Example #1
        public Result StoreKey(PrivateKey key, SecureString password)
            var salt      = _cryptoRandom.GenerateRandomBytes(32);
            var passBytes = password.ToByteArray(_keyStoreEncoding);

            var derivedKey = SCrypt.ComputeDerivedKey(passBytes, salt, _config.KdfparamsN, _config.KdfparamsR, _config.KdfparamsP, null, _config.KdfparamsDklen);

            var encryptKey     = Keccak.Compute(derivedKey.Take(16).ToArray()).Bytes.Take(16).ToArray();
            var encryptContent = key.KeyBytes;
            var iv             = _cryptoRandom.GenerateRandomBytes(_config.IVSize);

            var cipher = _symmetricEncrypter.Encrypt(encryptContent, encryptKey, iv, _config.Cipher);

            if (cipher == null)
                return(Result.Fail("Error during encryption"));

            var mac = Keccak.Compute(derivedKey.Skip(_config.KdfparamsDklen - 16).Take(16).Concat(cipher).ToArray()).Bytes;

            var address      = key.Address.ToString();
            var keyStoreItem = new KeyStoreItem
                Address = address,
                Crypto  = new Crypto
                    Cipher       = _config.Cipher,
                    CipherText   = cipher.ToHexString(true),
                    CipherParams = new CipherParams
                        IV = iv.ToHexString(true)
                    KDF       = _config.Kdf,
                    KDFParams = new KdfParams
                        DkLen = _config.KdfparamsDklen,
                        N     = _config.KdfparamsN,
                        P     = _config.KdfparamsP,
                        R     = _config.KdfparamsR,
                        Salt  = salt.ToHexString(true)
                    MAC     = mac.ToHexString(true),
                    Version = CryptoVersion
                Id      = address,
                Version = Version

            var serializedKey = _jsonSerializer.Serialize(keyStoreItem);

            if (serializedKey == null)
                return(Result.Fail("Error during key serialization"));

            return(PersistKey(address, serializedKey));
        public Result StoreKey(PrivateKey key, SecureString password)
            if (!password.IsReadOnly())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot work with password that is not readonly");

            var salt      = _cryptoRandom.GenerateRandomBytes(32);
            var passBytes = password.ToByteArray(_keyStoreEncoding);

            var derivedKey = SCrypt.ComputeDerivedKey(passBytes, salt, _config.KdfparamsN, _config.KdfparamsR, _config.KdfparamsP, null, _config.KdfparamsDklen);

            var encryptKey     = Keccak.Compute(derivedKey.Take(16).ToArray()).Bytes.Take(16).ToArray();
            var encryptContent = key.KeyBytes;
            var iv             = _cryptoRandom.GenerateRandomBytes(_config.IVSize);

            var cipher = _symmetricEncrypter.Encrypt(encryptContent, encryptKey, iv, _config.Cipher);

            if (cipher == null)
                return(Result.Fail("Error during encryption"));

            var mac = Keccak.Compute(derivedKey.Skip(_config.KdfparamsDklen - 16).Take(16).Concat(cipher).ToArray()).Bytes;

            string addressString = key.Address.ToString(false, false);
            var    keyStoreItem  = new KeyStoreItem
                Address = addressString,
                Crypto  = new Crypto
                    Cipher       = _config.Cipher,
                    CipherText   = cipher.ToHexString(false),
                    CipherParams = new CipherParams
                        IV = iv.ToHexString(false)
                    KDF       = _config.Kdf,
                    KDFParams = new KdfParams
                        DkLen = _config.KdfparamsDklen,
                        N     = _config.KdfparamsN,
                        P     = _config.KdfparamsP,
                        R     = _config.KdfparamsR,
                        Salt  = salt.ToHexString(false)
                    MAC = mac.ToHexString(false),

                Id      = addressString,
                Version = Version

            return(StoreKey(key.Address, keyStoreItem));