// Use this for initialization
        IEnumerator Start()
            // get the singleton instance
            _mSpeechDetectionPlugin = SpeechDetectionUtils.GetInstance();

            // check the reference to the plugin
            if (null == _mSpeechDetectionPlugin)
                Debug.LogError("WebGL Speech Detection Plugin is not set!");
                yield break;

            // wait for plugin to become available
            while (!_mSpeechDetectionPlugin.IsAvailable())
                yield return(null);

            // subscribe to events

            // A list of words to detect
            string[] wordsToDetect =
                "10", // match 10 before 1

            foreach (string word in wordsToDetect)
Example #2
        // Use this for initialization
        IEnumerator Start()
            // get the singleton instance
            _mSpeechDetectionPlugin = SpeechDetectionUtils.GetInstance();

            // check the reference to the plugin
            if (null == _mSpeechDetectionPlugin)
                Debug.LogError("WebGL Speech Detection Plugin is not set!");
                yield break;

            // wait for plugin to become available
            while (!_mSpeechDetectionPlugin.IsAvailable())
                yield return(null);

            // subscribe to events
Example #3
        // Use this for initialization
        IEnumerator Start()
            // get the singleton instance
            _mSpeechDetectionPlugin = SpeechDetectionUtils.GetInstance();

            // check the reference to the plugin
            if (null == _mSpeechDetectionPlugin)
                Debug.LogError("Proxy Speech Detection Plugin is not set!");
                yield break;

            // wait for plugin to become available
            while (!_mSpeechDetectionPlugin.IsAvailable())
                yield return(null);

            // no need to display a warning if the plugin is available
            SpeechDetectionUtils.SetActive(false, _mTextWaiting);

            // display the UI controls
                                           _mDropDownDialects, _mDropDownLanguages,
                                           _mTextDictation, _mTextSummary);

            // subscribe to events

            // Get languages from plugin,
            _mSpeechDetectionPlugin.GetLanguages((languageResult) =>
                _mLanguageResult = languageResult;

                // prepare the language drop down items
                SpeechDetectionUtils.PopulateLanguagesDropdown(_mDropDownLanguages, _mLanguageResult);

                // subscribe to language change events
                if (_mDropDownLanguages)
                    _mDropDownLanguages.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate {

                // subscribe to dialect change events
                if (_mDropDownDialects)
                    _mDropDownDialects.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate {

                // Disabled until a language is selected

                // set the default language

                // set the default dialect
Example #4
        // Use this for initialization
        IEnumerator Start()
            // get the singleton instance
            _mSpeechDetectionPlugin = SpeechDetectionUtils.GetInstance();

            // check the reference to the plugin
            if (null == _mSpeechDetectionPlugin)
                Debug.LogError("Proxy Speech Detection Plugin is not set!");
                yield break;

            // proxy needs to be launched before it's available
            if (_mButtonLaunchProxy)
                _mButtonLaunchProxy.onClick.AddListener(() =>

            // wait for plugin to become available
            while (!_mSpeechDetectionPlugin.IsAvailable())
                yield return(null);

            if (_mButtonCloseBrowserTab)
                _mButtonCloseBrowserTab.onClick.AddListener(() =>

            if (_mButtonCloseProxy)
                _mButtonCloseProxy.onClick.AddListener(() =>

            if (_mButtonOpenBrowserTab)
                _mButtonOpenBrowserTab.onClick.AddListener(() =>

            if (_mButtonSetProxyPort &&
                _mButtonSetProxyPort.onClick.AddListener(() =>
                    int port;
                    if (int.TryParse(_mInputPort.text, out port))
                        _mInputPort.text = "5000";
Example #5
        // Use this for initialization
        IEnumerator Start()
            // get the singleton instance
            _mSpeechDetectionPlugin = SpeechDetectionUtils.GetInstance();

            // check the reference to the plugin
            if (null == _mSpeechDetectionPlugin)
                Debug.LogError("WebGL Speech Detection Plugin is not set!");
                yield break;

            // wait for plugin to become available
            while (!_mSpeechDetectionPlugin.IsAvailable())
                yield return(null);

            // no need to display a warning if the plugin is available
            SpeechDetectionUtils.SetActive(false, _mTextWarning);

            // make the dropdowns non-interactive
                                                 _mDropDownLanguages, _mDropDownDialects);

            // show UI controls
                                           _mDropDownDialects, _mDropDownLanguages,
                                           _mImageWords, _mTextSummary);

            // subscribe to events

            // Get languages from plugin,
            _mSpeechDetectionPlugin.GetLanguages((languageResult) =>
                _mLanguageResult = languageResult;

                // prepare the language drop down items
                SpeechDetectionUtils.PopulateLanguagesDropdown(_mDropDownLanguages, _mLanguageResult);

                // make the dropdowns interactive
                                                     _mDropDownLanguages, _mDropDownDialects);

                // subscribe to language change events
                if (_mDropDownLanguages)
                    _mDropDownLanguages.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate {

                // subscribe to dialect change events
                if (_mDropDownDialects)
                    _mDropDownDialects.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate {

                // Disabled until a language is selected

                // set the default language

                // set the default dialect

            // get all the words in the UI
            foreach (Example02Word word in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <Example02Word>())
                Text text = word.GetComponentInChildren <Text>();
                if (text)
                    _mWords[text.text.ToLower()] = word;