Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an IDbCommand for the SqlMapSession and the current SQL Statement
        /// and fill IDbCommand IDataParameter's with the parameterObject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session">The SqlMapSession</param>
        /// <param name="statement">The IStatement</param>
        /// <param name="parameterObject">
        /// The parameter object that will fill the sql parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>An IDbCommand with all the IDataParameter filled.</returns>
        public void Create(RequestScope request, ISqlMapSession session, IStatement statement, object parameterObject)
            // the IDbConnection & the IDbTransaction are assign in the CreateCommand
            request.DbCommand = new DbCommandDecorator(session.CreateCommand(statement.CommandType), request);

            request.DbCommand.CommandText = request.PreparedStatement.PreparedSql;

            ApplyParameterMap(session, request.DbCommand, request, statement, parameterObject);
 public void Create(RequestScope request, ISqlMapSession session, IStatement statement, object parameterObject)
     request.IDbCommand             = new DbCommandDecorator(session.CreateCommand(statement.CommandType), request);
     request.IDbCommand.CommandText = request.PreparedStatement.PreparedSql;
     if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
         _logger.Debug("Statement Id: [" + statement.Id + "] PreparedStatement : [" + request.IDbCommand.CommandText + "]");
     this.ApplyParameterMap(session, request.IDbCommand, request, statement, parameterObject);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an IDbCommand for the SqlMapSession and the current SQL Statement
        /// and fill IDbCommand IDataParameter's with the parameterObject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session">The SqlMapSession</param>
        /// <param name="statement">The IStatement</param>
        /// <param name="parameterObject">
        /// The parameter object that will fill the sql parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>An IDbCommand with all the IDataParameter filled.</returns>
        public void Create(RequestScope request, ISqlMapSession session, IStatement statement, object parameterObject )
            // the IDbConnection & the IDbTransaction are assign in the CreateCommand
            request.IDbCommand = new DbCommandDecorator(session.CreateCommand(statement.CommandType), request);

            request.IDbCommand.CommandText = request.PreparedStatement.PreparedSql;

            if (_logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                _logger.Debug("Statement Id: [" + statement.Id + "] PreparedStatement : [" + request.IDbCommand.CommandText + "]");

            ApplyParameterMap( session, request.IDbCommand, request, statement, parameterObject  );
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an IDbCommand for the SqlMapSession and the current SQL Statement
        /// and fill IDbCommand IDataParameter's with the parameterObject.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="session">The SqlMapSession</param>
        /// <param name="statement">The IStatement</param>
        /// <param name="parameterObject">
        /// The parameter object that will fill the sql parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>An IDbCommand with all the IDataParameter filled.</returns>
        public void Create(RequestScope request, ISqlMapSession session, IStatement statement, object parameterObject)
            // the IDbConnection & the IDbTransaction are assign in the CreateCommand
            request.IDbCommand = new DbCommandDecorator(session.CreateCommand(statement.CommandType), request);

            request.IDbCommand.CommandText = request.PreparedStatement.PreparedSql;

            if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                Logger.Debug("Statement Id: [" + statement.Id + "] PreparedStatement : [" + request.IDbCommand.CommandText + "]");

            ApplyParameterMap(session, request.IDbCommand, request, statement, parameterObject);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create IDataParameters for procedure statement.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateParametersForProcedureCommand()
            string sqlParamName              = string.Empty;
            string dbTypePropertyName        = _session.DataSource.DbProvider.ParameterDbTypeProperty;
            Type   enumDbType                = _session.DataSource.DbProvider.ParameterDbType;
            ParameterPropertyCollection list = null;

            if (_session.DataSource.DbProvider.UsePositionalParameters)             //obdc/oledb
                list = _request.ParameterMap.Properties;
                list = _request.ParameterMap.PropertiesList;

            _preparedStatement.DbParameters = new IDbDataParameter[list.Count];

            // ParemeterMap are required for procedure and we tested existance in Prepare() method
            // so we don't have to test existence here.
            // A ParameterMap used in CreateParametersForProcedureText must
            // have property and column attributes set.
            // The column attribute is the name of a procedure parameter.
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                ParameterProperty property = list[i];

                if (_session.DataSource.DbProvider.UseParameterPrefixInParameter)
                    sqlParamName = _parameterPrefix + property.ColumnName;
                else                 //obdc/oledb
                    sqlParamName = property.ColumnName;

                IDbDataParameter dataParameter = _session.CreateCommand(_statement.CommandType).CreateParameter();

                // Manage dbType attribute if any
                if (property.DbType != null && property.DbType.Length > 0)
                    // Exemple : Enum.parse(System.Data.SqlDbType, 'VarChar')
                    object dbType = Enum.Parse(enumDbType, property.DbType, true);

                    // Exemple : ObjectHelper.SetProperty(sqlparameter, 'SqlDbType', SqlDbType.Int);
                    ObjectProbe.SetMemberValue(dataParameter, dbTypePropertyName, dbType,

                // Set IDbDataParameter
                // JIRA-49 Fixes (size, precision, and scale)
                if (_session.DataSource.DbProvider.SetDbParameterSize)
                    if (property.Size != -1)
                        dataParameter.Size = property.Size;

                if (_session.DataSource.DbProvider.SetDbParameterPrecision)
                    dataParameter.Precision = property.Precision;

                if (_session.DataSource.DbProvider.SetDbParameterScale)
                    dataParameter.Scale = property.Scale;

                // Set as direction parameter
                dataParameter.Direction = property.Direction;

                dataParameter.ParameterName = sqlParamName;

                _preparedStatement.DbParameters[i] = dataParameter;

                if (_session.DataSource.DbProvider.UsePositionalParameters == false)
                    _propertyDbParameterMap.Add(property, dataParameter);