Example #1
 public ActionEvaluator(StringTemplate self, ASTExpr chunk, IStringTemplateWriter writer, ITree input)
     : base(new CommonTreeNodeStream(new StringTemplateTreeAdaptor(), input))
     this.self   = self;
     this.chunk  = chunk;
     this.writer = writer;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Just print out the string; no reference to self because this
 /// is a literal--not sensitive to attribute values.
 /// These strings never wrap because they are not part of a 
 /// <![CDATA[<...> expression. <"foo"; wrap="\n"> ]]> should wrap though 
 /// if necessary.
 /// </summary>
 public override int Write(StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter output)
     if (str != null)
         int n = output.Write(str);
         return n;
     return 0;
Example #3
        protected virtual int WriteSubTemplate(StringTemplate self,
                                               IStringTemplateWriter @out,
                                               StringTemplate subtemplate)
            /* To evaluate the IF chunk, make a new instance whose enclosingInstance
             * points at 'self' so get attribute works.  Otherwise, enclosingInstance
             * points at the template used to make the precompiled code.  We need a
             * new template instance every time we exec this chunk to get the new
             * "enclosing instance" pointer.
            StringTemplate s = subtemplate.GetInstanceOf();

            s.EnclosingInstance = self;
            // make sure we evaluate in context of enclosing template's
            // group so polymorphism works. :)
            s.Group       = self.Group;
            s.NativeGroup = self.NativeGroup;
Example #4
 /** <summary>
  *  Just print out the string; no reference to self because this
  *  is a literal--not sensitive to attribute values.  These strings
  *  never wrap because they are not part of an &lt;...> expression.
  *  &lt;"foo"; wrap="\n"> should wrap though if necessary.
  *  </summary>
 public override int Write(StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter writer)
     return(writer.Write(str ?? string.Empty));
Example #5
        /** <summary>
         *  To write out the value of an ASTExpr, invoke the evaluator in eval.g
         *  to walk the tree writing out the values.  For efficiency, don't
         *  compute a bunch of strings and then pack them together.  Write out directly.
         *  </summary>
         *  <remarks>
         *  Compute separator and wrap expressions, save as strings so we don't
         *  recompute for each value in a multi-valued attribute or expression.
         *  If they set anchor option, then inform the writer to push current
         *  char position.
         *  </remarks>
        public override int Write( StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter @out )
            if ( _exprTree == null || self == null || @out == null )
                return 0;
            // handle options, anchor, wrap, separator...
            StringTemplateAST anchorAST = (StringTemplateAST)GetOption( "anchor" );
            if ( anchorAST != null )
            { // any non-empty expr means true; check presence
            @out.PushIndentation( Indentation );
            HandleExprOptions( self );
            //System.out.println("evaluating tree: "+exprTree.toStringList());
            ActionEvaluator eval = null;
            bool compile = self.Group != null && self.Group.EnableCompiledExpressions;
            bool cache = compile && self.Group.EnableCachedExpressions;
            System.Func<StringTemplate, IStringTemplateWriter, int> evaluator = EvaluateAction;
            if (compile)
                if (!cache || EvaluateAction == null)
                    // caching won't help here because AST is read only
                    evaluator = GetEvaluator(this, AST);
                    if (cache)
                        EvaluateAction = evaluator;
                eval = new ActionEvaluator(self, this, @out, _exprTree);

            int n = 0;
                // eval and write out tree
                if (compile)
                    n = evaluator(self, @out);
                    n = eval.action();
            catch ( RecognitionException re )
                self.Error( "can't evaluate tree: " + _exprTree.ToStringTree(), re );
            if ( anchorAST != null )
            return n;
 public virtual void EmitTemplateStopDebugString( StringTemplate st,
                                         IStringTemplateWriter @out )
     if ( _noDebugStartStopStrings == null ||
          !_noDebugStartStopStrings.Contains( st.Name ) )
         string groupPrefix = "";
         if ( !st.Name.StartsWith( "if" ) && !st.Name.StartsWith( "else" ) )
             if ( st.NativeGroup != null )
                 groupPrefix = st.NativeGroup.Name + ".";
                 groupPrefix = st.Group.Name + ".";
         @out.Write( "</" + groupPrefix + st.Name + ">" );
Example #7
 protected virtual int WriteSubTemplate( StringTemplate self,
     IStringTemplateWriter @out,
     StringTemplate subtemplate)
     /* To evaluate the IF chunk, make a new instance whose enclosingInstance
      * points at 'self' so get attribute works.  Otherwise, enclosingInstance
      * points at the template used to make the precompiled code.  We need a
      * new template instance every time we exec this chunk to get the new
      * "enclosing instance" pointer.
     StringTemplate s = subtemplate.GetInstanceOf();
     s.EnclosingInstance = self;
     // make sure we evaluate in context of enclosing template's
     // group so polymorphism works. :)
     s.Group = self.Group;
     s.NativeGroup = self.NativeGroup;
     return s.Write( @out );
 /** Create an evaluator using attributes from self */
 public ActionEvaluator(StringTemplate self, ASTExpr chunk, IStringTemplateWriter @out)
     this.self = self;
     this.chunk = chunk;
     this.@out = @out;
Example #9
 /** <summary>
  *  To write out the value of an ASTExpr, invoke the evaluator in eval.g
  *  to walk the tree writing out the values.  For efficiency, don't
  *  compute a bunch of strings and then pack them together.  Write out directly.
  *  </summary>
  *  <remarks>
  *  Compute separator and wrap expressions, save as strings so we don't
  *  recompute for each value in a multi-valued attribute or expression.
  *  If they set anchor option, then inform the writer to push current
  *  char position.
  *  </remarks>
 public override int Write( StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter @out )
     if ( _exprTree == null || self == null || @out == null )
         return 0;
     // handle options, anchor, wrap, separator...
     StringTemplateAST anchorAST = (StringTemplateAST)GetOption( "anchor" );
     if ( anchorAST != null )
     { // any non-empty expr means true; check presence
     @out.PushIndentation( Indentation );
     HandleExprOptions( self );
     //System.out.println("evaluating tree: "+exprTree.toStringList());
     if ( EvaluateAction == null )
         EvaluateAction = GetEvaluator( this, AST );
     ActionEvaluator eval =
             new ActionEvaluator( self, this, @out, _exprTree );
     int n = 0;
         // eval and write out tree
         n = EvaluateAction( self, @out );
         n = eval.action();
     catch ( RecognitionException re )
         self.Error( "can't evaluate tree: " + _exprTree.ToStringTree(), re );
     if ( anchorAST != null )
     return n;
Example #10
        protected virtual int WriteTemplate(StringTemplate self, StringTemplate stToWrite, IStringTemplateWriter @out)
            int n = 0;
            /* failsafe: perhaps enclosing instance not set
             * Or, it could be set to another context!  This occurs
             * when you store a template instance as an attribute of more
             * than one template (like both a header file and C file when
             * generating C code).  It must execute within the context of
             * the enclosing template.
            stToWrite.EnclosingInstance = self;
            // if self is found up the enclosing instance chain, then infinite recursion
            if (StringTemplate.LintMode && StringTemplate.IsRecursiveEnclosingInstance(stToWrite))
                // throw exception since sometimes eval keeps going even after I ignore this write of o.
                throw new InvalidOperationException("infinite recursion to " +
                        stToWrite.GetTemplateDeclaratorString() + " referenced in " +
                        stToWrite.EnclosingInstance.TemplateDeclaratorString +
                        "; stack trace:" + Environment.NewLine + stToWrite.GetEnclosingInstanceStackTrace());
                // if we have a wrap string, then inform writer it might need to wrap
                if (_wrapString != null)
                    n = @out.WriteWrapSeparator(_wrapString);

                // check if formatting needs to be applied to the stToWrite
                if (_formatString != null)
                    IAttributeRenderer renderer = self.GetAttributeRenderer(typeof(string));
                    if (renderer != null)
                        /* you pay a penalty for applying format option to a template
                         * because the template must be written to a temp StringWriter so it can
                         * be formatted before being written to the real output.
                        StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();
                        IStringTemplateWriter sw = self.Group.GetStringTemplateWriter(buf);
                        n = @out.Write(renderer.ToString(buf.ToString(), _formatString));
                        return n;

                n = stToWrite.Write(@out);

            return n;
Example #11
        protected virtual int WriteObject(StringTemplate self, object o, IStringTemplateWriter @out)
            int n = 0;
            IAttributeRenderer renderer = self.GetAttributeRenderer(o.GetType());
            string v = null;
            if (renderer != null)
                if (_formatString != null)
                    v = renderer.ToString(o, _formatString);
                    v = renderer.ToString(o);
                v = o.ToString();

            if (_wrapString != null)
                n = @out.Write(v, _wrapString);
                n = @out.Write(v);

            return n;
Example #12
        protected virtual int WriteIterableValue(StringTemplate self, Iterator iter, IStringTemplateWriter @out)
            int n = 0;
            bool seenAValue = false;
            while (iter.hasNext())
                object iterValue = iter.next() ?? _nullValue;

                if (iterValue != null)
                    // if no separator or separator but iterValue isn't a single IF condition template
                    if (_separatorString == null)
                        // if no separator, don't waste time writing to temp buffer
                        int nw = Write(self, iterValue, @out);
                        if (nw != Missing)
                            n += nw;


                    /* if value to emit is a template, only buffer its
                     * value if it's nullable (can eval to missing).
                     * Only a sequence of IF can eval to missing.
                    StringTemplate st = iterValue as StringTemplate;
                    if (st != null)
                        int nchunks = st.Chunks != null ? st.Chunks.Count : 0;
                        bool nullable = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < nchunks; i++)
                            Expr a = st.Chunks[i];
                            if (!(a is ConditionalExpr))
                                nullable = false;

                        // if not all IF, not nullable, spit out w/o buffering
                        if (!nullable)
                            if (seenAValue && _separatorString != null)
                                n += @out.WriteSeparator(_separatorString);

                            int nw = Write(self, iterValue, @out);
                            n += nw;
                            seenAValue = true;
                    else if (!(iterValue is Iterator))
                        // if not possible to be missing, don't waste time
                        // writing to temp buffer; might need separator though
                        if (seenAValue && _separatorString != null)
                            n += @out.WriteSeparator(_separatorString);

                        int nw = Write(self, iterValue, @out);
                        seenAValue = true;
                        n += nw;

                    /* if separator exists, write iterated value to a
                     * tmp buffer in case we don't need a separator.
                     * Can't generate separator then test next expr value
                     * as we can't undo separator emit.
                     * Write to dummy buffer to if it is MISSING
                     * but eval/write value again to real out so
                     * we get proper autowrap etc...
                     * Ack: you pay a penalty now for a separator
                     * Later, i can optimze to check if one chunk and
                     * it's a conditional
                    StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();
                    IStringTemplateWriter sw = self.Group.GetStringTemplateWriter(buf);
                    int tmpsize = Write(self, iterValue, sw);

                    if (tmpsize != Missing)
                        if (seenAValue && _separatorString != null)
                            n += @out.WriteSeparator(_separatorString);

                        // do it to real output stream now
                        int nw = Write(self, iterValue, @out);
                        n += nw;
                        seenAValue = true;

            return n;
Example #13
        /** <summary>Write o relative to self to out.</summary>
         *  <remarks>
         *  John Snyders fixes here for formatString.  Basically, any time
         *  you are about to write a value, check formatting.
         *  </remarks>
        protected virtual int Write( StringTemplate self,
                            object o,
                            IStringTemplateWriter @out )
            if ( o == null )
                if ( _nullValue == null )
                    return Missing;
                o = _nullValue; // continue with null option if specified

                StringTemplate stToWrite = o as StringTemplate;
                if (stToWrite != null)
                    return WriteTemplate(self, stToWrite, @out);

                // normalize
                o = ConvertAnythingIteratableToIterator(o);
                Iterator iter = o as Iterator;
                if (iter != null)
                    return WriteIterableValue(self, iter, @out);

                return WriteObject(self, o, @out);
            catch ( IOException io )
                self.Error( "problem writing object: " + o, io );
                return 0;
Example #14
 /** <summary>How to write this node to output; return how many char written</summary> */
 abstract public int Write(StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter writer);
Example #15
 /** <summary>
  *  Just print out the string; no reference to self because this
  *  is a literal--not sensitive to attribute values.  These strings
  *  never wrap because they are not part of an &lt;...> expression.
  *  &lt;"foo"; wrap="\n"> should wrap though if necessary.
  *  </summary>
 public override int Write( StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter writer )
     return writer.Write( str ?? string.Empty );
 /// <exception cref="IOException" />
 public virtual void EmitTemplateStopDebugString(StringTemplate st, IStringTemplateWriter writer)
     if ((noDebugStartStopStrings == null) || !noDebugStartStopStrings.Contains(st.Name))
         writer.Write("</" + st.Name + ">");
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// To write out the value of an ASTExpr, invoke the evaluator in eval.g
 /// to walk the tree writing out the values.  For efficiency, don't
 /// compute a bunch of strings and then pack them together.  Write out directly.
 /// Compute separator and wrap expressions, save as strings so we don't
 /// recompute for each value in a multi-valued attribute or expression.
 /// If they set anchor option, then inform the writer to push current
 /// char position.
 /// </summary>
 public override int Write(StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter output)
     if (exprTree == null || self == null || output == null)
         return 0;
     // handle options, anchor, wrap, separator...
     StringTemplateAST anchorAST = (StringTemplateAST)GetOption("anchor");
     if (anchorAST != null)	// any non-empty expr means true; check presence
     ActionEvaluator eval = new ActionEvaluator(self, this, output);
     int n = 0;
         n = eval.action(exprTree); // eval and write out tree
     catch (RecognitionException re)
         self.Error("can't evaluate tree: " + exprTree.ToStringList(), re);
     if (anchorAST != null)
     return n;
Example #18
 /** <summary>
  *  To write out the value of a condition expr, invoke the evaluator in eval.g
  *  to walk the condition tree computing the boolean value.  If result
  *  is true, then write subtemplate.
  *  </summary>
 public override int Write( StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter @out )
     if ( AST == null || self == null || @out == null )
         return 0;
     //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "evaluating conditional tree: " + AST.ToStringTree() );
     ActionEvaluator eval = null;
     int n = 0;
         bool testedTrue = false;
         // get conditional from tree and compute result
         if ( EvaluateCondition == null )
             EvaluateCondition = GetEvaluator( this, AST.GetChild( 0 ) );
         bool includeSubtemplate = EvaluateCondition( self, @out ); // eval and write out tree
         ITree cond = AST.GetChild( 0 );
         eval = new ActionEvaluator( self, this, @out, cond );
         // eval and write out trees
         bool includeSubtemplate = eval.ifCondition();
         //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "subtemplate " + _subtemplate );
         // IF
         if ( includeSubtemplate )
             n = WriteSubTemplate( self, @out, _subtemplate );
             testedTrue = true;
         // ELSEIF
         else if ( _elseIfSubtemplates != null && _elseIfSubtemplates.Count > 0 )
             for ( int i = 0; i < _elseIfSubtemplates.Count; i++ )
                 ElseIfClauseData elseIfClause = _elseIfSubtemplates[i];
                 if ( elseIfClause.EvaluateCondition == null )
                     elseIfClause.EvaluateCondition = GetEvaluator( this, elseIfClause.expr.AST );
                 includeSubtemplate = elseIfClause.EvaluateCondition( self, @out );
                 eval = new ActionEvaluator( self, this, @out, elseIfClause.expr.AST );
                 includeSubtemplate = eval.ifCondition();
                 if ( includeSubtemplate )
                     WriteSubTemplate( self, @out, elseIfClause.st );
                     testedTrue = true;
         // ELSE
         if ( !testedTrue && _elseSubtemplate != null )
             // evaluate ELSE clause if present and IF condition failed
             StringTemplate s = _elseSubtemplate.GetInstanceOf();
             s.EnclosingInstance = self;
             s.Group = self.Group;
             s.NativeGroup = self.NativeGroup;
             n = s.Write( @out );
         // cond==false and no else => Missing output not empty
         if (!testedTrue && _elseSubtemplate == null)
             n = Missing;
     catch ( RecognitionException re )
         self.Error( "can't evaluate tree: " + AST.ToStringTree(), re );
     return n;
Example #19
 /// <summary>How to spit out an object.  If it's not a StringTemplate nor a
 /// List, just do o.toString().  If it's a StringTemplate,
 /// do o.write(out).  If it's a Vector, do a write(out,
 /// o.elementAt(i)) for all elements.  Note that if you do
 /// something weird like set the values of a multivalued tag
 /// to be vectors, it will effectively flatten it.
 /// If self is an embedded template, you might have specified
 /// a separator arg; used when is a vector.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual int WriteAttribute(StringTemplate self, object o, IStringTemplateWriter output)
     return Write(self, o, output);
Example #20
 public static bool CallFunctionalConditionEvaluator( HoldsConditionFuncAndChunk data, StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter writer )
     return data.func( data.chunk, self, writer );
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Write o relative to self to out
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// John Snyders fixes here for formatString.  Basically, any time
        /// you are about to write a value, check formatting.
        /// </remarks>
        protected internal virtual int Write(StringTemplate self, object o, IStringTemplateWriter output)
            if (o == null)
                if (nullValue == null)
                    return 0;
                // continue with null option if specified
                o = nullValue;
            int n = 0;
                if (o is StringTemplate)
                    StringTemplate stToWrite = (StringTemplate) o;
                    // failsafe: perhaps enclosing instance not set
                    // Or, it could be set to another context!  This occurs
                    // when you store a template instance as an attribute of more
                    // than one template (like both a header file and C file when
                    // generating C code).  It must execute within the context of
                    // the enclosing template.
                    stToWrite.EnclosingInstance = self;
                    // if self is found up the enclosing instance chain, then
                    // infinite recursion
                    if (StringTemplate.IsInLintMode && StringTemplate.IsRecursiveEnclosingInstance(stToWrite))
                        // throw exception since sometimes eval keeps going
                        // even after I ignore this write of o.
                        throw new SystemException("infinite recursion to " + stToWrite.GetTemplateDeclaratorString() + " referenced in " + stToWrite.EnclosingInstance.GetTemplateDeclaratorString() + "; stack trace:\n" + stToWrite.GetEnclosingInstanceStackTrace());
                        // if we have a wrap string, then inform writer it
                        // might need to wrap
                        if (wrapString != null)
                            n = output.WriteWrapSeparator(wrapString);
                    // check if formatting needs to be applied to the stToWrite
                    if ( formatString != null ) {
                        IAttributeRenderer renderer = self.GetAttributeRenderer(typeof(string));
                        if ( renderer != null )
                            // you pay a penalty for applying format option to a template
                            // because the template must be written to a temp StringWriter so it can
                            // be formatted before being written to the real output.
                            StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();
                            IStringTemplateWriter sw = self.Group.CreateInstanceOfTemplateWriter(buf);
                            n = output.Write(renderer.ToString(buf.ToString(), formatString));
                            return n;
                        n = stToWrite.Write(output);
                    return n;
                // normalize anything iteratable to iterator
                o = ConvertAnythingIteratableToIterator(o);
                if (o is IEnumerator)
                    IEnumerator iter = (IEnumerator)o;
                    bool seenPrevValue = false;
                    while (iter.MoveNext())
                        object iterValue = iter.Current;
                        if (iterValue == null)
                            iterValue = nullValue;
                        if (iterValue != null)
                            if (seenPrevValue /*prevIterValue!=null*/ && (separatorString != null))
                                n += output.WriteSeparator(separatorString);
                            seenPrevValue = true;
                            int nw = Write(self, iterValue, output);
                            n += nw;
                    IAttributeRenderer renderer = self.GetAttributeRenderer(o.GetType());
                    string v = null;
                    if (renderer != null)
                        if (formatString != null)
                            v = renderer.ToString(o, formatString);
                            v = renderer.ToString(o);
                        v = o.ToString();

                    if (wrapString != null)
                        n = output.Write(v, wrapString);
                        n = output.Write(v);
                    return n;
            catch (IOException io)
                self.Error("problem writing object: " + o, io);
            return n;
Example #22
        /** <summary>
         *  To write out the value of a condition expr, invoke the evaluator in eval.g
         *  to walk the condition tree computing the boolean value.  If result
         *  is true, then write subtemplate.
         *  </summary>
        public override int Write(StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter @out)
            if (AST == null || self == null || @out == null)
            //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "evaluating conditional tree: " + AST.ToStringTree() );
            ActionEvaluator eval = null;
            int n = 0;
                bool testedTrue = false;
                // get conditional from tree and compute result
                if (EvaluateCondition == null)
                    EvaluateCondition = GetEvaluator(this, AST.GetChild(0));
                bool includeSubtemplate = EvaluateCondition(self, @out);   // eval and write out tree
                ITree cond = AST.GetChild(0);
                eval = new ActionEvaluator(self, this, @out, cond);
                // eval and write out trees
                bool includeSubtemplate = eval.ifCondition();
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "subtemplate " + _subtemplate );
                // IF
                if (includeSubtemplate)
                    n          = WriteSubTemplate(self, @out, _subtemplate);
                    testedTrue = true;
                // ELSEIF
                else if (_elseIfSubtemplates != null && _elseIfSubtemplates.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < _elseIfSubtemplates.Count; i++)
                        ElseIfClauseData elseIfClause = _elseIfSubtemplates[i];
                        if (elseIfClause.EvaluateCondition == null)
                            elseIfClause.EvaluateCondition = GetEvaluator(this, elseIfClause.expr.AST);
                        includeSubtemplate = elseIfClause.EvaluateCondition(self, @out);
                        eval = new ActionEvaluator(self, this, @out, elseIfClause.expr.AST);
                        includeSubtemplate = eval.ifCondition();
                        if (includeSubtemplate)
                            WriteSubTemplate(self, @out, elseIfClause.st);
                            testedTrue = true;
                // ELSE
                if (!testedTrue && _elseSubtemplate != null)
                    // evaluate ELSE clause if present and IF condition failed
                    StringTemplate s = _elseSubtemplate.GetInstanceOf();
                    s.EnclosingInstance = self;
                    s.Group             = self.Group;
                    s.NativeGroup       = self.NativeGroup;
                    n = s.Write(@out);
                // cond==false and no else => Missing output not empty
                if (!testedTrue && _elseSubtemplate == null)
                    n = Missing;
            catch (RecognitionException re)
                self.Error("can't evaluate tree: " + AST.ToStringTree(), re);
Example #23
 /** <summary>How to write this node to output; return how many char written</summary> */
 public abstract int Write( StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter writer );
Example #24
 public static bool CallFunctionalConditionEvaluator(HoldsConditionFuncAndChunk data, StringTemplate self, IStringTemplateWriter writer)
     return(data.func(data.chunk, self, writer));
Example #25
 internal int Evaluate(StringTemplate template, IStringTemplateWriter writer)
     return func(chunk, template, writer);