protected async Task AddUserStatusAsync(long userId, long contentId, string status)
        if (userId <= 0)
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot set user status for user ID {userId}");
        var addAbout = await userStatuses.AddStatusAsync(userId, contentId, status, trackerId);

        //Alert the userlist if it's specifically not such that nothing was removed and nothing was added.
        //If nothing was removed AND nothing was added, that's one of the few instances where we can be sure nothing changed
        if (!(addAbout.Item1 == 0 && !addAbout.Item2))
            await AlertUserlistUpdate(contentId);
    public async Task GetAllStatusesAsync_0Exists()
        await userStatuses.AddStatusAsync(SuperUserId, 0, "here!", 1);

        var result = await userStatuses.GetUserStatusesAsync(searcher, NormalUserId, EasyFields);

        Assert.Contains(0, result.statuses.Keys);
        Assert.Contains("user", result.objects.Keys);
        Assert.Contains("content", result.objects.Keys);
        var users = searcher.ToStronglyTyped <UserView>(result.objects["user"]);

        Assert.Equal(SuperUserId, users.First().id);