Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all categories
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryName">Category name</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Categories</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList <Category> GetAllCategories(string categoryName = "",
                                                              int pageIndex       = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, bool showHidden = false)
            var query = _categoryRepository.GetAll();

            if (!showHidden)
                query = query.Where(c => c.Published);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(categoryName))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(categoryName));
            query = query.Where(c => !c.Deleted);
            query = query.OrderBy(c => c.ParentCategoryId).ThenBy(c => c.DisplayOrder);

            if (!showHidden && (!CatalogSettings.IgnoreAcl || !CatalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations))
                //if (!CatalogSettings.IgnoreAcl)
                //    //ACL (access control list)
                //    var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();
                //    query = from c in query
                //            join acl in _aclRepository.Table
                //            on new { c1 = c.Id, c2 = "Category" } equals new { c1 = acl.EntityId, c2 = acl.EntityName } into c_acl
                //            from acl in c_acl.DefaultIfEmpty()
                //            where !c.SubjectToAcl || allowedCustomerRolesIds.Contains(acl.CustomerRoleId)
                //            select c;
                if (!CatalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations)
                    //Store mapping
                    var currentStoreId = _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id;
                    query = from c in query
                            join sm in _storeMappingRepository.GetAll()
                            on new { c1 = c.Id, c2 = "Category" } equals new { c1 = sm.EntityId, c2 = sm.EntityName } into c_sm
                    from sm in c_sm.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    where !c.LimitedToStores || currentStoreId == sm.StoreId
                    select c;

                //only distinct categories (group by ID)
                query = from c in query
                        group c by c.Id
                        into cGroup
                        orderby cGroup.Key
                        select cGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                query = query.OrderBy(c => c.ParentCategoryId).ThenBy(c => c.DisplayOrder);

            var unsortedCategories = query.ToList();

            //sort categories
            var sortedCategories = unsortedCategories.SortCategoriesForTree();

            return(new PagedList <Category>(sortedCategories, pageIndex, pageSize));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all manufacturers
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manufacturerName">Manufacturer name</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndex">Page index</param>
        /// <param name="pageSize">Page size</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Manufacturers</returns>
        public virtual IPagedList <Manufacturer> GetAllManufacturers(string manufacturerName = "",
                                                                     int pageIndex           = 0,
                                                                     int pageSize            = int.MaxValue,
                                                                     bool showHidden         = false)
            var query = _manufacturerRepository.GetAll();

            if (!showHidden)
                query = query.Where(m => m.Published);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manufacturerName))
                query = query.Where(m => m.Name.Contains(manufacturerName));
            query = query.Where(m => !m.Deleted);
            query = query.OrderBy(m => m.DisplayOrder);

            if (!showHidden && (!CatalogSettings.IgnoreAcl || !CatalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations))
                //if (!CatalogSettings.IgnoreAcl)
                //    //ACL (access control list)
                //    var allowedCustomerRolesIds = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds();
                //    query = from m in query
                //            join acl in _aclRepository.Table
                //            on new { c1 = m.Id, c2 = "Manufacturer" } equals new { c1 = acl.EntityId, c2 = acl.EntityName } into m_acl
                //            from acl in m_acl.DefaultIfEmpty()
                //            where !m.SubjectToAcl || allowedCustomerRolesIds.Contains(acl.CustomerRoleId)
                //            select m;
                if (!CatalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations)
                    //Store mapping
                    var currentStoreId = _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id;
                    query = from m in query
                            join sm in _storeMappingRepository.GetAll()
                            on new { c1 = m.Id, c2 = "Manufacturer" } equals new { c1 = sm.EntityId, c2 = sm.EntityName } into m_sm
                    from sm in m_sm.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    where !m.LimitedToStores || currentStoreId == sm.StoreId
                    select m;
                //only distinct manufacturers (group by ID)
                query = from m in query
                        group m by m.Id
                        into mGroup
                        orderby mGroup.Key
                        select mGroup.FirstOrDefault();

                query = query.OrderBy(m => m.DisplayOrder);

            return(new PagedList <Manufacturer>(query, pageIndex, pageSize));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets store mapping records
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity</param>
        /// <returns>Store mapping records</returns>
        public virtual IList <StoreMapping> GetStoreMappings(int id, string name)
            //if (entity == null)
            //    throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

            int    entityId   = id;
            string entityName = name;

            var query = from sm in _storeMappingRepository.GetAll()
                        where sm.EntityId == entityId &&
                        sm.EntityName == entityName
                        select sm;
            var storeMappings = query.ToList();

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all countries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="languageId">Language identifier. It's used to sort countries by localized names (if specified); pass 0 to skip it</param>
        /// <param name="showHidden">A value indicating whether to show hidden records</param>
        /// <returns>Countries</returns>
        public virtual IList <Country> GetAllCountries(int languageId = 0, bool showHidden = false)
            string key = string.Format(COUNTRIES_ALL_KEY, languageId, showHidden);

            return(_cacheManager.GetCache(CACHE_NAME_COUNTRY).Get(key, () =>
                var query = _countryRepository.GetAll();
                if (!showHidden)
                    query = query.Where(c => c.Published);
                query = query.OrderBy(c => c.DisplayOrder).ThenBy(c => c.Name);

                if (!showHidden && !CatalogSettings.IgnoreStoreLimitations)
                    //Store mapping
                    var currentStoreId = _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id;
                    query = from c in query
                            join sc in _storeMappingRepository.GetAll()
                            on new { c1 = c.Id, c2 = "Country" } equals new { c1 = sc.EntityId, c2 = sc.EntityName } into c_sc
                    from sc in c_sc.DefaultIfEmpty()
                    where !c.LimitedToStores || currentStoreId == sc.StoreId
                    select c;

                    //only distinct entities (group by ID)
                    query = from c in query
                            group c by c.Id
                            into cGroup
                            orderby cGroup.Key
                            select cGroup.FirstOrDefault();
                    query = query.OrderBy(c => c.DisplayOrder).ThenBy(c => c.Name);

                var countries = query.ToList();

                if (languageId > 0)
                    //we should sort countries by localized names when they have the same display order
                    countries = countries
                                .OrderBy(c => c.DisplayOrder)
                                .ThenBy(x => x.Name)
                return countries;