private void Close()
            // Don't want output processing thread and the PollThread to go through this at the same time
            // If PollThread issues Dispose and the output processing thread block on the _lock below, it will cause ThreadInterruptedException
            // in the output processing thread
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _bClosed, 1, 0) == 0)
                lock (_lock)
                    catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                        // We will run into this when we are closing as a result of getting exit message
                        // in OnOutputReceived method in error cases. The method will be called on the thread
                        // that StreamingShell uses for output processing. Dispose tries to interrupt the
                        // same thread we are on leading to ThreadInterruptedException

                    _streamingShell = null;
Example #2
        private void Close()
            lock (_lock)
                if (_isClosed)

                _isClosed = true;

                    if (_streamingShell != null && _streamingShell.IsOpen)

                catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
                    // This can happen if the command failed on a timeout. Say dotnet restore failed because of insufficient permissions etc.
                    // Calling dispose on StreamingShell throws ThreadInterruptedException as well. For this case, any operation on StreamingShell
                    // will likely cause this exception to be thrown, setting it to null to allow cleanup.

                _streamingShell = null;
        public AD7UnixAsyncCommand(IStreamingShell streamingShell, IDebugUnixShellCommandCallback callback)
            _streamingShell = streamingShell;
            _callback       = callback;
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            _beginMessage                   = string.Format("Begin:{0}", id);
            _exitMessagePrefix              = string.Format("Exit:{0}-", id);
            _streamingShell.OutputReceived += OnOutputReceived;
            _streamingShell.Closed         += OnClosedOrDisconnected;
            _streamingShell.Disconnected   += OnClosedOrDisconnected;
            _streamingShell.ErrorOccured   += OnError;