Example #1
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Reloads the specified Paratext project with the latest data.
 /// </summary>
 /// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public void ReloadProject(IScrText project)
     if (project != null)
Example #2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the Paratext project and enumerator, preparing us to read the data files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paratextProjectId">3-letter Paratext project ID</param>
        /// <returns>true if the project was loaded, else false</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected virtual void LoadParatextProject(string paratextProjectId)
                m_ptProjectText = ScriptureProvider.MakeScrText(paratextProjectId);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Can't load Paratext project if Paratext is not installed.
                throw new ParatextLoadException(
                          TeResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidCheckParatextInstallation"), e);

                // create ref objs of the Paratext lib
                Logger.WriteEvent("Loading Paratext project " + paratextProjectId + " to import from " +
                                  m_settings.StartRef.AsString + " to " + m_settings.EndRef.AsString);

                // Now initialize the TextEnum with the range of Scripture text we want
                m_ptParser   = m_ptProjectText.Parser;
                m_ptCurrBook = ScriptureProvider.MakeVerseRef(m_settings.StartRef.Book, 0, 0);
            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = string.Format(
                throw new ParatextLoadException(msg, e);
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the texts for each Scripture book title, section, footnote, etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void LoadScriptureTexts(FdoCache cache, IBookImporter bookImporter)
            m_bookImporter     = bookImporter;
            m_associatedPtText = bookImporter != null?ParatextHelper.GetAssociatedProject(cache.ProjectId) : null;

            m_scr = cache.LanguageProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            if (m_scr == null)
            List <TreeNode> otBooks = new List <TreeNode>();
            List <TreeNode> ntBooks = new List <TreeNode>();

            for (int bookNum = 1; bookNum <= BCVRef.LastBook; bookNum++)
                var    bookName = cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IScrRefSystemRepository>().Singleton.BooksOS[bookNum - 1].UIBookName;
                object book     = m_scr.FindBook(bookNum);
                if (book == null)
                    if (m_associatedPtText != null && m_associatedPtText.BookPresent(bookNum))
                        book = bookNum;

                TreeNode node = new TreeNode(bookName);
                node.Tag  = book;
                node.Name = "Book";                 // help us query for books.
                if (bookNum < ScriptureTags.kiNtMin)

            TreeNode bibleNode = new TreeNode(FwControls.kstidBibleNode);

            bibleNode.Name = "Bible";
            if (otBooks.Count > 0)
                TreeNode testamentNode = new TreeNode(FwControls.kstidOtNode, otBooks.ToArray());
                testamentNode.Name = "Testament";                 // help us query for Testaments

            if (ntBooks.Count > 0)
                TreeNode testamentNode = new TreeNode(FwControls.kstidNtNode, ntBooks.ToArray());
                testamentNode.Name = "Testament";                 // help us query for Testaments
Example #4
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets any back translations of the specified base project.
 /// </summary>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public static IEnumerable <IScrText> GetBtsForProject(IScrText baseProj)
     // We're looking for projects that are back translations of baseProj. That means they have type
     // back translation, and their base project is the one we want.
     // Seems that baseProj.Equals(proj.BaseScrText) should work, but it doesn't, at least in one unit test,
     // possibly just because the mock is not simulating the real helper well enough.
     return(s_ptHelper.GetProjects().Where(proj => baseProj.Name.Equals(proj.TranslationInfo.BaseProjectName) &&
                                           proj.TranslationInfo.Type == ProjectType.BackTranslation));
Example #5
        public void GetAssociatedProject()
            m_ptHelper.AddProject("MNKY", "Soup");
            m_ptHelper.AddProject("SOUP", "Monkey Soup");
            m_ptHelper.AddProject("GRK", "Levington");
            m_ptHelper.AddProject("Mony", "Money");
            IScrText found = ParatextHelper.GetAssociatedProject(new TestProjectId(BackendProviderType.kXML, "Monkey Soup"));

            Assert.AreEqual("SOUP", found.Name);
Example #6
 /// <summary/>
 protected virtual void Dispose(bool fDisposing)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLineIf(!fDisposing, "****** Missing Dispose() call for " + GetType() + ". *******");
     if (fDisposing && !IsDisposed)
         // dispose managed and unmanaged objects
     m_ptProjectText = null;
     IsDisposed      = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// This class creates text, it must delete it here when UNDO is commanded
        /// so it can update InterestingTexts.
        /// </summary>

/*		public override void PropChanged(int hvo, int tag, int ivMin, int cvIns, int cvDel)
 *              {
 *                      if (cvDel != 1)
 *                              return;
 *                      SaveOnChangeRecord();
 *                      SuppressSaveOnChangeRecord = true;
 *                      try
 *                      {
 *                              m_list.DeleteCurrentObject();
 *                      }
 *                      finally
 *                      {
 *                              SuppressSaveOnChangeRecord = false;
 *                      }
 *                      GetInterestingTextList().UpdateInterestingTexts();
 *              } */

        #region IBookImporter Members
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified book.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookNum">The canonical book number.</param>
        /// <param name="owningForm">Form that can be used as the owner of progress dialogs and
        /// message boxes.</param>
        /// <param name="importBt">True to import only the back translation, false to import
        /// only the main translation</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The ScrBook created to hold the imported data
        /// </returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrBook Import(int bookNum, Form owningForm, bool importBt)
            IScripture scr = Cache.LangProject.TranslatedScriptureOA;
            bool       haveSomethingToImport = NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(Cache.ActionHandlerAccessor, () =>
                IScrImportSet importSettings   = scr.FindOrCreateDefaultImportSettings(TypeOfImport.Paratext6);
                importSettings.StyleSheet      = ScriptureStylesheet;
                IScrText paratextProj          = ParatextHelper.GetAssociatedProject(Cache.ProjectId);
                importSettings.ParatextScrProj = paratextProj.Name;
                importSettings.StartRef        = new BCVRef(bookNum, 0, 0);
                int chapter           = paratextProj.Versification.LastChapter(bookNum);
                importSettings.EndRef = new BCVRef(bookNum, chapter, paratextProj.Versification.LastVerse(bookNum, chapter));
                if (!importBt)
                    importSettings.ImportTranslation     = true;
                    importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = false;
                    List <IScrText> btProjects = ParatextHelper.GetBtsForProject(paratextProj).ToList();
                    if (btProjects.Count > 0 && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.ParatextBTProj) ||
                                                 !btProjects.Any(st => st.Name == importSettings.ParatextBTProj)))
                        importSettings.ParatextBTProj = btProjects[0].Name;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(importSettings.ParatextBTProj))
                    importSettings.ImportTranslation     = false;
                    importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = true;
                ScrMappingList importMap     = importSettings.GetMappingListForDomain(ImportDomain.Main);
                ImportMappingInfo figureInfo = importMap[@"\fig"];
                if (figureInfo != null)
                    figureInfo.IsExcluded = true;

            if (haveSomethingToImport && ReflectionHelper.GetBoolResult(ReflectionHelper.GetType("TeImportExport.dll",
                                                                                                 "SIL.FieldWorks.TE.TeImportManager"), "ImportParatext", owningForm, ScriptureStylesheet,
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the specified book's back translation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owningForm">Form that can be used as the owner of progress dialogs and
        /// message boxes.</param>
        /// <param name="bookNum">The canonical book number.</param>
        /// <param name="btProject">The BT project to import</param>
        private void ImportBackTranslation(Form owningForm, int bookNum, IScrText btProject)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(btProject.Name))
            IScrImportSet importSettings = null;

            NonUndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(m_cache.ActionHandlerAccessor, () =>
                importSettings = m_scr.FindOrCreateDefaultImportSettings(TypeOfImport.Paratext6, m_scriptureStylesheet, FwDirectoryFinder.FlexStylesPath);
                importSettings.ParatextScrProj       = m_associatedPtText.Name;
                importSettings.StartRef              = new BCVRef(bookNum, 0, 0);
                importSettings.EndRef                = new BCVRef(bookNum, 0, 0);
                importSettings.ParatextBTProj        = btProject.Name;
                importSettings.ImportTranslation     = false;
                importSettings.ImportBackTranslation = true;

                var importMap = importSettings.GetMappingListForDomain(ImportDomain.Main);
                // Check for corrupted import settings, clear them out if they are bad.
                if (importMap == null)
                    m_scr.DefaultImportSettings = null;
                    importSettings = null;
                    var figureInfo = importMap[@"\fig"];
                    if (figureInfo != null)
                        figureInfo.IsExcluded = true;

            if (importSettings != null)
                ReflectionHelper.GetBoolResult(ReflectionHelper.GetType("ParatextImport.dll", "ParatextImport.ParatextImportManager"), "ImportParatext", owningForm, m_cache, importSettings, m_scriptureStylesheet, App);
Example #9
 /// <summary/>
 public ScriptureProvider.IScriptureProviderParserState GetParserState(IScrText ptProjectText, IVerseRef ptCurrBook)
     return(new PT8ParserStateWrapper(new ScrParserState((ScrText)ptProjectText.CoreScrText, (VerseRef)ptCurrBook.CoreVerseRef)));
Example #10
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Reloads the specified Paratext project with the latest data. (no-op)
 /// </summary>
 /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 public void ReloadProject(IScrText project)
     // Nothing to do
Example #11
 public ScriptureProvider.IScriptureProviderParserState GetParserState(IScrText ptProjectText, IVerseRef ptCurrBook)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #12
 /// <summary/>
 public static IScriptureProviderParserState GetParserState(IScrText ptProjectText, IVerseRef ptCurrBook)
     return(_scriptureProvider.GetParserState(ptProjectText, ptCurrBook));
Example #13
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Fill in the children for a particular book. This is typically done when it gets
        /// expanded or when we need a list including the children. Separating it from the
        /// initial load saves a lot of time when we have a long list of books.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookNode">The book node.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if the dummy node was replaced by real child node(s)</returns>
        /// <remarks>protected virtual for unit tests</remarks>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected virtual bool FillInBookChildren(TreeNode bookNode)
            var book       = bookNode.Tag as IScrBook;
            var bookNum    = book?.CanonicalNum ?? (int)bookNode.Tag;
            var owningForm = FindForm();

            while (owningForm != null && !owningForm.Visible)
                owningForm = owningForm.Owner;
            if (owningForm == null)
                owningForm = Form.ActiveForm ?? Application.OpenForms[0];

            if (m_associatedPtText != null)
                // Update main text, if possible/needed.
                if (m_associatedPtText.BookPresent(bookNum))
                    // PT has it.
                    // If we don't have it, OR if our copy is stale, then get updated copy.
                    if (book == null || !m_associatedPtText.IsCheckSumCurrent(bookNum, book.ImportedCheckSum))
                        // Get new/fresh version from PT.
                        var importedBook = ImportBook(owningForm, bookNum);
                        if (importedBook != null)
                            book         = importedBook;
                            bookNode.Tag = importedBook;
                if (book == null)
                    // No book, so don't fret about a back translation

                // Update back translation
                IScrText btProject = ParatextHelper.GetBtsForProject(m_associatedPtText).FirstOrDefault();
                if (btProject != null && btProject.BookPresent(book.CanonicalNum) && !btProject.IsCheckSumCurrent(book.CanonicalNum, book.ImportedBtCheckSum.get_String(book.Cache.DefaultAnalWs).Text))
                    // The BT for this book node is out-of-date with the Paratext BT data
                    ImportBackTranslation(owningForm, bookNum, btProject);

            bookNode.Nodes.Clear();             // Gets rid of dummy.
            // Add Title node.
            if (book.TitleOA != null)
                var titleNode = new TreeNode(ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureTitle"))
                    Name = book.TitleOA.ToString(),
                    Tag  = book.TitleOA

            // Add Sections.
            foreach (var section in book.SectionsOS)
                var chapterVerseBridge = m_scr.ChapterVerseBridgeAsString(section);
                // Include the heading text if it's not empty.  See LT-8764.
                var cTotal = section.HeadingOA?.ParagraphsOS.Cast <IScrTxtPara>().Sum(para => para.Contents.Length);
                if (cTotal > 0)
                    var sFmt = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidSectionHeading");
                    var node = new TreeNode(string.Format(sFmt, chapterVerseBridge))
                        Name = string.Format(sFmt, section),
                        Tag  = section.HeadingOA                        // expect an StText
                var sectionNode = new TreeNode(chapterVerseBridge)
                    Name = section.ToString(),
                    Tag  = section.ContentOA                    // expect an StText

            // Add Footnotes in reverse order, so we can insert them in the proper order.
            var footnotes = new List <IScrFootnote>(book.FootnotesOS);

            foreach (var scrFootnote in footnotes)
                // insert under the relevant section, if any (LTB-408)
                IScrSection containingSection;
                IStText     containingTitle = null;
                if (!scrFootnote.TryGetContainingSection(out containingSection) && !scrFootnote.TryGetContainingTitle(out containingTitle))
                var nodeName     = m_scr.ContainingRefAsString(scrFootnote);
                var footnoteNode = new TreeNode(nodeName)
                    Tag  = scrFootnote,
                    Name = "Footnote"

                // see if we can lookup the node of this section.
                var nodeIndex = bookNode.Nodes.IndexOfKey(containingSection?.ToString() ?? containingTitle.ToString());
                if (nodeIndex >= 0)
                    bookNode.Nodes.Insert(nodeIndex + 1, footnoteNode);
                    bookNode.Nodes.Add(footnoteNode);                           // insert at end.
        protected virtual bool FillInBookChildren(TreeNode bookNode)
            IScrBook book    = bookNode.Tag as IScrBook;
            int      bookNum = (book == null) ? (int)bookNode.Tag : book.CanonicalNum;
            Form     owner   = FindForm();

            while (owner != null && !owner.Visible)
                owner = owner.Owner;
            if (owner == null)
                owner = Form.ActiveForm ?? Application.OpenForms[0];

            if (book == null || (m_associatedPtText != null && m_associatedPtText.BookPresent(book.CanonicalNum) &&
                                 !m_associatedPtText.IsCheckSumCurrent(book.CanonicalNum, book.ImportedCheckSum)))
                // The book for this node is out-of-date with the Paratext book data
                IScrBook importedBook = m_bookImporter.Import(bookNum, owner, false);
                if (importedBook != null)
                    bookNode.Tag = book = importedBook;
                if (book == null)

            if (m_associatedPtText != null)
                IScrText btProject = ParatextHelper.GetBtsForProject(m_associatedPtText).FirstOrDefault();
                if (btProject != null && btProject.BookPresent(book.CanonicalNum) && !btProject.IsCheckSumCurrent(book.CanonicalNum,
                    // The BT for this book node is out-of-date with the Paratext BT data
                    m_bookImporter.Import(bookNum, owner, true);

            bookNode.Nodes.Clear();             // Gets rid of dummy.
            //IScrBook book = (IScrBook)bookNode.Tag;
            // Add Title node.
            if (book.TitleOA != null)
                TreeNode titleNode =
                    new TreeNode(ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidScriptureTitle"));
                titleNode.Name = book.TitleOA.ToString();
                titleNode.Tag  = book.TitleOA;

            // Add Sections.
            foreach (IScrSection section in book.SectionsOS)
                string chapterVerseBridge = m_scr.ChapterVerseBridgeAsString(section);
                if (section.HeadingOA != null)
                    // Include the heading text if it's not empty.  See LT-8764.
                    int cTotal = 0;
                    foreach (IScrTxtPara para in section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS)
                        cTotal += para.Contents.Length;
                    if (cTotal > 0)
                        string   sFmt = ResourceHelper.GetResourceString("kstidSectionHeading");
                        TreeNode node = new TreeNode(String.Format(sFmt, chapterVerseBridge));
                        node.Name = String.Format(sFmt, section);
                        node.Tag  = section.HeadingOA;                        // expect an StText
                TreeNode sectionNode = new TreeNode(chapterVerseBridge);
                sectionNode.Name = section.ToString();
                sectionNode.Tag  = section.ContentOA;                // expect an StText

            // Add Footnotes in reverse order, so we can insert them in the proper order.
            List <IScrFootnote> footnotes = new List <IScrFootnote>(book.FootnotesOS);

            foreach (IScrFootnote scrFootnote in footnotes)
                // insert under the relevant section, if any (LTB-408)
                IScrSection containingSection;
                IStText     containingTitle = null;
                if (scrFootnote.TryGetContainingSection(out containingSection) ||
                    scrFootnote.TryGetContainingTitle(out containingTitle))
                    string   nodeName     = m_scr.ContainingRefAsString(scrFootnote);
                    TreeNode footnoteNode = new TreeNode(nodeName);
                    footnoteNode.Tag  = scrFootnote;
                    footnoteNode.Name = "Footnote";

                    // see if we can lookup the node of this section.
                    int nodeIndex = bookNode.Nodes.IndexOfKey(
                        containingSection != null ? containingSection.ToString() : containingTitle.ToString());
                    //TreeNode[] sectionNodes = bookNode.Nodes.Find(hvoSection.ToString(), false);
                    //if (sectionNodes != null && sectionNodes.Length > 0)
                    if (nodeIndex >= 0)
                        bookNode.Nodes.Insert(nodeIndex + 1, footnoteNode);
                        bookNode.Nodes.Add(footnoteNode);                               // insert at end.