Example #1
        private string GetCurrentUserId()
            // Grab the current user's username
            var changedByUserName = this.GetCurrentUserName();

            // Set the "Id" variable to the name of the primary key "Id" column as defined in the config
            var Id = loggingConfig_User.Id;

            // Get the user type defined in the config
            Type userType = Type.GetType(loggingConfig_User.UserTypeFullName + ", " + loggingConfig_User.UserTypeAssemblyName);

            // Create a generic expression in order to search for the user, matching the "UserName" column defined in the config
            const string methodSignature =
                "System.Linq.Expressions.Expression`1[TDelegate] Lambda[TDelegate]" +
                "(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[])";
            MethodInfo expression_method_Lambda = typeof(Expression).GetMethods().Single(m => m.ToString() == methodSignature);
            var        func_type = typeof(Func <,>).MakeGenericType(userType, typeof(bool));
            MethodInfo expression_generic_Lambda = expression_method_Lambda.MakeGenericMethod(func_type);
            var        param = Expression.Parameter(userType, "p");
            var        exp   = expression_generic_Lambda.Invoke(null, new object[] {
                    Expression.Property(param, loggingConfig_User.UserName),
                new [] { param }

            // Make a generic call to repo.Single using the recently acquired user type and expression
            MethodInfo repo_method_Single  = repo.GetType().GetMethod("Single");
            MethodInfo repo_generic_Single = repo_method_Single.MakeGenericMethod(userType);
            var        user = repo_generic_Single.Invoke(repo, new object[] { exp });

            if (user == null)
                return("User: "******"\"" + changedByUserName + "\"" + " not found.");

            // Get the primary key of the user return it
            var userIdProp = userType.GetProperty(Id);

            return(userIdProp.GetValue(user, null).ToString());