BuffBuilderStub(s, r),
     This, seconds,
     (o1, o2) => $"{o1} as Buff for {o2} seconds");
Example #36
        /// <summary>  Find an SifElement given an XPath-like query string.</summary>
        /// <remarks> 
        /// <para>
        /// Query strings can only take one of these forms:
        /// </para>
        /// <list type="bullet">
        /// <item><term><c>@Attr</c></term></item>
        /// <item><term><c>Element</c></term></item>
        /// <item><term><c>Element/@Attr</c></term></item>
        /// <item><term><c>Element/Element/.../@Attr</c></term></item>
        /// <item><term><c>Element[@Attr='value1']</c></term></item>
        /// <item><term><c>Element[@Attr1='value1',@Attr2='value2',...]/Element/...</c></term></item>
        /// </list>
        /// <para>
        /// When the <i>create</i> parameter is true, the method will ensure that
        /// the elements and attributes specified in the query string are created in
        /// the SifDataObject. All values are evaluated by the ValueBuilder implementation
        /// passed to this method. In addition, the query string may end with a value
        /// expression in the form "<c>Element[@Attribute='val']=<b><i>expression</i></b></c>",
        /// where <i>expression</i> is evaluated by the <c>ValueBuilder</c>.
        /// Refer to the <c>DefaultValueBuilder</c> class for a description of
        /// how value expressions are evaluated by in XPath query strings by default.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Note that when <i>create</i> is true, this method will attempt to create
        /// a new element when a set of attributes is specified and an element does
        /// not already exist with those same attribute settings. This is not always
        /// desirable, however. For example, if you call this method in succession
        /// with the following XPath query strings, the result will be a single
        /// <c>OtherId[@Type='ZZ']</c> element with a value of "$(School)".
        /// This is because each call will match the <c>OtherId[@Type='ZZ']</c>
        /// element created by the first call, and will replace its value instead of
        /// creating an new instance of the <c>OtherId</c> element:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// <code>
        /// OtherId[@Type='ZZ']=GRADE:$(Grade)
        /// OtherId[@Type='ZZ']=HOMEROOM:$(HomeRoom)
        /// OtherId[@Type='ZZ']=SCHOOL:$(School)
        /// </code>
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Produces:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// <c>&lt;OtherId Type='ZZ'&gt;SCHOOL:$(School)&lt;/OtherId&gt;</c>
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// To instruct the function to always create a new instance of an element
        /// even when a matching element is found, append the attribute list with a
        /// plus sign. The plus sign must come immediately before the closing right
        /// backet regardless of how many attributes are specified in the attribute
        /// list:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// <code>
        /// OtherId[@Type='ZZ'+]=GRADE:$(Grade)
        /// OtherId[@Type='ZZ'+]=HOMEROOM:$(HomeRoom)
        /// OtherId[@Type='ZZ'+]=SCHOOL:$(School)
        /// </code>
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// Produces:
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// <code>
        /// &lt;OtherId Type='ZZ'&gt;GRADE:$(Grade)&lt;/OtherId&gt;
        /// &lt;OtherId Type='ZZ'&gt;HOMEROOM:$(HomeRoom)&lt;/OtherId&gt;
        /// &lt;OtherId Type='ZZ'&gt;SCHOOL:$(School)&lt;/OtherId&gt;
        /// </code>
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="relativeTo">A SifDataObject to which the query is relative to.</param>
        /// <param name="query">An XPath-like query string as described above.</param>
        /// <returns> The Element satisfying the query, or <c>null</c> if no
        /// match was found (unless the <i>create</i> parameter is true). If the
        /// query resolves to an attribute, a SimpleField object is returned. If
        /// it resolves to an element, a SifElement object is returned. In both
        /// cases the caller can obtain the text value of the attribute or
        /// element by calling its <c>TextValue</c> property.
        /// </returns>
        /// <param name="valueBuilder"></param>
        public Element LookupByXPath(SifDataObject relativeTo, string query, IValueBuilder valueBuilder)
            int i = query.IndexOf('/');

            Element result =
                _xpath(relativeTo, query.Substring(0, (i == -1 ? query.Length : i) - (0)),
                        i == -1 ? null : query.Substring(i + 1));

            return result;
 private static string BuildSpendManaIdentity(BuildParameters parameters, IValueBuilder builder) =>
 $"Spend{builder.Build(parameters).Calculate(new ThrowingContext())}Mana";
Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Create all elements and attributes referenced by the XPath-like query string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relativeTo">The element that is the starting point of the path</param>
        /// <param name="query">The xPath query to build out</param>
        /// <param name="valueBuilder">The class to use for</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version of SIF for which this mapping operation is being evaluated</param>
        /// <param name="textFormatter">The SIFFormatter instance used to parse strings into strongly-typed data values.
        /// For many uses of this API, this formatter is equivalent to Adk.TextFormatter</param>
        /// <param name="pathFormatter">The SIFFormatter instance used for setting child SIFElements on their parents.
        /// This formatter may be different than the text formatter. The text formatter is, for
        /// compatibility's sake defaulted to SIF 1.x. However, the path formatter must be 
        /// correct for the mappings path being evaluated. </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Element CreateElementOrAttributeFromXPath(
            SifElement relativeTo,
            String query,
            IValueBuilder valueBuilder,
            SifVersion version,
            SifFormatter textFormatter,
            SifFormatter pathFormatter)
            int i = query.IndexOf('/');
            String currentSegment;
            String nextSegment = null;
            if (i == -1)
                currentSegment = query;
                currentSegment = query.Substring(0, i);
                nextSegment = query.Substring(i + 1);
            Element result = _xpathBuild(relativeTo,
                                          new StringBuilder(),

            return result;
 private static string BuildEveryXSecondsIdentity(BuildParameters parameters, IValueBuilder builder)
 => $"Every{builder.Build(parameters).Calculate(new ThrowingContext())}Seconds";
Example #40
        /// <summary>  Recursively builds elements and attributes relative to a SifElement.</summary>
        /// <param name="relativeTo">The SifElement this iteration is relative to. For the
        /// first call to this method, the <i>relativeTo</i> parameter is usually
        /// a SifDataObject such as StudentPersonal to which the XPath query
        /// string is relative. With each subsequent call it is the SifElement
        /// or SimpleField that was previously processed.</param>
        /// <param name="path">A running path of the segments processed thus far; an empty
        /// StringBuffer should be passed to this parameter the first time the
        /// method is called </param>
        /// <param name="curSegment">The current segment of the path that is being processed.
        /// For the first call to this method, the <i>curSegment</i> should be
        /// the portion of the XPath query string up to the first forward slash,
        /// exclusive.</param>
        /// <param name="nextSegment">The remaining portion of the path to be processed.
        /// For the first call to this method, the <i>nextSegment</i> should be
        /// the portion of the XPath query string following the first forward
        /// slash.</param>
        /// <param name="prevAttributes">An optional array of attribute values that were
        /// used to construct an Element in the processing of the last segment.
        /// The array is comprised of attribute name and value pairs such that
        /// element N is an attribute name and N+1 is its value. For the first
        /// call to this method, the array should be null. For subsequent calls,
        /// it should be null unless an Element was constructed from attribute
        /// values.</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version of SIF for which this mapping operation is being evaluated</param>
        /// <param name="textFormatter">The SIFFormatter instance used to parse strings into strongly-typed data values.
        /// For many uses of this API, this formatter is equivalent to ADK.TextFormatter</param>
        /// <param name="pathFormatter">The SIFFormatter instance used for setting child SIFElements on their parents.
        /// This formatter may be different than the text formatter. The text formatter is, for
        /// compatibility's sake defaulted to SIF 1.x. However, the path formatter must be 
        /// correct for the mappings path being evaluated.</param>
        /// <param name="valueBuilder"></param>
        /// <returns> The Element satisfying the query, or <c>null</c> if no
        /// match was found (unless the <i>create</i> parameter is true). If the
        /// query resolves to an attribute, a SimpleField object is returned. If
        /// it resolves to an element, a SifElement object is returned. In both
        /// cases the caller can obtain the text value of the attribute or
        /// element by calling its <c>TextValue</c> Property.
        /// </returns>
        private Element _xpathBuild(
            SifElement relativeTo,
            StringBuilder path,
            string curSegment,
            string nextSegment,
            string[] prevAttributes,
            IValueBuilder valueBuilder,
            SifVersion version,
            SifFormatter textFormatter,
            SifFormatter pathFormatter)
            string[] _prevAttributes = null;
            SifElement nextEle = null;

            int asgnEq = curSegment.LastIndexOf('=');
            int attr = curSegment.LastIndexOf('@', asgnEq == -1 ? curSegment.Length - 1 : asgnEq - 1);
            int bracket = curSegment.IndexOf('[');
            if (bracket != -1)
                if (attr == -1)
                    throw new AdkSchemaException("Invalid query: \"" + curSegment +
                                                  "\" must be in the form [@Attr='value1','value2',...]");

                string subEleTag = curSegment.Substring(0, (bracket) - (0));

                int lastBracket = curSegment.LastIndexOf(']');
                string[] attrList = curSegment.Substring(bracket + 1, (lastBracket) - (bracket + 1)).Split(',');
                _prevAttributes = new string[attrList.Length * 2];
                int _prevI = 0;

                for (int a = 0; a < attrList.Length; a++)
                    string _curSegment = attrList[a];

                    //  Determine the value of the attribute
                    int eq = _curSegment.IndexOf("=");
                    string val = _curSegment.Substring(eq + 1);
                    string v = null;
                    if (val[0] == '\'')
                        int end = val.IndexOf('\'', 1);
                        if (end != -1)
                            v = valueBuilder == null
                                    ? val.Substring(1, (end) - (1))
                                    : valueBuilder.Evaluate(val.Substring(1, (end) - (1)));

                    if (v == null)
                        throw new AdkSchemaException("Attribute value (" + val +
                                                      ") must be in the form @Attribute='value'");

                    string attrName = _curSegment.Substring(1, (eq) - (1));

                    _prevAttributes[_prevI++] = attrName;
                    _prevAttributes[_prevI++] = v;

                    if (nextEle == null)
                        //  Look at all of the peer elements to determine if any have the
                        //  attribute value set. If so, return it; otherwise create a new
                        //  instance of the element with the attribute set. For example, if
                        //  curSegment is "Address[@Type='M']", we must look at all of the
                        //  Address children of relativeTo in order to determine if any
                        //  currently exist with a Type field set to a value of 'M'. If one
                        //  does, then it already exists and there is nothing to do; if
                        //  not found, however, a new Address child must be added with a
                        //  Type field of 'M'.

                        //  Lookup the IElementDef of relativeTo
                        IElementDef subEleDef = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(relativeTo.ElementDef, subEleTag);
                        if (subEleDef == null)
                            subEleDef = Adk.Dtd.LookupElementDef(subEleTag);
                            if (subEleDef == null)
                                throw new AdkSchemaException(subEleTag + " is not a recognized attribute of " +

                        bool repeatable = subEleDef.IsRepeatable(relativeTo.SifVersion);

                        SifElementList peers = relativeTo.GetChildList(subEleDef);

                        if (curSegment.IndexOf("+]") == -1)
                            //  Determine if relatSifElementListiveTo has any children that already
                            //  define this attribute/value; if not, create a new instance.
                            //  If subEleDef is not repeatable, however, we cannot add
                            //  another instance of it regardless.
                            for (int i = 0; i < peers.Count && nextEle == null; i++)
                                SimpleField ftest = peers[i].GetField(attrName);
                                if (ftest != null && ftest.TextValue.Equals(v))
                                    nextEle = peers[i];

                        if (nextEle == null)
                            if (!(peers.Count > 0 && !repeatable))
                                nextEle =
                                    _createChild(relativeTo, subEleTag, valueBuilder, version, textFormatter,
                                //  subEleDef is not repeatable, so we need to back up
                                //  and add this attribute/value to a fresh instance of
                                //  relativeTo if possible. First use _xpath(path) to try
                                //  to select that instance in case it already exists (otherwise
                                //  we'd create a new instance each iteration, which is
                                //  not the desired result.)

                                string _tmp;
                                if (path.Length > 0)
                                    _tmp = path + "/" + curSegment;
                                    _tmp = curSegment;
                                if (XPATH_DEBUG)
                                    Console.Out.Write("Searching for path relative to " +
                                                       relativeTo.Root.ElementDef.Name + ": " + _tmp);

                                int _del = _tmp.IndexOf('/');
                                nextEle =
                                            _tmp.Substring(0, (_del == -1 ? _tmp.Length : _del) - (0)),
                                            _del == -1 ? null : _tmp.Substring(_del + 1));

                                if (XPATH_DEBUG)
                                    if (nextEle == null)
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("; not found, a new instance will be created");
                                        Console.Out.WriteLine("; found");

                                if (nextEle == null)
                                    if (relativeTo.ElementDef.IsRepeatable(relativeTo.SifVersion))
                                        //  Clone relativeTo
                                        SifElement grandParent = (SifElement)relativeTo.Parent;
                                        nextEle = SifElement.Create(grandParent, relativeTo.ElementDef);
                                        pathFormatter.AddChild(grandParent, nextEle, version);

                                        //  Clone subEleDef; this now becomes nextEle
                                        SifElement newEle = SifElement.Create(nextEle, subEleDef);
                                        pathFormatter.AddChild(nextEle, newEle, version);
                                        _copyAttributes(nextEle, prevAttributes);
                                        nextEle = newEle;
                                        throw new AdkSchemaException(
                                            "It is not possible to create the element or attribute identified by this path: " +
                                            _tmp + (nextSegment == null ? "" : "/" + nextSegment) +
                                            ". The element or attribute is either undefined in this version of SIF, " +
                                            "or an attempt is being made to create another instance of an element that is not Repeatable.");

                    if (nextEle != null)
                        _createField(nextEle, attrName, v);

                    if (a == attrList.Length && nextEle == null)
                        return null;
                //  Search for the named attribute/element
                if (attr != -1)
                    SimpleField ff = relativeTo.GetField(curSegment.Substring(1));
                    if (ff == null)
                        ff = _createField(relativeTo, curSegment.Substring(1), null);

                    return ff;
                    string _tag = curSegment;
                    int eq = curSegment.IndexOf('=');
                    if (eq != -1)
                        _tag = curSegment.Substring(0, (eq) - (0));

                    nextEle = relativeTo.GetChild(_tag);
                    if (nextEle == null)
                        //  The curSegment element does not exist as a child of the relativeTo
                        //  object, so create it.
                        nextEle =
                            _createChild(relativeTo, curSegment, valueBuilder, version, textFormatter, pathFormatter);
                        if (nextEle == null)
                            if (nextSegment == null)
                                return relativeTo.GetField(_tag);
                            return null;

            //  Continue the search if nextSegment has a value
            if (nextEle != null && (nextSegment != null && nextSegment.Length > 0))
                int i = nextSegment.IndexOf('/');

                if (path.Length > 0)

                return _xpathBuild(
                    path, i == -1 ? nextSegment : nextSegment.Substring(0, (i)),
                    i == -1 ? null : nextSegment.Substring(i + 1),

            if (nextSegment == null && nextEle != null && (nextEle.TextValue == null || nextEle.TextValue.Length == 0))
                int eq2 = curSegment.LastIndexOf('=');
                if (eq2 != -1)
                    if (bracket == -1 || (curSegment.LastIndexOf(']') < eq2))
                        //  An equals sign in the final segment indicates there is
                        //  a value constant or expression following the XPath
                        //  (e.g. "OtherId[@Type='06']=@pad($(PERMNUM),0,5)" ). Use
                        //  the user-supplied ValueBuilder to evaluate it.
                        string str = curSegment.Substring(eq2 + 1);
                        nextEle.TextValue = valueBuilder == null ? str : valueBuilder.Evaluate(str);

            return nextEle;
Example #41
        /// <summary>  Populate a SifDataObject from values in the supplied IDictionary.
        /// This form of the <c>map</c> method allows the caller to specify 
        /// whether it is performing an inbound or outbound mapping operation,
        /// as well as the version of SIF associated with the SIF Data Object
        /// that's being mapped. These values are used to filter field mapping rules. 
        /// The direction flag is also used to invoke automatic ValueSet 
        /// translations on fields that have a <i>ValueSet</i> attribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adaptor">An IFieldAdaptor that contains field values to assign to the
        /// supplied SifDataObject, where each entry in the map is keyed by the
        /// local application-defined name of a field and the value is the text
        /// value to assign to the corresponding element or attribute of the
        /// SifDataObject.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dataObject">The SifDataObject to assign field values to
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="valueBuilder">A custom ValueBuilder implementation to evaluate
        /// value expressions in XPath-like query strings
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="version">The SifVersion associated with the mapping operation. 
        /// For inbound SIF_Event and SIF_Response messages, this value should 
        /// be obtained by calling <c>getSIFVersion</c> on the 
        /// <i>SifMessageInfo</i> parameter passed to the message handler. For 
        /// inbound SIF_Request messages, it should be obtained by calling the
        /// <c>SifMessageInfo.getSIFRequestVersion</c> method. For 
        /// outbound messages, this value should be obtained by calling
        /// <c>Adk.getSIFVersion</c> to get the version of SIF the class
        /// framework was initialized with. Note when this parameter is 
        /// <c>null</c>, no SIF Version filtering will be applied to 
        /// field mapping rules.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="AdkMappingException">  thrown if an error occurs while
        /// evaluating a field rule</exception>
        public void MapOutbound(IFieldAdaptor adaptor,
                                SifDataObject dataObject,
                                IValueBuilder valueBuilder,
                                SifVersion version)
            ObjectMapping om = GetRules(dataObject.ElementDef.Tag(version), true);
            if (om != null)
                SifXPathContext xpathContext = SifXPathContext.NewSIFContext(dataObject, version);
                if (adaptor is IXPathVariableLibrary)
                    xpathContext.AddVariables("", (IXPathVariableLibrary) adaptor);

                IList<FieldMapping> list = GetRulesList(om, version, MappingDirection.Outbound);
                MapOutbound(xpathContext, adaptor, dataObject, list, valueBuilder, version);
Example #42
 public IValueBuilder Multiply(IValueBuilder other) =>
 CreateValue(This, other, (l, r) => $"({l} * {r})");
Example #43
 /// <summary>  Populate a SifDataObject from values in the supplied IDictionary.
 /// This form of the <c>map</c> method that accepts a custom 
 /// <c>ValueBuilder</c> implementation to evaluate value expressions 
 /// in XPath-like query strings. The <c>map</c> method uses the 
 /// DefaultValueBuilder class as its built-in implementation, but you can 
 /// supply your own by calling this method instead.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adaptor">An IFieldAdaptor that contains field values to assign to the
 /// supplied SifDataObject, where each entry in the map is keyed by the
 /// local application-defined name of a field and the value is the text
 /// value to assign to the corresponding element or attribute of the
 /// SifDataObject.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="adaptor">An IFieldAdaptor containing field values</param>
 /// <param name="data">The SifDataObject to assign field values to
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="valueBuilder">A custom ValueBuilder implementation to evaluate
 /// value expressions in XPath-like query strings
 /// </param>
 /// <exception cref="AdkMappingException">  thrown if an error occurs while
 /// evaluating a field rule
 /// </exception>
 public void MapOutbound(IFieldAdaptor adaptor,
                         SifDataObject data,
                         IValueBuilder valueBuilder)
     MapOutbound(adaptor, data, valueBuilder, Adk.SifVersion);
Example #44
 public IValueBuilder AsDividend(IValueBuilder divisor) =>
 CreateValue(This, divisor, (l, r) => $"({l} / {r})");
 public IntermediateModifierEntry WithValue(IValueBuilder value)
     return new IntermediateModifierEntry(Form, Stat, value, Condition);
 public static String flattenDate( IValueBuilder vb, String dateString_in )
     ((TestValueBuilder) vb).WasCalled = true;
     return dateString_in.Replace( "-", "" ).Trim();