public static void Run()
            // ExStart:AddColumnInTexBoxes
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text();

            using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation())
                // Get the first slide of presentation
                ISlide slide = presentation.Slides[0];

                // Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type
                IAutoShape aShape = slide.Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 100, 100, 300, 300);

                // Add TextFrame to the Rectangle
                aShape.AddTextFrame("All these columns are limited to be within a single text container -- " +
                                    "you can add or delete text and the new or remaining text automatically adjusts " +
                                    "itself to flow within the container. You cannot have text flow from one container " +
                                    "to other though -- we told you PowerPoint's column options for text are limited!");

                // Get text format of TextFrame
                ITextFrameFormat format = aShape.TextFrame.TextFrameFormat;

                // Specify number of columns in TextFrame
                format.ColumnCount = 3;

                // Specify spacing between columns
                format.ColumnSpacing = 10;

                // Save created presentation
                presentation.Save("ColumnCount.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
        public static void Run()

            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text();

            using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "Presentation1.pptx"))
                IAutoShape shape = pres.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as IAutoShape;

                ITextFrameFormat textFrameFormat = shape.TextFrame.TextFrameFormat;
                ITextFrameFormatEffectiveData effectiveTextFrameFormat = textFrameFormat.GetEffective();

                Console.WriteLine("Anchoring type: " + effectiveTextFrameFormat.AnchoringType);
                Console.WriteLine("Autofit type: " + effectiveTextFrameFormat.AutofitType);
                Console.WriteLine("Text vertical type: " + effectiveTextFrameFormat.TextVerticalType);
                Console.WriteLine("   Left: " + effectiveTextFrameFormat.MarginLeft);
                Console.WriteLine("   Top: " + effectiveTextFrameFormat.MarginTop);
                Console.WriteLine("   Right: " + effectiveTextFrameFormat.MarginRight);
                Console.WriteLine("   Bottom: " + effectiveTextFrameFormat.MarginBottom);
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_Text();

            using (Presentation pres = new Presentation(dataDir + "Presentation1.pptx"))
                IAutoShape shape = pres.Slides[0].Shapes[0] as IAutoShape;

                ITextFrameFormat localTextFrameFormat = shape.TextFrame.TextFrameFormat;
                ITextFrameFormatEffectiveData effectiveTextFrameFormat = localTextFrameFormat.GetEffective();

                IPortionFormat localPortionFormat = shape.TextFrame.Paragraphs[0].Portions[0].PortionFormat;
                IPortionFormatEffectiveData effectivePortionFormat = localPortionFormat.GetEffective();
