private static ITaskItem ConvertToLibrary(ITaskItem output)
            var fileName             = output.ItemSpec;
            var frameworkNameMoniker = output.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
            var targetFramework      = frameworkNameMoniker.GetShortFrameworkName();
            var metadata             = output.CloneCustomMetadata();

            metadata[Metadata.TargetFramework] = targetFramework;
            metadata[Metadata.FileTarget]      = Path.Combine(targetFramework, Path.GetFileName(fileName));
            return(new TaskItem(fileName, metadata));
Example #2
 private static ITaskItem ConvertToPackageFile(ITaskItem output)
     var fileName = output.ItemSpec;
     var frameworkNameMoniker = output.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
     var packageDirectory = output.GetPackageDirectory();
     var targetFramework = frameworkNameMoniker.GetShortFrameworkName();
     var metadata = output.CloneCustomMetadata();
     metadata[Metadata.TargetFramework] = targetFramework;
     metadata[Metadata.PackageDirectory] = packageDirectory.ToString();
     metadata[Metadata.FileTarget] = packageDirectory.Combine(targetFramework, Path.GetFileName(fileName));
     return new TaskItem(fileName, metadata);
Example #3
        private static ITaskItem ConvertToPackageFile(ITaskItem output)
            var fileName             = output.ItemSpec;
            var frameworkNameMoniker = output.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
            var packageDirectory     = output.GetPackageDirectory();
            var targetFramework      = frameworkNameMoniker.GetShortFrameworkName();
            var metadata             = output.CloneCustomMetadata();

            metadata[Metadata.TargetFramework]  = targetFramework;
            metadata[Metadata.PackageDirectory] = packageDirectory.ToString();
            metadata[Metadata.FileTarget]       = packageDirectory.Combine(targetFramework, Path.GetFileName(fileName));
            return(new TaskItem(fileName, metadata));
Example #4
 private static ITaskItem ConvertToPackageFile(ITaskItem output)
     var fileName = output.ItemSpec;
     var targetPath = output.GetMetadata("TargetPath");
     targetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath) ? Path.GetFileName(fileName) : targetPath;
     var frameworkNameMoniker = output.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
     var packageDirectory = output.GetPackageDirectory();
     var targetSubdirectory = output.GetTargetSubdirectory();
     var targetFramework = packageDirectory == PackageDirectory.Analyzers
         ? frameworkNameMoniker.GetAnalyzersFrameworkName()
         : frameworkNameMoniker.GetShortFrameworkName();
     var metadata = output.CloneCustomMetadata();
     metadata[Metadata.TargetFramework] = targetFramework;
     metadata[Metadata.PackageDirectory] = packageDirectory.ToString();
     metadata[Metadata.TargetSubdirectory] = targetSubdirectory;
     metadata[Metadata.FileTarget] = packageDirectory.Combine(targetFramework, targetSubdirectory, targetPath);
     return new TaskItem(fileName, metadata);
Example #5
        private static ITaskItem ConvertToPackageFile(ITaskItem output)
            var fileName   = output.ItemSpec;
            var targetPath = output.GetMetadata("TargetPath");

            targetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath) ? Path.GetFileName(fileName) : targetPath;
            var frameworkNameMoniker = output.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
            var packageDirectory     = output.GetPackageDirectory();
            var targetSubdirectory   = output.GetTargetSubdirectory();
            var targetFramework      = packageDirectory == PackageDirectory.Analyzers
                ? frameworkNameMoniker.GetAnalyzersFrameworkName()
                : frameworkNameMoniker.GetShortFrameworkName();
            var metadata = output.CloneCustomMetadata();

            metadata[Metadata.TargetFramework]    = targetFramework;
            metadata[Metadata.PackageDirectory]   = packageDirectory.ToString();
            metadata[Metadata.TargetSubdirectory] = targetSubdirectory;
            metadata[Metadata.FileTarget]         = packageDirectory.Combine(targetFramework, targetSubdirectory, targetPath);
            return(new TaskItem(fileName, metadata));
		ITaskItem EnsurePackagePath(ITaskItem file, IDictionary<string, string> kindMap)
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.GetMetadata("PackagePath")))
				return new TaskItem(file);

			var kind = file.GetMetadata("Kind");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(kind))
				Log.LogErrorCode(nameof(ErrorCode.NP0010), ErrorCode.NP0010(file.ItemSpec));
				// We return the file anyway, since the task result will still be false.
				return file;

			// Map the Kind to a target top-level directory.
			string packageFolder;
			if (!kindMap.TryGetValue(kind, out packageFolder))
				// By convention, we just turn the first letter of Kind to lowercase and assume that 
				// to be a valid folder kind.
				packageFolder = char.IsLower(kind[0]) ? kind :
					char.ToLower(kind[0]).ToString() + kind.Substring(1);

			var output = new TaskItem(file);
			output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.PackageFolder, packageFolder);

			var frameworkMoniker = file.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
			var targetFramework = frameworkMoniker.GetShortFrameworkName() ?? "";

			// Special case for contentFiles, since they can also provide a codeLanguage metadata
			if (packageFolder == PackagingConstants.Folders.ContentFiles)
				/// See
				var codeLanguage = file.GetMetadata(nameof(PropertyNames.CodeLanguage));
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeLanguage))
					codeLanguage = PackagingConstants.AnyFramework;

				packageFolder = Path.Combine(packageFolder, codeLanguage);

				// And they also cannot have an empty framework, at most, it will be "any"
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFramework))
					targetFramework = PackagingConstants.AnyFramework;

			var targetPath = file.GetMetadata("TargetPath");
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
				targetPath = file.GetMetadata("FileName") + file.GetMetadata("Extension");

			// None files or those for which we know no mapping, go straight to the root folder of the package.
			// This allows custom packaging paths such as "workbooks", "docs" or whatever, which aren't prohibited by 
			// the format.
			var packagePath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageFolder) ?
				// File goes to the determined target path (or the root of the package), such as a readme.txt
				targetPath :
				// Otherwise, it goes to a framework-specific folder.
				Path.Combine(new[] { packageFolder, targetFramework }.Concat(targetPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)).ToArray());

			output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.TargetFramework, targetFramework);
			output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.PackagePath, packagePath);

			return output;
Example #7
        ITaskItem EnsurePackagePath(ITaskItem file, IDictionary <string, ITaskItem> kindMap)
            // Switch to full path items
            var output = new TaskItem(
                file.GetBoolean("IsFile", true) && file.ItemSpec.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) == -1 && File.Exists(file.GetMetadata("FullPath"))
                ? file.GetMetadata("FullPath")
                : file.ItemSpec);

            // Preserve existing metadata.

            // Map the pack folder to a target top-level directory.
            var packFolder        = file.GetMetadata("PackFolder");
            var packageFolder     = "";
            var frameworkSpecific = false;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packFolder) && kindMap.TryGetValue(packFolder, out var kindItem))
                packageFolder = kindItem.GetMetadata(MetadataName.PackageFolder);
                bool.TryParse(kindItem.GetMetadata(MetadataName.FrameworkSpecific), out frameworkSpecific);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packFolder))
                // By convention, we just turn the first letter of PackFolder to lowercase and assume that
                // to be a valid folder kind.
                packageFolder = char.IsLower(packFolder[0]) ? packFolder :
                                char.ToLower(packFolder[0]).ToString() + packFolder.Substring(1);

            // Specific PackageFile can always override PackFolder-inferred FrameworkSpecific value.
            if (bool.TryParse(file.GetMetadata(MetadataName.FrameworkSpecific), out var frameworkSpecificOverride))
                frameworkSpecific = frameworkSpecificOverride;

            output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.PackageFolder, packageFolder.Replace('\\', '/'));

            // NOTE: a declared TargetFramework metadata trumps TargetFrameworkMoniker,
            // which is defaulted to that of the project being built.
            var targetFramework = output.GetMetadata(MetadataName.TargetFramework);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFramework) && frameworkSpecific)
                var frameworkMoniker = file.GetTargetFrameworkMoniker();
                targetFramework = frameworkMoniker.GetShortFrameworkName() ?? "";
                // At this point we have the correct target framework
                output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.TargetFramework, targetFramework);

            // If PackagePath already specified, we're done.
            if (file.TryGetMetadata("PackagePath", out var packagePath))
                // If PackagePath ends in directory separator, we assume
                // the file/path needs to be appended too.
                if (packagePath.EndsWith("\\") || packagePath.EndsWith("/"))
                    if (file.TryGetMetadata("Link", out var link))
                        packagePath = Path.Combine(packagePath, link);
                    else if (Path.IsPathRooted(file.GetMetadata("RelativeDir")))
                        // If the relative dir is absolute, we can just append the filename+extension instead
                        packagePath = Path.Combine(packagePath, file.GetMetadata("FileName") + file.GetMetadata("Extension"));
                        packagePath = Path.Combine(packagePath,
                                                   file.GetMetadata("FileName") +

                // Always normalize our output
                output.SetMetadata("PackagePath", packagePath.Replace('\\', '/'));

            // If a packaging project is requesting the package path assignment,
            // perform it regardless of whether there is a PackageId on the items,
            // since they all need to be assigned at this point.
            var isPackaging = false;

            isPackaging = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(IsPackaging) &&
                          bool.TryParse(IsPackaging, out isPackaging) &&

            // If no PackageId specified, we let referencing projects define the package path
            // as it will be included in their package.
            // NOTE: if we don't do this, the package path of a project would be determined
            // by the declaring project's TFM, rather than the referencing one, and this
            // would be incorrect (i.e. a referenced PCL project that does not build a
            // nuget itself, would end up in the PCL lib folder rather than the referencing
            // package's lib folder for its own TFM, i.e. 'lib\net45').
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.GetMetadata("PackageId")) && !isPackaging)

            // If we got this far but there wasn't a PackFolder to process, it's an error.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packFolder))
                Log.LogErrorCode(nameof(ErrorCode.NG0010), ErrorCode.NG0010(file.ItemSpec));
                // We return the file anyway, since the task result will still be false.

            // If the kind is known but it isn't mapped to a folder inside the package, we're done.
            // Special-case None kind since that means 'leave it wherever it lands' ;)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageFolder) && !packFolder.Equals(PackFolderKind.None, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

            // Special case for contentFiles, since they can also provide a codeLanguage metadata
            if (packageFolder == PackagingConstants.Folders.ContentFiles)
                if (file.GetMetadata("TargetPath").StartsWith(packageFolder, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    Log.LogErrorCode(nameof(ErrorCode.NG0013), ErrorCode.NG0013(file.GetMetadata("TargetPath")));
                    // We return the file anyway, since the task result will still be false.

                // See
                var codeLanguage = file.GetMetadata(MetadataName.ContentFile.CodeLanguage);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeLanguage))
                    codeLanguage = PackagingConstants.AnyCodeLanguage;
                    output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.ContentFile.CodeLanguage, codeLanguage);
                    // This allows setting the codeLanguage to just the %(Extension) of the source file
                    codeLanguage = codeLanguage.TrimStart('.');

                packageFolder = Path.Combine(packageFolder, codeLanguage);

                // And they also cannot have an empty framework, at most, it will be "any"
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFramework))
                    targetFramework = PackagingConstants.AnyFramework;

                // Once TF is defaulted, a content file is actually always framework-specific,
                // although the framework may be 'any'.
                frameworkSpecific = true;

                // At this point we have the correct target framework for a content file, so persist it.
                output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.TargetFramework, targetFramework);

            var targetPath = file.GetMetadata("TargetPath");

            // Linked files already have the desired target path specified by the user
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
                targetPath = file.GetMetadata("Link");

            // NOTE: TargetPath allows a framework-specific file to still specify its relative
            // location without hardcoding the target framework (useful for multi-targetting and
            // P2P references).
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetPath))
                targetPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageFolder) ?
                             Path.Combine(file.GetMetadata("RelativeDir"), file.GetMetadata("FileName") + file.GetMetadata("Extension")) :
                             // Well-known folders only get root-level files by default. Can be overriden with PackagePath or TargetPath
                             // explicitly, of course
                             file.GetMetadata("FileName") + file.GetMetadata("Extension");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageFolder) &&
                targetPath.StartsWith(packageFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Avoid duplicating already determined package folder in package path later on.
                targetPath = targetPath.Substring(packageFolder.Length + 1);

            // At this point we have the correct calculated target path, so persist it for inspection if necessary.
            output.SetMetadata("TargetPath", targetPath.Replace('\\', '/'));

            // If we have no known package folder, files go to their RelativeDir location.
            // This allows custom packaging paths such as "workbooks", "docs" or whatever, which aren't prohibited by
            // the format.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageFolder))
                // File goes to the determined target path (or the root of the package), such as a readme.txt
                packagePath = targetPath;
                if (frameworkSpecific)
                    // For (framework-specific) tools, we need to append 'any' at the end
                    if (packageFolder == PackagingConstants.Folders.Tools)
                        packagePath = Path.Combine(new[] { packageFolder, targetFramework, "any" }.Concat(targetPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)).ToArray());
                        packagePath = Path.Combine(new[] { packageFolder, targetFramework }.Concat(targetPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)).ToArray());
                    packagePath = Path.Combine(new[] { packageFolder }.Concat(targetPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)).ToArray());

            output.SetMetadata(MetadataName.PackagePath, packagePath.Replace('\\', '/'));
