Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the tests one by one. Run Selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tests">Testcases object</param>
        /// <param name="runContext">Solution properties</param>
        /// <param name="frameworkHandle">Unit test framework handle</param>
        /// <remarks>Entry point of the execution procedure whenever the user requests to run one or a specific lists of tests</remarks>
        public void RunTests(IEnumerable <VSTestCase> tests, IRunContext runContext, IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle)
            Code.Require(tests, "tests");
            Code.Require(runContext, "runContext");
            Code.Require(frameworkHandle, "frameworkHandle");


            Logger.Debug("IRunContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled: {0}", runContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled);
            Logger.Debug("IRunContext.RunSettings.SettingsXml: {0}", runContext.RunSettings.SettingsXml);

            BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.GetSettings(runContext);

            // Batch tests into grouped runs based on test source and test suite so that we minimize symbol reloading
            // NOTE Required batching at test suite level since Boost Unit Test Framework command-line arguments only allow
            //      multiple test name specification for tests which reside in the same test suite
            // NOTE For code-coverage speed is given preference over adapter responsiveness.
            TestBatch.Strategy strategy = ((runContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled) ? TestBatch.Strategy.TestSuite : settings.TestBatchStrategy);
            // Source strategy is invalid in such context since explicit tests are chosen. TestSuite is used instead.
            if (strategy == Strategy.Source)
                strategy = Strategy.TestSuite;

            ITestBatchingStrategy batchStrategy = GetBatchStrategy(strategy, settings, runContext);

            if (batchStrategy == null)
                Logger.Error("No valid test batching strategy was found. Tests skipped.");
                // NOTE Apply distinct to avoid duplicate test cases. Common issue when using BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE.
                IEnumerable <TestRun> batches = batchStrategy.BatchTests(tests.Distinct(new TestCaseComparer()));
                RunBoostTests(batches, runContext, frameworkHandle);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the tests one by one. Run All.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sources">Collection of test modules (exe/dll)</param>
        /// <param name="runContext">Solution properties</param>
        /// <param name="frameworkHandle">Unit test framework handle</param>
        /// <remarks>Entry point of the execution procedure whenever the user requests to run all the tests</remarks>
        public void RunTests(IEnumerable <string> sources,
                             IRunContext runContext,
                             IFrameworkHandle frameworkHandle)
            Code.Require(sources, "sources");
            Code.Require(runContext, "runContext");
            Code.Require(frameworkHandle, "frameworkHandle");


            Logger.Debug("IRunContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled: {0}", runContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled);
            Logger.Debug("IRunContext.RunSettings.SettingsXml: {0}", runContext.RunSettings.SettingsXml);

            BoostTestAdapterSettings settings = BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider.GetSettings(runContext);

            foreach (string source in sources)
                if (_cancelled)

                var discoverer = _boostTestDiscovererFactory.GetDiscoverer(source, settings);
                if (discoverer != null)
                        DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink sink = new DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink();

                        // NOTE IRunContext implements IDiscoveryContext
                        // NOTE IFrameworkHandle implements IMessageLogger

                        // Re-discover tests so that we could make use of the RunTests overload which takes an enumeration of test cases.
                        // This is necessary since we need to run tests one by one in order to have the test adapter remain responsive
                        // and have a list of tests over which we can generate test results for.
                        discoverer.DiscoverTests(new[] { source }, runContext, sink);

                        // The following ensures that only test cases that are not disabled are run when the user presses "Run all"
                        // This, however, can be overridden by the .runsettings file supplied
                        IEnumerable <TestCase> testsToRun = GetTestsToRun(settings, sink.Tests);

                        // Batch tests into grouped runs based by source so that we avoid reloading symbols per test run
                        // Batching by source since this overload is called when 'Run All...' or equivalent is triggered
                        // NOTE For code-coverage speed is given preference over adapter responsiveness.
                        TestBatch.Strategy strategy = ((runContext.IsDataCollectionEnabled) ? TestBatch.Strategy.Source : settings.TestBatchStrategy);

                        ITestBatchingStrategy batchStrategy = GetBatchStrategy(strategy, settings, runContext);
                        if (batchStrategy == null)
                            Logger.Error("No valid test batching strategy was found for {0}. Source skipped.", source);

                        IEnumerable <TestRun> batches = batchStrategy.BatchTests(testsToRun);

                        // Delegate to the RunBoostTests overload which takes an enumeration of test batches
                        RunBoostTests(batches, runContext, frameworkHandle);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Logger.Error("Exception caught while running tests from {0} ({1})", source, ex.Message);
