Example #1
        public void Info(string title, Icon ic, string info, int[] array = null, float pointsize = -1,
                         Action <Object> acknowledgeaction = null, Object acknowledgedata        = null, bool usedialogfont = true)
            Icon = ic;

            textBoxInfo.SetTabs(array ?? new int[] { 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200 });
            textBoxInfo.ReadOnly = true;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Info " + info);
            textBoxInfo.Select(0, 0);

            ackaction = acknowledgeaction;
            ackdata   = acknowledgedata;

            ITheme theme = ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance;

            if (theme != null)
                bool winborder = usedialogfont ? theme.ApplyDialog(this) : theme.ApplyStd(this);
                if (winborder)
                    panelTop.Visible = false;
                if (pointsize != -1)
                    textBoxInfo.Font = usedialogfont ? theme.GetDialogScaledFont(pointsize / 12f) : theme.GetScaledFont(pointsize / 12f);       // 12 is standard size..
                panelTop.Visible = false;

            buttonAcknowledge.Visible = ackaction != null;

            BaseUtils.Translator.Instance.Translate(this, ignorelist: new Control[] { textBoxInfo, labelCaption, this });

            textBoxInfo.Text  = info;
            labelCaption.Text = title;
            Text = title;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Main " + Font + " text font " + textBoxInfo.Font);
        // lab sets the items, def can be less or null
        public static List <string> ShowDialog(Form p, string caption, Icon ic, string[] lab, string[] def,
                                               bool multiline    = false,
                                               string[] tooltips = null,
                                               bool cursoratend  = false,
                                               int widthboxes    = 200, // sizes based on standard dialog size of 12, scaled up
                                               int heightboxes   = -1)
            DraggableForm prompt = new DraggableForm()
                FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog,
                Text            = caption,
                StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen,
                Icon            = ic

            int lx = 10;

            Panel outer = new Panel()
                Dock = DockStyle.Fill, BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle

            outer.MouseDown += (s, e) => { prompt.OnCaptionMouseDown(s as Control, e); };
            outer.MouseUp   += (s, e) => { prompt.OnCaptionMouseUp(s as Control, e); };

            Label textLabel = new Label()
                Left = lx, Top = 8, AutoSize = true, Text = caption

            textLabel.MouseDown += (s, e) => { prompt.OnCaptionMouseDown(s as Control, e); };
            textLabel.MouseUp   += (s, e) => { prompt.OnCaptionMouseUp(s as Control, e); };

            ITheme theme = ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance;

            if (!theme.WindowsFrame)

            Label[] lbs = new Label[lab.Length];
            ExtendedControls.ExtRichTextBox[] tbs = new ExtendedControls.ExtRichTextBox[lab.Length];

            ToolTip tt = new ToolTip();

            tt.ShowAlways = true;

            int y = theme.WindowsFrame ? 20 : 40;

            if (heightboxes == -1)
                heightboxes = multiline ? 80 : 24;

            for (int i = 0; i < lab.Length; i++)
                lbs[i] = new Label()
                    Left = lx, Top = y, AutoSize = true, Text = lab[i]

                tbs[i] = new ExtendedControls.ExtRichTextBox()
                    Left   = 0,     // will be set once we know the paras of all lines
                    Top    = y,
                    Width  = widthboxes,
                    Text   = (def != null && i < def.Length) ? def[i] : "",
                    Height = heightboxes,

                if (cursoratend)
                    tbs[i].Select(tbs[i].Text.Length, tbs[i].Text.Length);


                if (tooltips != null && i < tooltips.Length)
                    tt.SetToolTip(lbs[i], tooltips[i]);
                    tbs[i].SetTipDynamically(tt, tooltips[i]);      // no container here, set tool tip on text boxes using this

                y += heightboxes + 20;

            ExtendedControls.ExtButton confirmation = new ExtendedControls.ExtButton()
                Text = "OK".Tx(), Left = 0, Width = 100, Top = y, DialogResult = DialogResult.OK
            confirmation.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.Close(); };

            ExtendedControls.ExtButton cancel = new ExtendedControls.ExtButton()
                Text = "Cancel".Tx(), Left = 0, Width = 100, Top = confirmation.Top, DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel
            cancel.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.Close(); };

            if (!multiline)
                prompt.AcceptButton = confirmation;

            prompt.CancelButton  = cancel;
            prompt.ShowInTaskbar = false;
            prompt.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Font;


            int controlleft = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < lab.Length; i++)
                controlleft = Math.Max(controlleft, lbs[i].Right + 16);     // seems have to do this after sizing, confusingly
            for (int i = 0; i < lab.Length; i++)                            // all go here
                tbs[i].Left = controlleft;

            confirmation.Left = tbs[0].Right - confirmation.Width;          // cancel/confirm based on this
            cancel.Left       = confirmation.Left - cancel.Width - 16;

            Size controlsize = outer.FindMaxSubControlArea(0, 0);

            prompt.Size = new Size(controlsize.Width + 40, controlsize.Height + (theme.WindowsFrame ? 50 : 8));

            if (prompt.ShowDialog(p) == DialogResult.OK)
                var r = (from t in tbs select t.Text).ToList();
Example #3
        }                                                               // Tell dragger no resizing.

        public void Init(Icon i, bool showprocess,
                         string separ                 = " ", // and separ between entries
                         string keystring             = "",  // current key string
                         string process               = "",  // empty means program default, return empty back
                         int defdelay                 = 50,  // -1 means program default, return -1 back
                         bool allowkeysedit           = false,
                         List <string> additionalkeys = null,
                         BaseUtils.EnhancedSendKeysParser.IAdditionalKeyParser parser = null)
            if (i != null)
                Icon = i;

            seperator = separ;

            textBoxKeys.Text = keystring;
            curinsertpoint   = keystring.Length;

            textBoxSendTo.Text    = process.Alt(DefaultProcessID);
            textBoxNextDelay.Text = textBoxDelay.Text = defdelay != DefaultDelayID?defdelay.ToStringInvariant() : "Default";

            radioButtonPress.Checked = true;

            if (additionalkeys != null)

            additionalkeyparser = parser;

            comboBoxKeySelector.Text = "";
            comboBoxKeySelector.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxKeySelector_SelectedIndexChanged);

            if (!showprocess)
                textBoxNextDelay.Visible = panelRadio.Visible = labelNextDelay.Visible = labelDelay.Visible = textBoxDelay.Visible = labelSendTo.Visible = textBoxSendTo.Visible = buttonTest.Visible = false;

                int d = textBoxKeys.Top - textBoxDelay.Top;
                foreach (Control c in new Control[] { buttonReset, buttonDelete, buttonNext, textBoxKeys, labelKeys })
                    c.Top -= d; // shift down
                d += 40;        // cause of the Send
                foreach (Control c in new Control[] { buttonOK, buttonCancel })
                    c.Top -= d;
                panelOuter.Height -= d;
                this.Height       -= d;

            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("T" + textBoxKeys.Text + " at " + curinsertpoint + " >" + textBoxSendTo.Text);

            bool   border = true;
            ITheme theme  = ThemeableFormsInstance.Instance;

            if (theme != null)  // paranoid
                border = theme.ApplyDialog(this);

            labelCaption.Visible = !border;


            if (allowkeysedit)
                textBoxKeys.ReadOnly = false;



            labelCaption.Text = this.Text;