Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A small helper for comparing a loss's computations to expected values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lossFunc">The training loss.</param>
        /// <param name="label">The ideal labeled output.</param>
        /// <param name="output">The actual output.</param>
        /// <param name="expectedLoss">The expected value of this loss, given
        /// <c>label</c> and <c>output</c></param>
        /// <param name="expectedUpdate">The expected value of the update
        /// step, given <c>label</c> and <c>output</c></param>
        /// <param name="differentiable">Whether the loss function is differentiable
        /// w.r.t. the output in the vicinity of the output value</param>
        private void TestHelper(IScalarOutputLoss lossFunc, double label, double output, double expectedLoss, double expectedUpdate, bool differentiable = true)
            Double loss       = lossFunc.Loss((float)output, (float)label);
            float  derivative = lossFunc.Derivative((float)output, (float)label);

            Assert.Equal(expectedLoss, loss, 5);
            Assert.Equal(expectedUpdate, -derivative, 5);

            if (differentiable)
                // In principle, the update should be the negative of the first derivative of the loss.
                // Use a simple finite difference method to see if it's in the right ballpark.
                float  almostOutput = Math.Max((float)output * (1 + _epsilon), (float)output + _epsilon);
                Double almostLoss   = lossFunc.Loss(almostOutput, (float)label);
                Assert.Equal((almostLoss - loss) / (almostOutput - output), derivative, 1);
Example #2
            public override void ProcessDataInstance(IChannel ch, ref VBuffer <Float> feat, Float label, Float weight)
                base.ProcessDataInstance(ch, ref feat, label, weight);

                // compute the update and update if needed
                Float  output = CurrentMargin(ref feat);
                Double loss   = _loss.Loss(output, label);

                // REVIEW: Should this be biasUpdate != 0?
                // This loss does not incorporate L2 if present, but the chance of that addition to the loss
                // exactly cancelling out loss is remote.
                if (loss != 0 || _args.L2RegularizerWeight > 0)
                    // If doing lazy weights, we need to update the totalWeights and totalBias before updating weights/bias
                    if (_args.DoLazyUpdates && _args.Averaged && NumNoUpdates > 0 && TotalMultipliers * _args.AveragedTolerance <= PendingMultipliers)
                        VectorUtils.AddMult(ref Weights, NumNoUpdates * WeightsScale, ref TotalWeights);
                        TotalBias         += Bias * NumNoUpdates * WeightsScale;
                        NumWeightUpdates  += NumNoUpdates;
                        NumNoUpdates       = 0;
                        TotalMultipliers  += PendingMultipliers;
                        PendingMultipliers = 0;

                    // Make final adjustments to update parameters.
                    Float rate = _args.LearningRate;
                    if (_args.DecreaseLearningRate)
                        rate /= MathUtils.Sqrt((Float)NumWeightUpdates + NumNoUpdates + 1);
                    Float biasUpdate = -rate *_loss.Derivative(output, label);

                    // Perform the update to weights and bias.
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref feat, biasUpdate / WeightsScale, ref Weights);
                    WeightsScale *= 1 - 2 * _args.L2RegularizerWeight; // L2 regularization.
                    Bias += biasUpdate;
                    PendingMultipliers += Math.Abs(biasUpdate);

                // Add to averaged weights and increment the count.
                if (Averaged)
                    if (!_args.DoLazyUpdates)

                    // Reset the weights to averages if needed.
                    if (_resetWeightsAfterXExamples > 0 && NumIterExamples % _resetWeightsAfterXExamples == 0)
                        ch.Info("Resetting weights to average weights");
                        VectorUtils.ScaleInto(ref TotalWeights, 1 / (Float)NumWeightUpdates, ref Weights);
                        WeightsScale = 1;
                        Bias         = TotalBias / (Float)NumWeightUpdates;
        protected override void ProcessDataInstance(IChannel ch, ref VBuffer <Float> feat, Float label, Float weight)
            base.ProcessDataInstance(ch, ref feat, label, weight);

            // compute the update and update if needed
            Float  output = CurrentMargin(ref feat);
            Double loss   = LossFunction.Loss(output, label);

            // REVIEW: Should this be biasUpdate != 0?
            // This loss does not incorporate L2 if present, but the chance of that addition to the loss
            // exactly cancelling out loss is remote.
            if (loss != 0 || Args.L2RegularizerWeight > 0)
                // If doing lazy weights, we need to update the totalWeights and totalBias before updating weights/bias
                if (Args.DoLazyUpdates && Args.Averaged && NumNoUpdates > 0 && TotalMultipliers * Args.AveragedTolerance <= PendingMultipliers)
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref Weights, NumNoUpdates * WeightsScale, ref TotalWeights);
                    TotalBias         += Bias * NumNoUpdates * WeightsScale;
                    NumWeightUpdates  += NumNoUpdates;
                    NumNoUpdates       = 0;
                    TotalMultipliers  += PendingMultipliers;
                    PendingMultipliers = 0;

#if OLD_TRACING // REVIEW: How should this be ported?
                // If doing debugging and have L2 regularization, adjust the loss to account for that component.
                if (DebugLevel > 2 && _args.l2RegularizerWeight != 0)
                    loss += _args.l2RegularizerWeight * VectorUtils.NormSquared(_weights) * _weightsScale * _weightsScale;

                // Make final adjustments to update parameters.
                Float rate = Args.LearningRate;
                if (Args.DecreaseLearningRate)
                    rate /= MathUtils.Sqrt((Float)NumWeightUpdates + NumNoUpdates + 1);
                Float biasUpdate = -rate *LossFunction.Derivative(output, label);

                // Perform the update to weights and bias.
                VectorUtils.AddMult(ref feat, biasUpdate / WeightsScale, ref Weights);
                WeightsScale *= 1 - 2 * Args.L2RegularizerWeight; // L2 regularization.
                Bias += biasUpdate;
                PendingMultipliers += Math.Abs(biasUpdate);

#if OLD_TRACING   // REVIEW: How should this be ported?
                if (DebugLevel > 2)
                { // sanity check:   did loss for the example decrease?
                    Double newLoss = _lossFunction.Loss(CurrentMargin(instance), instance.Label);
                    if (_args.l2RegularizerWeight != 0)
                        newLoss += _args.l2RegularizerWeight * VectorUtils.NormSquared(_weights) * _weightsScale * _weightsScale;

                    if (newLoss - loss > 0 && (newLoss - loss > 0.01 || _args.l2RegularizerWeight == 0))
                        Host.StdErr.WriteLine("Loss increased (unexpected):  Old value: {0}, new value: {1}", loss, newLoss);
                        Host.StdErr.WriteLine("Offending instance #{0}: {1}", _numIterExamples, instance);

            // Add to averaged weights and increment the count.
            if (Args.Averaged)
                if (!Args.DoLazyUpdates)

                // Reset the weights to averages if needed.
                if (Args.ResetWeightsAfterXExamples > 0 &&
                    NumIterExamples % Args.ResetWeightsAfterXExamples.Value == 0)
                    // #if OLD_TRACING // REVIEW: How should this be ported?
                    // #endif
                    ch.Info("Resetting weights to average weights");
                    VectorUtils.ScaleInto(ref TotalWeights, 1 / (Float)NumWeightUpdates, ref Weights);
                    WeightsScale = 1;
                    Bias         = TotalBias / (Float)NumWeightUpdates;

#if OLD_TRACING // REVIEW: How should this be ported?
            if (DebugLevel > 3)
                // Output the weights.
                Host.StdOut.Write("Weights after the instance are: ");
                foreach (var iv in _weights.Items(all: true))
                    Host.StdOut.Write(iv.Value * _weightsScale);