public void ScenariosWithTraits(
            string traitValue, int expectedResultCount, Type feature, ITestResultMessage[] results)
            "Given two single step scenarios, 'foo' traits of 'bar' and 'baz' respectively"
                .x(() => feature = typeof(TwoSingleStepScenariosWithFooTraitsOfBarAndBazRespectively));

            "When I run the feature specifying the 'foo' trait of '{0}'"
                .x(() => results = this.Run<ITestResultMessage>(feature, "foo", traitValue));

            "Then there is only {1} result"
                .x(() => results.Count().Should().Be(expectedResultCount));
        public void AsyncStepExceedsTimeout(Type feature, ITestResultMessage[] results)
            "Given a feature with a scenario with a single step which exceeds it's 1ms timeout"._(() =>
                feature = typeof(AsyncStepWhichExceedsTimeout));

            "When I run the scenarios"._(() =>
                results = this.Run<ITestResultMessage>(feature));

            "Then there should be one result"._(() =>

            "And the result should be a failure"._(() =>

            "And the result message should be \"Test execution time exceeded: 1ms\""._(() =>
                results.Cast<ITestFailed>().Should().OnlyContain(result =>
                    result.Messages.Single() == "Test execution time exceeded: 1ms"));