public void GoogleSearch() { selenium.Open(""); Assert.AreEqual("Google", selenium.GetTitle()); selenium.Type("q", "Selenium OpenQA"); Assert.AreEqual("Selenium OpenQA", selenium.GetValue("q")); selenium.Click("btnG"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("5000"); Assert.IsTrue(selenium.IsTextPresent("")); Assert.AreEqual("Selenium OpenQA - Google Search", selenium.GetTitle()); }
public void TestMethod3() { string URL = ""; selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", URL); selenium.Start(); selenium.Open("/"); Assert.AreEqual("The ABB Group - Automation and Power Technologies", selenium.GetTitle()); selenium.Type("searchInput", "Robot"); selenium.Click("search"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("10000"); Assert.AreEqual("The ABB Group", selenium.GetTitle()); Assert.AreEqual("Robot", selenium.GetValue("searchInput")); }
private void handleKnownTestException(Exception e) { Console.Error.Write("Details: "); if (e.Message.Length > 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.Message); if (Regex.IsMatch(e.Message, "ERROR: Element .* not found")) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Location:" + selenium.GetLocation()); Console.Error.WriteLine("Page title: " + selenium.GetTitle()); Console.Error.WriteLine("Fields are:"); foreach (var field in selenium.GetAllFields()) { Console.Error.WriteLine(field); } } } else if (e is AssertionException) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Assertion failed. No message provided."); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine( "No useful exception message. Try to improve exception handling in WebTester once underlying problem is discovered. Main exception ToString: " + e); } }
public string GetTitle() { bool actRes = false; string errStr = "", resStr = ""; try { resStr = selenium.GetTitle(); actRes = true; } catch (System.Exception ex) { errStr = ex.ToString(); } res = new ResultClass() { Decp = "GetValue", Res = actRes ? "pass" : "fail", Tdev = " ms", Err = errStr, }; BaseListOfResItems.Add(res); return(resStr); }
public void SetupClass() { base.StartServer(); selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["baseUrl"]); selenium.Start(); verificationErrors = new StringBuilder(); selenium.DeleteAllVisibleCookies(); selenium.Open("/dna/mbfood/"); // To Do // too general, could crash test if a topic happened to have the wrong name Assert.IsFalse(selenium.IsTextPresent("error")); Assert.IsFalse(selenium.IsTextPresent("There has been a problem")); selenium.Click("link=Sign in"); selenium.Click("bbcid_username"); selenium.Type("bbcid_username", "mpgsuper"); selenium.Type("bbcid_password", "ratbags"); selenium.Click("signin"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); // going this way so as to be certain to get the right site options without thinking about it selenium.Click("link=Site Options"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); // check a) where we are b) BBC site requirements for page titles - note that this title breaks those guidelines Assert.AreEqual("BBC - Food - DNA Administration - Site Options - Food", selenium.GetTitle()); Assert.IsTrue(selenium.IsElementPresent("//input[@name='sov_49_General_CustomBarlesquePath']"); stateOfOption = selenium.GetValue("//input[@name='so_49_General_CustomBarlesquePath' and @type='radio' and @checked='']/@value"); valueOfOption = selenium.GetValue("//input[@name='so_49_General_CustomBarlesquePath' and @type='text']"); }
public void GoogleSearch() { //Opens up Google selenium.Open(""); //Verifies that the title matches Assert.AreEqual("Google", selenium.GetTitle()); selenium.Type("q", "Selenium OpenQA"); //Verifies that it can find the Selenium website Assert.AreEqual("Selenium OpenQA", selenium.GetValue("q")); selenium.Click("btnG"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("5000"); Assert.IsTrue(selenium.IsTextPresent("")); Assert.AreEqual("Selenium OpenQA - Google Search", selenium.GetTitle()); }
public void TheNewTest() { selenium.Open("/"); selenium.Type("q", "selenium rc"); selenium.Click("btnG"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); Console.WriteLine("selenium rc - Google Search" + "/Vs/" + selenium.GetTitle()); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new Home Page object. Pass in the Selenium object created in the test SetUp(). /// When the object in instantiated it will navigate to the root /// </summary> /// <param name="selenium">Selenium Object created in the tests public Home(ISelenium selenium) { this._selenium = selenium; if (!selenium.GetTitle().Contains("home")) { selenium.Open("/"); } }
private void setupBrowser() { // NOTE: These base URLs only work for systems who happen to have the same integration and localhost suffix (For example, localhost/RlePersonnel and // Systems like MITCalendar will not work until we come up with a better solution. // NOTE: This should not be hard-coded. var baseUrl = ""; if (ConfigurationStatics.IsDevelopmentInstallation) { if (ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.WebApplications.Any(wa => wa.SupportsSecureConnections)) { baseUrl = "https://localhost/"; } else { baseUrl = "http://localhost/"; } } selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost" /*location of Selenium server*/, 4444, @"*firefox3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe", baseUrl); selenium.Start(); if (ConfigurationStatics.IsIntermediateInstallation) { executeSeleniumBlock( "Intermediate log on", delegate { // NOTE: We need to go to the specific URL here instead of relying on a redirect, or Selenium will time out or otherwise fail (it sucks at following redirects). selenium.Open("/" + ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.SystemShortName + "/Ewf/IntermediateLogIn.aspx?ReturnUrl="); // NOTE: Does not work for MIT Calendar, etc. selenium.Type("ctl00_ctl00_main_contentPlace_ctl12_theTextBox", ConfigurationStatics.SystemGeneralProvider.IntermediateLogInPassword); // NOTE: Move g8Summit to machine configuration file. SubmitForm(selenium); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); }); } if (UserManagementStatics.UserManagementEnabled /* && FormsAuthStatics.FormsAuthEnabled */) { executeSeleniumBlock( "Forms log on", delegate { // NOTE: System-name approach suffers from same problem as above. selenium.Open("/" + ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.SystemShortName + "/Ewf/UserManagement/LogIn.aspx?ReturnUrl="); // NOTE: I don't think we need waits after opens. selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); Assert.IsTrue(selenium.GetTitle().EndsWith("Log In")); // NOTE: For RSIS, we need the ability to pass a different email address and a different password for testing. //selenium.Type( "ctl00_ctl00_main_contentPlace_emailAddress_theTextBox", ConfigurationStatics.SystemGeneralProvider.FormsLogInEmail ); //selenium.Type( "ctl00_ctl00_main_contentPlace_password_theTextBox", ConfigurationStatics.SystemGeneralProvider.FormsLogInPassword ); SubmitForm(selenium); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new Home Page object. Pass in the Selenium object created in the test SetUp(). /// When the object in instantiated it will navigate to the root /// </summary> /// Selenium Object created in the tests public Home(ISelenium selenium) { this._selenium = selenium; if (!selenium.GetTitle().Contains("home")) { selenium.Open("/"); } selenium.WindowMaximize(); }
public void TheMercuryTour_03_RemoteControlTest() { selenium.Open(""); Assert.AreEqual("Welcome: Mercury Tours", selenium.GetTitle()); selenium.Type("name=userName", "invalidUN"); selenium.Type("name=password", "invalidPW"); selenium.Click("name=login"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); }
public void TheTest01Test(string login) { selenium.Open("/KARA_WEB/"); selenium.Type("idUtilisateur", "0088195"); selenium.Type("motDePasse", "2697"); selenium.Click("B1"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Click("bt_3_0"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Select("codeGestion", "label=Migration Forfaits Bloqués vers Abo - Ajout"); selenium.Type("numAppelAjt", "0640684010"); selenium.Type("numICCIDAjt", "89331072970067505032"); selenium.Click("B2"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Click("//img[@onclick='valider()']"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Type("numTitAjt", "100001"); selenium.Type("numCtrAjt", "000001"); selenium.Type("numPtFactAjt", "03"); selenium.Click("B2"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Select("choixUtilisateur", "label=Utilisateur = pt facturation"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Click("B2"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Select("choixOffre", "label=Nouvelle offre"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Select("choixCible", "label=Gamme SFR Evolution Pro"); selenium.Click("B2"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Select("champ_1", "label=SFR Evolution Pro 3H"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Click("btnsuiv"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); Assert.AreEqual("V&S KARA - Les Offres", selenium.GetTitle()); selenium.Click("btnsuiv"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Click("btnsuiv"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Select("champ_1", "label=Liste Rouge"); selenium.Select("champ_12", "label=Controle Parental Inactif"); selenium.Click("btnsuiv"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); selenium.Type("champ_2", ""); selenium.Click("B2"); selenium.Type("champ_2", "8"); }
public void TestMethod1() { selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexplore", ""); selenium.Start(); selenium.Open("/"); selenium.Type("q", "selenium rc"); selenium.Click("btnG"); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad("30000"); Assert.AreEqual("selenium rc - Google Search", selenium.GetTitle()); try { selenium.Stop(); } catch (Exception) { // Ignore errors if unable to close the browser } }
public void ShouldCommunicateWithSilverNibbleApplication() { Assert.AreEqual("SilverNibbles", selenium.GetTitle()); // verifies default properties in the silverlight object Assert.AreEqual(640, silvernium.ActualWidth()); Assert.AreEqual(460, silvernium.ActualHeight()); // verifies user defined properties and methods // content.SilverNibbles.StartingSpeed;, returns 5 Assert.AreEqual("5", silvernium.GetPropertyValue("StartingSpeed")); // content.SilverNibbles.NewGame('1');, returns null Assert.AreEqual("null", silvernium.Call("NewGame", "1")); // testing set and get for a user defined property Assert.AreEqual("5", silvernium.GetPropertyValue("StartingSpeed")); // setting the property silvernium.SetPropertyValue("StartingSpeed", "8"); // getting it again Assert.AreEqual("8", silvernium.GetPropertyValue("StartingSpeed")); }
private void setupBrowser() { // NOTE: These base URLs only work for systems who happen to have the same integration and localhost suffix (For example, localhost/RlePersonnel and // Systems like MITCalendar will not work until we come up with a better solution. // NOTE: This should not be hard-coded. var baseUrl = ""; if( ConfigurationStatics.IsDevelopmentInstallation ) { if( ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.WebApplications.Any( wa => wa.SupportsSecureConnections ) ) baseUrl = "https://localhost/"; else baseUrl = "http://localhost/"; } selenium = new DefaultSelenium( "localhost" /*location of Selenium server*/, 4444, @"*firefox3 C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe", baseUrl ); selenium.Start(); if( ConfigurationStatics.IsIntermediateInstallation ) { executeSeleniumBlock( "Intermediate log on", delegate { // NOTE: We need to go to the specific URL here instead of relying on a redirect, or Selenium will time out or otherwise fail (it sucks at following redirects). selenium.Open( "/" + ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.SystemShortName + "/Ewf/IntermediateLogIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=" ); // NOTE: Does not work for MIT Calendar, etc. selenium.Type( "ctl00_ctl00_main_contentPlace_ctl12_theTextBox", ConfigurationStatics.SystemGeneralProvider.IntermediateLogInPassword ); // NOTE: Move g8Summit to machine configuration file. SubmitForm( selenium ); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad( "30000" ); } ); } if( UserManagementStatics.UserManagementEnabled && FormsAuthStatics.FormsAuthEnabled ) { executeSeleniumBlock( "Forms log on", delegate { // NOTE: System-name approach suffers from same problem as above. selenium.Open( "/" + ConfigurationStatics.InstallationConfiguration.SystemShortName + "/Ewf/UserManagement/LogIn.aspx?ReturnUrl=" ); // NOTE: I don't think we need waits after opens. selenium.WaitForPageToLoad( "30000" ); Assert.IsTrue( selenium.GetTitle().EndsWith( "Log In" ) ); // NOTE: For RSIS, we need the ability to pass a different email address and a different password for testing. selenium.Type( "ctl00_ctl00_main_contentPlace_emailAddress_theTextBox", ConfigurationStatics.SystemGeneralProvider.FormsLogInEmail ); selenium.Type( "ctl00_ctl00_main_contentPlace_password_theTextBox", ConfigurationStatics.SystemGeneralProvider.FormsLogInPassword ); SubmitForm( selenium ); selenium.WaitForPageToLoad( "30000" ); } ); } }