private void createPlaceholder(PlaceholderInfo info, ITcSmTreeItem plcProject, IWorker worker) { worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Adding Placeholder '{0}' ...", info.PlaceholderName); ITcSmTreeItem referencesItem = plcProject.LookupChild("References"); ITcPlcLibraryManager libraryManager = (ITcPlcLibraryManager)referencesItem; libraryManager.AddPlaceholder(info.PlaceholderName); }
private void createLibrary(LibraryInfo info, ITcSmTreeItem plcProject, IWorker worker) { worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Adding Library '{0}' ...", info.LibraryName); ITcSmTreeItem referencesItem = plcProject.LookupChild("References"); ITcPlcLibraryManager libraryManager = (ITcPlcLibraryManager)referencesItem; libraryManager.AddLibrary(info.LibraryName); }
private bool TryLookupChild2(ITcSmTreeItem parent, string childName, out ITcSmTreeItem child) { try { child = parent.LookupChild(childName); return(true); } catch { child = null; return(false); } }
public static bool SearchForSubItem(string itemToLookFor, ref ITcSmTreeItem parentItem, ref ITcSmTreeItem childItem) { try { childItem = parentItem.LookupChild(itemToLookFor); Console.WriteLine(itemToLookFor + " item found."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(itemToLookFor + " item not found. Exiting on Enter."); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(-1); } return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool showHelp = false; bool enableDebugLoggingLevel = false; Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler(CancelKeyPressHandler); log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["LogLocation"] = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\logs"; log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new System.IO.FileInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "log4net.config")); OptionSet options = new OptionSet() .Add("v=|VisualStudioSolutionFilePath=", "The full path to the TwinCAT project (sln-file)", v => VisualStudioSolutionFilePath = v) .Add("t=|TcUnitTaskName=", "[OPTIONAL] The name of the task running TcUnit defined under \"Tasks\"", t => TcUnitTaskName = t) .Add("a=|AmsNetId=", "[OPTIONAL] The AMS NetId of the device of where the project and TcUnit should run", a => AmsNetId = a) .Add("w=|TcVersion=", "[OPTIONAL] The TwinCAT version to be used to load the TwinCAT project", w => ForceToThisTwinCATVersion = w) .Add("u=|Timeout=", "[OPTIONAL] Timeout the process with an error after X minutes", u => Timeout = u) .Add("d|debug", "[OPTIONAL] Increase debug message verbosity", d => enableDebugLoggingLevel = d != null) .Add("?|h|help", h => showHelp = h != null); try { options.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Try `TcUnit-Runner --help' for more information."); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_ARGUMENT_ERROR); } if (showHelp) { DisplayHelp(options); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_SUCCESSFULL); } /* Set logging level. * This is handled by changing the log4net.config file on the fly. * The following levels are defined in order of increasing priority: * - ALL * - DEBUG * - INFO * - WARN * - ERROR * - FATAL * - OFF */ XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "log4net.config"); XmlNode root = doc.DocumentElement; XmlNode subNode1 = root.SelectSingleNode("root"); XmlNode nodeForModify = subNode1.SelectSingleNode("level"); if (enableDebugLoggingLevel) { nodeForModify.Attributes[0].Value = "DEBUG"; } else { nodeForModify.Attributes[0].Value = "INFO"; } doc.Save(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "log4net.config"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); // A tiny sleep just to make sure that log4net manages to detect the change in the file /* Make sure the user has supplied the path for the Visual Studio solution file. * Also verify that this file exists. */ if (VisualStudioSolutionFilePath == null) { log.Error("Visual studio solution path not provided!"); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_VISUAL_STUDIO_SOLUTION_PATH_NOT_PROVIDED); } if (!File.Exists(VisualStudioSolutionFilePath)) { log.Error("Visual studio solution " + VisualStudioSolutionFilePath + " does not exist!"); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_VISUAL_STUDIO_SOLUTION_PATH_NOT_FOUND); } LogBasicInfo(); /* Start a timeout for the process(es) if the user asked for it */ if (Timeout != null) { log.Info("Timeout enabled - process(es) timesout after " + Timeout + " minute(s)"); System.Timers.Timer timeout = new System.Timers.Timer(Int32.Parse(Timeout) * 1000 * 60); timeout.Elapsed += KillProcess; timeout.AutoReset = false; timeout.Start(); } MessageFilter.Register(); TwinCATProjectFilePath = TcFileUtilities.FindTwinCATProjectFile(VisualStudioSolutionFilePath); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(TwinCATProjectFilePath)) { log.Error("Did not find TwinCAT project file in solution. Is this a TwinCAT project?"); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_TWINCAT_PROJECT_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } if (!File.Exists(TwinCATProjectFilePath)) { log.Error("TwinCAT project file " + TwinCATProjectFilePath + " does not exist!"); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_TWINCAT_PROJECT_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } string tcVersion = TcFileUtilities.GetTcVersion(TwinCATProjectFilePath); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tcVersion)) { log.Error("Did not find TwinCAT version in TwinCAT project file path"); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_TWINCAT_VERSION_NOT_FOUND); } try { vsInstance = new VisualStudioInstance(@VisualStudioSolutionFilePath, tcVersion, ForceToThisTwinCATVersion); bool isTcVersionPinned = XmlUtilities.IsTwinCATProjectPinned(TwinCATProjectFilePath); log.Info("Version is pinned: " + isTcVersionPinned); vsInstance.Load(isTcVersionPinned); } catch { log.Error("Error loading VS DTE. Is the correct version of Visual Studio and TwinCAT installed? Is the TcUnit-Runner running with administrator privileges?"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_ERROR_LOADING_VISUAL_STUDIO_DTE); } try { vsInstance.LoadSolution(); } catch { log.Error("Error loading the solution. Try to open it manually and make sure it's possible to open and that all dependencies are working"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_ERROR_LOADING_VISUAL_STUDIO_SOLUTION); } if (vsInstance.GetVisualStudioVersion() == null) { log.Error("Did not find Visual Studio version in Visual Studio solution file"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_ERROR_FINDING_VISUAL_STUDIO_SOLUTION_VERSION); } AutomationInterface automationInterface = new AutomationInterface(vsInstance.GetProject()); if (automationInterface.PlcTreeItem.ChildCount <= 0) { log.Error("No PLC-project exists in TwinCAT project"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_NO_PLC_PROJECT_IN_TWINCAT_PROJECT); } ITcSmTreeItem realTimeTasksTreeItem = automationInterface.RealTimeTasksTreeItem; /* Task name provided */ if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TcUnitTaskName)) { log.Info("Setting task '" + TcUnitTaskName + "' enable and autostart, and all other tasks (if existing) to disable and non-autostart"); bool foundTcUnitTaskName = false; /* Find all tasks, and check whether the user provided TcUnit task is amongst them. * Also update the task object (Update <Disabled> and <Autostart>-tag) */ foreach (ITcSmTreeItem child in realTimeTasksTreeItem) { ITcSmTreeItem testTreeItem = realTimeTasksTreeItem.LookupChild(child.Name); string xmlString = testTreeItem.ProduceXml(); string newXmlString = ""; try { if (TcUnitTaskName.Equals(XmlUtilities.GetItemNameFromRealTimeTaskXML(xmlString))) { foundTcUnitTaskName = true; newXmlString = XmlUtilities.SetDisabledAndAndAutoStartOfRealTimeTaskXml(xmlString, false, true); } else { newXmlString = XmlUtilities.SetDisabledAndAndAutoStartOfRealTimeTaskXml(xmlString, true, false); } testTreeItem.ConsumeXml(newXmlString); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } catch { log.Error("Could not parse real time task XML data"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_NOT_POSSIBLE_TO_PARSE_REAL_TIME_TASK_XML_DATA); } } if (!foundTcUnitTaskName) { log.Error("Could not find task '" + TcUnitTaskName + "' in TwinCAT project"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_FAILED_FINDING_DEFINED_UNIT_TEST_TASK_IN_TWINCAT_PROJECT); } } /* No task name provided */ else { log.Info("No task name provided. Assuming only one task exists"); /* Check that only one task exists */ if (realTimeTasksTreeItem.ChildCount.Equals(1)) { // Get task name ITcSmTreeItem child = realTimeTasksTreeItem.get_Child(1); ITcSmTreeItem testTreeItem = realTimeTasksTreeItem.LookupChild(child.Name); string xmlString = testTreeItem.ProduceXml(); TcUnitTaskName = XmlUtilities.GetItemNameFromRealTimeTaskXML(xmlString); log.Info("Found task with name '" + TcUnitTaskName + "'"); string newXmlString = ""; newXmlString = XmlUtilities.SetDisabledAndAndAutoStartOfRealTimeTaskXml(xmlString, false, true); testTreeItem.ConsumeXml(newXmlString); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); } /* Less ore more than one task, which is an error */ else { log.Error("The number of tasks is not equal to 1 (one). Found " + realTimeTasksTreeItem.ChildCount.ToString() + " number of tasks. Please provide which task is the TcUnit task"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_TASK_COUNT_NOT_EQUAL_TO_ONE); } } /* Build the solution and collect any eventual errors. Make sure to * filter out everything that is an error */ vsInstance.CleanSolution(); vsInstance.BuildSolution(); ErrorItems errorsBuild = vsInstance.GetErrorItems(); int tcBuildWarnings = 0; int tcBuildError = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= errorsBuild.Count; i++) { ErrorItem item = errorsBuild.Item(i); if ((item.ErrorLevel != vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelLow)) { if (item.ErrorLevel == vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelMedium) { tcBuildWarnings++; } else if (item.ErrorLevel == vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelHigh) { tcBuildError++; log.Error("Description: " + item.Description); log.Error("ErrorLevel: " + item.ErrorLevel); log.Error("Filename: " + item.FileName); } } } /* If we don't have any errors, activate the configuration and * start/restart TwinCAT */ if (tcBuildError.Equals(0)) { /* Check whether the user has provided an AMS NetId. If so, use it. Otherwise use * the local AMS NetId */ if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(AmsNetId)) { AmsNetId = Constants.LOCAL_AMS_NET_ID; } log.Info("Setting target NetId to '" + AmsNetId + "'"); automationInterface.ITcSysManager.SetTargetNetId(AmsNetId); log.Info("Enabling boot project and setting BootProjectAutostart on " + automationInterface.ITcSysManager.GetTargetNetId()); for (int i = 1; i <= automationInterface.PlcTreeItem.ChildCount; i++) { ITcSmTreeItem plcProject = automationInterface.PlcTreeItem.Child[i]; ITcPlcProject iecProject = (ITcPlcProject)plcProject; iecProject.BootProjectAutostart = true; /* add the port that is used for this PLC to the AmsPorts list that * is later used to monitory the AdsState */ string xmlString = plcProject.ProduceXml(); AmsPorts.Add(XmlUtilities.AmsPort(xmlString)); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); automationInterface.ActivateConfiguration(); // Wait System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); /* Clean the solution. This is the only way to clean the error list which needs to be * clean prior to starting the TwinCAT runtime */ vsInstance.CleanSolution(); // Wait System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); automationInterface.StartRestartTwinCAT(); } else { log.Error("Build errors in project"); CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_BUILD_ERROR); } /* Establish a connection to the ADS router */ TcAdsClient tcAdsClient = new TcAdsClient(); /* Run TcUnit until the results have been returned */ TcUnitResultCollector tcUnitResultCollector = new TcUnitResultCollector(); ErrorList errorList = new ErrorList(); log.Info("Waiting for results from TcUnit..."); ErrorItems errorItems; while (true) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); /* Monitor the AdsState for each PLC that is used in the * solution. If we can't connect to the Ads Router, we just * carry on. */ try { foreach (int amsPort in AmsPorts) { tcAdsClient.Connect(AmsNetId, amsPort); AdsState adsState = tcAdsClient.ReadState().AdsState; if (adsState != AdsState.Run) { log.Error("Invalid AdsState " + adsState + "<>" + AdsState.Run + ". This could indicate a PLC Exception, terminating ..."); Environment.Exit(Constants.RETURN_INVALID_ADSSTATE); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { tcAdsClient.Disconnect(); } errorItems = vsInstance.GetErrorItems(); var newErrors = errorList.AddNew(errorItems); if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { foreach (var error in newErrors) { log.Debug(error.ErrorLevel + ": " + error.Description); } } log.Info("... got " + errorItems.Count + " report lines so far."); if (tcUnitResultCollector.AreResultsAvailable(errorItems)) { log.Info("All results from TcUnit obtained"); /* The last test suite result can be returned after that we have received the test results, wait a few seconds * and fetch again */ System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); break; } } List <ErrorList.Error> errors = new List <ErrorList.Error>(errorList.Where(e => (e.ErrorLevel == vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelHigh || e.ErrorLevel == vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelLow))); List <ErrorList.Error> errorsSorted = errors.OrderBy(o => o.Description).ToList(); /* Parse all events (from the error list) from Visual Studio and store the results */ TcUnitTestResult testResult = tcUnitResultCollector.ParseResults(errorsSorted, TcUnitTaskName); /* Write xUnit XML report */ if (testResult != null) { // No need to check if file (VisualStudioSolutionFilePath) exists, as this has already been done string VisualStudioSolutionDirectoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(VisualStudioSolutionFilePath); string XUnitReportFilePath = VisualStudioSolutionDirectoryPath + "\\" + Constants.XUNIT_RESULT_FILE_NAME; log.Info("Writing xUnit XML file to " + XUnitReportFilePath); // Overwrites all existing content (if existing) XunitXmlCreator.WriteXml(testResult, XUnitReportFilePath); } CleanUpAndExitApplication(Constants.RETURN_SUCCESSFULL); }
/// <summary> /// Durch die Hauptschnittstelle ITcSysManager können wir ein neue PLCProjekt generieren. Die Lookup-Methode ist implementiert. /// </summary> protected ITcSmTreeItem CreatePlcProject(IWorker worker) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); } OrderScriptContext context = (OrderScriptContext)_context; ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo = context.Order.ConfigurationInfo; string plcProjectName = configurationInfo.PlcProjectName; ITcSmTreeItem plcConfig = systemManager.LookupTreeItem("TIPC"); //Navigation im PLC struktur im TC. worker.ProgressStatus = string.Format("Creating empty PLC Project '{0}' ...", plcProjectName); ITcSmTreeItem plcProjectRoot = plcConfig.CreateChild(plcProjectName, 0, "", vsXaePlcEmptyTemplateName); //diese Method ausführen, um ein neues PLCProjekt erstellen. ITcPlcProject plcProjectRootIec = (ITcPlcProject)plcProjectRoot; //setting the properties of the PLC Project like boot option. plcProjectRootIec.BootProjectAutostart = true; plcProjectRootIec.GenerateBootProject(true); ITcSmTreeItem plcProject = plcProjectRoot.LookupChild(plcProjectName + " Project"); // for example Schulung and Schulung Project. Now the ITcTreeItem pointer is pointing Schulung Project foreach (PlcObjectInfo plcObjectInfo in context.Order.ConfigurationInfo.PlcObjects) //Creating all the components of the PLC Project { if (worker.CancellationPending) { throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); } switch (plcObjectInfo.Type) // we can have library, placeholder, POU, ITf, GVL and so on... { case PlcObjectType.DataType: // PlcObjectType defined in ScriptInfo. createWorksheet((WorksheetInfo)plcObjectInfo, plcProject, worker); break; case PlcObjectType.Library: createLibrary((LibraryInfo)plcObjectInfo, plcProject, worker); break; case PlcObjectType.Placeholder: createPlaceholder((PlaceholderInfo)plcObjectInfo, plcProject, worker); break; case PlcObjectType.POU: // first create folder and then create POU createWorksheet((WorksheetInfo)plcObjectInfo, plcProject, worker); break; case PlcObjectType.Itf: createWorksheet((WorksheetInfo)plcObjectInfo, plcProject, worker); break; case PlcObjectType.Gvl: createWorksheet((WorksheetInfo)plcObjectInfo, plcProject, worker); break; default: Debug.Fail(""); break; } } ITcSmTreeItem realtimeTasks = systemManager.LookupTreeItem("TIRT"); //creating tasks ITcSmTreeItem rtTask = realtimeTasks.CreateChild("PlcTask", TreeItemType.Task.AsInt32()); ITcSmTreeItem taskRef = null; worker.ProgressStatus = "Linking PLC instance with task 'PlcTask' ..."; if (!TryLookupChild(plcProject, "PlcTask", out taskRef)) { if (worker.CancellationPending) { throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); } taskRef = plcProject.CreateChild("PlcTask", TreeItemType.PlcTask.AsInt32(), "", "MAIN"); } //foreach (ITcSmTreeItem prog in taskRef) //{ // string name = prog.Name; //} //ErrorItems errors; //if (worker.CancellationPending) // throw new Exception("Execution cancelled!"); //bool ok = CompileProject(worker, out errors); //if (!ok) // throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Plc Project compile produced '{0}' errors. Please see Visual Studio Error Window for details.!", plcProject.Name)); return(plcProject); }