Example #1
        public void Init(IStreamHost host)
            this.host = host;
            this.i1 = host.CreateInputStream<DoubleStream>("Stream In");

            this.o1 = host.CreateOutput<double>("Output 1");
Example #2
        public void Init(IStreamHost host)
            this.host = host;
            this.image = host.CreateInputStream<ImageStream>("Stream In");

            this.width = host.CreateOutput<int>("Output 1");
Example #3
        public void Init(IStreamHost host)
            this.host = host;
            this.testoutputstream = host.CreateOutputStream<DoubleStream>("Stream Out");
            this.to2 = host.CreateOutputStream<ImageStream>("Image Out");

            this.p1 = host.CreateParameter<double>("Param 1");
Example #4
        public void Init(IStreamHost host)
            this.host = host;

            this.path = host.CreateParameter<string>("Path");

            this.to = host.CreateOutputStream<ImageStream>("Image Out");
Example #5
        public void Init(IStreamHost host)
            this.host = host;
            this.image = host.CreateInputStream<ImageStream>("Stream In");

            this.frm = new Form();
            frm.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(frm_Paint);
Example #6
        public void Init(IStreamHost host)
            this.host = host;
            this.testinputstream = host.CreateInputStream<IBaseStream>("Stream In");
            this.testoutputstream = host.CreateOutputStream<IBaseStream>("Stream Out");

            this.p1 = host.CreateParameter<double>("Param 1");
            this.p2 = host.CreateParameter<double>("Param 2");

            this.testoutdata = host.CreateOutput<double>("Out 1");
Example #7
        public override ReturnCode Execute(
            Interpreter interpreter,
            IClientData clientData,
            ArgumentList arguments,
            ref Result result
            ReturnCode code = ReturnCode.Ok;

            if (interpreter != null)
                if (arguments != null)
                    if (arguments.Count >= 2)
                        string fileName = arguments[1];

                        if (interpreter.HasChannels(ref result))
                            MapOpenAccess access      = MapOpenAccess.Default;
                            int           permissions = 0; // NOTE: This is ONLY parsed, NOT used for opening the file.
                            string        type        = null;

                            if (arguments.Count >= 3)
                                Result enumString = arguments[2];

                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(enumString))
                                    // HACK: Translate illegal mode char "+" to what our Enum uses.
                                    //       This strategy will backfire later if we ever decide to
                                    //       allow parsing of the access mode as "flags" (via GetOptions).
                                    enumString = enumString.Replace(Characters.PlusSign.ToString(), "Plus");

                                code = StringOps.StringToEnumList(interpreter, enumString, ref enumString);

                                if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                    object enumValue = EnumOps.TryParseEnum(
                                        typeof(MapOpenAccess), enumString,
                                        true, true);

                                    if (enumValue is MapOpenAccess)
                                        access = (MapOpenAccess)enumValue;
                                        enumString = ScriptOps.BadValue(
                                            "invalid", "access mode", arguments[2],
                                            Enum.GetNames(typeof(MapOpenAccess)), null, null);

                                        code = ReturnCode.Error;

                                if (code != ReturnCode.Ok)
                                    // NOTE: Transfer local result from above and add to the error info.
                                    result = enumString;

                                    Engine.AddErrorInformation(interpreter, result,
                                                               String.Format("{0}    while processing open access modes \"{1}\"",
                                                                             Environment.NewLine, FormatOps.Ellipsis(arguments[2])));

                            if ((code == ReturnCode.Ok) && (arguments.Count >= 4))
                                code = Value.GetInteger2(
                                    (IGetValue)arguments[3], ValueFlags.AnyInteger,
                                    interpreter.CultureInfo, ref permissions, ref result);

                            if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                if (arguments.Count >= 5)
                                    type = arguments[4];

                                OptionDictionary options = new OptionDictionary(
                                    new IOption[] {
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdin", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdout", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stderr", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsupported, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdin", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsupported, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stdout", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.Unsupported, 1, Index.Invalid, "-stderr", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-channelid", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.MustHaveIntegerValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-buffersize", null),
                                    new Option(null, OptionFlags.None, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-autoflush", null),
                                    new Option(typeof(HostStreamFlags), OptionFlags.MustHaveEnumValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-streamflags",
                                               new Variant(HostStreamFlags.Default)),
                                    new Option(typeof(FileOptions), OptionFlags.MustHaveEnumValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-options",
                                               new Variant(FileOptions.None)),
                                    new Option(typeof(FileShare), OptionFlags.MustHaveEnumValue, Index.Invalid, Index.Invalid, "-share",
                                               new Variant(FileShare.Read))

                                int argumentIndex = Index.Invalid;

                                if (arguments.Count > 5)
                                    code = interpreter.GetOptions(options, arguments, 0, 5, Index.Invalid, true, ref argumentIndex, ref result);
                                    code = ReturnCode.Ok;

                                if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                    if (argumentIndex == Index.Invalid)
                                        Variant value     = null;
                                        string  channelId = null;

                                        if (options.IsPresent("-channelid", ref value))
                                            channelId = value.ToString();

                                        if ((channelId == null) ||
                                            (interpreter.DoesChannelExist(channelId) != ReturnCode.Ok))
                                            if (options.IsPresent("-stdin"))
                                                // NOTE: Enforce the proper access for the standard input
                                                //       channel.
                                                if (access == MapOpenAccess.RdOnly)
                                                        IStreamHost streamHost = interpreter.Host;

                                                        // NOTE: *WARNING* This option causes the "fileName",
                                                        //       "access", "permissions", and "type" arguments
                                                        //       to be ignored.
                                                        lock (interpreter.SyncRoot) /* TRANSACTIONAL */
                                                            if (streamHost.In == null)
                                                                int?bufferSize = null;

                                                                if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value))
                                                                    bufferSize = (int)value.Value;

                                                                streamHost.In = (bufferSize != null) ?
                                                                                Console.OpenStandardInput((int)bufferSize) :

                                                        code = interpreter.ModifyStandardChannels(
                                                            streamHost, channelId, ChannelType.Input |
                                                            ChannelType.ErrorOnExist, ref result);

                                                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                            result = (channelId != null) ? channelId : StandardChannel.Input;
                                                    catch (Exception e)
                                                        Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e);

                                                        result = e;
                                                        code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                                                    result = String.Format(
                                                        "illegal access mode \"{0}\", standard input " +
                                                        "can only be opened using access mode \"{1}\"",
                                                        access, MapOpenAccess.RdOnly);

                                                    code = ReturnCode.Error;
                                            else if (options.IsPresent("-stdout"))
                                                // NOTE: Enforce the proper access for the standard output
                                                //       channel.
                                                if (access == MapOpenAccess.WrOnly)
                                                        IStreamHost streamHost = interpreter.Host;

                                                        // NOTE: *WARNING* This option causes the "fileName",
                                                        //       "access", "permissions", and "type" arguments
                                                        //       to be ignored.
                                                        lock (interpreter.SyncRoot) /* TRANSACTIONAL */
                                                            if (streamHost.Out == null)
                                                                int?bufferSize = null;

                                                                if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value))
                                                                    bufferSize = (int)value.Value;

                                                                streamHost.Out = (bufferSize != null) ?
                                                                                 Console.OpenStandardOutput((int)bufferSize) :

                                                        code = interpreter.ModifyStandardChannels(
                                                            streamHost, channelId, ChannelType.Output |
                                                            ChannelType.ErrorOnExist, ref result);

                                                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                            result = (channelId != null) ? channelId : StandardChannel.Output;
                                                    catch (Exception e)
                                                        Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e);

                                                        result = e;
                                                        code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                                                    result = String.Format(
                                                        "illegal access mode \"{0}\", standard output " +
                                                        "can only be opened using access mode \"{1}\"",
                                                        access, MapOpenAccess.WrOnly);

                                                    code = ReturnCode.Error;
                                            else if (options.IsPresent("-stderr"))
                                                // NOTE: Enforce the proper access for the standard error
                                                //       channel.
                                                if (access == MapOpenAccess.WrOnly)
                                                        IStreamHost streamHost = interpreter.Host;

                                                        // NOTE: *WARNING* This option causes the "fileName",
                                                        //       "access", "permissions", and "type" arguments
                                                        //       to be ignored.
                                                        lock (interpreter.SyncRoot) /* TRANSACTIONAL */
                                                            if (streamHost.Error == null)
                                                                int?bufferSize = null;

                                                                if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value))
                                                                    bufferSize = (int)value.Value;

                                                                streamHost.Error = (bufferSize != null) ?
                                                                                   Console.OpenStandardError((int)bufferSize) :

                                                        code = interpreter.ModifyStandardChannels(
                                                            streamHost, channelId, ChannelType.Error |
                                                            ChannelType.ErrorOnExist, ref result);

                                                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                            result = (channelId != null) ? channelId : StandardChannel.Error;
                                                    catch (Exception e)
                                                        Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e);

                                                        result = e;
                                                        code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                                                    result = String.Format(
                                                        "illegal access mode \"{0}\", standard error " +
                                                        "can only be opened using access mode \"{1}\"",
                                                        access, MapOpenAccess.WrOnly);

                                                    code = ReturnCode.Error;
                                                Stream stream    = null;
                                                bool   autoFlush = false;

                                                switch (type)
                                                case null:                      /* FALL-THROUGH */
                                                case /* String.Empty */ "":     /* FALL-THROUGH */
                                                case "file":
                                                        HostStreamFlags hostStreamFlags = HostStreamFlags.OpenCommand;
                                                        FileAccess      fileAccess      = FileOps.FileAccessFromAccess(access);
                                                        FileMode        fileMode        = FileOps.FileModeFromAccess(access);
                                                        FileShare       fileShare       = FileShare.Read;

                                                        if (options.IsPresent("-streamflags", ref value))
                                                            hostStreamFlags = (HostStreamFlags)value.Value;

                                                        if (options.IsPresent("-share", ref value))
                                                            fileShare = (FileShare)value.Value;

                                                        int bufferSize = Channel.DefaultBufferSize;

                                                        if (options.IsPresent("-buffersize", ref value))
                                                            bufferSize = (int)value.Value;

                                                        FileOptions fileOptions = FileOptions.None;

                                                        if (options.IsPresent("-options", ref value))
                                                            fileOptions = (FileOptions)value.Value;

                                                        if (options.IsPresent("-autoflush"))
                                                            autoFlush = true;

                                                        bool seekToEof = false;

                                                        // HACK: Check for special case where they want to Append
                                                        //       and Read/ReadWrite.
                                                        if (((fileAccess == FileAccess.Read) ||
                                                             (fileAccess == FileAccess.ReadWrite)) &&
                                                            (FlagOps.HasFlags(access, MapOpenAccess.SeekToEof, true) ||
                                                             FlagOps.HasFlags(access, MapOpenAccess.Append, true)))
                                                            seekToEof = true;

                                                        code = interpreter.GetStream(
                                                            fileName, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare, bufferSize,
                                                            fileOptions, Channel.StrictGetStream, ref hostStreamFlags,
                                                            ref stream, ref result);

                                                        if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                            if ((stream != null) && seekToEof)
                                                                stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
                                                    catch (Exception e)
                                                        Engine.SetExceptionErrorCode(interpreter, e);

                                                        result = e;
                                                        code   = ReturnCode.Error;

                                                    result = String.Format(
                                                        "unsupported channel type \"{0}\"",

                                                    code = ReturnCode.Error;

                                                // NOTE: Did we manage to open the file successfully?
                                                if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                    StreamFlags flags = StreamFlags.PreventClose;

                                                    if (channelId == null)
                                                        channelId = FormatOps.Id("file", null, interpreter.NextId());

                                                    code = interpreter.AddFileOrSocketChannel(
                                                        channelId, stream, options, flags,
                                                        FlagOps.HasFlags(access, MapOpenAccess.Append, true),
                                                        autoFlush, null, ref result);

                                                    if (code == ReturnCode.Ok)
                                                        result = channelId;
                                            result = String.Format(
                                                "can't add \"{0}\": channel already exists",

                                            code = ReturnCode.Error;
                                        result = "wrong # args: should be \"open fileName ?access? ?permissions? ?type? ?options?\"";
                                        code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                            code = ReturnCode.Error;
                        result = "wrong # args: should be \"open fileName ?access? ?permissions? ?type? ?options?\"";
                        code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                    result = "invalid argument list";
                    code   = ReturnCode.Error;
                result = "invalid interpreter";
                code   = ReturnCode.Error;
