Example #1
        public UndoRedoRecorder(IUndoRedoRecorderClient undoClient)
            if (null == undoClient)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("undoClient");

            // A single instance of UndoRedoRecorder serves a single undo client
            // object, which implements IUndoRedoRecorderClient interface. See 
            // the definition of IUndoRedoRecorderClient for more information.
            this.undoClient = undoClient;

            undoStack = new Stack<XmlElement>();
            redoStack = new Stack<XmlElement>();
Example #2
        public UndoRedoRecorder(IUndoRedoRecorderClient undoClient)
            if (null == undoClient)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("undoClient");

            // A single instance of UndoRedoRecorder serves a single undo client
            // object, which implements IUndoRedoRecorderClient interface. See
            // the definition of IUndoRedoRecorderClient for more information.
            this.undoClient = undoClient;

            undoStack = new Stack <XmlElement>();
            redoStack = new Stack <XmlElement>();