Example #1
        public override bool FullScriptStage(ISourceScript file, ISourceManager sourceManager, IDefinitions defs)
            if (!file.HasValueOfType <string[]>("genParams"))
                return(true); //No error, we just dont have any generic parameters to replace.

            string[] genParams = file.GetValueFromCache <string[]>("genParams");

            Logger.Log(PPLogType.Log, Verbosity.Level5, "Discovering Generic Keywords...");
            if (genParams != null && genParams.Length > 0)
                for (int i = genParams.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    Logger.Log(PPLogType.Log, Verbosity.Level6, "Replacing Keyword {0}{1} with {2} in file {3}",
                               GenericKeyword, i, genParams[i], file.GetKey());
                    Utils.ReplaceKeyWord(file.GetSource(), genParams[i],
                                         GenericKeyword + i);

            Logger.Log(PPLogType.Log, Verbosity.Level5, "Generic Keyword Replacement Finished");

Example #2
        public override bool FullScriptStage(ISourceScript file, ISourceManager sourceManager, IDefinitions defs)
            if (!file.HasValueOfType <string[]>("genParams"))
                return(true); //No error, we just dont have any generic parameters to replace.

            string[] genParams = file.GetValueFromCache <string[]>("genParams");

            Logger.Log(LogType.Log, "Discovering Generic Keywords...", PLUGIN_MIN_SEVERITY);
            if (genParams != null && genParams.Length > 0)
                for (int i = genParams.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                               $"Replacing Keyword {GenericKeyword}{i} with {genParams[i]} in file {file.GetKey()}",
                               PLUGIN_MIN_SEVERITY + 1);
                    Utils.ReplaceKeyWord(file.GetSource(), genParams[i],
                                         GenericKeyword + i);

            Logger.Log(LogType.Log, "Generic Keyword Replacement Finished", PLUGIN_MIN_SEVERITY);

        public bool FullScriptStage(ISourceScript file, ISourceManager sourceManager, IDefinitions defs)
            if (!file.HasValueOfType <string[]>("genParams"))
                return(true);                                             //No error, we just dont have any generic parameters to replace.
            string[] GenParams = file.GetValueFromCache <string[]>("genParams");

            this.Log(DebugLevel.LOGS, Verbosity.LEVEL5, "Discovering Generic Keywords...");
            if (GenParams != null && GenParams.Length > 0)
                for (var i = GenParams.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    this.Log(DebugLevel.LOGS, Verbosity.LEVEL6, "Replacing Keyword {0}{1} with {2} in file {3}", GenericKeyword, i, GenParams[i], file.GetKey());
                    Utils.ReplaceKeyWord(file.GetSource(), GenParams[i],
                                         GenericKeyword + i);

            this.Log(DebugLevel.LOGS, Verbosity.LEVEL5, "Generic Keyword Replacement Finished");
