/// <summary>
        /// Saves user in-game time both in the storage and in the json file database if user is identified by his/her authorization
        /// <paramref name="token"/> and <paramref name="gameTime"/> is successfully parsed to <see cref="long"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">User's authorization token.</param>
        /// <param name="gameTime">User in-game time in ticks as <see cref="string"/> variable.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns null if user was found by token and in-game time was successfully
        /// parsed to <see cref="long"/>, else returns message with error detalization.</returns>
        public async Task <string> SaveGameTime(string token, string gameTime)
            // get user id
            var userWithToken = (await _tokens.GetAllAsync()).Where(tk => tk.Item == token).FirstOrDefault();

            // if user was not found
            if (userWithToken == null)
                var message = "The authorization token did not exist or expired.";
                _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(StatisticsService)}: User was not identified for saving in-game time. {message}");

            // get user id
            var userId = userWithToken.Id;

            _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(StatisticsService)}: User with id {userId} was identified by his/her authorization token for saving in-game time.");

            // convert game time
            if (!long.TryParse(gameTime, out var gameTimeTicks))
                var message = $"Cannot parse {gameTime} to {typeof(long)} for the user with id {userId}.";
                _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(StatisticsService)}: {message}");

            var userStatistics = await _statistics.GetAsync(userId);

            // create empty statistics if it doesn't exist
            if (userStatistics == null)
                userStatistics = new UserStatistics(userId);

            // save to the storage
            await _statistics.AddOrUpdateAsync(userId, userStatistics);

            _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(StatisticsService)}: In-game time was saved to the statistics storage for the user with id {userId}.");

            // map with StatisticsDb
            var statisticsToSave = ModelsMapper.ToStatisticsDb(userStatistics);

            //save to file
            var path = $"{_options.StatisticsPath}{userId}.json";
            await _jsonDataService.WriteAsync(path, statisticsToSave);

            _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(StatisticsService)}: In-game time was saved to the file {path} for the user with id {userId}.");

Example #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> LoginAsync([FromHeader(Name = "X-login"), Required] string login,
                                                     [FromHeader(Name = "X-password"), Required] string password)
            _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(AuthorizationController)}: Request to execute user login.");

            var user = (await _users.GetAllAsync())
                       .Where(user => user.Item.GetLogin() == login && user.Item.VerifyPassword(password))

            if (user == null)
                _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(AuthorizationController)}: Wrong login or password. User {login} is unauthorized. Return {HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized}");

            var token = await GenerateTokenAsync();

            await _tokens.AddOrUpdateAsync(user.Id, token);

            _logger.LogInformation($"{nameof(AuthorizationController)}: Correct login and password. User {login} is authorized. Return {HttpStatusCode.OK}");