Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Examples of different ways to send a message
        /// </summary>
        async void OnAppMention(ISlackApp slackApp, AppMention msg)
            // Visible to everyone in the channel
            await slackApp.Say("Thanks for the mention brah", msg.channel);

            // Visible to only the user in the channel
            await slackApp.Say("Thanks for the mention brah", msg.channel, msg.user);

            // Visible as a thread off the main channel
            await slackApp.Say("Thanks for the mention brah", msg.channel, user : null, msg.ts);

            // Sent to the bot messages
            await slackApp.Say("Thanks for the mention brah", msg.user);
Example #2
 public ExampleHometabSurface(ISlackApp slackApp) : base(slackApp)
     Title = "SlackDK Title";
     var layouts = new List <Layout>
         new HeaderLayout("SlackDK Home Page"),
         new SectionLayout {
             text = new Markdown("*Welcome* to the _new_ and _improved_ SlackDK ~inner-city apartment~ home page")
         (_statusLayout = new SectionLayout {
             text = ":wave: hello"
         new SectionLayout
             text      = "It's a kind of",
             block_id  = "magic-block",
             accessory = new ButtonElement
                 action_id = "magic-button",
                 text      = "Magic",
                 Clicked   = ((surface, button, actions) =>
                     _statusLayout.text = ":banana: :sob: Magic is hard";
         new InputLayout
             block_id = "textinput-block",
             label    = "What are you doing today",
             element  = new TextInputElement("what-doing")
                 TextUpdated = (s, _, a) =>
                     _statusLayout.text =
                         new Markdown($"Keep talking brah. I'm listening. `{a.value ?? ""}`");
                 dispatch_action_config = DispatchAction.CharacterEntered
             dispatch_action = true
         new InputLayout
             block_id = "checkboxes-block",
             label    = "Update the following survey",
             element  = new CheckboxesElement("what-survey")
                 options = new List <Option>
                     new Option("I love the historical sound of dialup", "dialup"),
                     new Option("You can never get enough data", "enough-data"),
                     new Option("73.6% of statistics are true", "lies-statistics"),
                     new Option("The future is soo bright, I have to wear shades", "future-shades"),
         new InputLayout
             block_id = "options-block",
             label    = "Update the following option",
             element  = new RadioButtonsElement("what-options")
                 options = new List <Option>
                     new Option("I love fake news", "fake-news"),
                     new Option("Enough data is never enough", "more-data"),
                     new Option("I trust 73.6% of statistics", "true-lies"),
                     new Option("The future is yesterday", "vision"),
         new InputLayout {
             block_id = "date-block", label = "What date will it happen", element = new DatePickerElement("what-date")
         // still in beta
         //new InputLayout
         //    label   = "What time will it happen",
         //    element = new TimePickerElement("what-time")
         new SectionLayout
             block_id  = "overflow-block",
             text      = new Markdown("Whatever you do, :x: do not select a menu item"),
             accessory = new OverflowMenuElement("what-overflow")
                 action_id = "what-overflow",
                 options   = new List <Option>
                     new Option("Erase Everything", "over-erase"),
                     new Option("Delete something", "over-delete"),
                     new Option("Update whatever", "over-update"),
                 Clicked = (s, _, a) =>
                     _statusLayout.text =
                         new Markdown($"I told ya bro. I'm listening. `{a.selected_option}`");
         new SectionLayout
             block_id  = "select-block",
             text      = new Markdown("Fixed list for selection"),
             accessory = new SlackSkills.Surface.SelectElement
                 action_id = "what-selection",
                 options   = new List <Option>
                     new Option("One", "select-one"),
                     new Option("Two", "select-two"),
                     new Option("Three", "select-three"),
                     new Option("Four", "select-four"),
                     new Option("Five", "select-five"),
                 Clicked = (s, _, a) =>
                     _statusLayout.text =
                         new Markdown($"Fixed selection is the bomb. `{a.selected_option}`");
         new SectionLayout
             block_id  = "select-external-block",
             text      = "Dynamic list for selection",
             accessory = new SelectExternalElement
                 action_id   = "what-select-dynamic",
                 placeholder = "The start of something dynamic",
                 Suggestions = value =>
                               new Options
                     options = new List <Option>
                         new(value + " One", value + "-select-one"),
                         new(value + " Two", value + "-select-two"),
                         new(value + " Three", value + "-select-three"),
                         new(value + " Four", value + "-select-four"),
                         new(value + " Five", value + "-select-five"),