static void Main(string[] args) { _scrabble = new Scrabble(); _word = new WordFrequencyCountOne(); IDictionary <string, int> words = _word.FrequencyWordsCount(filePath); IDictionary <string, int> dicScore = new Dictionary <string, int>(); WordProcessor(words, out maxValue, out keyOfMaxValue, out most7CharWord, out key7OfMaxValue); IOrderedEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, int> > sorteddicScore = SortedDict(words, dicScore); int highestScore = sorteddicScore.FirstOrDefault().Value; var highestdicScore = sorteddicScore.Where(c => c.Value == highestScore).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); Console.WriteLine($"Most frequent word: { keyOfMaxValue} occurred { maxValue } times"); Console.WriteLine($"Most frequent 7 - character word: { key7OfMaxValue} occurred { most7CharWord} times"); Console.WriteLine($"Highest scoring word(s) (according to Scrabble):"); foreach (var item in highestdicScore) { Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key} with a score of {item.Value}"); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void TestInit() { _scrabble = new Scrabble(); }