/// <summary>
        /// Add tab item to the tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mdiChild">This is the user control</param>
        private void AddTab(ITabbedMDI mdiChild)
            //Check if the user control is already opened
            if (_mdiChildren.ContainsKey(mdiChild.UniqueTabName))
                //user control is already opened in tab.
                //So set focus to the tab item where the control hosted
                foreach (object item in tcMdi.Items)
                    TabItem ti = (TabItem)item;
                    if (ti.Name == mdiChild.UniqueTabName)
                //the control is not open in the tab item
                tcMdi.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                //tcMdi.Width = this.ActualWidth;
                // tcMdi.Height = this.ActualHeight;

                //((ITabbedMDI)mdiChild).CloseInitiated += new delClosed(CloseTab);

                //create a new tab item
                Common.WindowStyle.CloseableTabItem ti = new Common.WindowStyle.CloseableTabItem();
                //ti.CloseTab += new delClosed(CloseTab);
                //set the tab item's name to mdi child's unique name
                ti.Name = ((ITabbedMDI)mdiChild).UniqueTabName;
                //set the tab item's title to mdi child's title
                ti.Header = ((ITabbedMDI)mdiChild).Title;
                //set the content property of the tab item to mdi child
                ti.Content = mdiChild;
                //ti.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
                //ti.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                //add the tab item to tab control
                //set this tab as selected
                tcMdi.SelectedItem = ti;
                //add the mdi child's unique name in the open children's name list
                _mdiChildren.Add(((ITabbedMDI)mdiChild).UniqueTabName, ((ITabbedMDI)mdiChild).Title);
        /// <summary>
        /// Close a tab item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tab"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void CloseTab(ITabbedMDI tab, EventArgs e)
            TabItem ti = null;

            foreach (TabItem item in tcMdi.Items)
                if (tab.UniqueTabName == ((ITabbedMDI)item.Content).UniqueTabName)
                    ti = item;
            if (ti != null)