/// <summary>
        /// Compute the utility of accessing the access station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="origin">The origin of the trip, flat</param>
        /// <param name="interchange">The access station, flat</param>
        /// <param name="weightedTravelTime"></param>
        /// <returns>The utility of picking the access station, NaN if it isn't possible</returns>
        private float ComputeAccessUtility(int origin, int interchange, out float weightedTravelTime)
            float v = 0.0f;

            // figure out which data to use
            if (!PremiumTransitNetwork.GetAllData(origin, interchange, TimeOfDay, out Time ivtt, out Time walk, out Time wait, out Time boarding, out float cost) | ivtt <= Time.Zero)
                if (!TransitNetwork.GetAllData(origin, interchange, TimeOfDay, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost) | walk <= Time.Zero)
                    weightedTravelTime = float.NaN;
            // once we have the data we can then compute the utility
            v += IvttFactor * ivtt.ToMinutes()
                 + WalkTimeFactor * walk.ToMinutes()
                 + WaitTimeFactor * wait.ToMinutes()
                 + BoardingFactor * boarding.ToMinutes()
                 + CostFactor * cost;
            // we can also compute the weighted travel time here in order to avoid additional lookups
            weightedTravelTime = ivtt.ToMinutes()
                                 + EgressWaitPerception * wait.ToMinutes()
                                 + EgressWalkPerception * walk.ToMinutes();
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the utility of a single interchange
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">flat origin zone</param>
        /// <param name="d">flat destination zone</param>
        /// <param name="zones">an array of zones</param>
        /// <param name="interchange">the flat interchange zone to use</param>
        /// <param name="maxDistance">The maximum distance allowed</param>
        /// <param name="result">the utility of using this interchange</param>
        /// <param name="distanceByAuto">The distance the origin is from the interchange in auto travel time</param>
        /// <param name="parking"></param>
        /// <returns>True if this is a valid interchange zone, false if not feasible.</returns>
        private bool ComputeUtility(int o, int d, IZone[] zones, int interchange, float[] parking, float maxDistance,
                                    out float result, out float distanceByAuto)
            result = float.NaN;
            Time  ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
            float cost;
            float v = 0.0f;
            var   destinationDistance = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(o, d, TimeOfDay).ToMinutes();

            if (Access)
                // distance is actually the travel time
                distanceByAuto = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(o, interchange, TimeOfDay).ToMinutes();
                // there is no need to continue if we have already found the max number of paths that are shorter
                // it also a valid choice to drive longer in order to use the access station compared to just going to the final destination.
                // we also are not feasible if there is no parking spots
                if (distanceByAuto >= maxDistance | destinationDistance < distanceByAuto | parking[interchange] <= 0)
                // get the from interchange to destination costs (we need to include boarding here even though we don't actually use it in our utility function
                // making individual calls for the data would be more expensive

                if (!TransitNetwork.GetAllData(interchange, d, TimeOfDay, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost) | ivtt <= Time.Zero | walk <= Time.Zero)
                // This will be executed if we want to run the EGRESS model

                // distance is actually the travel time from the station we get off at to our destination
                distanceByAuto = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(interchange, d, TimeOfDay).ToMinutes();
                // make sure we clip properly
                if (distanceByAuto >= maxDistance | destinationDistance < distanceByAuto | parking[interchange] <= 0)
                // in egress the transit trip is actually before the drive, so origin to the interchange is transit
                if (!TransitNetwork.GetAllData(o, interchange, TimeOfDay, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost) | ivtt <= Time.Zero | walk <= Time.Zero)
            v += IvttFactor * ivtt.ToMinutes()
                 + WaitTimeFactor * wait.ToMinutes()
                 + WalkTimeFactor * walk.ToMinutes()
                 + BoardingFactor * boarding.ToMinutes();
            v += AutoTimeFactor * distanceByAuto;
            v += AutoCostFactor * AutoNetwork.TravelCost(o, interchange, TimeOfDay);
            v += ParkingFactor * (float)Math.Log(parking[interchange]);
            v += ParkingCostFactor * zones[interchange].ParkingCost;
            // Now add in the origin to interchange zone utilities
            result = v;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Computes the weighted travel time between two points.
 /// This method does not include the line hull time!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="origin">The zone to start from, flat space</param>
 /// <param name="destination">The zone to end at, flat space</param>
 /// <returns>The weighted travel time from egress station to destination</returns>
 private float ComputeWeightedTimeWithoutRail(int origin, int destination)
     if (!TransitNetwork.GetAllData(origin, destination, TimeOfDay, out Time ivtt, out Time walk, out Time wait, out Time boardings, out float cost) | walk <= Time.Zero)
            + EgressWaitPerception * wait.ToMinutes()
            + EgressWalkPerception * walk.ToMinutes());
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes and stores the mode split for a zone going to Pearson.
        /// This will also compute the logsum for each zone.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zone">The flat indexed zone to compute for</param>
        /// <param name="utilities">The array to store the results in</param>
        private void ComputeModeSplitForZone(int zone, ModeSplitUtilities[] utilities)
            // first we need to get the data from the network
            float aivtt, acost, tivtt, twalk, twait, _railTime, tfare;

            AutoNetwork.GetAllData(zone, PearsonFlatZoneNumber, TimeOfDay, out aivtt, out acost);
            bool transit = TransitNetwork.GetAllData(zone, PearsonFlatZoneNumber, TimeOfDay, out tivtt, out twalk, out twait, out _railTime, out tfare);

            // Second compute the utilities for each mode
            utilities[zone].Auto = (float)Math.Exp(BetaAutoTime * aivtt + BetaAutoCost * acost);
            if (transit && (tivtt > 0 | twalk > 0))
                utilities[zone].Transit = (float)Math.Exp(BetaTransitConstant + BetaTransitTime * (tivtt + twalk + twait) + BetaTransitFare * tfare);
                var total = utilities[zone].Auto + utilities[zone].Transit;
                utilities[zone].Logsum   = (float)Math.Log(total);
                utilities[zone].Auto    /= total;
                utilities[zone].Transit /= total;
                utilities[zone].Logsum  = (float)Math.Log(utilities[zone].Auto);
                utilities[zone].Auto   /= 1f;
                utilities[zone].Transit = 0f;
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the utility between two zones
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pdD"></param>
        /// <param name="zoneO">The flat origin index</param>
        /// <param name="pdO"></param>
        /// <param name="zoneD"></param>
        /// <param name="workerIndex"></param>
        /// <returns>The utility between the two zones.</returns>
        private float CalculateUtilityToE(int pdO, int pdD, int zoneO, int zoneD, int workerIndex)
            var segment = GetSegment(pdO, pdD);

            if (segment == null)
            // Worker Categories:
            // 0 = No Car / No License
            // 1 = Less cars than people with licenses
            // 2 = More or equal cars to persons with licenses
            float perceivedTime = AutoNetwork.TravelTime(zoneO, zoneD, TimeOfDay).ToMinutes();
            var   utility       = Math.Exp((workerIndex == 0 ? segment.PassengerTime : segment.AutoTime) * perceivedTime +
                                           (workerIndex == 2 ? segment.SaturatedVehicles : 0));

            // transit
            TransitNetwork.GetAllData(zoneO, zoneD, TimeOfDay, out float trueTime, out float walk, out float wait, out perceivedTime, out float cost);
            if (perceivedTime > 0)
                utility += Math.Exp(segment.TransitTime * perceivedTime + segment.TransitConstant);
            var constants = segment.ExpSegmentConstant;

            if (zoneO == zoneD)
                constants *= segment.ExpIntrazonalConstant;
            if (pdO == pdD)
                constants *= segment.ExpIntraPDConstant;
            return((float)(utility * constants));
Example #6
 private static float ComputeSubV(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boarding, out float cost);
     return(ivttWeight * ivtt
            + walkWeight * walk
            + waitWeight * wait
            + boardingWeight * boarding
            + costWeight * cost);
 private static float ComputeV(ITripComponentData data, int egress, int destination, Time time, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     data.GetAllData(egress, destination, time, out Time ivtt, out Time walk, out Time wait, out Time boarding, out float cost);
     return(ivttWeight * ivtt.ToMinutes()
            + walkWeight * walk.ToMinutes()
            + waitWeight * wait.ToMinutes()
            + boardingWeight * boarding.ToMinutes()
            + costWeight * cost);
Example #8
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     if (transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out float trueTravelTime, out float walk, out float wait, out float perceivedTravelTime, out float cost) && (perceivedTravelTime > 0))
         return(PerceivedTransitTime * perceivedTravelTime
                + TransitFare * cost);
Example #9
        private static float ComputeSubV(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float costWeight)
            Time  ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
            float cost;

            data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost);
            return(ivttWeight * ivtt.ToMinutes()
                   + walkWeight * walk.ToMinutes()
                   + waitWeight * wait.ToMinutes()
                   + costWeight * cost);
Example #10
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     if (transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boardingPenalty, out float cost) && (boardingPenalty > 0))
         return(TIVTT * ivtt
                + Boarding * boardingPenalty
                + TWALK * walk
                + TWAIT * wait
                + TransitFare * cost);
Example #11
 internal bool GetEgressUtility(int flatEgressZone, int flatDestinationZone, Time time, out float egressUtility)
     // Make sure that we can get from the egress station to the destination zone at that current point in the day
     if (!Third.ValidOd(flatEgressZone, flatDestinationZone, time))
         egressUtility = float.MinValue;
     Third.GetAllData(flatEgressZone, flatDestinationZone, time, out Time ivtt, out Time walk, out Time wait, out Time boarding, out float cost);
     egressUtility = ivtt.ToMinutes() + EgressWaitFactor * wait.ToMinutes() + EgressWalkFactor * walk.ToMinutes();
     return(egressUtility != float.MaxValue);
Example #12
 public override float CalculateV(IZone origin, IZone destination, Time time)
     if (IsContained(origin, destination))
         if (NetworkData.GetAllData(origin, destination, time, out Time ivtt, out Time walkTime, out Time waitTime, out Time boarding, out float cost))
             return(IVTT * ivtt.ToMinutes() + Wait * waitTime.ToMinutes()
                    + Walk * walkTime.ToMinutes() + Boarding * boarding.ToMinutes() + Cost * cost);
Example #13
 private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float walkTime, float waitTime, out float result)
     data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boarding, out float cost);
     if (walk <= 0)
         result = float.PositiveInfinity;
     result = walk * walkTime
              + wait * waitTime
              + ivtt;
Example #14
        public virtual float CalculateV(IZone originZone, IZone destinationZone, Time time)
            var zoneArray   = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;
            var origin      = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(originZone.ZoneNumber);
            var destination = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(destinationZone.ZoneNumber);
            // initialize to the combined constant value for the mode
            float v = Constant + PartTime + NoDriversLicense + SingleVehicleHousehold + MultipleVehicleHousehold
                      + AgeConstant1 + AgeConstant2 + AgeConstant3 + AgeConstant4
                      + Parking * destinationZone.ParkingCost
                      + GetDensityV(originZone, destinationZone);
            // if we need to calculate distance
            var zoneDistance = Root.ZoneSystem.Distances.GetFlatData()[origin][destination];

            // if the trip is smaller than the short distance
            if (zoneDistance <= ShortDistance)
                v += ShortDistanceConstant;

            v += Distance * (zoneDistance / 1000f);
            // check what kind of network data we are working with to see if we can use subcomponents
            if (AdvancedNetworkData == null)
                NetworkData.GetAllData(origin, destination, time, out float ivtt, out float cost);
                v += IVTT * ivtt + TravelCost * cost;
                AdvancedNetworkData.GetAllData(origin, destination, time, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boarding, out float cost);
                v += IVTT * ivtt
                     + Walk * walk
                     + ((walk > 0) & (ivtt <= 0) ? AdjacentZone : 0f)
                     + Wait * wait
                     + Boarding * boarding
                     + TravelCost * cost;
Example #15
        private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float walkTime, float waitTime, out float result)
            data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out Time ivtt, out Time walk, out Time wait, out Time boarding, out float cost);
            var timeWalkingInMinutes = walk.ToMinutes();

            if (timeWalkingInMinutes <= 0)
                result = float.PositiveInfinity;
            result = timeWalkingInMinutes * walkTime
                     + wait.ToMinutes() * waitTime
                     + ivtt.ToMinutes();
Example #16
        public double CalculateV(ITrip trip)
            // compute the non human factors
            IZone originalZone    = trip.OriginalZone;
            var   o               = ZoneArray.GetFlatIndex(originalZone.ZoneNumber);
            IZone destinationZone = trip.DestinationZone;
            var   d               = ZoneArray.GetFlatIndex(destinationZone.ZoneNumber);
            var   p               = trip.TripChain.Person;

            GetPersonVariables(p, out float constant, out float perceivedTimeFactor, out float costFactor);
            float v = constant;

            if (Network.GetAllData(o, d, trip.TripStartTime, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float perceivedTime, out float cost))
                v += perceivedTime * perceivedTimeFactor
                     + cost * costFactor;
Example #17
        public double CalculateV(ITrip trip)
            // compute the non human factors
            IZone originalZone = trip.OriginalZone;
            var   o = ZoneArray.GetFlatIndex(originalZone.ZoneNumber);
            IZone destinationZone = trip.DestinationZone;
            var   d = ZoneArray.GetFlatIndex(destinationZone.ZoneNumber);
            var   p = trip.TripChain.Person;
            float perceivedTimeFactor, constant, costFactor;

            GetPersonVariables(p, out constant, out perceivedTimeFactor, out costFactor);
            float v = constant;
            // if Intrazonal
            float ivtt, walk, wait, perceivedTime, cost;

            if (Network.GetAllData(o, d, trip.TripStartTime, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out perceivedTime, out cost))
                v += perceivedTime * perceivedTimeFactor
                     + cost * costFactor;
            //Apply trip purpose factors
            switch (trip.Purpose)
            case Activity.Market:
                v += MarketFlag + ZonalDensityForActivitiesArray[d];

            case Activity.IndividualOther:
                v += OtherFlag + ZonalDensityForActivitiesArray[d];

            case Activity.Home:
                v += ZonalDensityForHomeArray[d];

                v += ZonalDensityForActivitiesArray[d];
            v += GetPlanningDistrictConstant(trip.TripStartTime, originalZone.PlanningDistrict, destinationZone.PlanningDistrict);
Example #18
        private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float WalkTime, float WaitTime, out float result)
            Time  ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
            float cost;

            data.GetAllData(flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost);
            var walkTime = walk.ToMinutes();

            if (walkTime <= 0)
                result = float.PositiveInfinity;
            result = walkTime * WalkTime
                     + wait.ToMinutes() * WaitTime
                     + ivtt.ToMinutes();
Example #19
        public double CalculateV(ITrip trip)
            // compute the non human factors
            var   zoneSystem      = Root.ZoneSystem;
            var   zoneArray       = zoneSystem.ZoneArray;
            IZone originalZone    = trip.OriginalZone;
            var   o               = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(originalZone.ZoneNumber);
            IZone destinationZone = trip.DestinationZone;
            var   d               = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(destinationZone.ZoneNumber);
            var   p               = trip.TripChain.Person;

            GetPersonVariables(p, out float constant, out float timeFactor, out float walkBeta, out float waitBeta, out float boardingBeta, out float costFactor);
            float v = constant;

            // if Intrazonal
            if (o == d)
                v += IntrazonalConstant;
                v += IntrazonalTripDistanceFactor * zoneSystem.Distances.GetFlatData()[o][d] * 0.001f;
                // if not intrazonal
                if (originalZone.RegionNumber != destinationZone.RegionNumber)
                    v += InterRegionalTrip;

                if (Network.GetAllData(o, d, trip.TripStartTime, out float ivtt, out float walk, out float wait, out float boarding, out float cost))
                    if (ivtt <= 0)
                        v += NoTIVTTPenalty;
                    v += ivtt * timeFactor
                         + walk * walkBeta
                         + wait * waitBeta
                         + boarding * boardingBeta
                         + cost * costFactor;
Example #20
        public bool Feasible(IZone originZone, IZone destinationZone, Time time)
            var zoneArray   = this.Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;
            var origin      = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(originZone.ZoneNumber);
            var destination = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(destinationZone.ZoneNumber);

            if (CurrentlyFeasible <= 0)
            if (AdvancedNetworkData == null)
                return(this.NetworkData.ValidOD(origin, destination, time) && (!this.CheckPositiveIVTT || this.NetworkData.TravelTime(origin, destination, time).ToMinutes() > 0));
                float ivtt, walk, wait, boarding, cost;
                AdvancedNetworkData.GetAllData(origin, destination, time, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost);
                return(this.AdvancedNetworkData.ValidOD(origin, destination, time) &&
                       ((!this.CheckPositiveIVTT || ivtt > 0)) &&
                       ((!this.CheckPositiveWalk || walk > 0)));
Example #21
 private static float ComputeV(ITripComponentData data, int egress, int destination, Time time, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     Time ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
     float cost;
     data.GetAllData( egress, destination, time, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost );
     return ivttWeight * ivtt.ToMinutes()
         + walkWeight * walk.ToMinutes()
         + waitWeight * wait.ToMinutes()
         + boardingWeight * boarding.ToMinutes()
         + costWeight * cost;
Example #22
 private double GetTransitUtility(ITripComponentData network, int i, int j, Time time)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, cost, boarding;
     if(!network.GetAllData(i, j, time, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost))
         return 0f;
     return Math.Exp(
           TransitTime * ivtt
         + TransitWalk * walk
         + TransitWait * wait
         + Cost * cost);
Example #23
 private static bool ComputeThird(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float walkTime, float waitTime, out float result)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
     float cost;
     data.GetAllData( flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost );
     if ( walk <= 0 )
         result = float.PositiveInfinity;
         return false;
     result = walk * walkTime
             + wait * waitTime
             + ivtt;
     return true;
Example #24
 private static float ComputeSubV(ITripComponentData data, int flatOrigin, int flatDestination, Time t, float ivttWeight, float walkWeight, float waitWeight, float boardingWeight, float costWeight)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, boarding;
     float cost;
     data.GetAllData( flatOrigin, flatDestination, t, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost );
     return ivttWeight * ivtt
         + walkWeight * walk
         + waitWeight * wait
         + boardingWeight * boarding
         + costWeight * cost;
Example #25
        public double CalculateV(ITrip trip)
            // compute the non human factors
            var   zoneSystem = Root.ZoneSystem;
            var   zoneArray = zoneSystem.ZoneArray;
            IZone originalZone = trip.OriginalZone;
            var   o = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(originalZone.ZoneNumber);
            IZone destinationZone = trip.DestinationZone;
            var   d = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(destinationZone.ZoneNumber);
            var   p = trip.TripChain.Person;
            float timeFactor, constant, costFactor, walkBeta, waitBeta, boardingBeta;

            GetPersonVariables(p, out constant, out timeFactor, out walkBeta, out waitBeta, out boardingBeta, out costFactor);
            float v = constant;

            // if Intrazonal
            if (o == d)
                v += IntrazonalConstant;
                v += IntrazonalTripDistanceFactor * zoneSystem.Distances.GetFlatData()[o][d] * 0.001f;
                // if not intrazonal
                if (originalZone.RegionNumber != destinationZone.RegionNumber)
                    v += InterRegionalTrip;
                float ivtt, walk, wait, boarding, cost;
                if (Network.GetAllData(o, d, trip.TripStartTime, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boarding, out cost))
                    if (ivtt <= 0)
                        v += NoTIVTTPenalty;
                    v += ivtt * timeFactor
                         + walk * walkBeta
                         + wait * waitBeta
                         + boarding * boardingBeta
                         + cost * costFactor;
            //Apply trip purpose factors
            switch (trip.Purpose)
            case Activity.Market:
                v += MarketFlag + ZonalDensityForActivitiesArray[d];

            case Activity.IndividualOther:
                v += OtherFlag + ZonalDensityForActivitiesArray[d];

            case Activity.Home:
                v += ZonalDensityForHomeArray[d];

                v += ZonalDensityForActivitiesArray[d];
            v += GetPlanningDistrictConstant(trip.TripStartTime, originalZone.PlanningDistrict, destinationZone.PlanningDistrict);
Example #26
        private bool BuildUtility(IZone firstOrigin, IZone secondOrigin, Pair <IZone[], float[]> accessData, IZone firstDestination, IZone secondDestination,
                                  ITashaPerson person, Time firstTime, Time secondTime, out float dependentUtility)
            var   zones = accessData.First;
            var   utils = accessData.Second;
            var   totalUtil = 0.0f;
            float ivttBeta, costBeta, constant;

            GetPersonVariables(person, out constant, out ivttBeta, out costBeta);
            totalUtil = VectorHelper.Sum(utils, 0, utils.Length);
            if (totalUtil <= 0)
                dependentUtility = float.NaN;
            dependentUtility = GetPlanningDistrictConstant(firstTime, firstOrigin.PlanningDistrict, firstDestination.PlanningDistrict)
                               + GetPlanningDistrictConstant(secondTime, secondOrigin.PlanningDistrict, secondDestination.PlanningDistrict);
            totalUtil = 1 / totalUtil;
            // we still need to do this in order to reduce time for computing the selected access station
            VectorHelper.Multiply(utils, 0, utils, 0, totalUtil, utils.Length);
            var zoneSystem = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;
            var fo         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(firstOrigin.ZoneNumber);
            var so         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(secondOrigin.ZoneNumber);
            var fd         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(firstDestination.ZoneNumber);
            var sd         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(secondDestination.ZoneNumber);

            totalUtil = 0;
            var fastTransit        = TransitNetwork as ITripComponentCompleteData;
            var fastAuto           = AutoNetwork as INetworkCompleteData;
            var stationIndexLookup = StationIndexLookup;

            if (stationIndexLookup == null)
                stationIndexLookup = CreateStationIndexLookup(zoneSystem, zones);
            if (fastTransit == null | fastAuto == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < utils.Length; i++)
                    var stationIndex = StationIndexLookup[i];
                    var probability  = utils[i];
                    if (probability > 0)
                        var   local = 0.0f;
                        float perceivedTime, cost, twalk, twait, trueTime;
                        TransitNetwork.GetAllData(stationIndex, fd, firstTime, out trueTime, out twalk, out twait, out perceivedTime, out cost);
                        local += perceivedTime * ivttBeta + cost * costBeta;
                        TransitNetwork.GetAllData(stationIndex, so, secondTime, out perceivedTime, out twalk, out twait, out perceivedTime, out cost);
                        local += perceivedTime * ivttBeta + cost * costBeta;
                        AutoNetwork.GetAllData(fo, stationIndex, firstTime, out perceivedTime, out cost);
                        local += perceivedTime * ivttBeta + costBeta * cost;
                        AutoNetwork.GetAllData(stationIndex, sd, secondTime, out perceivedTime, out cost);
                        local     += perceivedTime * ivttBeta + costBeta * cost;
                        totalUtil += local * probability;
                int numberOfZones = zoneSystem.GetFlatData().Length;
                // fo, and so are constant across stations, so we can pull that part of the computation out
                fo = fo * numberOfZones;
                so = so * numberOfZones;
                float[] firstAutoMatrix     = fastAuto.GetTimePeriodData(firstTime);
                float[] firstTransitMatrix  = fastTransit.GetTimePeriodData(firstTime);
                float[] secondAutoMatrix    = fastAuto.GetTimePeriodData(secondTime);
                float[] secondTransitMatrix = fastTransit.GetTimePeriodData(secondTime);
                if (firstTransitMatrix == null || secondTransitMatrix == null)
                    dependentUtility = float.NaN;
                for (int i = 0; i < utils.Length; i++)
                    var stationIndex          = stationIndexLookup[i];
                    int origin1ToStation      = (fo + stationIndex) << 1;
                    int stationToDestination1 = ((stationIndex * numberOfZones) + fd) * 5;
                    int origin2ToStation      = (so + stationIndex) * 5;
                    int stationToDestination2 = ((stationIndex * numberOfZones) + sd) << 1;
                    if (utils[i] > 0)
                        // transit utility
                        var tivtt   = firstTransitMatrix[stationToDestination1] + secondTransitMatrix[origin2ToStation];
                        var tcost   = firstTransitMatrix[stationToDestination1 + 3] + secondTransitMatrix[origin2ToStation + 3];
                        var aivtt   = firstAutoMatrix[origin1ToStation] + secondAutoMatrix[stationToDestination2];
                        var acost   = firstAutoMatrix[origin1ToStation + 1] + secondAutoMatrix[stationToDestination2 + 1];
                        var utility = (tivtt + aivtt) * ivttBeta + (acost + tcost) * costBeta;
                        totalUtil += utility * utils[i];
            dependentUtility += totalUtil;
Example #27
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     float ivtt, walk, wait, boardingPenalty, cost;
     if(transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out ivtt, out walk, out wait, out boardingPenalty, out cost) && (boardingPenalty > 0))
         return TIVTT * ivtt
             + Boarding * boardingPenalty
             + TWALK * walk
             + TWAIT * wait
             + TransitFare * cost;
     return float.NegativeInfinity;
 private float ComputeUtility(ITripComponentData transitNetwork, int originIndex, int destIndex)
     float trueTravelTime, walk, wait, perceivedTravelTime, cost;
     if (transitNetwork.GetAllData(originIndex, destIndex, StartTime, out trueTravelTime, out walk, out wait, out perceivedTravelTime, out cost) && (perceivedTravelTime > 0))
         return PerceivedTransitTime * perceivedTravelTime
             + TransitFare * cost;
     return float.NegativeInfinity;