/// <summary>
        /// This adds the delegate value as a listener to when this event is fired
        /// by the component, invoking the addOnXXX method.
        /// </summary>
        public override void AddEventHandler(object component, Delegate value)

            if (component != null)
                ISite?site = GetSite(component);
                IComponentChangeService?changeService = null;

                // Announce that we are about to change this component
                if (site != null)
                    changeService = (IComponentChangeService?)site.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService));

                if (changeService != null)
                        changeService.OnComponentChanging(component, this);
                    catch (CheckoutException coEx)
                        if (coEx == CheckoutException.Canceled)
                    changeService.OnComponentChanging(component, this);

                bool shadowed = false;

                if (site != null && site.DesignMode)
                    // Events are final, so just check the class
                    if (EventType != value.GetType())
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.ErrorInvalidEventHandler, Name));
                    IDictionaryService?dict = (IDictionaryService?)site.GetService(typeof(IDictionaryService));
                    if (dict != null)
                        Delegate?eventdesc = (Delegate?)dict.GetValue(this);
                        eventdesc = Delegate.Combine(eventdesc, value);
                        dict.SetValue(this, eventdesc);
                        shadowed = true;

                if (!shadowed)
                    _addMethod !.Invoke(component, new[] { value });

                // Now notify the change service that the change was successful.
                changeService?.OnComponentChanged(component, this, null, value);
        /// <summary>
        /// This will remove the delegate value from the event chain so that
        /// it no longer gets events from this component.
        /// </summary>
        public override void RemoveEventHandler(object component, Delegate value)

            if (component != null)
                ISite?site = GetSite(component);
                IComponentChangeService?changeService = null;

                // Announce that we are about to change this component
                if (site != null)
                    changeService = (IComponentChangeService?)site.GetService(typeof(IComponentChangeService));

                if (changeService != null)
                        changeService.OnComponentChanging(component, this);
                    catch (CheckoutException coEx)
                        if (coEx == CheckoutException.Canceled)
                    changeService.OnComponentChanging(component, this);

                bool shadowed = false;

                if (site != null && site.DesignMode)
                    IDictionaryService?dict = (IDictionaryService?)site.GetService(typeof(IDictionaryService));
                    if (dict != null)
                        Delegate?del = (Delegate?)dict.GetValue(this);
                        del = Delegate.Remove(del, value);
                        dict.SetValue(this, del);
                        shadowed = true;

                if (!shadowed)
                    _removeMethod !.Invoke(component, new[] { value });

                // Now notify the change service that the change was successful.
                changeService?.OnComponentChanged(component, this, null, value);
            /// <summary>
            /// Retrieves the component name from the site.
            /// </summary>
            internal static string?GetComponentName(object?instance)
                IComponent?comp = instance as IComponent;
                ISite?     site = comp?.Site;

                if (site != null)
                    INestedSite?nestedSite = site as INestedSite;
                    return((nestedSite?.FullName) ?? site.Name);

Example #4
        // Gets the selection service from the control's site
        internal static ISelectionService?GetSelectionService(Control ctl)
            ISite?site = ctl.Site;

            if (site is not null)
                ISelectionService?selectionService = site.GetService <ISelectionService>();
                Debug.Assert(selectionService is not null, "service must implement ISelectionService");


Example #5
        public virtual void Add(IComponent?component, string?name)
            lock (_syncObj)
                if (component == null)

                ISite?site = component.Site;
                if (site != null && site.Container == this)

                if (_sites == null)
                    _sites = new ISite[4];
                    // Validate that new components have either a null name or a unique one.
                    ValidateName(component, name);

                    if (_sites.Length == _siteCount)
                        ISite[] newSites = new ISite[_siteCount * 2];
                        Array.Copy(_sites, newSites, _siteCount);
                        _sites = newSites;

                site?.Container !.Remove(component);

                ISite newSite = CreateSite(component, name);
                _sites[_siteCount++] = newSite;
                component.Site       = newSite;
                _components          = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the given value object to the reference type using the specified context and arguments.
        /// </summary>
        public override object?ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext?context, CultureInfo?culture, object?value, Type destinationType)
            if (destinationType == typeof(string))
                if (value != null)
                    // Try the reference service first.
                    if (context?.GetService(typeof(IReferenceService)) is IReferenceService refSvc)
                        string?name = refSvc.GetName(value);
                        if (name != null)

                    // Now see if this is an IComponent.
                    if (!Marshal.IsComObject(value) && value is IComponent comp)
                        ISite? site = comp.Site;
                        string?name = site?.Name;
                        if (name != null)

                    // Couldn't find it.


            return(base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType));
Example #7
        public virtual void ApplyResources(object value, string objectName, CultureInfo?culture)
            if (value == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));
            if (objectName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objectName));
            if (culture == null)
                culture = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;

            // The general case here will be to always use the same culture, so optimize for
            // that. The resourceSets hashtable uses culture as a key. It's value is
            // a sorted dictionary that contains ALL the culture values (so it traverses up
            // the parent culture chain) for that culture. This means that if ApplyResources
            // is called with different cultures there could be some redundancy in the
            // table, but it allows the normal case of calling with a single culture to
            // be much faster.

            // The reason we use a SortedDictionary here is to ensure the resources are applied
            // in an order consistent with codedom deserialization.
            SortedList <string, object?>?resources;

            if (_resourceSets == null)
                _resourceSets          = new Hashtable();
                resources              = FillResources(culture, out _);
                _resourceSets[culture] = resources;
                resources = (SortedList <string, object?>?)_resourceSets[culture];
                if (resources == null || (resources.Comparer.Equals(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != IgnoreCase))
                    resources = FillResources(culture, out _);
                    _resourceSets[culture] = resources;

            BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.Instance;

            if (IgnoreCase)
                flags |= BindingFlags.IgnoreCase;

            bool componentReflect = false;

            if (value is IComponent)
                ISite?site = ((IComponent)value).Site;
                if (site != null && site.DesignMode)
                    componentReflect = true;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object?> kvp in resources)
                // See if this key matches our object.
                string key = kvp.Key;

                if (IgnoreCase)
                    if (string.Compare(key, 0, objectName, 0, objectName.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                    if (string.CompareOrdinal(key, 0, objectName, 0, objectName.Length) != 0)

                // Character after objectName.Length should be a "." or a '-', or else we should continue.
                int idx = objectName.Length;
                if (key.Length <= idx || (key[idx] != '.' && key[idx] != '-'))

                // Bypass type descriptor if we are not in design mode. TypeDescriptor does an attribute
                // scan which is quite expensive.
                string propName = key.Substring(idx + 1);

                if (componentReflect)
                    PropertyDescriptor?prop = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(value).Find(propName, IgnoreCase);

                    if (prop != null && !prop.IsReadOnly && (kvp.Value == null || prop.PropertyType.IsInstanceOfType(kvp.Value)))
                        prop.SetValue(value, kvp.Value);

                        prop = value.GetType().GetProperty(propName, flags);
                    catch (AmbiguousMatchException)
                        // Looks like we ran into a conflict between a declared property and an inherited one.
                        // In such cases, we choose the most declared one.
                        Type?t = value.GetType();
                            prop = t.GetProperty(propName, flags | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                            t    = t.BaseType;
                        } while (prop == null && t != null && t != typeof(object));

                    if (prop != null && prop.CanWrite && (kvp.Value == null || prop.PropertyType.IsInstanceOfType(kvp.Value)))
                        prop.SetValue(value, kvp.Value, null);