Example #1
                public void HandleCreateControl(Type controlType, PointF mousePos)
                        // first, if we're creating a header, we need to make sure there isn't already one
                        if (typeof(EditableHeader) == controlType)
                            List <IUIControl> headerControls = new List <IUIControl>( );
                            GetControlOfType <EditableHeader>(headerControls);

                            // we found a header, so we're done.
                            if (headerControls.Count > 0)

                        // now see if any child wants to create it
                        IUIControl newControl = null;
                        foreach (IUIControl control in ChildControls)
                            IEditableUIControl editableControl = control as IEditableUIControl;
                            if (editableControl != null)
                                IEditableUIControl containerControl = editableControl.ContainerForControl(controlType, mousePos);
                                if (containerControl != null)
                                    newControl = containerControl.HandleCreateControl(controlType, mousePos);

                        // if a child handled it, we're done
                        if (newControl != null)

                        // it wasn't a header, and a child didn't create it, so we will.
                        float availableWidth = Frame.Width - Padding.Right - Padding.Left;

                        // if the control type is a header, we want to force it to position 0
                        float workingWidth = availableWidth;
                        if (typeof(EditableHeader) == controlType)
                            mousePos = PointF.Empty;

                            // and if its allowed, use the full width
                            if (mStyle.mFullWidthHeader == true)
                                workingWidth = Frame.Width;

                        newControl = Parser.CreateEditableControl(controlType, new BaseControl.CreateParams(this, workingWidth, DeviceHeight, ref mStyle));

                        // add it to our renderable canvas

                        // default it to where the click occurred
                        newControl.AddOffset((float)mousePos.X, (float)mousePos.Y);

                        // if the newly created control is the lower than all others, update the note height.
                        // This lets us continue to build vertically
                        if (newControl.GetFrame( ).Bottom > Frame.Height)
                            Frame = new RectangleF(Frame.Left, Frame.Top, Frame.Width, newControl.GetFrame( ).Bottom + Padding.Bottom);
                    }while(0 != 0);
Example #2
                public void SetStyleValue(EditStyling.Style style, object value)
                    switch (style)
                    case EditStyling.Style.BoldParagraph:
                        // force all children to bold
                        foreach (IUIControl child in ChildControls)
                            IEditableUIControl editableChild = child as IEditableUIControl;
                            if (editableChild != null)
                                editableChild.SetStyleValue(EditStyling.Style.FontName, EditableParagraph.sDefaultBoldFontName);

                    case EditStyling.Style.BoldItalicizeParagraph:
                        // force all children to bold
                        foreach (IUIControl child in ChildControls)
                            IEditableUIControl editableChild = child as IEditableUIControl;
                            if (editableChild != null)
                                editableChild.SetStyleValue(EditStyling.Style.FontName, EditableParagraph.sDefaultBoldItalicFontName);

                    case EditStyling.Style.ItalicizeParagraph:
                        // force all children to bold
                        foreach (IUIControl child in ChildControls)
                            IEditableUIControl editableChild = child as IEditableUIControl;
                            if (editableChild != null)
                                editableChild.SetStyleValue(EditStyling.Style.FontName, EditableParagraph.sDefaultItalicFontName);

                    case EditStyling.Style.BulletParagraph:
                        // create a noteText with the bullet, and then insert it
                        XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader("<NT>" + sBulletChar + "</NT>"));
                        reader.Read( );

                        IUIControl bulletText = Parser.TryParseControl(new CreateParams(this, ParentSize.Width, ParentSize.Height, ref mStyle), reader);

                        ChildControls.Insert(0, bulletText);

                        SetPosition(Frame.Left, Frame.Top);



                    case EditStyling.Style.UnderlineParagraph:
                        // to underline the whole thing, we need to make it one big NoteText.
                        // we'll gather all the text, convert it to a single NoteText with Underlined Attribute,
                        // remove the existing children, and replace them with the new single underlined one.

                        // get the full text. we can use the build HTML stream code to do this.
                        string htmlStream = string.Empty;
                        string textStream = string.Empty;
                        BuildHTMLContent(ref htmlStream, ref textStream, new List <IUIControl>( ));

                        // if the last character is a URL glyph, remove it
                        textStream = textStream.Trim(new char[] { ' ', PrivateNoteConfig.CitationUrl_Icon[0] });

                        XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader("<NT Underlined=\"True\">" + textStream + "</NT>"));
                        reader.Read( );

                        IUIControl noteText = Parser.TryParseControl(new CreateParams(this, ParentSize.Width, ParentSize.Height, ref mStyle), reader);

                        foreach (IUIControl control in ChildControls)
                        ChildControls.Clear( );


                        SetPosition(Frame.Left, Frame.Top);

