public CreateTileGridClass( string name, IFeatureDataset targetDataset, ISpatialIndexDef spatialIndexDef, IRasterDataset sourceDataset, double tileSizeX, double tileSizeY, double resX, double resY, int levels, string cacheDirectory, TileGridType gridType) { _name = name; _cacheDirectory = cacheDirectory; _targetDataset = targetDataset; _spatialIndexDef = spatialIndexDef; _sourceDataset = sourceDataset; _tileSizeX = tileSizeX; _tileSizeY = tileSizeY; _resX = resX; _resY = resY; _levels = levels; _gridType = gridType; _fdb = (SqlFDB)_targetDataset.Database; _createLevels = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < _levels; i++) { _createLevels.Add(i); } }
async private Task ImportAsync(object element) { if (_fdb == null || _import == null) { return; } ISpatialIndexDef sIndexDef = null; if (_fdb is AccessFDB) { sIndexDef = await((AccessFDB)_fdb).SpatialIndexDef(_dsname); } if (element is IFeatureClass) { if (!await _import.ImportToNewFeatureclass( _fdb, _dsname, ((IFeatureClass)element).Name, (IFeatureClass)element, null, true, null, sIndexDef)) { MessageBox.Show(_import.lastErrorMsg); } } else if (element is FeatureClassListViewItem) { FeatureClassListViewItem item = element as FeatureClassListViewItem; if (item.FeatureClass == null) { return; } MSSpatialIndex msIndex = new MSSpatialIndex(); msIndex.GeometryType = GeometryFieldType.MsGeometry; msIndex.SpatialIndexBounds = item.FeatureClass.Envelope; msIndex.Level1 = msIndex.Level2 = msIndex.Level3 = msIndex.Level4 = MSSpatialIndexLevelSize.LOW; if (!await _import.ImportToNewFeatureclass( _fdb, _dsname, item.TargetName, item.FeatureClass, item.ImportFieldTranslation, true, null, sIndexDef)) { MessageBox.Show(_import.lastErrorMsg); } } }
internal AccessFDBDataset(AccessFDB fdb, string dsname, ISpatialIndexDef sIndexDef) : this() { if (fdb == null) { return; } ConnectionString = "mdb=" + fdb.ConnectionString + ";dsname=" + dsname; Open(); }
public bool Open() { if (_fdb == null) return false; _dsID = _fdb.DatasetID(_dsname); if (_dsID < 0) return false; _sRef = this.SpatialReference; _state = DatasetState.opened; _sIndexDef = _fdb.SpatialIndexDef(_dsID); return true; }
async public Task <IExplorerObject> CreateExplorerObject(IExplorerObject parentExObject) { if (!CanCreate(parentExObject)) { return(null); } var instance = await parentExObject.GetInstanceAsync(); if (!(instance is IFeatureDataset) || !(((IDataset)instance).Database is SQLiteFDB)) { return(null); } SQLiteFDB fdb = ((IDataset)instance).Database as SQLiteFDB; FormNewFeatureclass dlg = await FormNewFeatureclass.Create(instance as IFeatureDataset); if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(null); } IGeometryDef gDef = dlg.GeometryDef; int FCID = await fdb.CreateFeatureClass( parentExObject.Name, dlg.FeatureclassName, gDef, dlg.Fields); if (FCID < 0) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + fdb.LastErrorMessage); return(null); } ISpatialIndexDef sIndexDef = await fdb.SpatialIndexDef(parentExObject.Name); await fdb.SetSpatialIndexBounds(dlg.FeatureclassName, "BinaryTree2", dlg.SpatialIndexExtents, 0.55, 200, dlg.SpatialIndexLevels); IDatasetElement element = await((IFeatureDataset)instance).Element(dlg.FeatureclassName); return(new SQLiteFDBFeatureClassExplorerObject( parentExObject as SQLiteFDBDatasetExplorerObject, _filename, parentExObject.Name, element)); }
public IExplorerObject CreateExplorerObject(IExplorerObject parentExObject) { if (!CanCreate(parentExObject)) { return(null); } if (!(parentExObject.Object is IFeatureDataset) || !(((IDataset)parentExObject.Object).Database is AccessFDB)) { return(null); } AccessFDB fdb = ((IDataset)parentExObject.Object).Database as AccessFDB; FormNewFeatureclass dlg = new FormNewFeatureclass(parentExObject.Object as IFeatureDataset); if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return(null); } IGeometryDef gDef = dlg.GeometryDef; int FCID = fdb.CreateFeatureClass( parentExObject.Name, dlg.FeatureclassName, gDef, dlg.Fields); if (FCID < 0) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR: " + fdb.lastErrorMsg); return(null); } ISpatialIndexDef sIndexDef = fdb.SpatialIndexDef(parentExObject.Name); fdb.SetSpatialIndexBounds(dlg.FeatureclassName, "BinaryTree2", dlg.SpatialIndexExtents, 0.55, 200, dlg.SpatialIndexLevels); IDatasetElement element = ((IFeatureDataset)parentExObject.Object)[dlg.FeatureclassName]; return(new AccessFDBFeatureClassExplorerObject( parentExObject as AccessFDBDatasetExplorerObject, _filename, parentExObject.Name, element)); }
public bool Open() { if (_connString == null || _connString == "" || _dsname == null || _dsname == "" || _fdb == null) { return(false); } _dsID = _fdb.DatasetID(_dsname); if (_dsID == -1) { return(false); } _sRef = _fdb.SpatialReference(_dsname); _sIndexDef = _fdb.SpatialIndexDef(_dsID); _state = DatasetState.opened; return(true); }
async public Task <bool> Open() { if (_fdb == null) { return(false); } _dsID = await _fdb.DatasetID(_dsname); if (_dsID < 0) { return(false); } _sRef = await this.GetSpatialReference(); _state = DatasetState.opened; _sIndexDef = await _fdb.SpatialIndexDef(_dsID); return(true); }
async public Task <bool> Open() { if (_fdb == null) { return(false); } _dsID = await _fdb.DatasetID(_dsname); if (_dsID < 0) { _errMsg = _fdb.LastErrorMessage ?? _fdb.lastException?.Message; return(false); } _sRef = await this.GetSpatialReference(); _state = DatasetState.opened; _sIndexDef = await _fdb.SpatialIndexDef(_dsID); return(true); }
async public Task <bool> ImportToNewFeatureclass(IFeatureDatabase fdb, string dsname, string fcname, IFeatureClass sourceFC, FieldTranslation fieldTranslation, bool project, List <IQueryFilter> filters, ISpatialIndexDef sIndexDef, geometryType?sourceGeometryType = null) { if (!_cancelTracker.Continue) { return(true); } if (fdb is AccessFDB) { ISpatialIndexDef dsSpatialIndexDef = await((AccessFDB)fdb).SpatialIndexDef(dsname); if (sIndexDef == null) { sIndexDef = dsSpatialIndexDef; } else if (sIndexDef.GeometryType != dsSpatialIndexDef.GeometryType) { _errMsg = "Spatial-Index-Definition-GeometryTypes are not compatible!"; return(false); } } if (sIndexDef == null) { sIndexDef = new gViewSpatialIndexDef(); } bool msSpatial = false; if (fdb is SqlFDB && (sIndexDef.GeometryType == GeometryFieldType.MsGeography || sIndexDef.GeometryType == GeometryFieldType.MsGeometry)) { msSpatial = true; } else { int maxAllowedLevel = ((fdb is SqlFDB || fdb is pgFDB) ? 62 : 30); if (sIndexDef.Levels > maxAllowedLevel) { ISpatialReference defSRef = sIndexDef.SpatialReference; sIndexDef = new gViewSpatialIndexDef( sIndexDef.SpatialIndexBounds, Math.Min(sIndexDef.Levels, maxAllowedLevel), sIndexDef.MaxPerNode, sIndexDef.SplitRatio); ((gViewSpatialIndexDef)sIndexDef).SpatialReference = defSRef; } } try { fcname = fcname.Replace(".", "_"); IFeatureDataset destDS = await fdb.GetDataset(dsname); if (destDS == null) { _errMsg = fdb.LastErrorMessage; return(false); } IDatasetElement destLayer = await destDS.Element(fcname); if (destLayer != null) { if (ReportRequest != null) { RequestArgs args = new RequestArgs( "Featureclass " + fcname + " already exists in " + dsname + "\nDo want to replace it?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, DialogResult.Cancel); ReportRequest(this, args); switch (args.Result) { case DialogResult.No: return(true); case DialogResult.Cancel: _errMsg = "Import is canceled by the user..."; return(false); } } } GeometryDef geomDef = new GeometryDef(sourceFC); if (geomDef.GeometryType == geometryType.Unknown && sourceGeometryType != null) { geomDef.GeometryType = sourceGeometryType.Value; } int fcID = -1; if (destLayer != null) { if (fdb is AccessFDB) { fcID = await((AccessFDB)fdb).ReplaceFeatureClass(destDS.DatasetName, fcname, geomDef, (fieldTranslation == null) ? ((sourceFC.Fields != null) ? (IFields)sourceFC.Fields.Clone() : new Fields()) : fieldTranslation.DestinationFields); if (fcID < 0) { _errMsg = "Can't replace featureclass " + fcname + "...\r\n" + fdb.LastErrorMessage; destDS.Dispose(); return(false); } } else { await fdb.DeleteFeatureClass(fcname); } } if (fcID < 0) { fcID = await fdb.CreateFeatureClass(destDS.DatasetName, fcname, geomDef, (fieldTranslation == null)? ((sourceFC.Fields != null) ? (IFields)sourceFC.Fields.Clone() : new Fields()) : fieldTranslation.DestinationFields); } if (fcID < 0) { _errMsg = "Can't create featureclass " + fcname + "...\r\n" + fdb.LastErrorMessage; destDS.Dispose(); return(false); } destLayer = await destDS.Element(fcname); if (destLayer == null || !(destLayer.Class is IFeatureClass)) { _errMsg = "Can't load featureclass " + fcname + "...\r\n" + destDS.LastErrorMessage; destDS.Dispose(); return(false); } IFeatureClass destFC = destLayer.Class as IFeatureClass; if (project && destFC.SpatialReference != null && !destFC.SpatialReference.Equals(sourceFC.SpatialReference)) { _transformer = GeometricTransformerFactory.Create(); //_transformer.FromSpatialReference = sourceFC.SpatialReference; //_transformer.ToSpatialReference = destFC.SpatialReference; _transformer.SetSpatialReferences(sourceFC.SpatialReference, destFC.SpatialReference); } if (!Envelope.IsNull(sIndexDef.SpatialIndexBounds) && sIndexDef.SpatialReference != null && !sIndexDef.SpatialReference.Equals(destFC.SpatialReference)) { if (!sIndexDef.ProjectTo(destFC.SpatialReference)) { _errMsg = "Can't project SpatialIndex Boundaries..."; destDS.Dispose(); return(false); } } DualTree tree = null; BinaryTree2Builder tree2 = null; if (msSpatial) { ((SqlFDB)fdb).SetMSSpatialIndex((MSSpatialIndex)sIndexDef, destFC.Name); await((SqlFDB)fdb).SetFeatureclassExtent(destFC.Name, sIndexDef.SpatialIndexBounds); } else { if (_treeVersion == TreeVersion.BinaryTree) { tree = await SpatialIndex(sourceFC, sIndexDef.MaxPerNode, filters); if (tree == null) { return(false); } } else if (_treeVersion == TreeVersion.BinaryTree2) { if (_schemaOnly && sourceFC.Dataset.Database is IImplementsBinarayTreeDef) { BinaryTreeDef tDef = await((IImplementsBinarayTreeDef)sourceFC.Dataset.Database).BinaryTreeDef(sourceFC.Name); tree2 = new BinaryTree2Builder(tDef.Bounds, tDef.MaxLevel, tDef.MaxPerNode, tDef.SplitRatio); } else { tree2 = await SpatialIndex2(fdb, sourceFC, sIndexDef, filters); if (tree2 == null) { return(false); } } } // Vorab einmal alle "Bounds" festlegen, damit auch // ein aufzubauender Layer geviewt werden kann if (_treeVersion == TreeVersion.BinaryTree2 && fdb is AccessFDB) { if (ReportAction != null) { ReportAction(this, "Insert spatial index nodes"); } List <long> nids = new List <long>(); foreach (BinaryTree2BuilderNode node in tree2.Nodes) { nids.Add(node.Number); } await((AccessFDB)fdb).ShrinkSpatialIndex(fcname, nids); if (ReportAction != null) { ReportAction(this, "Set spatial index bounds"); } //((AccessFDB)fdb).SetSpatialIndexBounds(fcname, "BinaryTree2", tree2.Bounds, sIndexDef.SplitRatio, sIndexDef.MaxPerNode, tree2.maxLevels); await((AccessFDB)fdb).SetSpatialIndexBounds(fcname, "BinaryTree2", tree2.Bounds, tree2.SplitRatio, tree2.MaxPerNode, tree2.maxLevels); await((AccessFDB)fdb).SetFeatureclassExtent(fcname, tree2.Bounds); } } if (_cancelTracker.Continue) { bool result = true; if (!_schemaOnly) { if (msSpatial) { result = await CopyFeatures(sourceFC, fdb, destFC, fieldTranslation, filters); } else if (_treeVersion == TreeVersion.BinaryTree) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFC.IDFieldName)) // SDE Views haben keine ID -> Tree enthält keine Features { result = await CopyFeatures(sourceFC, fdb, destFC, fieldTranslation, filters); } else { result = await CopyFeatures(sourceFC, fdb, destFC, fieldTranslation, tree); } } else if (_treeVersion == TreeVersion.BinaryTree2) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFC.IDFieldName)) // SDE Views haben keine ID -> Tree enthält keine Features { result = await CopyFeatures(sourceFC, fdb, destFC, fieldTranslation, filters); } else { result = await CopyFeatures2(sourceFC, fdb, destFC, fieldTranslation, tree2); } } if (!result) { await fdb.DeleteFeatureClass(fcname); destDS.Dispose(); return(false); } } } destDS.Dispose(); if (_cancelTracker.Continue && fdb is AccessFDB) { if (ReportAction != null) { ReportAction(this, "Calculate extent"); } await((AccessFDB)fdb).CalculateExtent(destFC); if (msSpatial == false) { if (_treeVersion == TreeVersion.BinaryTree) { if (ReportAction != null) { ReportAction(this, "Set spatial index bounds"); } await((AccessFDB)fdb).SetSpatialIndexBounds(fcname, "BinaryTree", tree.Bounds, sIndexDef.SplitRatio, sIndexDef.MaxPerNode, 0); if (ReportAction != null) { ReportAction(this, "Insert spatial index nodes"); } await((AccessFDB)fdb).__intInsertSpatialIndexNodes2(fcname, tree.Nodes); } } return(true); } else { await fdb.DeleteFeatureClass(fcname); _errMsg = "Import is canceled by the user..."; return(false); } } finally { if (_transformer != null) { _transformer.Release(); _transformer = null; } } }
async private Task <BinaryTree2Builder> SpatialIndex2(IFeatureDatabase fdb, IFeatureClass fc, ISpatialIndexDef def, List <IQueryFilter> filters) { if (fc == null) { return(null); } IEnvelope bounds = null; if (fc.Envelope != null) { bounds = fc.Envelope; } else if (fc.Dataset is IFeatureDataset && await((IFeatureDataset)fc.Dataset).Envelope() != null) { bounds = await((IFeatureDataset)fc.Dataset).Envelope(); } if (bounds == null) { return(null); } if (_transformer != null) { IGeometry transBounds = _transformer.Transform2D(bounds) as IGeometry; if (transBounds != null) { bounds = transBounds.Envelope; } } int maxAllowedLevel = ((fdb is SqlFDB) ? 62 : 30); BinaryTree2Builder treeBuilder = ((Envelope.IsNull(def.SpatialIndexBounds)) ? new BinaryTree2Builder(bounds, ((def.Levels != 0) ? def.Levels : maxAllowedLevel), ((def.MaxPerNode != 0) ? def.MaxPerNode : 500), ((def.SplitRatio != 0.0) ? def.SplitRatio : 0.55)) : new BinaryTree2Builder2(def.SpatialIndexBounds, def.Levels, def.MaxPerNode, def.SplitRatio)); if (filters == null) { QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); filters = new List <IQueryFilter>(); filters.Add(filter); } foreach (IQueryFilter filter in filters) { using (IFeatureCursor fCursor = await fc.GetFeatures(filter)) { if (fCursor == null) { _errMsg = "Fatal error: sourcedb query failed..."; return(null); } if (ReportAction != null) { ReportAction(this, "Calculate spatial index"); } IEnvelope fcEnvelope = bounds; if (_transformer != null) { IGeometry geom = _transformer.Transform2D(fcEnvelope) as IGeometry; if (geom == null) { _errMsg = "SpatialIndex: Can't project featureclass extent!"; return(null); } fcEnvelope = geom.Envelope; } //treeBuilder = new BinaryTree2Builder(fcEnvelope, maxLevels, maxPerNode); int counter = 0; IFeature feat; while ((feat = await fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { if (!_cancelTracker.Continue) { break; } IGeometry shape = feat.Shape; if (_transformer != null) { shape = _transformer.Transform2D(shape) as IGeometry; } feat.Shape = shape; treeBuilder.AddFeature(feat); if ((counter % 1000) == 0 && ReportProgress != null) { ReportProgress(this, counter); } counter++; } fCursor.Dispose(); } } treeBuilder.Trim(); return(treeBuilder); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string source_connstr = "", source_fc = ""; string dest_connstr = "", dest_fc = ""; string[] sourceFields = null, destFields = null; Guid source_guid = Guid.Empty, dest_guid = Guid.Empty; bool checkout = false; string checkoutDescription = String.Empty; string child_rights = "iud"; string parent_rights = "iud"; string conflict_handling = "normal"; ISpatialIndexDef treeDef = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length - 1; i++) { if (args[i] == "-source_connstr") { source_connstr = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-source_guid") { source_guid = new Guid(args[++i]); } else if (args[i] == "-source_fc") { source_fc = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-dest_connstr") { dest_connstr = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-dest_guid") { dest_guid = new Guid(args[++i]); } else if (args[i] == "-dest_fc") { dest_fc = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-sourcefields") { sourceFields = args[++i].Split(';'); } else if (args[i] == "-destfields") { destFields = args[++i].Split(';'); } else if (args[i] == "-checkout") { checkout = true; checkoutDescription = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-pr") { parent_rights = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-cr") { child_rights = args[++i]; } else if (args[i] == "-ch") { conflict_handling = args[++i]; } //else if (args[i] == "-si") //{ // treeDef = BinaryTreeDef.FromString(args[++i]); // if (treeDef == null) // { // Console.WriteLine("Invalid Spatial Index Def. " + args[i]); // } //} } if (source_connstr == "" || source_fc == "" || source_guid == Guid.Empty || dest_connstr == "" || dest_fc == "" || dest_guid == Guid.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("USAGE:"); Console.WriteLine("gView.Cmd.CopyFeatureclass -source_connstr <Source Dataset Connection String>"); Console.WriteLine(" -source_guid <GUID of Dataset Extension>"); Console.WriteLine(" -source_fc <Featureclass name>"); Console.WriteLine(" -dest_connstr <Destination Dataset Connection String>"); Console.WriteLine(" -dest_guid <GUID of Dataset Extension>"); Console.WriteLine(" -dest_fc <Featureclass name>"); Console.WriteLine(" when check out featureclass:"); Console.WriteLine(" -checkout <Description> ... Write checkout information"); Console.WriteLine(" -pr ... parent rights. <iud|iu|ud|...> (i..INSERT, u..UPDATE, d..DELETE)"); Console.WriteLine(" -cr ... child rights. <iud|iu|ud|...> (i..INSERT, u..UPDATE, d..DELETE)"); Console.WriteLine(" -ch <none|normal|parent_wins|child_wins|newer_wins> ... conflict handling"); return; } IFeatureDataset sourceDS, destDS; IFeatureClass sourceFC; PlugInManager compMan = new PlugInManager(); object comp = compMan.CreateInstance(source_guid); if (!(comp is IFeatureDataset)) { Console.WriteLine("Component with GUID '" + source_guid.ToString() + "' is not a feature dataset..."); return; } sourceDS = (IFeatureDataset)comp; sourceDS.ConnectionString = source_connstr; sourceDS.Open(); sourceFC = GetFeatureclass(sourceDS, source_fc); if (sourceFC == null) { Console.WriteLine("Can't find featureclass '" + source_fc + "' in source dataset..."); sourceDS.Dispose(); return; } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceFC.IDFieldName)) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Souorce FeatureClass has no IDField -> Bad performance!!"); } Console.WriteLine("Source FeatureClass: " + sourceFC.Name); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Shape Field: " + sourceFC.ShapeFieldName); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sourceFC.IDFieldName)) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Souorce FeatureClass has no IDField -> Bad performance!!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Id Field : " + sourceFC.IDFieldName); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Import: " + source_fc); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); FieldTranslation fieldTranslation = new FieldTranslation(); if (sourceFields != null && destFields != null) { if (sourceFields.Length != destFields.Length) { Console.WriteLine("Error in field definition..."); sourceDS.Dispose(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < sourceFields.Length; i++) { IField field = sourceFC.FindField(sourceFields[i]); if (field == null) { Console.WriteLine("Error: Can't find field '" + sourceFields[i] + "'..."); sourceDS.Dispose(); return; } fieldTranslation.Add(field, destFields[i]); } } else { foreach (IField field in sourceFC.Fields) { if (field.type == FieldType.ID || field.type == FieldType.Shape) { continue; } fieldTranslation.Add(field, FieldTranslation.CheckName(; } } comp = compMan.CreateInstance(dest_guid); if (comp is IFileFeatureDatabase) { IFileFeatureDatabase fileDB = (IFileFeatureDatabase)comp; if (!fileDB.Open(dest_connstr)) { Console.WriteLine("Error opening destination database:" + fileDB.lastErrorMsg); return; } destDS = fileDB[dest_connstr]; } else if (comp is IFeatureDataset) { destDS = (IFeatureDataset)comp; destDS.ConnectionString = dest_connstr; if (!destDS.Open()) { Console.WriteLine("Error opening destination dataset:" + destDS.lastErrorMsg); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Component with GUID '" + dest_guid.ToString() + "' is not a feature dataset..."); return; } string replIDField = String.Empty; if (checkout) { if (!(destDS.Database is IFeatureDatabaseReplication) || !(sourceDS.Database is IFeatureDatabaseReplication)) { Console.WriteLine("Can't checkout FROM/TO databasetype..."); return; } replIDField = Replication.FeatureClassReplicationIDFieldname(sourceFC); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(replIDField)) { Console.WriteLine("Can't checkout from source featureclass. No replication ID!"); return; } IDatasetElement element = destDS[dest_fc]; if (element != null) { List <Guid> checkout_guids = Replication.FeatureClassSessions(element.Class as IFeatureClass); if (checkout_guids != null && checkout_guids.Count != 0) { string errMsg = "Can't check out to this featureclass\n"; errMsg += "Check in the following Sessions first:\n"; foreach (Guid g in checkout_guids) { errMsg += " CHECKOUT_GUID: " + g.ToString(); } Console.WriteLine("ERROR:\n" + errMsg); return; } } } if (destDS.Database is IFeatureDatabase) { if (destDS.Database is AccessFDB) { //Console.WriteLine(); //Console.WriteLine("Import: " + source_fc); //Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); FDBImport import = new FDBImport(((IFeatureUpdater)destDS.Database).SuggestedInsertFeatureCountPerTransaction); import.ReportAction += new FDBImport.ReportActionEvent(import_ReportAction); import.ReportProgress += new FDBImport.ReportProgressEvent(import_ReportProgress); if (checkout) { if (sourceDS.Database is AccessFDB) { treeDef = ((AccessFDB)sourceDS.Database).FcSpatialIndexDef(source_fc); if (destDS.Database is AccessFDB) { ISpatialIndexDef dsTreeDef = ((AccessFDB)destDS.Database).SpatialIndexDef(destDS.DatasetName); if (treeDef.GeometryType != dsTreeDef.GeometryType) { treeDef = dsTreeDef; } } } } if (!import.ImportToNewFeatureclass((IFeatureDatabase)destDS.Database, destDS.DatasetName, dest_fc, sourceFC, fieldTranslation, true, null, treeDef)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + import.lastErrorMsg); } } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Create: " + source_fc); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------------------------------------"); FeatureImport import = new FeatureImport(); import.ReportAction += new FeatureImport.ReportActionEvent(import_ReportAction2); import.ReportProgress += new FeatureImport.ReportProgressEvent(import_ReportProgress2); if (!import.ImportToNewFeatureclass(destDS, dest_fc, sourceFC, fieldTranslation, true)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + import.lastErrorMsg); } } if (checkout) { IDatasetElement element = destDS[dest_fc]; if (element == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Can't write checkout information..."); return; } IFeatureClass destFC = element.Class as IFeatureClass; string errMsg; if (!Replication.InsertReplicationIDFieldname(destFC, replIDField, out errMsg)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + errMsg); return; } Replication.VersionRights cr = Replication.VersionRights.NONE; Replication.VersionRights pr = Replication.VersionRights.NONE; Replication.ConflictHandling ch = Replication.ConflictHandling.NORMAL; if (child_rights.ToLower().Contains("i")) { cr |= Replication.VersionRights.INSERT; } if (child_rights.ToLower().Contains("u")) { cr |= Replication.VersionRights.UPDATE; } if (child_rights.ToLower().Contains("d")) { cr |= Replication.VersionRights.DELETE; } if (parent_rights.ToLower().Contains("i")) { pr |= Replication.VersionRights.INSERT; } if (parent_rights.ToLower().Contains("u")) { pr |= Replication.VersionRights.UPDATE; } if (parent_rights.ToLower().Contains("d")) { pr |= Replication.VersionRights.DELETE; } switch (conflict_handling.ToLower()) { case "none": ch = Replication.ConflictHandling.NONE; break; case "normal": ch = Replication.ConflictHandling.NORMAL; break; case "parent_wins": ch = Replication.ConflictHandling.PARENT_WINS; break; case "child_wins": ch = Replication.ConflictHandling.CHILD_WINS; break; case "newer_wins": ch = Replication.ConflictHandling.NEWER_WINS; break; } if (!Replication.InsertNewCheckoutSession(sourceFC, pr, destFC, cr, ch, SystemInformation.Replace(checkoutDescription), out errMsg)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + errMsg); return; } if (!Replication.InsertCheckoutLocks(sourceFC, destFC, out errMsg)) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + errMsg); return; } } } else { Console.WriteLine("Destination dataset has no feature database..."); Console.WriteLine("Can't create featureclasses for this kind of dataset..."); } sourceDS.Dispose(); destDS.Dispose(); }
private void ExportAsync_fdb(object element) { if (_fdbExport == null) { return; } List <IQueryFilter> filters = null; if (_filter != null) { filters = new List <IQueryFilter>(); filters.Add(_filter); } if (element is IFeatureClass) { IFeatureClass fc = (IFeatureClass)element; ISpatialIndexDef def = null; if (fc.Dataset != null && fc.Dataset.Database is AccessFDB) { def = ((AccessFDB)fc.Dataset.Database).FcSpatialIndexDef(fc.Name); if (_dataset.Database is AccessFDB) { ISpatialIndexDef dsDef = ((AccessFDB)_dataset.Database).SpatialIndexDef(_dataset.DatasetName); if (dsDef.GeometryType != def.GeometryType) { def = dsDef; } } } if (!_fdbExport.ImportToNewFeatureclass( _dataset.Database as IFeatureDatabase, _dataset.DatasetName, _targetName, fc, null, true, filters, def)) { MessageBox.Show(_fdbExport.lastErrorMsg); } } else if (element is FeatureClassListViewItem) { FeatureClassListViewItem item = element as FeatureClassListViewItem; if (item.FeatureClass == null) { return; } IFeatureClass fc = item.FeatureClass; ISpatialIndexDef def = null; if (fc.Dataset != null && fc.Dataset.Database is AccessFDB) { def = ((AccessFDB)fc.Dataset.Database).FcSpatialIndexDef(fc.Name); if (_dataset.Database is AccessFDB) { ISpatialIndexDef dsDef = ((AccessFDB)_dataset.Database).SpatialIndexDef(_dataset.DatasetName); if (dsDef.GeometryType != def.GeometryType) { def = dsDef; } } } if (!_fdbExport.ImportToNewFeatureclass( _dataset.Database as IFeatureDatabase, _dataset.DatasetName, item.TargetName, fc, item.ImportFieldTranslation, true, filters, def)) { MessageBox.Show(_fdbExport.lastErrorMsg); } } }
async static private Task <BinaryTree2Builder> SpatialIndex2(IFeatureDatabase fdb, IFeatureClass fc, ISpatialIndexDef def, List <IQueryFilter> filters = null) { if (fc == null) { return(null); } IEnvelope bounds = null; if (fc.Envelope != null) { bounds = fc.Envelope; } else if (fc.Dataset is IFeatureDataset && await((IFeatureDataset)fc.Dataset).Envelope() != null) { bounds = await((IFeatureDataset)fc.Dataset).Envelope(); } if (bounds == null) { return(null); } //if (_transformer != null) //{ // IGeometry transBounds = _transformer.Transform2D(bounds) as IGeometry; // if (transBounds != null) // bounds = transBounds.Envelope; //} int maxAllowedLevel = ((fdb is SqlFDB) ? 62 : 30); BinaryTree2Builder treeBuilder = ((Envelope.IsNull(def.SpatialIndexBounds)) ? new BinaryTree2Builder(bounds, ((def.Levels != 0) ? def.Levels : maxAllowedLevel), ((def.MaxPerNode != 0) ? def.MaxPerNode : 500), ((def.SplitRatio != 0.0) ? def.SplitRatio : 0.55), maxVerticesPerNode: 500 * 50) : new BinaryTree2Builder2(def.SpatialIndexBounds, def.Levels, def.MaxPerNode, def.SplitRatio)); if (filters == null) { QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter() { WhereClause = "1=1" }; filter.AddField(fc.ShapeFieldName); filters = new List <IQueryFilter>(); filters.Add(filter); } foreach (IQueryFilter filter in filters) { using (IFeatureCursor fCursor = await fc.GetFeatures(filter)) { if (fCursor == null) { throw new Exception("Fatal error: sourcedb query failed..."); } Console.WriteLine("Calculate spatial index:"); IEnvelope fcEnvelope = bounds; //if (_transformer != null) //{ // IGeometry geom = _transformer.Transform2D(fcEnvelope) as IGeometry; // if (geom == null) // { // _errMsg = "SpatialIndex: Can't project featureclass extent!"; // return null; // } // fcEnvelope = geom.Envelope; //} int counter = 0; IFeature feat; while ((feat = await fCursor.NextFeature()) != null) { IGeometry shape = feat.Shape; //if (_transformer != null) //{ // shape = _transformer.Transform2D(shape) as IGeometry; //} feat.Shape = shape; treeBuilder.AddFeature(feat); counter++; if (counter % 10000 == 0) { Console.Write($"...{ counter }"); } } Console.Write($"...{ counter }"); } } treeBuilder.Trim(); Console.WriteLine(); return(treeBuilder); }