Example #1
        public JsonResult DeleteTache(int IdTache)
            Ts = new TacheService();

            bool result = Ts.DeleteTache(IdTache);

            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #2
        void sqlDep_OnChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
            ts = new TacheService();

            // test = Int32.Parse(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId());
            int currentUserId = 0;

                var userId = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();
                currentUserId = Int32.Parse(userId);
                if (userId != null)
                    currentUserId = Int32.Parse(userId);
            catch (System.NullReferenceException)
                // If no user is logged in, leave SESSION_CONTEXT null (all rows will be filtered)

            Console.WriteLine("l id -sssssssssssssssssssssssssss  =    ");
            if (e.Type == SqlNotificationType.Change)
                SqlDependency sqlDep = sender as SqlDependency;
                sqlDep.OnChange -= sqlDep_OnChange;

                //from here we will send notification message to client
                var notificationHub = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <MyHub>();

                //  notificationHub.Clients.All.notify("added");

                if (ts.Matache(EventManage.Controllers.OrganizerController.test) == true)

                //re-register notification
            //    SqlDependency sqlDep = sender as SqlDependency;
            //    sqlDep.OnChange -= sqlDep_OnChange;

            //    //from here we will send notification message to client
            //    var notificationHub = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MyHub>();
            //    notificationHub.Clients.All.notify("display");

            //    //re-register notification
            //    RegisterNotification(DateTime.Now);

Example #3
        public JsonResult GetNotificationContacts()
            test = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());
            //test = 1;
            //var currentU = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());
            //// Ts = new TacheService();
            //if (ts.Matache(3) == true)
            //    ViewBag.myid = currentU;

            Ts = new TacheService();
            Os = new OrganizerService();
            List <TacheModelView> list       = new List <TacheModelView>();
            List <Tache>          liststache = new List <Tache>();
            var notificationRegisterTime     = Session["LastUpdated"] != null?Convert.ToDateTime(Session["LastUpdated"]) : DateTime.Now;

            //  NC = new NotificationComponent();
            var currentUserId = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            liststache = Ts.gettachenotification(notificationRegisterTime, currentUserId).ToList();
            // ViewBag.myid = "test";
            foreach (var item in liststache)
                TacheModelView dvm = new TacheModelView();
                dvm.IdTache = item.IdTache;
                dvm.Nom     = (EventManage.Models.NomTache)item.Nom;
                if (item.DescTache.Length > 50)
                    var des = item.DescTache.Substring(0, 23) + " ...";
                    dvm.DescTache = des;
                    dvm.DescTache = item.DescTache;

                dvm.DeadlineTache = item.DeadlineTache;
                dvm.EtatdeTache   = (EventManage.Models.EtatTache)item.EtatdeTache;
                dvm.OrgNom        = Os.GetById(item.OragnisateurFk).FirstName;

            //update session here for get only new added contacts (notification)
            Session["LastUpdate"] = DateTime.Now;

            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = list, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
Example #4
        public ActionResult AddEditTache(int IdTache)
            Os = new OrganizerService();
            Ts = new TacheService();
            var orgservice = Os.ListOrganizers();
            List <OrganizerModelView> lorg = new List <OrganizerModelView>();

            foreach (var item in orgservice)
                OrganizerModelView org = new OrganizerModelView();
                org.Id        = item.Id;
                org.FirstName = item.FirstName;
                org.LastName  = item.LastName;

                org.Password             = item.Password;
                org.Email                = item.Email;
                org.EmailConfirmed       = item.EmailConfirmed;
                org.PasswordHash         = item.PasswordHash;
                org.PhoneNumber          = item.PhoneNumber;
                org.PhoneNumberConfirmed = item.PhoneNumberConfirmed;
                org.TwoFactorEnabled     = item.TwoFactorEnabled;
                org.LockoutEndDateUtc    = item.LockoutEndDateUtc;
                org.LockoutEnabled       = item.LockoutEnabled;
                org.AccessFailedCount    = item.AccessFailedCount;
                org.UserName             = item.UserName;
                // org.Roles = item.Roles;
                org.SecurityStamp = item.SecurityStamp;

            ViewData["Organ"]        = new SelectList(lorg, "Id", "FirstName");
            ViewBag.OrganisateurList = new SelectList(lorg, "OragnisateurFk", "FirstName");
            TacheModelView model = new TacheModelView();
            // EmployeeViewModel model = new EmployeeViewModel();
            Tache t = new Tache();

            if (IdTache > 0)
                t = Ts.GetById(IdTache);
                //t = Ts.Get(x => x.IdTache == model.IdTache && x.IsDeleted == false);

                model.EtatdeTache    = (EventManage.Models.EtatTache)t.EtatdeTache;
                model.Nom            = (EventManage.Models.NomTache)t.Nom;
                model.OragnisateurFk = t.OragnisateurFk;
                model.DescTache      = t.DescTache;
                model.DeadlineTache  = t.DeadlineTache;
            return(PartialView("Partial2", model));
Example #5
        // GET: Tache/Details/5
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            Ts = new TacheService();
            TacheModelView dvm  = new TacheModelView();
            var            item = Ts.GetById(id);

            dvm.IdTache = item.IdTache;
            dvm.Nom     = (EventManage.Models.NomTache)item.Nom;

            dvm.DescTache = item.DescTache;

            dvm.DeadlineTache = item.DeadlineTache;
            dvm.EtatdeTache   = (EventManage.Models.EtatTache)item.EtatdeTache;

Example #6
        //public JsonResult GetNotificationContacts()
        //    var notificationRegisterTime = Session["LastUpdated"] != null ? Convert.ToDateTime(Session["LastUpdated"]) : DateTime.Now;
        //    NotificationViewModel NC = new NotificationViewModel();
        //    var list = NC.GetAllThetasksnotif(notificationRegisterTime);
        //    //update session here for get only new added contacts (notification)
        //    Session["LastUpdate"] = DateTime.Now;
        //    return new JsonResult { Data = list, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet };
        public ActionResult GetMyTasks()
            Os = new OrganizerService();
            Ts = new TacheService();
            var currentUserId = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            List <TacheModelView> lists      = new List <TacheModelView>();
            List <Tache>          liststache = new List <Tache>();

            liststache = Ts.Listedemestaches(currentUserId).ToList();

            foreach (var item in liststache)
                TacheModelView dvm = new TacheModelView();
                dvm.IdTache = item.IdTache;
                dvm.Nom     = (EventManage.Models.NomTache)item.Nom;
                if (item.DescTache.Length > 50)
                    var des = item.DescTache.Substring(0, 23) + " ...";
                    dvm.DescTache = des;
                    dvm.DescTache = item.DescTache;

                dvm.DeadlineTache = item.DeadlineTache;
                dvm.EtatdeTache   = (EventManage.Models.EtatTache)item.EtatdeTache;
                dvm.OrgNom        = Os.GetById(item.OragnisateurFk).FirstName;

            ViewBag.TacheList = lists;

Example #7
 public TacheController(VehiculeContext context, ITacheService tacheService, ITacheRepository tacheRepository)
     _context              = context;
     this.tacheService     = tacheService;
     this._tacheRepository = tacheRepository;
Example #8
        public ActionResult IndexTache(TacheModelView model)
            string strDDLValue = Request.Form["Id"].ToString();

            Os = new OrganizerService();
            Ts = new TacheService();
                //  MVCTutorialEntities db = new MVCTutorialEntities();
                // List<Department> list = db.Departments.ToList();
                var orgservice = Os.ListOrganizers();
                List <OrganizerModelView> lorg = new List <OrganizerModelView>();
                foreach (var item in orgservice)
                    OrganizerModelView org = new OrganizerModelView();
                    org.Id        = item.Id;
                    org.FirstName = item.FirstName;
                    org.LastName  = item.LastName;

                    org.Password             = item.Password;
                    org.Email                = item.Email;
                    org.EmailConfirmed       = item.EmailConfirmed;
                    org.PasswordHash         = item.PasswordHash;
                    org.PhoneNumber          = item.PhoneNumber;
                    org.PhoneNumberConfirmed = item.PhoneNumberConfirmed;
                    org.TwoFactorEnabled     = item.TwoFactorEnabled;
                    org.LockoutEndDateUtc    = item.LockoutEndDateUtc;
                    org.LockoutEnabled       = item.LockoutEnabled;
                    org.AccessFailedCount    = item.AccessFailedCount;
                    org.UserName             = item.UserName;
                    // org.Roles = item.Roles;
                    org.SecurityStamp = item.SecurityStamp;

                ViewData["Organ"]        = new SelectList(lorg, "Id", "FirstName");
                ViewBag.OrganisateurList = new SelectList(lorg, "Id", "FirstName");

                //{ EtatdeTache = (Domain.Entity.EtatTache)model.EtatdeTache, Nom = (Domain.Entity.NomTache)model.Nom };
                if (model.IdTache > 0)
                    Tache t = new Tache();
                    t = Ts.Get(x => x.IdTache == model.IdTache);//&& x.IsDeleted==false);
                    //Employee emp = db.Employees.SingleOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == model.EmployeeId && x.IsDeleted == false);
                    t.EtatdeTache    = (Domain.Entities.EtatTache)model.EtatdeTache;
                    t.Nom            = (Domain.Entities.NomTache)model.Nom;
                    t.OragnisateurFk = int.Parse(strDDLValue);
                    t.DescTache      = model.DescTache;
                    t.DeadlineTache  = model.DeadlineTache;
                    //var client = new Client(creds: new Nexmo.Api.Request.Credentials
                    //    ApiKey = "46703f47",
                    //    ApiSecret = "dzbFZkgQHi8FCzDz"
                    //var results = client.SMS.Send(request: new SMS.SMSRequest
                    //    from = "Nexmo",
                    //    to = "21628861641",
                    //    text = "You have a new task to do before : "+model.DeadlineTache

                    Tache t = new Tache();

                    t.EtatdeTache    = (Domain.Entities.EtatTache)model.EtatdeTache;
                    t.Nom            = (Domain.Entities.NomTache)model.Nom;
                    t.OragnisateurFk = int.Parse(strDDLValue);     //2;// model.OragnisateurFk;
                    t.DescTache      = model.DescTache;
                    t.DeadlineTache  = model.DeadlineTache;
                    t.IsDeleted      = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #9
        public ActionResult IndexTache()

            test         = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());
            Os           = new OrganizerService();
            Ts           = new TacheService();
            ViewBag.myid = "";
            var currentUserId = Int32.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId());

            // ViewBag.myid = currentUserId;
            if (Ts.Matache(currentUserId) == true)
                ViewBag.myid = true;
                ViewBag.myid = false;

            List <TacheModelView> lists      = new List <TacheModelView>();
            List <Tache>          liststache = new List <Tache>();

            liststache = Ts.GetAll().Where(x => x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
            foreach (var item in liststache)
                TacheModelView dvm = new TacheModelView();
                dvm.IdTache = item.IdTache;
                dvm.Nom     = (EventManage.Models.NomTache)item.Nom;
                if (item.DescTache.Length > 50)
                    var des = item.DescTache.Substring(0, 23) + " ...";
                    dvm.DescTache = des;
                    dvm.DescTache = item.DescTache;

                dvm.DeadlineTache = item.DeadlineTache;
                dvm.EtatdeTache   = (EventManage.Models.EtatTache)item.EtatdeTache;
                dvm.OrgNom        = Os.GetById(item.OragnisateurFk).FirstName;
            var orgservice = Os.ListOrganizers();
            List <OrganizerModelView> lorg = new List <OrganizerModelView>();

            foreach (var item in orgservice)
                OrganizerModelView org = new OrganizerModelView();
                org.Id        = item.Id;
                org.FirstName = item.FirstName;
                org.LastName  = item.LastName;

                org.Password             = item.Password;
                org.Email                = item.Email;
                org.EmailConfirmed       = item.EmailConfirmed;
                org.PasswordHash         = item.PasswordHash;
                org.PhoneNumber          = item.PhoneNumber;
                org.PhoneNumberConfirmed = item.PhoneNumberConfirmed;
                org.TwoFactorEnabled     = item.TwoFactorEnabled;
                org.LockoutEndDateUtc    = item.LockoutEndDateUtc;
                org.LockoutEnabled       = item.LockoutEnabled;
                org.AccessFailedCount    = item.AccessFailedCount;
                org.UserName             = item.UserName;
                // org.Roles = item.Roles;
                org.SecurityStamp = item.SecurityStamp;


            // ViewData["Organ"] = new SelectList(lorg, "Id", "FirstName");
            ViewData["Organ"]        = new SelectList(lorg, "Id", "FirstName");
            ViewBag.OrganisateurList = new SelectList(lorg, "Id", "FirstName");
            ViewBag.TacheList        = lists;
            //CustomersEntities entities = new CustomersEntities();