Example #1
        public static int GetFrequency(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Random random, int maxFrequency, Time startTime, Time endTime)
            bool feasibleFreq = false;
            int freq = 0;
            while ( !feasibleFreq )
                freq = Distribution.GetRandomFrequencyValue(
                    0, maxFrequency, random, Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ) );
                if ( freq == 0 )
                Time duration;
                if ( !Distribution.GetRandomStartTimeFrequency(
                Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ), freq,
                Distribution.TimeOfDayToDistribution( startTime ), Distribution.TimeOfDayToDistribution( endTime ), random, out duration ) )
                    //a bad thing happens here
                else if ( duration != Time.Zero )
                    feasibleFreq = true;

            return freq;
Example #2
 public static int GetFrequency(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Random random, int maxFrequency)
     int freq = 0;
     freq = Distribution.GetRandomFrequencyValue(
         0, maxFrequency, random, Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ) );
     return freq;
Example #3
 public static int GetFrequency(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Random random, int maxFrequency, int householdPD, int workPD, GenerationAdjustment[] generationAdjustments)
     int freq = 0;
     freq = Distribution.GetRandomFrequencyValue(
         0, maxFrequency, random, Distribution.GetDistributionID(person, activity), householdPD, workPD, generationAdjustments);
     return freq;
Example #4
 internal ActivityEpisode(long id, TimeWindow window, Activity type, ITashaPerson owner)
     : base(window, owner)
     this.People = null;
     this.ActivityType = type;
     this.OriginalDuration = window.Duration;
     this.Owner = owner;
Example #5
 public Household(int id, ITashaPerson[] persons, IVehicle[] vehicles, float expansion, IZone zone)
     //this.auxiliaryTripChains = new List<ITripChain>(7);
     HouseholdId = id;
     Persons = persons;
     Vehicles = vehicles;
     ExpansionFactor = expansion;
     HomeZone = zone;
Example #6
 internal TravelEpisode(int id, TimeWindow timeWindow, Episode from, Episode to, ITashaPerson owner)
     : base(timeWindow, owner)
     //TODO: verify this line:
     this.ActivityType = to.ActivityType;
     this.From = from;
     this.To = to;
Example #7
 public static IPersonIterationData MakePersonIterationData(ITashaPerson person)
     PersonIterationData p;
     if ( Items.TryTake( out p ) )
         p.PopulateData( person );
         return p;
     return new PersonIterationData( person );
Example #8
 public void Generate(ITashaHousehold household, ITashaPerson person, List<IActivityEpisode> episodes, Random rand)
     if ( person.StudentStatus == StudentStatus.FullTime )
         this.School.Generate( household, person, episodes, rand );
         this.Work.Generate( household, person, episodes, rand );
         this.Work.Generate( household, person, episodes, rand );
         this.School.Generate( household, person, episodes, rand );
Example #9
 public static int GetFrequency(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Random random)
     int freq = 0;
     var distID = Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity );
     if ( distID < 0 )
         throw new XTMFRuntimeException( "We were unable to get the distribution ID number for a person doing a '" + activity.ToString()
             + "' episode The person's householdID was " + person.Household.HouseholdId + ", personID was " + person.Id + ", was " + person.Age +
             " years old, with employment status '" + person.EmploymentStatus.ToString() + "' occupation '" + person.Occupation.ToString() + "' Student Status '"
             + person.StudentStatus.ToString() + "'.  Their work zone is '" + ( person.EmploymentZone != null ? person.EmploymentZone.ZoneNumber.ToString() : "None" )
             + "' and their school zone is '"
             + ( person.SchoolZone != null ? person.SchoolZone.ZoneNumber.ToString() : "None" ) + "'." );
     freq = Distribution.GetRandomFrequencyValue(
         0, Distribution.NumberOfFrequencies - 1, random, distID );
     return freq;
Example #10
 private int LunchPass(ITashaPerson person, int[] eventCount, int[][] startTimeCount, ref Time workStartTime, ref Time workEndTime)
     int lunchCount = 0;
     // Lunch pass
     foreach(var tripChain in person.TripChains)
         foreach(var trip in tripChain.Trips)
             if((trip.Purpose == Activity.Home) | (trip.Purpose == Activity.ReturnFromWork))
                 Time activityStartTime = trip.OriginalZone == null || trip.DestinationZone == null ? trip.TripStartTime : trip.ActivityStartTime;
                 if(activityStartTime > workStartTime && activityStartTime < workEndTime)
                     var id = Distribution.GetDistributionID(person, Activity.ReturnFromWork);
                     if(id != -1)
                         AddStartTime(startTimeCount, id, trip);
     return lunchCount;
Example #11
        private void AssignEpisodes(ITashaPerson person, ref Time workStartTime, ref Time workEndTime, Random random)
            var PersonData = person["SData"] as SchedulerPersonData;

            foreach(var TripChain in person.TripChains)
                for(int j = 0; j < (TripChain.Trips.Count - 1); j++)
                    var ThisTrip = TripChain.Trips[j];
                    var NextTrip = TripChain.Trips[j + 1];
                    ThisTrip.Mode = ThisTrip[ObservedMode] as ITashaMode;
                    NextTrip.Mode = NextTrip[ObservedMode] as ITashaMode;
                    var startTime = ThisTrip.OriginalZone == null || ThisTrip.DestinationZone == null ? ThisTrip.TripStartTime : ThisTrip.ActivityStartTime;
                    var endTime = NextTrip.TripStartTime;
                    var duration = endTime - startTime;
                    if(duration < Time.Zero)
                        endTime = Time.EndOfDay;
                    if(endTime < startTime)
                        startTime = ThisTrip.TripStartTime;

                    if(ThisTrip.Purpose == Activity.PrimaryWork || ThisTrip.Purpose == Activity.SecondaryWork || ThisTrip.Purpose == Activity.WorkBasedBusiness)
                        var NewEpisode = new ActivityEpisode(0, new TimeWindow(startTime, endTime), ThisTrip.Purpose, person);
                        NewEpisode.Zone = ThisTrip.DestinationZone;
                        if(ThisTrip.Purpose == Activity.PrimaryWork || ThisTrip.Purpose == Activity.WorkBasedBusiness)
                            if(workStartTime == Time.Zero || NewEpisode.StartTime < workStartTime)
                                workStartTime = NewEpisode.StartTime;
                            if(workEndTime == Time.Zero || NewEpisode.EndTime > workEndTime)
                                workEndTime = NewEpisode.EndTime;
                        PersonData.WorkSchedule.Schedule.Insert(NewEpisode, random);
                    if(ThisTrip.Purpose == Activity.School)
                        var NewEpisode = new ActivityEpisode(0, new TimeWindow(startTime, endTime), ThisTrip.Purpose, person);
                        NewEpisode.Zone = ThisTrip.DestinationZone;
                        PersonData.SchoolSchedule.Schedule.Insert(NewEpisode, random);
Example #12
 internal PersonalProject(Schedule schedule, ITashaPerson person)
     : base(schedule)
     this.Person = person;
Example #13
 private SchedulerTripChain(ITashaPerson person)
     this.Person = person;
     this.Trips  = new List <ITrip>(3);
Example #14
        public ITripChain GetJointTourTripChain(int tourID, ITashaPerson person)
            foreach (var tripchain in person.TripChains)
                if (tripchain.JointTripID == tourID)
                    return tripchain;

            return null;
Example #15
 private Episode CreateEpisode(ITrip trip, ITrip nextTrip, ITashaPerson owner)
     return new ActivityEpisode(0, new TimeWindow(trip.ActivityStartTime, nextTrip.ActivityStartTime), trip.Purpose, owner);
Example #16
 internal override void AddPerson(ITashaPerson person)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #17
 public Time TravelTime(ITashaPerson person, IZone origin, IZone destination, Time tashaTime)
 private void StoreTripRecord(int hhldID, ITashaPerson person, float expFactor, int tripID, Activity previousActivity, ITrip trip)
     _tripRecordQueue.Add(new TripRecord(hhldID, person.Id, tripID,
                                         trip.OriginalZone.ZoneNumber, GetActivityChar(previousActivity),
                                         trip.DestinationZone.ZoneNumber, GetActivityChar(trip.Purpose), expFactor));
 public PersonChain(ITashaPerson person, ITripChain chain)
     Person = person;
     Chain  = chain;
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The episode to find a zone for</param>
 /// <param name="person">The person to look at (their household)</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IZone GetLocationHomeBased(IEpisode e, ITashaPerson person, Random random)
     return(GetLocationHomeBased(e.ActivityType, person.Household.HomeZone, random));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the auxiliary trip chain to the person if its Utility is greater than not including it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="driver">the driver</param>
        /// <param name="passenger">the passenger</param>
        /// <param name="trip1">aux trip 1</param>
        /// <param name="trip2">aux trip 2</param>
        /// <param name="facilitateTrip">the trip being facilitated</param>
        /// <param name="mode">the shared mode to assign</param>
        /// <param name="dropoff">is this a dropoff or pickup aux trip chain?</param>
        /// <param name="connectingTrip">what is the chain this aux trip chain connects to if any?</param>
        private void AddAuxTripChain(ITashaPerson driver, ITashaPerson passenger, ITrip trip1, ITrip trip2, ITrip facilitateTrip, ISharedMode mode, bool dropoff, ITrip connectingTrip)
            ITripChain auxTripChain = new AuxiliaryTripChain();

            auxTripChain.Attach("SharedMode", mode);
            auxTripChain.Attach("FacilitateTrip", facilitateTrip);
            trip1.TripChain = auxTripChain;
            trip2.TripChain = auxTripChain;
            auxTripChain.Person = driver;
            facilitateTrip.Attach("isDriver", false);
            if (dropoff)
                trip1.Attach("isDriver", true);
                trip2.Attach("isDriver", true);
            if (connectingTrip != null)
                auxTripChain.Attach("ConnectingChain", connectingTrip);
            if (dropoff)
                if (connectingTrip == null)
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.DropoffAndReturn);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;
                else if (connectingTrip != null)
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.Dropoff);
                    auxTripChain.Attach("OriginalPurpose", connectingTrip.Purpose);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = connectingTrip.Purpose;

                    //transfering feasible transit stations and such
                    foreach (var key in connectingTrip.Keys)
                        trip1.Attach(key, connectingTrip[key]);
                if (connectingTrip == null)
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.PickupAndReturn);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;
                else if (connectingTrip != null)
                    ///TODO: Look into this again
                    auxTripChain.Attach("Purpose", Activity.Pickup);
                    auxTripChain.Attach("OriginalPurpose", connectingTrip.Purpose);
                    trip1.Purpose = Activity.FacilitatePassenger;
                    trip2.Purpose = Activity.Home;

                    //transfering feasible transit stations and such
                    foreach (var key in connectingTrip.Keys)
                        trip2.Attach(key, connectingTrip[key]);
            double oldU, newU;

            CalculateU(auxTripChain, out oldU, out newU);
            if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(oldU) | (newU > oldU))
                auxTripChain.Attach("FacilitateTripMode", mode);
        private PurePassengerTripChain CreateDriverTripChain(Time Start, Time End, IZone HomeZone, ITashaPerson driver)
            var mode            = PassengerMode.AssociatedMode;
            var driverTrip      = PurePassengerTrip.MakeDriverTrip(HomeZone, mode, Start, End);
            var driverTripChain = new PurePassengerTripChain();

            driverTrip.TripChain = driverTripChain;
            driverTripChain.Person = driver;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a duration from the given startTime based on a person and activity and startTime.
        /// The duration will be less than the length of the day minus the startTime
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person"></param>
        /// <param name="activity"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static bool GetDuration(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Time startTime, Random random, out Time duration)
            int length = Scheduler.StartTimeQuanta - 1 - Distribution.TimeOfDayToDistribution( startTime );

            return Distribution.GetRandomStartDurationTimeFrequency( Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ), startTime, 0, length, random, out duration );
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a person's iteration data for the specified household iteration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="person">the person</param>
 /// <param name="hIteration">the household iteration</param>
 private PersonIterationData(ITashaPerson person)
     : this()
     this.TripChains = new List <ITripChain>();
Example #25
 internal static bool GetStartTime(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, int frequency, Random random, out Time startTime)
     return Distribution.GetRandomStartTimeFrequency( Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ),
                             frequency, 0, Scheduler.StartTimeQuanta - 1, random, out startTime );
Example #26
        private bool BuildUtility(IZone firstOrigin, IZone secondOrigin, Pair <IZone[], float[]> accessData, IZone firstDestination, IZone secondDestination,
                                  ITashaPerson person, Time firstTime, Time secondTime, out float dependentUtility)
            var   zones = accessData.First;
            var   utils = accessData.Second;
            var   totalUtil = 0.0f;
            float ivttBeta, costBeta, walkBeta, waitBeta, boardingBeta, constant;

            GetPersonVariables(person, out constant, out ivttBeta, out walkBeta, out waitBeta, out boardingBeta, out costBeta);
            if (VectorHelper.IsHardwareAccelerated)
                totalUtil = VectorHelper.Sum(utils, 0, utils.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < utils.Length; i++)
                    totalUtil += utils[i];
            if (totalUtil <= 0)
                dependentUtility = float.NaN;
            dependentUtility = GetPlanningDistrictConstant(firstTime, firstOrigin.PlanningDistrict, firstDestination.PlanningDistrict)
                               + GetPlanningDistrictConstant(secondTime, secondOrigin.PlanningDistrict, secondDestination.PlanningDistrict);
            totalUtil = 1 / totalUtil;
            // we still need to do this in order to reduce time for computing the selected access station
            if (VectorHelper.IsHardwareAccelerated)
                VectorHelper.Multiply(utils, 0, utils, 0, totalUtil, utils.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < utils.Length; i++)
                    utils[i] *= totalUtil;
            var zoneSystem = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;
            var fo         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(firstOrigin.ZoneNumber);
            var so         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(secondOrigin.ZoneNumber);
            var fd         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(firstDestination.ZoneNumber);
            var sd         = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex(secondDestination.ZoneNumber);

            totalUtil = 0;
            var fastTransit        = TransitNetwork as ITripComponentCompleteData;
            var fastAuto           = AutoNetwork as INetworkCompleteData;
            var stationIndexLookup = StationIndexLookup;

            if (stationIndexLookup == null)
                stationIndexLookup = CreateStationIndexLookup(zoneSystem, zones);
            if (fastTransit == null | fastAuto == null)
                for (int i = 0; i < utils.Length; i++)
                    var stationIndex = StationIndexLookup[i];
                    var probability  = utils[i];
                    if (probability > 0)
                        var   local = 0.0f;
                        float tivtt, twalk, twait, boarding, cost;
                        TransitNetwork.GetAllData(stationIndex, fd, firstTime, out tivtt, out twalk, out twait, out boarding, out cost);
                        local += tivtt * ivttBeta + twalk * walkBeta + twait * waitBeta + cost * costBeta + boarding * boardingBeta;
                        TransitNetwork.GetAllData(stationIndex, so, secondTime, out tivtt, out twalk, out twait, out boarding, out cost);
                        local += tivtt * ivttBeta + twalk * walkBeta + twait * waitBeta + cost * costBeta + boarding * boardingBeta;
                        AutoNetwork.GetAllData(fo, stationIndex, firstTime, out tivtt, out cost);
                        local += tivtt * ivttBeta + costBeta * cost;
                        AutoNetwork.GetAllData(stationIndex, sd, secondTime, out tivtt, out cost);
                        local     += tivtt * ivttBeta + costBeta * cost;
                        totalUtil += local * probability;
                int numberOfZones = zoneSystem.GetFlatData().Length;
                // fo, and so are constant across stations, so we can pull that part of the computation out
                fo = fo * numberOfZones;
                so = so * numberOfZones;
                float[] firstAutoMatrix     = fastAuto.GetTimePeriodData(firstTime);
                float[] firstTransitMatrix  = fastTransit.GetTimePeriodData(firstTime);
                float[] secondAutoMatrix    = fastAuto.GetTimePeriodData(secondTime);
                float[] secondTransitMatrix = fastTransit.GetTimePeriodData(secondTime);
                if (firstTransitMatrix == null || secondTransitMatrix == null)
                    dependentUtility = float.NaN;
                for (int i = 0; i < utils.Length; i++)
                    var stationIndex          = stationIndexLookup[i];
                    int origin1ToStation      = (fo + stationIndex) << 1;
                    int stationToDestination1 = ((stationIndex * numberOfZones) + fd) * 5;
                    int origin2ToStation      = (so + stationIndex) * 5;
                    int stationToDestination2 = ((stationIndex * numberOfZones) + sd) << 1;
                    if (utils[i] > 0)
                        // transit utility
                        var tivtt    = firstTransitMatrix[stationToDestination1] + secondTransitMatrix[origin2ToStation];
                        var twait    = firstTransitMatrix[stationToDestination1 + 1] + secondTransitMatrix[origin2ToStation + 1];
                        var twalk    = firstTransitMatrix[stationToDestination1 + 2] + secondTransitMatrix[origin2ToStation + 2];
                        var tcost    = firstTransitMatrix[stationToDestination1 + 3] + secondTransitMatrix[origin2ToStation + 3];
                        var boarding = firstTransitMatrix[stationToDestination1 + 4] + secondTransitMatrix[origin2ToStation + 4];
                        var aivtt    = firstAutoMatrix[origin1ToStation] + secondAutoMatrix[stationToDestination2];
                        var acost    = firstAutoMatrix[origin1ToStation + 1] + secondAutoMatrix[stationToDestination2 + 1];
                        var utility  = (tivtt + aivtt) * ivttBeta + twalk * walkBeta + twait * waitBeta + (acost + tcost) * costBeta + boarding * boardingBeta;
                        totalUtil += utility * utils[i];
            dependentUtility += totalUtil;
Example #27
        public static void AssignJointTours(ITashaHousehold household)
            Dictionary <int, List <ITripChain> > JointTours = household.JointTours;
            ITashaMode rideShare      = null;
            int        rideShareIndex = -1;
            var        allModes       = TashaRuntime.AllModes;
            var        numberOfModes  = allModes.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfModes; i++)
                if ((allModes[i] is ISharedMode) && allModes[i].ModeName == "RideShare")
                    rideShare      = allModes[i];
                    rideShareIndex = i;
            //no rideshare mode?
            if (rideShare == null)
            //go through each joint tour and assign identical modes for each tripchain in a tour if possible
            foreach (var element in JointTours)
                List <ITripChain>  tripChains = element.Value;
                IList <ITashaMode> nonVehicleModesChosen;
                double             nonVehicleU;
                //does a non vehicle tour exist
                bool nonVehicleTour = BestNonVehicleModeSetForTour(tripChains, out nonVehicleModesChosen, out nonVehicleU);
                //the potential driver in this tour
                ITashaPerson potentialDriver = null;
                //finding potential driver who already has the car
                foreach (var tripChain in tripChains)
                    if (tripChain.requiresVehicle.Contains(rideShare.RequiresVehicle))
                        potentialDriver = tripChain.Person;
                //if no one has the car check if one is available
                if (potentialDriver == null)
                    if (household.NumberOfVehicleAvailable(
                            new TashaTimeSpan(tripChains[0].StartTime, tripChains[0].EndTime), rideShare.RequiresVehicle, false) > 0)
                        foreach (var tc in tripChains)
                            if (rideShare.RequiresVehicle.CanUse(tc.Person))
                                potentialDriver = tc.Person;
                //No potential driver and no nonVehicle tour means that ppl in this tour have to take different modes which shouldnt happen
                if ((potentialDriver == null) & (!nonVehicleTour))
                double oldU = Double.MinValue;
                if (nonVehicleTour)
                    oldU = nonVehicleU;
                //no driver, go to next tour
                if (potentialDriver == null)
                double newU    = 0.0;
                bool   success = true;

                 * Now we assign the rideshare mode and if the total U of everyone using rideshare is less than that
                 * of a non personal vehicle mode, everyone uses rideshare
                foreach (var tripChain in tripChains)
                    foreach (var trip in tripChain.Trips)
                        ModeData md = (ModeData)trip.GetVariable("MD");
                        trip.Mode = rideShare;
                        newU += md.U(rideShareIndex);
                    if (!tripChain.Feasible())
                        success = false;
                //reset modes
                if ((!success || newU <= oldU) & (nonVehicleTour))
                    SetModes(tripChains, nonVehicleModesChosen);
                    //go to next joint trip
Example #28
        private void GetPersonVariables(ITashaPerson person, out float constant, out float time, out float walk, out float wait, out float boarding, out float cost)
            if (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime)
                switch (person.Occupation)
                case Occupation.Professional:
                    cost     = ProfessionalCost;
                    constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                    time     = ProfessionalTimeFactor;
                    walk     = ProfessionalTransitWalk;
                    wait     = ProfessionalTransitWait;
                    boarding = ProfessionalTransitBoarding;

                case Occupation.Office:
                    cost     = GeneralCost;
                    constant = GeneralConstant;
                    time     = GeneralTimeFactor;
                    walk     = GeneralTransitWalk;
                    wait     = GeneralTransitWait;
                    boarding = GeneralTransitBoarding;

                case Occupation.Retail:
                    cost     = SalesCost;
                    constant = SalesConstant;
                    time     = SalesTimeFactor;
                    walk     = SalesTransitWalk;
                    wait     = SalesTransitWait;
                    boarding = SalesTransitBoarding;

                case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                    cost     = ManufacturingCost;
                    constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                    time     = ManufacturingTimeFactor;
                    walk     = ManufacturingTransitWalk;
                    wait     = ManufacturingTransitWait;
                    boarding = ManufacturingTransitBoarding;
            switch (person.StudentStatus)
            case StudentStatus.FullTime:
            case StudentStatus.PartTime:
                cost     = StudentCost;
                constant = StudentConstant;
                time     = StudentTimeFactor;
                walk     = StudentTransitWalk;
                wait     = StudentTransitWait;
                boarding = StudentTransitBoarding;
            if (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
                switch (person.Occupation)
                case Occupation.Professional:
                    cost     = ProfessionalCost;
                    constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                    time     = ProfessionalTimeFactor;
                    walk     = ProfessionalTransitWalk;
                    wait     = ProfessionalTransitWait;
                    boarding = ProfessionalTransitBoarding;

                case Occupation.Office:
                    cost     = GeneralCost;
                    constant = GeneralConstant;
                    time     = GeneralTimeFactor;
                    walk     = GeneralTransitWalk;
                    wait     = GeneralTransitWait;
                    boarding = GeneralTransitBoarding;

                case Occupation.Retail:
                    cost     = SalesCost;
                    constant = SalesConstant;
                    time     = SalesTimeFactor;
                    walk     = SalesTransitWalk;
                    wait     = SalesTransitWait;
                    boarding = SalesTransitBoarding;

                case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                    cost     = ManufacturingCost;
                    constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                    time     = ManufacturingTimeFactor;
                    walk     = ManufacturingTransitWalk;
                    wait     = ManufacturingTransitWait;
                    boarding = ManufacturingTransitBoarding;
            cost     = NonWorkerStudentCost;
            constant = NonWorkerStudentConstant;
            time     = NonWorkerStudentTimeFactor;
            walk     = NonWorkerStudentTransitWalk;
            wait     = NonWorkerStudentTransitWait;
            boarding = NonWorkerStudentTransitBoarding;
Example #29
 public IZone GetLocationHomeBased(IEpisode episode, ITashaPerson person, Random random)
     throw new NotImplementedException("This method is no longer supported for V4.0+");
Example #30
 internal PersonalProject(Schedule schedule, ITashaPerson person)
     : base(schedule)
     Person = person;
Example #31
 internal override void AddPerson(ITashaPerson person)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #32
        private bool PrimaryWorkStartTime(ITashaPerson person, int personIndex, ISchedule[] schedule, IActivityEpisode episode, Random rand)
            var personSchedule            = schedule[personIndex];
            var episodeList               = personSchedule.GenerateScheduledEpisodeList();
            var episodeDuration           = episode.Duration;
            List <TimeWindow> timeWindows = new List <TimeWindow>();

            //If there are no episodes in the schedule, then we can place it anywhere
            if (episodeList.Length == 0 || episodeList[0] == null)
                timeWindows.Add(new TimeWindow()
                    StartTime = this.StartOfDay, EndTime = this.EndOfDay
                return(GiveStartTimeForPrimaryWork(timeWindows, episode));
                //Check before the first episode
                    //Check after the last episode
                    var firstStartTime = episodeList[0].StartTime;
                    if (firstStartTime - this.StartOfDay >= episodeDuration)
                        timeWindows.Add(new TimeWindow()
                            StartTime = this.StartOfDay, EndTime = firstStartTime
                //Check between each episode
                for (int i = 0; i < episodeList.Length - 1; i++)
                    var e = episodeList[i + 1];
                    if (e == null)
                    var endTime   = episodeList[i].EndTime;
                    var startTime = episodeList[i + 1].StartTime;
                    if (endTime - startTime >= episodeDuration)
                        timeWindows.Add(new TimeWindow()
                            StartTime = startTime, EndTime = endTime
                if (episodeList.Length > 1)
                    //Check after the last episode
                    var lastEpisodeEndTime = episodeList[episodeList.Length - 1].EndTime;
                    if (this.EndOfDay - lastEpisodeEndTime >= episodeDuration)
                        timeWindows.Add(new TimeWindow()
                            StartTime = lastEpisodeEndTime, EndTime = this.EndOfDay
            return(GiveStartTimeForPrimaryWork(timeWindows, episode));
Example #33
        public ConflictReport InsertCase(ITashaPerson owner, Episode ep, bool travelTime)
            ConflictReport report;
            report.Type = ScheduleConflictType.NoConflict;
            report.Position = this.EpisodeCount;

            for ( int i = 0; i < this.EpisodeCount; i++ )
                if ( this.Episodes[i].EndTime + this.Episodes[i].TravelTime < ep.StartTime ) continue;
                Time epEnd = ep.EndTime;
                Time ithEnd = this.Episodes[i].EndTime;
                if ( travelTime )
                    ep.TravelTime = ( this.EpisodeCount - 1 > i ) ?
                        Scheduler.TravelTime( owner, ep.Zone, this.Episodes[i + 1].Zone, ep.EndTime ) : Time.Zero;
                    epEnd += ep.TravelTime;
                    ithEnd += this.Episodes[i].TravelTime;
                report.Position = i;
                // Check for Complete overlap of the ith position
                if ( this.Episodes[i].StartTime >= ep.StartTime && ( epEnd >= ithEnd || ep.EndTime >= this.Episodes[i].EndTime ) )
                    report.Type = ScheduleConflictType.CompleteOverlap;
                else if ( this.EpisodeCount - 1 > i && this.Episodes[i + 1].StartTime >= ep.StartTime && epEnd >= this.Episodes[i + 1].EndTime )
                    report.Type = ScheduleConflictType.CompleteOverlap;
                else if ( this.Episodes[i].StartTime < ep.StartTime && ep.EndTime < this.Episodes[i].EndTime )
                    report.Type = ScheduleConflictType.Split;
                else if ( this.Episodes[i].StartTime >= ep.StartTime && ep.EndTime < this.Episodes[i].EndTime )
                    report.Type = ScheduleConflictType.Prior;
                else if ( this.Episodes[i].StartTime < ep.StartTime && ep.EndTime >= this.Episodes[i].EndTime )
                    report.Type = ScheduleConflictType.Posterior;
            return report; // There is no conflict
Example #34
 public PersonSchedule(ITashaPerson owner)
     Owner         = owner;
     FirstTripTime = Time.Zero;
Example #35
        private void GetPersonVariables(ITashaPerson person, out float time, out float constant)
            if (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime)
                switch (person.Occupation)
                case Occupation.Professional:
                    constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                    time     = ProfessionalTimeFactor;

                case Occupation.Office:
                    constant = GeneralConstant;
                    time     = GeneralTimeFactor;

                case Occupation.Retail:
                    constant = SalesConstant;
                    time     = SalesTimeFactor;

                case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                    constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                    time     = ManufacturingTimeFactor;
            switch (person.StudentStatus)
            case StudentStatus.FullTime:
            case StudentStatus.PartTime:
                constant = StudentConstant;
                time     = StudentTimeFactor;
            if (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
                switch (person.Occupation)
                case Occupation.Professional:
                    constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                    time     = ProfessionalTimeFactor;

                case Occupation.Office:
                    constant = GeneralConstant;
                    time     = GeneralTimeFactor;

                case Occupation.Retail:
                    constant = SalesConstant;
                    time     = SalesTimeFactor;

                case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                    constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                    time     = ManufacturingTimeFactor;
            constant = NonWorkerStudentConstant;
            time     = NonWorkerStudentTimeFactor;
Example #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if a person is the owner of an episode
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsOwner(ITashaPerson person)
     return(person == this.Owner);
Example #37
 private int GetID(ITashaPerson person, ITrip trip)
     var id = IsJointTrip(trip) ? (trip.TripChain.JointTripRep ? Distribution.GetDistributionID(person.Household, trip.Purpose) : -1)
         : Distribution.GetDistributionID(person, trip.Purpose);
     return id;
Example #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if this person is on the trip
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="person">The person we are testing for</param>
 /// <returns>True, if the person is found</returns>
 public abstract bool IsPersonIncluded(ITashaPerson person);
Example #39
 private void GetPersonVariables(ITashaPerson person, out float time, out float constant, out float cost)
     if(person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime)
             case Occupation.Professional:
                 cost = ProfessionalCost;
                 constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                 time = ProfessionalTimeFactor;
             case Occupation.Office:
                 cost = GeneralCost;
                 constant = GeneralConstant;
                 time = GeneralTimeFactor;
             case Occupation.Retail:
                 cost = SalesCost;
                 constant = SalesConstant;
                 time = SalesTimeFactor;
             case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                 cost = ManufacturingCost;
                 constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                 time = ManufacturingTimeFactor;
         case StudentStatus.FullTime:
         case StudentStatus.PartTime:
             cost = StudentCost;
             constant = StudentConstant;
             time = StudentTimeFactor;
     if(person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
             case Occupation.Professional:
                 cost = ProfessionalCost;
                 constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                 time = ProfessionalTimeFactor;
             case Occupation.Office:
                 cost = GeneralCost;
                 constant = GeneralConstant;
                 time = GeneralTimeFactor;
             case Occupation.Retail:
                 cost = SalesCost;
                 constant = SalesConstant;
                 time = SalesTimeFactor;
             case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                 cost = ManufacturingCost;
                 constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                 time = ManufacturingTimeFactor;
     cost = NonWorkerStudentCost;
     constant = NonWorkerStudentConstant;
     time = NonWorkerStudentTimeFactor;
Example #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Includes a person in the episode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="person">The person to include</param>
 internal abstract void AddPerson(ITashaPerson person);
Example #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a duration that is not greater than the given max Duration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="person"></param>
 /// <param name="activity"></param>
 /// <param name="startTime"></param>
 /// <param name="maxDuration"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static bool GetDuration(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, Time startTime, Time maxDuration, Random random, out Time returnStartTime)
     return Distribution.GetRandomStartDurationTimeFrequency( Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ), startTime, 0, Distribution.DurationToDistribution( maxDuration ), random, out returnStartTime );
Example #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Episode
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The id for the event</param>
 /// <param name="window">The window in time this episode occurs in</param>
 internal Episode(TimeWindow window, ITashaPerson owner)
     this.Window = window;
     // originally we have no travel time
     this.TravelTime = Time.Zero;
Example #43
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a startTime between the given startTime and endTime
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="person"></param>
 /// <param name="activity"></param>
 /// <param name="frequency"></param>
 /// <param name="startTime"></param>
 /// <param name="endTime"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static bool GetStartTime(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity, int frequency, Time startTime, Time endTime, Random random, out Time returnTime)
     return Distribution.GetRandomStartTimeFrequency( Distribution.GetDistributionID( person, activity ),
                            frequency, Distribution.TimeOfDayToDistribution( startTime ), Distribution.TimeOfDayToDistribution( endTime ), random, out returnTime );
Example #44
 internal static void PrimaryWorkStartTimeAndDuration(ITashaPerson person, out Time startTime, out Time duration)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates V Value for a given trip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trip">The trip to calculate for</param>
        /// <returns>The V for the trip</returns>
        public double CalculateV(ITrip trip)
            double       v = 0;
            ITashaPerson Person = trip.TripChain.Person;
            float        constant, walkBeta;

            GetPersonVariables(Person, out constant, out walkBeta);
            v += constant;

            //if person has a license
            if (Person.Licence)
                v += this.DriversLicenseFlag;

            IZone origin      = trip.OriginalZone;
            IZone destination = trip.DestinationZone;
            Time  startTime   = trip.ActivityStartTime;

            v += TravelTime(origin, destination, startTime).ToMinutes() * walkBeta;

            //checking if child
            if (Person.Youth)
                v += YouthFlag;
            else if (Person.YoungAdult)
                v += YoungAdultFlag;
            else if (Person.Child)
                v += ChildFlag;

            //if intrazonal trip
            if (origin == destination)
                v += this.IntrazonalConstant;

            //if no vehicles
            if (Person.Household.Vehicles.Length == 0)
                v += NoVehicleFlag;
            switch (trip.Purpose)
            case Activity.Market:
            case Activity.JointMarket:
                v += this.MarketFlag;

            case Activity.JointOther:
            case Activity.IndividualOther:
                v += this.OtherFlag;

            case Activity.School:
                v += this.SchoolFlag;
            return(v + GetPlanningDistrictConstant(startTime, origin.PlanningDistrict, destination.PlanningDistrict));
Example #46
 public override bool IsPersonIncluded(ITashaPerson person)
     if ( this.From != null )
         return this.From.IsOwner( person );
     else if ( this.To != null )
         return this.To.IsOwner( person );
     return false;
Example #47
File: Walk.cs Project: Cocotus/XTMF
 private void GetPersonVariables(ITashaPerson person, out float constant, out float walk)
     if(person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime)
             case Occupation.Professional:
                 constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                 walk = ProfessionalWalk;
             case Occupation.Office:
                 constant = GeneralConstant;
                 walk = GeneralWalk;
             case Occupation.Retail:
                 constant = SalesConstant;
                 walk = SalesWalk;
             case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                 constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                 walk = ManufacturingWalk;
         case StudentStatus.FullTime:
         case StudentStatus.PartTime:
             constant = StudentConstant;
             walk = StudentWalk;
     if(person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
             case Occupation.Professional:
                 constant = ProfessionalConstant;
                 walk = ProfessionalWalk;
             case Occupation.Office:
                 constant = GeneralConstant;
                 walk = GeneralWalk;
             case Occupation.Retail:
                 constant = SalesConstant;
                 walk = SalesWalk;
             case Occupation.Manufacturing:
                 constant = ManufacturingConstant;
                 walk = ManufacturingWalk;
     constant = NonWorkerStudentConstant;
     walk = NonWorkerStudentWalk;
Example #48
        internal static Time GetWorkSchoolStartTime(ITashaPerson person)
            Time workSchoolStartTime = Time.Zero;
            Project workProject = person.GetWorkProject();
            Schedule workSchedule = workProject.Schedule;
            Time workStartTime = workSchedule.GetFirstEpisodeStartTime();
            Project schoolProject = person.GetSchoolProject();
            Schedule schoolSchedule = schoolProject.Schedule;
            Time schoolStartTime = schoolSchedule.GetFirstEpisodeStartTime();

            if ( workStartTime != Time.Zero && schoolStartTime == Time.Zero )
                workSchoolStartTime = workStartTime;
            else if ( workStartTime == Time.Zero && schoolStartTime != Time.Zero )
                workSchoolStartTime = schoolStartTime;
            else if ( workStartTime != Time.Zero && schoolStartTime != Time.Zero )
                workSchoolStartTime = schoolStartTime < workStartTime ? schoolStartTime : workStartTime;
                workSchoolStartTime = Time.Zero;

            return workSchoolStartTime;
Example #49
 public PersonSchedule(ITashaPerson owner)
     Owner = owner;
     FirstTripTime = Time.Zero;
Example #50
 public bool AssignStartTime(ITashaPerson person, int personIndex, ISchedule[] schedule, IActivityEpisode episode, Random rand)
     throw new NotImplementedException("This method should never be called, either the work or school project should be invoked.");
Example #51
 public IZone GetLocationWorkBased(IZone primaryWorkZone, ITashaPerson person, Random random)
     throw new NotImplementedException("This method is no longer supported for V4.0+");
Example #52
 internal static void SetMarketProject(this ITashaPerson person, PersonalProject market)
     (person["SData"] as SchedulerPersonData).MarketSchedule = market;
Example #53
 /// <summary>
 /// Tests to see if a person can use a vehicle of this type
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="person">The person to test for</param>
 /// <returns>If they can use it or not</returns>
 public bool CanUse(ITashaPerson person)
     return(person.Licence && person.Household.Vehicles.Count(n => n.VehicleType.Equals(this)) > 0);
Example #54
 internal static void SetOtherProject(this ITashaPerson person, PersonalProject other)
     (person["SData"] as SchedulerPersonData).OtherSchedule = other;
Example #55
 public IZone GetWorkBasedLocation(Activity activity, ITashaPerson person)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the distribution ID that this person belongs to
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person"></param>
        /// <param name="activity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static int GetDistributionID(ITashaPerson person, Activity activity)
            int baseOffset;
            int ageOffset;
            int occupationOffset;
            int age = person.Age;

            switch (activity)
            case Activity.School:
                baseOffset = 84;
                //Now Calculate the occupation offset
                switch (person.StudentStatus)
                case StudentStatus.FullTime:
                    occupationOffset = 0;

                case StudentStatus.PartTime:
                    occupationOffset = 1;

                if (age < 11)
                //Calculate the ageOffset
                if (age <= 15)
                    ageOffset = 0;
                else if (age <= 18)
                    ageOffset = 1;
                else if (age <= 25)
                    ageOffset = 2;
                else if (age <= 30)
                    ageOffset = 3;
                    ageOffset = 4;
                return(baseOffset + (ageOffset * 2) + occupationOffset);

            case Activity.WorkBasedBusiness:
                // We store the values from the person to improve performance
                baseOffset = 40;
                Occupation occupation = person.Occupation;
                if (person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime &&
                    person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
                //Calculate the ageOffset
                if (age < 11)
                if (age <= 18)
                    ageOffset = 0;
                else if (age <= 25)
                    ageOffset = 1;
                else if (age <= 64)
                    ageOffset = 2;
                    ageOffset = 3;

                //Now Calculate the occupation offset
                if (occupation == Occupation.Office)
                    occupationOffset = 0;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Manufacturing)
                    occupationOffset = 1;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Professional)
                    occupationOffset = 2;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Retail)
                    occupationOffset = 3;

                return(baseOffset + (ageOffset * 8) + occupationOffset * 2
                       + (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime ? 0 : 1));

            case Activity.PrimaryWork:
                // We store the values from the person to improve performance
                if (person.EmploymentZone == null)
                occupation = person.Occupation;
                if (person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime &&
                    person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
                //Calculate the ageOffset
                if (age < 11)
                if (age <= 18)
                    ageOffset = 0;
                else if (age <= 25)
                    ageOffset = 1;
                else if (age <= 64)
                    ageOffset = 2;
                    ageOffset = 3;
                //Now Calculate the occupation offset
                if (occupation == Occupation.Office)
                    occupationOffset = 0;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Manufacturing)
                    occupationOffset = 1;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Professional)
                    occupationOffset = 2;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Retail)
                    occupationOffset = 3;

                return((ageOffset * 8) + occupationOffset * 2
                       + (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime ? 0 : 1));

            case Activity.SecondaryWork:
                // We store the values from the person to improve performance
                baseOffset = 32;
                occupation = person.Occupation;
                if (person.EmploymentZone == null)
                if (person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime &&
                    person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
                if (person.Age < 11)
                //Now Calculate the occupation offset
                if (occupation == Occupation.Office)
                    occupationOffset = 0;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Manufacturing)
                    occupationOffset = 1;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Professional)
                    occupationOffset = 2;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Retail)
                    occupationOffset = 3;

                // Ok, here we do the math, there are 8 distros per age group [only 1 age group]
                // Each one is broken into 4 occupation types
                // Each of them are broken into first, full-time then part-time
                    (baseOffset + occupationOffset * 2
                     + (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime ? 0 : 1));

            case Activity.WorkAtHomeBusiness:
                // We store the values from the person to improve performance
                baseOffset       = 72;
                occupationOffset = 0;
                occupation       = person.Occupation;
                age = person.Age;
                if (person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.WorkAtHome_FullTime &&
                    person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.WorkAtHome_PartTime)
                //Calculate the ageOffset
                if (age < 19)
                if (age <= 25)
                    ageOffset = 0;
                else if (age <= 64)
                    ageOffset = 1;
                    ageOffset = 2;

                //Now Calculate the occupation offset
                if (occupation == Occupation.Office)
                    occupationOffset = 0;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Manufacturing)
                    occupationOffset = 1;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Professional)
                    occupationOffset = 2;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Retail)
                    occupationOffset = 3;

                // Ok, here we do the math, there are 8 distros per age group
                // Each one is broken into 4 occupation types
                // Each of them are broken into first, full-time then part-time
                return(baseOffset + (ageOffset * 4) + occupationOffset);

            case Activity.ReturnFromWork:
                // We store the values from the person to improve performance
                baseOffset       = 94;
                occupationOffset = 0;
                occupation       = person.Occupation;
                if (person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime &&
                    person.EmploymentStatus != TTSEmploymentStatus.PartTime)
                //Now Calculate the occupation offset
                if (occupation == Occupation.Office)
                    occupationOffset = 0;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Manufacturing)
                    occupationOffset = 1;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Professional)
                    occupationOffset = 2;
                else if (occupation == Occupation.Retail)
                    occupationOffset = 3;

                // Ok, here we do the math, there are 8 distros per age group [only 1 age group]
                // Each one is broken into 4 occupation types
                // Each of them are broken into first, full-time then part-time
                    (baseOffset + occupationOffset * 2 + (person.EmploymentStatus == TTSEmploymentStatus.FullTime ? 0 : 1));

            case Activity.IndividualOther:
                baseOffset = 102;
                //||[0,6] ||==7
                PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus workProjestStatus = SchedulerPerson.GetWorkSchoolProjectStatus(person);
                age = person.Age;

                //Calculate the ageOffset
                if (age < 11)
                if (age < 16)
                    ageOffset = 0;
                else if (age < 25)
                    ageOffset = 1;
                else if (age < 65)
                    ageOffset = 2;
                    ageOffset = 3;
                    (baseOffset + (ageOffset * 14) + (person.Female ? 7 : 0) + (int)workProjestStatus);

            case Activity.Market:
                baseOffset = 182;
                //||[0,6] ||==7
                workProjestStatus = SchedulerPerson.GetWorkSchoolProjectStatus(person);
                age = person.Age;

                //Calculate the ageOffset
                if (age < 11)
                if (age < 16)
                    ageOffset = 0;
                else if (age < 25)
                    ageOffset = 1;
                else if (age < 65)
                    ageOffset = 2;
                    ageOffset = 3;
                // Ok, here we do the math, there are 8 distros per age group
                // Each one is broken into 4 occupation types
                // Each of them are broken into first, full-time then part-time
                    (baseOffset + (ageOffset * 14) + (person.Female ? 7 : 0) + (int)workProjestStatus);

Example #57
        /// <summary>
        /// Funky function directly from Tasha original
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="person"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus GetWorkSchoolProjectStatus(ITashaPerson person)
            //TashaTime workSchoolStartTime = (person["SData"] as SchedulerPersonData).;
            Time workSchoolStartTime = SchedulerPerson.GetWorkSchoolStartTime( person );
            Time workSchoolEndTime = SchedulerPerson.GetWorkSchoolEndTime( person );

            PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.NoWorkOrSchool;

            if ( workSchoolStartTime <= Time.StartOfDay )
                workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.NoWorkOrSchool;
            else if ( ( workSchoolEndTime - workSchoolStartTime ) >= Scheduler.FullTimeActivity )
                if ( workSchoolEndTime <= new Time() { Hours = 14 } ) workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.FullTimeNoEveningWorkOrSchool;
                else if ( workSchoolStartTime >= new Time() { Hours = 9 } ) workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.FullTimeEveningWorkOrSchool;
                else workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.FullTimeDayAndEveningWorkOrSchool;
            else if ( workSchoolEndTime - workSchoolStartTime < Scheduler.FullTimeActivity )
                if ( workSchoolEndTime <= new Time() { Hours = 9 } ) workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.PartTimeDay;
                else if ( workSchoolEndTime <= new Time() { Hours = 14 } ) workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.PartTimeEvening;
                else workSchoolProjectStatus = PersonWorkSchoolProjectStatus.Other;

            return workSchoolProjectStatus;
Example #58
 internal static PersonalProject GetMarketProject(this ITashaPerson person)
     return((person["SData"] as SchedulerPersonData).MarketSchedule);
Example #59
 private static void BuildPersonChain(ITashaPerson person, IZone home, int householdIterations, Time minimumAtHomeTime)
     if ( person.TripChains == null )
         throw new XTMFRuntimeException( "A Person's trip chains must be initialized during construction." );
     var pdata = person["SData"] as SchedulerPersonData;
     pdata.Schedule.GenerateTrips( person.Household, householdIterations, minimumAtHomeTime );
Example #60
 internal static PersonalProject GetWorkProject(this ITashaPerson person)
     return((person["SData"] as SchedulerPersonData).WorkSchedule);