/// <summary> /// TBD /// </summary> /// <param name="typeName">TBD</param> /// <param name="settings">TBD</param> /// <param name="allocationStrategy">TBD</param> public PersistentShardCoordinator(string typeName, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy) { TypeName = typeName; Settings = settings; _currentState = State.Empty.WithRememberEntities(settings.RememberEntities); AllocationStrategy = allocationStrategy; RemovalMargin = Cluster.DowningProvider.DownRemovalMargin; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Role)) { MinMembers = Cluster.Settings.MinNrOfMembers; } else { MinMembers = Cluster.Settings.MinNrOfMembersOfRole.GetValueOrDefault(settings.Role, Cluster.Settings.MinNrOfMembers); } JournalPluginId = Settings.JournalPluginId; SnapshotPluginId = Settings.SnapshotPluginId; _rebalanceTask = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable(Settings.TunningParameters.RebalanceInterval, Settings.TunningParameters.RebalanceInterval, Self, RebalanceTick.Instance, Self); Cluster.Subscribe(Self, ClusterEvent.SubscriptionInitialStateMode.InitialStateAsEvents, new[] { typeof(ClusterEvent.ClusterShuttingDown) }); }
static ImmutableList <int> AllocationCountsAfterRebalance( IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, IImmutableDictionary <IActorRef, IImmutableList <string> > allocations, IImmutableSet <string> rebalance) { return(CountShardsPerRegion(AfterRebalance(allocationStrategy, allocations, rebalance))); }
private void TestRebalance( IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, IImmutableDictionary <IActorRef, IImmutableList <string> > allocations, ImmutableList <IImmutableDictionary <IActorRef, IImmutableList <string> > > steps, int maxSteps) { var round = steps.Count; var rebalanceResult = allocationStrategy.Rebalance(allocations, ImmutableHashSet <string> .Empty).Result; var newAllocations = LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.AfterRebalance(allocationStrategy, allocations, rebalanceResult); LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.CountShards(newAllocations).Should().Be(LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.CountShards(allocations), $"test {allocationStrategy}[{ string.Join(", ", LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.CountShardsPerRegion(allocations))}]: "); var min = LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.CountShardsPerRegion(newAllocations).Min(); var max = LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.CountShardsPerRegion(newAllocations).Max(); var diff = max - min; var newSteps = steps.Add(newAllocations); if (diff <= 1) { if (round >= 3 && maxSteps <= 10) { // Should be very rare (I have not seen it) Sys.Log.Info($"rebalance solved in round {round}, [{string.Join(" => ", newSteps.Select(step => string.Join(", ", LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.CountShardsPerRegion(step))))}]"); } } else if (round == maxSteps) { throw new AssertionFailedException($"Couldn't solve rebalance in $round rounds, [{string.Join(" => ", newSteps.Select(step => string.Join(", ", LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.CountShardsPerRegion(step))))}]"); } else { TestRebalance(allocationStrategy, newAllocations, newSteps, maxSteps); } }
private void TestRebalance( IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, int maxRegions, int maxShardsPerRegion, int expectedMaxSteps) { foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(1, iterationsPerTest)) { iteration += 1; var numberOfRegions = rnd.Next(maxRegions) + 1; var memberArray = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfRegions).Select(n => LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.NewUpMember("", port: n)).ToArray(); clusterMembers = ImmutableSortedSet.Create(memberArray);//.toIndexedSeq: _ *); var regions = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfRegions).Select(n => LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec.NewFakeRegion($"{iteration}-R{n}", memberArray[n - 1])); //var regions = Enumerable.Range(1, numberOfRegions).Select(n => Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty, $"{iteration}-R{n}")).ToImmutableList(); var countPerRegion = regions.ToImmutableDictionary(region => region, region => rnd.Next(maxShardsPerRegion)); var allocations = CreateAllocations(countPerRegion); TestRebalance(allocationStrategy, allocations, ImmutableList.Create(allocations), expectedMaxSteps); foreach (var region in regions) { Sys.Stop(region); } } }
public LeastShardAllocationStrategyRandomizedSpec() { rndSeed = DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond; rnd = new Random(rndSeed); Log.Info($"Random seed: {rndSeed}"); strategyWithoutLimits = StrategyWithFakeCluster(); }
/// <summary> /// Register a named entity type by defining the <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actor and /// functions to extract entity and shard identifier from messages. The <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// actor for this type can later be retrieved with the <see cref="ShardRegion"/> method. /// </summary> /// <param name="typeName">The name of the entity type</param> /// <param name="entityProps"> /// The <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actors that will be created by the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// </param> /// <param name="settings">Configuration settings, see <see cref="ClusterShardingSettings"/></param> /// <param name="messageExtractor"> /// Functions to extract the entity id, shard id, and the message to send to the entity from the incoming message. /// </param> /// <param name="allocationStrategy">Possibility to use a custom shard allocation and rebalancing logic</param> /// <param name="handOffMessage"> /// The message that will be sent to entities when they are to be stopped for a rebalance or /// graceful shutdown of a <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/>, e.g. <see cref="PoisonPill"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>The actor ref of the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> that is to be responsible for the shard.</returns> public Task <IActorRef> StartAsync(string typeName, Props entityProps, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IMessageExtractor messageExtractor, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, object handOffMessage) { IdExtractor idExtractor = messageExtractor.ToIdExtractor(); ShardResolver shardResolver = messageExtractor.ShardId; return(StartAsync(typeName, entityProps, settings, idExtractor, shardResolver, allocationStrategy, handOffMessage)); }
public LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec() { _regionA = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty, "regionA"); _regionB = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty, "regionB"); _regionC = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty, "regionC"); _allocationStrategy = new LeastShardAllocationStrategy(3, 2); }
public LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec() : base(new XunitAssertions(), "LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec") { _regionA = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty, "regionA"); _regionB = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty, "regionB"); _regionC = Sys.ActorOf(Props.Empty, "regionC"); _allocationStrategy = new LeastShardAllocationStrategy(3, 2); }
/// <summary> /// Register a named entity type by defining the <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actor and /// functions to extract entity and shard identifier from messages. The <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// actor for this type can later be retrieved with the <see cref="ShardRegion"/> method. /// </summary> /// <param name="typeName">The name of the entity type</param> /// <param name="entityProps"> /// The <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actors that will be created by the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// </param> /// <param name="settings">Configuration settings, see <see cref="ClusterShardingSettings"/></param> /// <param name="messageExtractor"> /// Functions to extract the entity id, shard id, and the message to send to the entity from the incoming message. /// </param> /// <param name="allocationStrategy">Possibility to use a custom shard allocation and rebalancing logic</param> /// <param name="handOffMessage"> /// The message that will be sent to entities when they are to be stopped for a rebalance or /// graceful shutdown of a <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/>, e.g. <see cref="PoisonPill"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>The actor ref of the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> that is to be responsible for the shard.</returns> public Task <IActorRef> StartAsync(string typeName, Props entityProps, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IMessageExtractor messageExtractor, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, object handOffMessage) { ExtractEntityId extractEntityId = messageExtractor.ToExtractEntityId(); ExtractShardId extractShardId = messageExtractor.ShardId; return(StartAsync(typeName, entityProps, settings, extractEntityId, extractShardId, allocationStrategy, handOffMessage)); }
public LeastShardAllocationStrategySpec() { memberA = NewUpMember(""); memberB = NewUpMember(""); memberC = NewUpMember(""); regionA = NewFakeRegion("regionA", memberA); regionB = NewFakeRegion("regionB", memberB); regionC = NewFakeRegion("regionC", memberC); strategyWithoutLimits = StrategyWithFakeCluster(absoluteLimit: 1000, relativeLimit: 1.0); }
public PersistentShardCoordinator(string typeName, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy) { TypeName = typeName; Settings = settings; AllocationStrategy = allocationStrategy; DownRemovalMargin = Cluster.Settings.DownRemovalMargin; JournalPluginId = Settings.JournalPluginId; SnapshotPluginId = Settings.SnapshotPluginId; _rebalanceTask = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable(Settings.TunningParameters.RebalanceInterval, Settings.TunningParameters.RebalanceInterval, Self, RebalanceTick.Instance, Self); Cluster.Subscribe(Self, ClusterEvent.SubscriptionInitialStateMode.InitialStateAsEvents, new[] { typeof(ClusterEvent.ClusterShuttingDown) }); }
public Start(string typeName, Props entityProps, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IdExtractor idIdExtractor, ShardResolver shardResolver, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, object handOffStopMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("typeName", "ClusterSharding start requires type name to be provided"); if (entityProps == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("entityProps", string.Format("ClusterSharding start requires Props for [{0}] to be provided", typeName)); TypeName = typeName; EntityProps = entityProps; Settings = settings; IdExtractor = idIdExtractor; ShardResolver = shardResolver; AllocationStrategy = allocationStrategy; HandOffStopMessage = handOffStopMessage; }
internal static IImmutableDictionary <IActorRef, IImmutableList <string> > AfterRebalance( IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, IImmutableDictionary <IActorRef, IImmutableList <string> > allocations, IImmutableSet <string> rebalance) { var allocationsAfterRemoval = allocations.SetItems(allocations.Select(i => new KeyValuePair <IActorRef, IImmutableList <string> >(i.Key, i.Value.ToImmutableHashSet().Except(rebalance).OrderBy(j => j).ToImmutableList()))); IImmutableDictionary <IActorRef, IImmutableList <string> > acc = allocationsAfterRemoval; foreach (var shard in rebalance.OrderBy(i => i)) { var region = allocationStrategy.AllocateShard(new DummyActorRef(), shard, acc).Result; acc = acc.SetItem(region, acc[region].Add(shard)); } return(acc); }
/// <summary> /// Register a named entity type by defining the <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actor and /// functions to extract entity and shard identifier from messages. The <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// actor for this type can later be retrieved with the <see cref="ShardRegion"/> method. /// </summary> /// <param name="typeName">The name of the entity type</param> /// <param name="entityProps"> /// The <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actors that will be created by the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// </param> /// <param name="settings">Configuration settings, see <see cref="ClusterShardingSettings"/></param> /// <param name="extractEntityId"> /// Partial function to extract the entity id and the message to send to the entity from the incoming message, /// if the partial function does not match the message will be `unhandled`, /// i.e.posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream /// </param> /// <param name="extractShardId"> /// Function to determine the shard id for an incoming message, only messages that passed the `extractEntityId` will be used /// </param> /// <param name="allocationStrategy">Possibility to use a custom shard allocation and rebalancing logic</param> /// <param name="handOffStopMessage"> /// The message that will be sent to entities when they are to be stopped for a rebalance or /// graceful shutdown of a <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/>, e.g. <see cref="PoisonPill"/>. /// </param> /// <exception cref="IllegalStateException"> /// This exception is thrown when the cluster member doesn't have the role specified in <paramref name="settings"/>. /// </exception> /// <returns>The actor ref of the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> that is to be responsible for the shard.</returns> public IActorRef Start( string typeName, Props entityProps, ClusterShardingSettings settings, ExtractEntityId extractEntityId, ExtractShardId extractShardId, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, object handOffStopMessage) { RequireClusterRole(settings.Role); var timeout = _system.Settings.CreationTimeout; var startMsg = new ClusterShardingGuardian.Start(typeName, entityProps, settings, extractEntityId, extractShardId, allocationStrategy, handOffStopMessage); var started = _guardian.Value.Ask <ClusterShardingGuardian.Started>(startMsg, timeout).Result; var shardRegion = started.ShardRegion; _regions.TryAdd(typeName, shardRegion); return(shardRegion); }
/// <summary> /// TBD /// </summary> /// <param name="typeName">TBD</param> /// <param name="entityProps">TBD</param> /// <param name="settings">TBD</param> /// <param name="extractEntityId">TBD</param> /// <param name="extractShardId">TBD</param> /// <param name="allocationStrategy">TBD</param> /// <param name="handOffStopMessage">TBD</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// This exception is thrown when the specified <paramref name="typeName"/> or <paramref name="entityProps"/> is undefined. /// </exception> public Start(string typeName, Func <string, Props> entityProps, ClusterShardingSettings settings, ExtractEntityId extractEntityId, ExtractShardId extractShardId, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, object handOffStopMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeName), "ClusterSharding start requires type name to be provided"); } if (entityProps == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entityProps), $"ClusterSharding start requires Props for [{typeName}] to be provided"); } TypeName = typeName; EntityProps = entityProps; Settings = settings; ExtractEntityId = extractEntityId; ExtractShardId = extractShardId; AllocationStrategy = allocationStrategy; HandOffStopMessage = handOffStopMessage; }
/// <summary> /// TBD /// </summary> /// <param name="typeName">TBD</param> /// <param name="entityProps">TBD</param> /// <param name="settings">TBD</param> /// <param name="idIdExtractor">TBD</param> /// <param name="shardResolver">TBD</param> /// <param name="allocationStrategy">TBD</param> /// <param name="handOffStopMessage">TBD</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// This exception is thrown when the specified <paramref name="typeName"/> or <paramref name="entityProps"/> is undefined. /// </exception> public Start(string typeName, Props entityProps, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IdExtractor idIdExtractor, ShardResolver shardResolver, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, object handOffStopMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeName), "ClusterSharding start requires type name to be provided"); } if (entityProps == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entityProps), $"ClusterSharding start requires Props for [{typeName}] to be provided"); } TypeName = typeName; EntityProps = entityProps; Settings = settings; IdExtractor = idIdExtractor; ShardResolver = shardResolver; AllocationStrategy = allocationStrategy; HandOffStopMessage = handOffStopMessage; }
/// <summary> /// Register a named entity type by defining the <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actor and /// functions to extract entity and shard identifier from messages. The <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// actor for this type can later be retrieved with the <see cref="ShardRegion"/> method. /// </summary> /// <param name="typeName">The name of the entity type</param> /// <param name="entityProps"> /// The <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the entity actors that will be created by the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> /// </param> /// <param name="settings">Configuration settings, see <see cref="ClusterShardingSettings"/></param> /// <param name="idExtractor"> /// Partial function to extract the entity id and the message to send to the entity from the incoming message, /// if the partial function does not match the message will be `unhandled`, /// i.e.posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream /// </param> /// <param name="shardResolver"> /// Function to determine the shard id for an incoming message, only messages that passed the `extractEntityId` will be used /// </param> /// <param name="allocationStrategy">Possibility to use a custom shard allocation and rebalancing logic</param> /// <param name="handOffStopMessage"> /// The message that will be sent to entities when they are to be stopped for a rebalance or /// graceful shutdown of a <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/>, e.g. <see cref="PoisonPill"/>. /// </param> /// <returns>The actor ref of the <see cref="Sharding.ShardRegion"/> that is to be responsible for the shard.</returns> public IActorRef Start( string typeName, //TODO: change type name to type instance? Props entityProps, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IdExtractor idExtractor, ShardResolver shardResolver, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, object handOffStopMessage) { RequireClusterRole(settings.Role); var timeout = _system.Settings.CreationTimeout; var startMsg = new ClusterShardingGuardian.Start(typeName, entityProps, settings, idExtractor, shardResolver, allocationStrategy, handOffStopMessage); var started = _guardian.Value.Ask <ClusterShardingGuardian.Started>(startMsg, timeout).Result; var shardRegion = started.ShardRegion; _regions.TryAdd(typeName, shardRegion); return(shardRegion); }
public DDataShardCoordinator(string typeName, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, IActorRef replicator, int majorityMinCap, bool rememberEntities) { _replicator = replicator; _rememberEntities = rememberEntities; Settings = settings; AllocationStrategy = allocationStrategy; Log = Context.GetLogger(); Cluster = Cluster.Get(Context.System); CurrentState = PersistentShardCoordinator.State.Empty.WithRememberEntities(settings.RememberEntities); RemovalMargin = Cluster.DowningProvider.DownRemovalMargin; MinMembers = string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Role) ? Cluster.Settings.MinNrOfMembers : (Cluster.Settings.MinNrOfMembersOfRole.TryGetValue(settings.Role, out var min) ? min : Cluster.Settings.MinNrOfMembers); RebalanceTask = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable(Settings.TunningParameters.RebalanceInterval, Settings.TunningParameters.RebalanceInterval, Self, RebalanceTick.Instance, Self); _readConsistency = new ReadMajority(settings.TunningParameters.WaitingForStateTimeout, majorityMinCap); _writeConsistency = new WriteMajority(settings.TunningParameters.UpdatingStateTimeout, majorityMinCap); _coordinatorStateKey = new LWWRegisterKey <PersistentShardCoordinator.State>(typeName + "CoordinatorState"); _allShardsKey = new GSetKey <string>($"shard-{typeName}-all"); _allKeys = rememberEntities ? ImmutableHashSet.CreateRange(new IKey <IReplicatedData>[] { _coordinatorStateKey, _allShardsKey }) : ImmutableHashSet.Create <IKey <IReplicatedData> >(_coordinatorStateKey); if (rememberEntities) { replicator.Tell(Dsl.Subscribe(_allShardsKey, Self)); } Cluster.Subscribe(Self, ClusterEvent.SubscriptionInitialStateMode.InitialStateAsEvents, typeof(ClusterEvent.ClusterShuttingDown)); // get state from ddata replicator, repeat until GetSuccess GetCoordinatorState(); GetAllShards(); Context.Become(WaitingForState(_allKeys)); }
internal static Props Props(string typeName, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy, IActorRef replicator, int majorityMinCap, bool rememberEntities) => Actor.Props.Create(() => new DDataShardCoordinator(typeName, settings, allocationStrategy, replicator, majorityMinCap, rememberEntities)).WithDeploy(Deploy.Local);
/// <summary> /// Factory method for the <see cref="Actor.Props"/> of the <see cref="PersistentShardCoordinator"/> actor. /// </summary> internal static Props Props(string typeName, ClusterShardingSettings settings, IShardAllocationStrategy allocationStrategy) { return(Actor.Props.Create(() => new PersistentShardCoordinator(typeName, settings, allocationStrategy)).WithDeploy(Deploy.Local)); }