public RenameAllOccurences(ISharePointClient iSharePointClient, string baseRelativeUrl, string oldFolderName, string newFolderName)
     Sharepoint = iSharePointClient;
     BaseRelativeUrl = baseRelativeUrl;
     OldFolderName = oldFolderName;
     NewFolderName = newFolderName;
        public override async Task <string> RemoveUserAsync(string username)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                throw new ArgumentException("Username cannot be null or empty", nameof(username));

            _logger.LogDebug("Removing access for {Username}", username);

            var user = await _userSearchService.SearchAsync(username);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user?.UserPrincipalName))
                _logger.LogInformation("Cannot locate UPN for for {Username}, cannot remove users access", username);
                return("User not found");

            // format the SharePoint login name format
            string loginName = Constants.LoginNamePrefix + user.UserPrincipalName;

            ISharePointClient restClient = await GetSharePointRestClientForUpdate();

            var groups = await restClient.GetSiteGroupsAsync();

            var siteGroups = groups.Data.Results;

            StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var siteGroup in siteGroups)
                var getUsersResponse = await restClient.GetUsersInGroupAsync(siteGroup.Id);

                var users = getUsersResponse.Data.Results.Where(_ => LoginNameComparer.Equals(_.LoginName, loginName));

                foreach (var sharePointUser in users)
                    _logger.LogInformation("Removing {@User} from site group {@SiteGroup}", sharePointUser, siteGroup);

                        await restClient.RemoveUserFromSiteGroupAsync(siteGroup.Id, sharePointUser.Id);
                    catch (ApiException e)
                        var errorResponse = await e.GetContentAsAsync <SharePointErrorResponse>();

                        _logger.LogWarning(e, "Error removing user from Sharepoint group {@Error}", errorResponse);

                        response.Append(response.Length != 0 ? ", " : "Error removing user from site group(s): ");

 public HighTrustSharePointContext(
     IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor,
     ISharePointClient sharePointClient,
     ITokenIssuer tokenIssuer,
     IOptions <HighTrustSharePointOptions> options) : base(httpContextAccessor)
     _sharePointClient = sharePointClient;
     _tokenIssuer      = tokenIssuer;
     _options          = options.Value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(HighTrustSharePointOptions));
Example #4
        public override async Task <bool> UserHasAccessAsync(string username, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                throw new ArgumentException("Username cannot be null or empty", nameof(username));

            Logger.Debug("Checking {Username} has access to project", username);

            var user = await _userSearchService.SearchAsync(username);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user?.UserPrincipalName))
                Logger.Information("Cannot locate UPN for for {Username}, cannot check users access", username);

            // format the SharePoint login name format
            string loginName = Constants.LoginNamePrefix + user.UserPrincipalName;

            ISharePointClient restClient = await GetSharePointRestClient();

            var groups = await restClient.GetSiteGroupsAsync(cancellationToken);

            var siteGroups = groups.Data.Results;

            // service account does not have permission to view membership of "Excel Services Viewers"
            // TODO: make this configurable
            foreach (var siteGroup in siteGroups)
                    var getUsersResponse = await restClient.GetUsersInGroupAsync(siteGroup.Id, cancellationToken);

                    var groupMember = getUsersResponse.Data.Results.Any(_ => LoginNameComparer.Equals(_.LoginName, loginName));

                    if (groupMember)
                        Logger.Debug("{@User} has access because they are in site group {@SiteGroup}", user, siteGroup);
                catch (ApiException e) when(e.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)
                    // we dont have access to all site groups
                    Logger.Debug(e, "No access to {@SiteGroup}, unable to check access", siteGroup);

Example #5
        public LowTrustSharePointContext(
            IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor,
            ISharePointClient sharePointClient,
            IAcsClient acsClient,
            IOptions <LowTrustSharePointOptions> options) : base(httpContextAccessor)
            _options = options.Value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(LowTrustSharePointOptions));

            _sharePointClient = sharePointClient;
            _acsClient        = acsClient;

            _tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
        public override async Task <bool> UserHasAccessAsync(string username)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                throw new ArgumentException("Username cannot be null or empty", nameof(username));

            var user = await _userSearchService.SearchAsync(username);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user?.UserPrincipalName))
                _logger.LogInformation("Cannot locate UPN for for {Username}, cannot check users access", username);

            // format the SharePoint login name format
            string loginName = Constants.LoginNamePrefix + user.UserPrincipalName;

            ISharePointClient restClient = await GetSharePointRestClient();

            var groups = await restClient.GetSiteGroupsAsync();

            var siteGroups = groups.Data.Results;

            foreach (var siteGroup in siteGroups)
                var getUsersResponse = await restClient.GetUsersInGroupAsync(siteGroup.Id);

                var groupMember = getUsersResponse.Data.Results.Any(_ => LoginNameComparer.Equals(_.LoginName, loginName));

                if (groupMember)
                    _logger.LogInformation("{@User} has access because they are in site group {@SiteGroup}", user, siteGroup);

        public override async Task <string> AddUserAsync(string username)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
                throw new ArgumentException("Username cannot be null or empty", nameof(username));

            var user = await _userSearchService.SearchAsync(username);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user?.UserPrincipalName))
                _logger.LogInformation("Cannot locate UPN for for {Username}, cannot add users access", username);
                return($"Unable to locate user's User Principal Name (UPN)");

            ISharePointClient restClient = await GetSharePointRestClientForUpdate();

            GetSharePointWebVerboseResponse web = await restClient.GetWebAsync();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(web?.Data?.Title))
                _logger.LogWarning("Cannot get site group name for {Project} on resource {ResourceType}", Project.Name, ProjectResource.Type);
                return($"Unable to get SharePoint site group name");

            // we always add users to '<site-group> Members'
            var siteGroupTitle = web.Data.Title + " Members";

            GetSiteGroupsVerboseResponse siteGroups = await restClient.GetSiteGroupsByTitleAsync(siteGroupTitle);

            if (siteGroups.Data.Results.Count == 0)
                _logger.LogInformation("Cannot find site group {@SiteGroup}", new SiteGroup {
                    Title = siteGroupTitle
                return($"SharePoint site group '{siteGroupTitle}' not found");

            var siteGroup = siteGroups.Data.Results[0];

            _logger.LogInformation("Adding {Username} to site collection {@SiteGroup} for {Project} on resource {ResourceType}",

            string logonName = Constants.LoginNamePrefix + user.UserPrincipalName;

                await restClient.AddUserToGroupAsync(siteGroup.Id, new User { LoginName = logonName });

            catch (ApiException e)
                var errorResponse = await e.GetContentAsAsync <SharePointErrorResponse>();

                _logger.LogWarning(e, "Error adding user to Sharepoint group {@Error}", errorResponse);
                return($"Error occuring adding user to SharePoint site group '{siteGroupTitle}'");
 public SharePointPostCreator(ISharePointClient sharePointClient, IFileService fileService)
     _sharePointClient = sharePointClient;
     _fileService      = fileService;