/// <summary>
        /// Provides a list of parcel id with associated address in the formatted string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topologyGraph">The topology graph of the area of interest. <see cref="ITopologyGraph"/></param>
        /// <param name="parcelsToCentroidMap">A dictionary object containing the parcel id and its centroid</param>
        /// <returns>A formatted list of parcel and its address information</returns>
        private List <string> GetParcelsWithAddress(ITopologyGraph topologyGraph, Dictionary <int, IPoint> parcelsToCentroidMap)
            List <string> parcelWithAddressList = new List <string>();

            if (topologyGraph == null || parcelsToCentroidMap.Count < 1)

            // Iterating parcels to fetch the address node from the topology graph
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, IPoint> keyValuePair in parcelsToCentroidMap)
                int    parcelID       = keyValuePair.Key;
                IPoint parcelCentroid = keyValuePair.Value;

                ITopologyElement addressToplogyElement;
                double           hitRadius;

                // Find a topology element that is closest to the parcel centroid  and with in the search radius of 10.0. If success the method will return the address topology node
                bool isElementFound = topologyGraph.HitTest((int)esriTopologyElementType.esriTopologyNode, parcelCentroid, 10.0, null, out hitRadius, out addressToplogyElement);

                if (addressToplogyElement != null && isElementFound)
                    IEnumTopologyParent addressElementParents = addressToplogyElement.Parents;

                    //Iterate over topology element parents
                    for (int addressElementCount = 0; addressElementCount < addressElementParents.Count; addressElementCount++)
                        esriTopologyParent addressElementParent = addressElementParents.Next();
                        int           addressFID = addressElementParent.m_FID;
                        IFeatureClass addressFC  = addressElementParent.m_pFC;

                        // Fetch address feature
                        IFeature addressFeature = GetFeature(addressFC, addressFID);

                        // Get parcel address index
                        int addressIndex = addressFeature.Fields.FindField("ADDRESS");

                        if (addressIndex >= 0)
                            // Get parcel address value
                            string addressValue = addressFeature.Value[addressIndex].ToString();

                            // Add parcel ID and address value
                            parcelWithAddressList.Add($"Parcel ID: {parcelID} / Address Coordinates: {addressValue}");
Example #2
 private void SetTopologyObjects(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!(this._linkComboBox.EditValue is LayerObject))
         CmdSelectTopology.m_TopologyGraph = null;
         ILayer layer = (this._linkComboBox.EditValue as LayerObject).Layer;
         CmdSelectTopology.m_TopologyLayer = layer as ITopologyLayer;
         CmdSelectTopology.m_Topology      = (layer as ITopologyLayer).Topology;
         CmdSelectTopology.m_TopologyGraph = CmdSelectTopology.m_Topology.Cache;
Example #3
 private static void old_acctor_mc()
     CmdSelectTopology.m_TopologyGraph = null;
     CmdSelectTopology.m_Topology      = null;
     CmdSelectTopology.m_TopologyLayer = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Traverse the topology graph, <see cref="ITopologyGraph"/>, to visit topology elements <see cref="ITopologyElement"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="featureDataset">Feature dataset object</param>
        /// <param name="topologyName">The topology name</param>
        /// <param name="featureClassName">The feature class name</param>
        /// <param name="originFeatureObjectId">Feature ObjectId from the feature class, <paramref name="featureClassName"/></param>
        /// <returns>A JSON object <see cref="JsonObject"/> containing parcels' id and address</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method builds the topology graph around origin parcel feature and traverse the topology graph to fetch its adjoining parcels and their addresses
        /// </remarks>
        public JsonObject TraverseTopologyGraph(IFeatureDataset featureDataset, string topologyName, string featureClassName, int originFeatureObjectId)
            // Fetch feature class by name
            IFeatureClass parcelFeatureClass = GetFeatureClass(featureDataset, featureClassName);

            // Fetch topology by name from feature dataset
            ITopology topology = GetTopologyFromFeatureDataset(featureDataset, topologyName);

            // Get the origin parcel feature identified by ObjectID
            IFeature parcelFeature = GetFeature(parcelFeatureClass, originFeatureObjectId);

            ITopologyGraph topologyGraph = topology.Cache;

            // Build the topology graph around the origin parcel feature
            topologyGraph.Build(parcelFeature.Shape.Envelope, false);

            IEnumTopologyEdge enumTopologyEdge = topologyGraph.GetParentEdges(parcelFeatureClass, originFeatureObjectId);


            List <dynamic> taxParcelIds = new List <dynamic>();

            IEnvelope topologyParentsEnvelope             = new EnvelopeClass();
            Dictionary <int, IPoint> parcelsToCentroidMap = new Dictionary <int, IPoint>();

            for (int topoEdgeCount = 0; topoEdgeCount < enumTopologyEdge.Count; topoEdgeCount++)
                ITopologyEdge topologyEdge = enumTopologyEdge.Next();

                // Parents of the topology edge
                IEnumTopologyParent parents = topologyEdge.Parents;

                for (int parentsCount = 0; parentsCount < parents.Count; parentsCount++)
                    esriTopologyParent parent         = parents.Next();
                    int           parentFID           = parent.m_FID;
                    IFeatureClass parentFC            = parent.m_pFC;
                    IFeature      parentParcelFeature = parentFC.GetFeature(parentFID);

                    // Get the index of 'ParcelType' field from the parcel feature class
                    int parcelTypeIndex = parentParcelFeature.Fields.FindField("PARCELTYPE");

                    // Get parcel type value
                    int parcelTypeValue = Convert.ToInt32(parentParcelFeature.Value[parcelTypeIndex]);

                    // Avoid duplicates and skip parcels with 'RowOverlap' subtype
                    if (parentFC == parcelFeatureClass && !taxParcelIds.Contains(parentFID) && parentFID != originFeatureObjectId && (parcelTypeValue < 8 && parcelTypeValue > 0))

                        // Envelope of a parcel
                        IEnvelope parcelEnvelope = parentParcelFeature.Extent.Envelope;

                        // Centroid of a parcel
                        IArea  parcelArea     = parcelEnvelope as IArea;
                        IPoint parcelCentroid = parcelArea.Centroid;

                        // Add parcel id and centroid to the mapping dictionary
                        parcelsToCentroidMap.Add(parentFID, parcelCentroid);

                        // Union of the adjoining parcels' envelope

            // Update topology graph to include adjoining parcels
            topologyGraph.Build(topologyParentsEnvelope, false);

            JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();

            // Get adjoining parcels and their addresses
            List <string> parcelWithAddressList = GetParcelsWithAddress(topologyGraph, parcelsToCentroidMap);

            // Format JSON array
            jsonObject.AddArray($"Adjoining parcels of {originFeatureObjectId}", parcelWithAddressList?.ToArray());