Example #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> ChangePasswordSendEmailUserAsync(string email)

            ApplicationUser applicationUser = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(email);

            if (applicationUser == null)
                return(NotFound(new { message = $"User not found with the specified email." }));

            //Checking if the user can change password
            IList <UserLoginInfo> userLogins = await _userManager.GetLoginsAsync(applicationUser);

            if (userLogins.Count > 0)
                return(StatusCode(401, new { message = $"Account not authorized to change password, please update the password with your login provider." }));

            string token = await _tokenProviderService.GenerateJWTAsync(applicationUser);

            EmailModel emailModel = new EmailModel
                EmailTo = applicationUser.Email,
                Body    = $"<html><body><a href='{_configSettings.URL.ChangePasswordURL}/{token}'>Click here to Change Password</a><br></body></html>",
                Subject = "Visneto - Change Password"

            await _emailManager.SendEmailAsync(emailModel);

            return(Ok(new { message = $"Email sent for change password request, please check your registered email's inbox." }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> RegisterAsync([FromBody] RegisterUserModelDTO RegisterUserModelDTO)

            //Check for duplicate user-names and e-mail
            ApplicationUser foundUser = await _userManager.Users.Where(x => x.Email == RegisterUserModelDTO.UserEmail || x.UserName == RegisterUserModelDTO.UserName).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

            //Throw HTTP 409 Conflict then
            if (foundUser != null)
                return(StatusCode(409, new { message = $"The username / email is already taken and is conflicting with other records, please give an unique username / email." }));

            ApplicationUser applicationUser = new ApplicationUser
                UserName       = RegisterUserModelDTO.UserName,
                Email          = RegisterUserModelDTO.UserEmail,
                FirstName      = RegisterUserModelDTO.FirstName,
                LastName       = RegisterUserModelDTO.LastName,
                PhoneNumber    = RegisterUserModelDTO.PhoneNumber,
                EmailConfirmed = false

            IdentityResult createResult = await _userManager.CreateAsync(applicationUser, RegisterUserModelDTO.Password);

            //User creation failed because of some constraints
            if (!createResult.Succeeded)
                return(BadRequest(new { message = createResult.GetIdentityResultErrorMessage() }));

            await _signInManager.SignInAsync(applicationUser, false);

            await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(applicationUser, UserType.User.ToString());

            //Generate JWT now
            string jwtToken = await _tokenManager.GenerateJWTAsync(applicationUser);

            //Send verify email now
            EmailModel emailModel = new EmailModel
                EmailTo = RegisterUserModelDTO.UserEmail,
                Body    = $"<html><body><a href='{_configSettings.URL.VerifyEmailURL}/{jwtToken}'>Click here to verify Email</a><br></body></html>",
                Subject = "Verify your Email"
            await _emailManager.SendEmailAsync(emailModel);

            ReferralCode referralCode = GenerateReferralCode(applicationUser.UserName, applicationUser.Id);
            await _referralCodeService.AddReferralCode(referralCode);

            //Send Referral code mail now
            emailModel.Body    = $"<html><body><fieldset><legend> Referral code for User - {applicationUser.UserName} </legend> {referralCode.RefCode} </fieldset></body></html>";
            emailModel.Subject = $"Visneto Referral Code for new user - {applicationUser.UserName}";
            await _emailManager.SendEmailAsync(emailModel);

            //Return HTTP 201 Created for new user
            return(StatusCode(201, new
                role = UserType.User.ToString(),
                access_token = jwtToken,
                expires = 3600,
                email = string.Empty,
                user_name = RegisterUserModelDTO.UserName